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Rotorua lakes council - what a mess

tygertung wrote:

Who will build these special houses?

Who needs to build special houses when we have perfectly good motels we can use. After all who will want to visit Rotorua when all the parks fall into rack and ruin, with no markets or festivals to attract tourists.

sparkychap - 2021-06-24 09:51:00

They are all a brunch of Dreamers.

ferrit47 - 2021-06-24 10:26:00
ferrit47 wrote:

They are all a brunch of Dreamers.

Mmmm, brunch.

apollo11 - 2021-06-24 11:29:00
lakeview3 wrote:

yes that is part of the problem. It’s lack of planning regarding population demographics. For example in my half of the street there are 17 houses, and I worked out there are 1.76 people per house. This is mainly because it is full of older people living in 3-5 bedroom houses, who may live elsewhere IF there was enough smaller modern low maintenance safe places to live. Only 3 children live in those 17 houses. So yes there is a ‘lack of houses’ - the wrong houses. There are 6 empty houses in the street.

And yes there is land banking, but it’s also the councils not allowing people to subdivide their properties. If they allowed this is would be a gradual increase and would not put the same strain on infrastructure like a large subdivision would. But no, our council and probably many others are too busy patting themselves on the back and giving each other pay increases to do anything sensible.

You are 100% correct. We have so many restrictions around subdivision it is simply not worth doing.

3tomany - 2021-06-24 13:34:00
sparkychap wrote:

Who needs to build special houses when we have perfectly good motels we can use. After all who will want to visit Rotorua when all the parks fall into rack and ruin, with no markets or festivals to attract tourists.

Oh better hurry down now then, they are pristine parks, you might also get to meet a meth addict or two, "Can I stroke your childs beautiful hair" they will say, or maybe they'll just stab you. Then you get to wait your turn in the emergency dept, only a few hours, and you be all stitched up.

bitsnpieces2020 - 2021-06-25 09:44:00
bitsnpieces2020 wrote:

Oh better hurry down now then, they are pristine parks, you might also get to meet a meth addict or two, "Can I stroke your childs beautiful hair" they will say, or maybe they'll just stab you. Then you get to wait your turn in the emergency dept, only a few hours, and you be all stitched up.

in that case clearly the tourism market is dead and with little else to offer the economy we can use your motels for these poor unfortunates from around the country.

sparkychap - 2021-06-25 09:59:00
bitsnpieces2020 wrote:

Oh better hurry down now then, they are pristine parks, you might also get to meet a meth addict or two, "Can I stroke your childs beautiful hair" they will say, or maybe they'll just stab you. Then you get to wait your turn in the emergency dept, only a few hours, and you be all stitched up.

so true

lakeview3 - 2021-06-25 11:17:00

Was in Rotorua about 10 days ago for a couple ays. First thing we noticed on way in was Waimungu thermal area was closed. We then discovered Hells Gate was closed, Buried Village is only open Wed-Sat and several of the lodge around the lakes are closed. Although we only walked the main street at dinnertime it was plain to see quite a few shops closed down also.

As far as accommo goes we found a clean tiny reasonably priced motel just off Fenton Street. We were apprehensive of choosing accommo knowing that Rotorua was housing large numbers of homeless people in motels.

All in all, it will take Rotorua some time to shake off the bad press regarding motel occupants and regain the visitors, whether they be kiwis or Aussies and in the long term tourists from other countries. Capricorngirl

mlarkin - 2021-06-25 14:51:00

The bad press re Motels is gathering momentum in other areas around New Zealand too unfortunately Capricorngirl.

lovelurking - 2021-06-25 16:48:00

But wait! There’s more!

“Among 70 district and regional councils surveyed by Local Democracy Reporting, there are a total 15 deputy chief executives, including Rotorua's seven”

Is this for real?

lakeview3 - 2021-06-25 18:39:00
mlarkin wrote:

Was in Rotorua about 10 days ago for a couple ays. First thing we noticed on way in was Waimungu thermal area was closed. We then discovered Hells Gate was closed, Buried Village is only open Wed-Sat and several of the lodge around the lakes are closed. Although we only walked the main street at dinnertime it was plain to see quite a few shops closed down also.

As far as accommo goes we found a clean tiny reasonably priced motel just off Fenton Street. We were apprehensive of choosing accommo knowing that Rotorua was housing large numbers of homeless people in motels.

All in all, it will take Rotorua some time to shake off the bad press regarding motel occupants and regain the visitors, whether they be kiwis or Aussies and in the long term tourists from other countries. Capricorngirl

I will counter that with a local well known gent, whose car was vandalised in an attempted theft of what was inside, while parked on fenton street. The man was at the panelbeaters getting the broken window temporarily patched, when he was leaving he was run down by a reversing courier driver, which sent him flying. The courier almost carried on over the top of him, if not for the intervention of bystanders. He was fairly injured, and now awaits results of dealing with ACC.

All because some low lifes wanted to rummage through his car for things to steal.

bitsnpieces2020 - 2021-06-25 20:32:00
bitsnpieces2020 wrote:

I will counter that with a local well known gent, whose car was vandalised in an attempted theft of what was inside, while parked on fenton street. The man was at the panelbeaters getting the broken window temporarily patched, when he was leaving he was run down by a reversing courier driver, which sent him flying. The courier almost carried on over the top of him, if not for the intervention of bystanders. He was fairly injured, and now awaits results of dealing with ACC.

All because some low lifes wanted to rummage through his car for things to steal.

that’s terrible. What an awful experience. I hope he is OK. What’s the bet the local ‘news’ paper never reports that either. Honestly the number i things I have heard going on that NEVER get reported is unbelievable.

Fenton st is now just a constant stream of disheveled people on their way back from the bottle store and the worse thing is, you and I are paying for it.

And look at our council…..who do they think is buying their BS?

Remember when they changed the name from Rotorua district council to Rotorua lakes council? And NO ONE wanted jt or asked for it, and the changed logo cost us ratepayers.

Honestly their track record is appalling.

Did you ever see that billboard that was up for a while? RLC - putting the Rot in Rotorua. ????

lakeview3 - 2021-06-25 20:45:00

The trouble with the opposition with the current RLC crowd, is that they all put their hands up to run the show. And because the opposition splits between a few different candidates, the old crew sneak back in with their blind followers still voting for them, whoever the hell they are. I've yet to meet a person in rotorua who admits for voting for Chadwick.

bitsnpieces2020 - 2021-06-25 21:55:00
bitsnpieces2020 wrote:

The trouble with the opposition with the current RLC crowd, is that they all put their hands up to run the show. And because the opposition splits between a few different candidates, the old crew sneak back in with their blind followers still voting for them, whoever the hell they are. I've yet to meet a person in rotorua who admits for voting for Chadwick.

you are so right. And yes I agree re Chadwick. I haven’t met anyone who voted for her either. She is making even her predecessor look good….

Isn’t there SOMEONE who can run and oust this lot? Someone? Anyone?

lakeview3 - 2021-06-25 22:22:00
lakeview3 wrote:

you are so right. And yes I agree re Chadwick. I haven’t met anyone who voted for her either. She is making even her predecessor look good….

Isn’t there SOMEONE who can run and oust this lot? Someone? Anyone?

I see your problem now. Much the same as Auckland. You have a spend all the money politician.

3tomany - 2021-06-26 10:41:00
ferrit47 wrote:

They are all a brunch of Dreamers.

Sorry Bunch of Dreamers.

ferrit47 - 2021-06-26 12:01:00
3tomany wrote:

I see your problem now. Much the same as Auckland. You have a spend all the money politician.

more like spend more money than we have!

Clearly unable to grasp the concept of having to actually create something tangible or provide a service that actually generates a dollar.

lakeview3 - 2021-06-26 12:10:00
lakeview3 wrote:

you are so right. And yes I agree re Chadwick. I haven’t met anyone who voted for her either. She is making even her predecessor look good….

Isn’t there SOMEONE who can run and oust this lot? Someone? Anyone?

Vote for LakeView!

tygertung - 2021-06-26 12:15:00
lakeview3 wrote:

more like spend more money than we have!

Clearly unable to grasp the concept of having to actually create something tangible or provide a service that actually generates a dollar.

Yip a major issue. Apart from building houses this country is not generating any GDP much growth for the future.

3tomany - 2021-06-26 13:12:00
3tomany wrote:

Yip a major issue. Apart from building houses this country is not generating any GDP much growth for the future.

so true, we need to add value to our raw materials and give incentives for environmentally sound farming/horticulture businesses.

Plus we need to focus on skills training and getting New Zealanders to work.

Helping young New Zealanders into homes should be a priority as well. The benefits of that are so great that it’s hard to even quantify.

lakeview3 - 2021-06-26 14:02:00
tygertung wrote:

Vote for LakeView!

haha I would last about a day before I spouted off, told everyone what I thought of them and gave half of them the sack. Yeah I don’t think I would be popular. Mind you I might just say what everyone else is too afraid to……????

I don’t think my blood pressure could handle it.

lakeview3 - 2021-06-26 14:06:00
lakeview3 wrote:

so true, we need to add value to our raw materials and give incentives for environmentally sound farming/horticulture businesses.

Plus we need to focus on skills training and getting New Zealanders to work.

Helping young New Zealanders into homes should be a priority as well. The benefits of that are so great that it’s hard to even quantify.

How do you add to our raw materials when you can't get the employees to do the work?

"getting New Zealanders to work", do you mean providing them with transport?

Because a lot don't do it for the money.

smallwoods - 2021-06-26 20:46:00

Jobs where the employers are finding it difficult to find employees typically will have poor pay and/or conditions. Positions with good pay and/or conditions do not typically have a staffing issue.

tygertung - 2021-06-28 15:45:00
lakeview3 wrote:

haha I would last about a day before I spouted off, told everyone what I thought of them and gave half of them the sack. Yeah I don’t think I would be popular. Mind you I might just say what everyone else is too afraid to……????

I don’t think my blood pressure could handle it.

But isn't that what you said needs to happen?

tygertung - 2021-06-28 19:58:00

Sadly there is a culture of empire building and unaccountability. The media advocate councils and government. There is no watchdog, most head down too busy to look up and see whats going on. Not sure how bad things need to get before people say hang on a minute. What has been transparent has been bad enough, but still nothing.

market1 - 2021-06-28 21:31:00

typical, last year this project was $17.44 Million

One year later. oopsy its $33.7 Million.

Edited by bitsnpieces2020 at 7:12 pm, Fri 2 Jul

bitsnpieces2020 - 2021-07-02 19:12:00

Herald yesterday - Twelve Rotorua motels contracted specifically for emergency accommodation.

260 units, some set aside for families with children, support will be provided.

artemis - 2021-07-03 06:38:00
tygertung wrote:

Jobs where the employers are finding it difficult to find employees typically will have poor pay and/or conditions. Positions with good pay and/or conditions do not typically have a staffing issue.

Are you referring to Rotorua or the whole country?

lovelurking - 2021-07-03 08:32:00
artemis wrote:

Herald yesterday - Twelve Rotorua motels contracted specifically for emergency accommodation.

260 units, some set aside for families with children, support will be provided.

While a few Motels around New Zealand make outrageous and disgusting profits from housing the homeless, they are at the same time destroying the reputation and profitability of the many Motels who are still providing safe, quiet, clean and comfortable accommodation for the travelers.
This is not fair.

lovelurking - 2021-07-03 08:44:00
lovelurking wrote:

Are you referring to Rotorua or the whole country?

Anywhere. Any business anywhere which cannot attract staff will need to improve its pay and/or working conditions. If it cannot do so, it is not a legitimate business model and should close.

tygertung - 2021-07-03 11:54:00
lovelurking wrote:

While a few Motels around New Zealand make outrageous and disgusting profits from housing the homeless, they are at the same time destroying the reputation and profitability of the many Motels who are still providing safe, quiet, clean and comfortable accommodation for the travelers.
This is not fair.

Making a profit? Well it is the government (taxpayers paying) and they have the power to accept, reject, 'look elsewhere' if they don't like the price.

In practice the government has to place people who have been evicted (for example) or are otherwise homeless, somewhere immediately, because that is the policy. With those needing transitional housing increasing every month, suspect options are very few.

artemis - 2021-07-03 12:19:00
tygertung wrote:

Anywhere. Any business anywhere which cannot attract staff will need to improve its pay and/or working conditions. If it cannot do so, it is not a legitimate business model and should close.

Fair comment, sorry about all the apples rotting on the ground or veges rotting in the paddocks. Many seasonal workers (used to) receive decent pay and on site accommodation - obviously not what locals want though.

artemis - 2021-07-03 12:23:00
lovelurking wrote:

While a few Motels around New Zealand make outrageous and disgusting profits from housing the homeless, they are at the same time destroying the reputation and profitability of the many Motels who are still providing safe, quiet, clean and comfortable accommodation for the travelers.
This is not fair.

if only there was a bunch of hard working Kiwis who would invest their money and weekends providing affordable rentals instead of investing in unproductive foreign sharemarkets. Oh, wait…

pcle - 2021-07-03 16:38:00
bitsnpieces2020 wrote:

, last year this project was $17.44 Million

One year later. oopsy its $33.7 Million.


lakeview3 - 2021-07-03 19:03:00
lovelurking wrote:

While a few Motels around New Zealand make outrageous and disgusting profits from housing the homeless, they are at the same time destroying the reputation and profitability of the many Motels who are still providing safe, quiet, clean and comfortable accommodation for the travelers.
This is not fair.

that’s so true, it’s like playing Russian roulette trying to find one that isn’t full of homeless and who knows if the motel next door is or isn’t???

lakeview3 - 2021-07-03 19:06:00
pcle wrote:

if only there was a bunch of hard working Kiwis who would invest their money and weekends providing affordable rentals instead of investing in unproductive foreign sharemarkets. Oh, wait…

in the end it has bought the rents down in Rotorua anyway. Why rent when you can get into a motel for nix with all the bells and whistles?

lakeview3 - 2021-07-03 19:08:00
lakeview3 wrote:

in the end it has bought the rents down in Rotorua anyway. Why rent when you can get into a motel for nix with all the bells and whistles?

The overpriced rentals are a big part of the reason for the increase in the use of emergency accommodation.

mazalinas - 2021-07-03 20:07:00
lakeview3 wrote:

that’s true, however I have been saying it for years. I saw it coming because I could see the people living in garages, portacabins and caravans long before other people. If we flood the country with 500,000 people the people on the low end get turfed out so the newcomers can fit in. Of course I got poo poohed on here because most people drive around with blinkers on or don’t lower themselves to go through suburbs in lower socio economic groups. It’s the old 10 in the bed story, there isn’t room for 10 and someone has to fall out.

The trouble is, when you continually marginalise people, eventually they get past the point of salvation because they slip into addiction. Can hardly blame them really can you? So now we are left with motels full of previously displaced people. And I tell you what, we aren’t going to rehome these people any time soon. I would suggest most are now incapable of looking after a house, or paying their own power bill.

What got us here? Greed. That’s what. Inequality is now so rampant that nothing will turn back time. Throwing money at those people will not work. Most are lost. The better thing to do is to educate children snd focus on them. Tske back some of the ill gotten gains of the older generation and put it into the future. THAT is the only way forward.

In many cases people have property they rent or own and live in. Then they start on drugs and eventually lose everything.

princess52 - 2021-07-03 22:22:00
mazalinas wrote:

The overpriced rentals are a big part of the reason for the increase in the use of emergency accommodation.

If you mean evictions for rent arrears, that is not new. And there is massive funding available to top up incomes to pay rent, including less obvious recent initiatives like tens of millions for Sustaining Tenancies. That aims to keep people in rentals.

And if there are good tenants lined up for rental vacancies, as in many locations atm, then they are obviously not overpriced.

artemis - 2021-07-04 05:46:00
tygertung wrote:

Anywhere. Any business anywhere which cannot attract staff will need to improve its pay and/or working conditions. If it cannot do so, it is not a legitimate business model and should close.

is owner / operator not a legitimate business model ? Sole trader? self employed are not longer legitimate ?
Maybe you should tell us all about your legitimate successful business experience.

bitsnpieces2020 - 2021-07-05 10:41:00

1,300% increase in people living in cars or under bridges in Whangarei.
We can do this. Let's keep moving. Yay Jacinda!

pcle - 2021-07-06 08:20:00

This is what is happening in US, new approach to homelessness. They are working on villages with 3d printers now in Texas. The 51-acre development (which will eventually include more than 500 homes) provides affordable permanent housing, $300 a month (US) rent. Icon first used the technology in Mexico last year, where it built two 500-square-foot homes and charged residents just $20 in rent. Habitat are also involved in other countries.

mkr_ahearn - 2021-07-06 09:25:00

Perhaps this falls into the hands of the labour government and labour councils. If they ended up being the Landlords, where private Landlords sell up and invest in better options. Maybe if we questioned what social housing means to the community. Rising taxes, rising rates, not for the benefit of the taxpayers and ratepayers but to provide better funding to house new immigrants. Maybe this is all part of the plan.

market1 - 2021-07-06 12:07:00
onl_148 wrote:

A city is basically a "big business", but its board of directors is just a bunch of "enthusiast amateurs", none of whom have or have to have any business acumen !! The law around a public company would not permit you to have a board of directors who had no business skills, so why is it ok for a city council ??
City council like "glamour projects", projects that are a bit "sexy" like convention centres, art galley. When the countries mayors get together for their annual conference there are no brownie points in having upgraded 5km of old sewers and some new infrastructure, but a new convention centre, then you are patted on the back !!
The CEO and senior management of a city council know that the council members are basically "thick as pig sh*t" when it comes to business / money matters, so can run rings around them and tell them "do not worry about this, we are the experts, we will sort it out" !!
The bottom-line for the good of the rate payer the council should be controlled by a professional board of directors, who are instructed to make the council "stick to its knitting" of road, water & sewer. Why a city council has to get involved with pensioner flats or a library, still has me confused.


viking60 - 2021-09-08 15:27:00
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