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Harassment of tenant from Body Corporate President


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kittycatkin - 2021-01-20 16:07:00
lovelurking wrote:


Sounds like you’ve had a shit time for a long time anne.
Is there anyone who can help you get on top of this?
Chances of finding your birth father alive is pretty slim but hopefully you might find some half brothers and sisters...
Best wishes.

I didn't think I would find my "birth father alive seeing I am 65" But have just come back from meeting a 1st Cuzzie She was lovely and the genetics
do show She has told me how many 1/2 sister and Brothers I have and looked at a few photo's was very pleasant.

anne1955 - 2021-01-20 17:33:00
kittycatkin wrote:

He also knew how to structure a sentence so that it made sense.

Thanks I'll add it to my list of faults.

anne1955 - 2021-01-20 17:35:00

well I hope you get to find some closure when you find your family.

I like the quote, “ You can eat an elephant a bite at a time” and sometimes I have to remind myself to take notice of it because it helps me if I am feeling overwhelmed.
For my 2 bobs worth re your apartment, it reads like you don’t want to be there so I suggest you focus on finding a new place that suits you better between now and when your lease expires.

It seems you’ve asked questions here last year and been given good advice so I don’t understand why you didn’t take it? It’s a shame, because if you had, this would have been sorted by now...I’m sure there are people in this thread who would have loved to guide you through the process. Their help is free and they respond quickly.
(They’ve done it many times before when renters have needed help.)

lovelurking - 2021-01-20 18:06:00
lovelurking wrote:

well I hope you get to find some closure when you find your family.


orphic1 - 2021-01-20 19:36:00
anne1955 wrote:

I possibly should be use to such, but not needed or required I say thank you the one thing on here I have never done is as you say, in fact totally the opposite

Hi, I was referring that comment to the other smug comments on this thread , not yours :)

upfront1 - 2021-01-23 11:06:00
upfront1 wrote:

Hi, I was referring that comment to the other smug comments on this thread , not yours :)

I am sorry I did get upset at they way this ended up going. Just to let you know te 14 day notice has been given. And funny what has happened since but i will leave it until the end of the 14 days.

anne1955 - 2021-02-03 20:01:00

Do hope things start to improve for you as a result of giving the 14 day notice.

Edited by inatiz at 11:24 pm, Wed 3 Feb

inatiz - 2021-02-03 23:23:00
anne1955 wrote:

I am sorry I did get upset at they way this ended up going. Just to let you know te 14 day notice has been given. And funny what has happened since but i will leave it until the end of the 14 days.

Good on you for taking the proper action anne1955.
I look forward to your updates.
Stay strong. ????????

lovelurking - 2021-02-04 08:08:00
sparkychap wrote:

If they are the BC chair of a set of units / apartments, then a trespass may be irrelevant, as he will have a lawful right to be there.

Civil harassment order is a possibility, but would require the OP to apply to the courts.

Surely the BC chairman should address any issues firstly with the owner - and then 2ndly with the property manager. From there the property manager should know what and how to address any issues and contact the tennant regarding them and the repercusions of. As is being highlighted in the media recently, tennents do have rights regarding privacy etc.

brouser3 - 2021-02-04 09:44:00
desi1969 wrote:

Meaning, she should have seen OP's many other threads over the years, there have been some great threads with colourful stories; (wouldn't have thought that hard to understand ;) )

Suffice to say, this is by no means an isolated event in OP's rental/housing history, as opposed to the 'stable long term 4 year and 5 year tenancies' which are now being reported.

From reading the current thread I suspect that english is not the OP's main language and 'NZ' the primary culture hence why things read rather disjointed with 'doozie' descriptions of events and situations.

brouser3 - 2021-02-04 09:56:00
brouser3 wrote:

From reading the current thread I suspect that english is not the OP's main language and 'NZ' the primary culture hence why things read rather disjointed with 'doozie' descriptions of events and situations.

Just to clarify, no my comments are not at all in relation to OP's English skills, grammar or posting style and in fact I know her heritage as she's posted about it before - I would never comment on that.

Rather my comments relate to my memories of the 'content' of many of OP's previous threads, where there has been numerous issues with houses, landlords and neighbours which have always been outside the 'normal' TMMB RE thread (for example issues around 'animal feeding' etc).

Edited by desi1969 at 1:35 pm, Thu 4 Feb

desi1969 - 2021-02-04 13:25:00
brouser3 wrote:

Surely the BC chairman should address any issues firstly with the owner - and then 2ndly with the property manager. From there the property manager should know what and how to address any issues and contact the tennant regarding them and the repercusions of. As is being highlighted in the media recently, tennents do have rights regarding privacy etc.

This is how it should work. You have no responsibility to the B.C chair and he should not even be speaking to you about these things you are responsible to the owner or their agent and that is where he should be expressing his concerns. You may well be breaking the body corp rules but it is the agent who should be on your case so next time he speaks to you just direct him to the agent. What others do at the property is not your business so just shut your eyes and live,such is the way we all now live.

hammer23 - 2021-02-05 00:22:00

Good Morning People, An Anne update :) I did issue the 14 day notice and 'wam, bam thank you' Things got fixed The washing machine replacement took a couple of weeks longer, but got there in the end.
I decided to go for some compensation, for costs related to the LL's breach of 'tenancy laws' I wasn't going to but after my 9mth inspection when the agent brought the owner's with her, which I had no problem with I will add, it is their unit. Well it was past being funny, I wish I had videoed it, I am sure on modern media it would have made a few laugh. The Mrs Owner walked in and said "those aren't my curtain's, were are my curtains"? The agent said " yes they are, Anne has", cut off by Mrs Owner "I am telling you they aren't I know my curtains"! I said they are, what I did as they didn't fit, cut off again! "I know my curtains they had mark's on them"! I tried to show her the mark's where still there. But she wasn't listening!! When I arrived the said curtains hung by 4- maybe 5 hooks from a well muntted and wrongly hung stuffed rail, catching in ranch sliders and never closing properly. I wanted to show her I had taken extra long bottoms off and sewn to sides replaced tapes and replaced curtain rail with a new one at my expense (and always my intention to leave in place) I didn't wash them as I knew they would fall to bits. :) Well that was all she or him seemed to be interested in. As they walked down the drive Mrs Owner was still saying "I'm telling you they are not my curtains"!!! So I decided to go ahead with my claim for compensation for their lack of fixing washing Machine 7mths before when they where told, non supplying of oven suitable for cooking and no hotplates in working condition. So paid the fee sent it all off Mediation just before Easter. And as I said all things had been done but I was still out off pocket in having to take washing to Laundromat for all the months. Agent said they would grant me 1 weeks rent. Adjudicator said non acceptable, went back with another amount, and given until tomorrow to come back with what was going to happen. Next email was "your lease is not going to be renewed'. So I did think that might only might happen, and after who-har with curtains, I also figure the will be bond issues when I leave. So sticking to my gutt feeling, the compensation may well cover the bond issues of the future. So roll on tomorrow and see what happen regarding this hearing.
If I had been a bad tenant in anyway, they should have said in the 3 monthly reviews. But no nothing prior to standing up for my rights.

anne1955 - 2021-04-06 10:41:00

Ohh, a popcorn party ???? ???? ???? ????

Good luck anne 1955. Thanks for the update, let us know how it turns out...

lovelurking - 2021-04-06 11:56:00

Opps. My post #115 may be interpreted as being a bit flippant in hindsight. Sorry.

Do you have somewhere to move to anne 1955 and are you okay?

lovelurking - 2021-04-06 17:30:00
anne1955 wrote:

Adjudicator said non acceptable, went back with another amount, and given until tomorrow to come back with what was going to happen. Next email was "your lease is not going to be renewed'.

Seems like retaliatory notice. Not sure what the current rules are, but I would be inclined to go back to the Tribunal with that to have it overturned.

pico42 - 2021-04-06 17:54:00
pico42 wrote:

Seems like retaliatory notice. Not sure what the current rules are, but I would be inclined to go back to the Tribunal with that to have it overturned.

I was thinking the same pico, question is was it an official notice within the 21-90 day window or just a threat...

sparkychap - 2021-04-06 18:07:00
sparkychap wrote:

I was thinking the same pico, question is was it an official notice within the 21-90 day window or just a threat...

I have absolutely zero knowledge of the rules and regulations so pardon the dumb questions...
???? what difference does it make whether it was an official notice within the 21-90 day window or, the other option, it’s “just a threat”

Thanks in advance for explaining it to me.

lovelurking - 2021-04-06 19:02:00
lovelurking wrote:

I have absolutely zero knowledge of the rules and regulations so pardon the dumb questions...
???? what difference does it make whether it was an official notice within the 21-90 day window or, the other option, it’s “just a threat”

Thanks in advance for explaining it to me.

if it's a correctly issued notice, you can apply for it to be set aside. if its just an idle threat, you can't. You'd have to wait for the actual notice ti be issued.

However, if I was the OP, I'd ensure I let the adjudicator know....

sparkychap - 2021-04-06 20:36:00

Second Session with Mediator just finished And 'owner' came back at less than the first offer Agent put forward of a weeks rent @220.00 a week and now just over $125 offer The Mediator has give them Owner & Agent another bloody week to sort it as she felt it was a no go And said if it goes any further up the line with Tenancy Services They may well find they are paying out a damn sight more. But as she said I could loose out and be made to accept Owner's offer. So another horrible week waiting.. I did say that I had been told my lease wasn't being renewed. But I didn't add that I felt it's only because of the fact I am pushing this. I will be if he doesn't come to party this time as only a couple of weeks before I had been told I could extend my lease... And lucky I guess both are in writing via emails. What a pack of prats. I bloody mental strain isn't worth it let alone the pittance of the amount I'm hoping he says NO Then I'll accept what ever is. And it's a non reversible notice for me standing up for rights as it just saying no new lease will be offered. . And this is only regarding the washing machine I haven't made any more claims with regard to them having no oven here and the hotplates being unsafe. I should have said no a few mins ago and taken it further myself. So wait and see again and Lovelurking No I have no place to move to as yet, may end up a caravan over winter So that will be fun :( not I'll be ok I might find another "Hut" with all it's wonderful lack of things lol I actually loved 'The Hut' It's up for sale on here Think it's un Hidden Gem or the likes lol They pull down the tree that give shelter and Privacy put in a method to heat water and pout up horrible 'fluffy' curtains And now has CV of 226,000 a joke It's made from old Cadburys Coco Boxes they brought coco into the country years ago lol Anyway that's me for the day. A friend has dropped over some Tripe and Onions for me to cook for him and his wife she can't cook it right lol Glad I have some use :) And I get a feed as well :)

anne1955 - 2021-04-07 14:25:00

Well 3rd and final session with mediator today, Owner cam back via renting agent and offered me less 50.00 all I had asked for. So to get to the end of this I accepted. The agent says there is also a bottle of wine and box of choc's coming from the rental agency for what I have had to go get to this point. I reiterated 'that the rental manager was up against a fool. And at some stage he had to be pulled to account on his actions'. But I did wonder to myself when the mediator asked how long it would take to pay me out (my pittance). The reply was " we have to wait until there is funds in the trust account" Asked for a date she said " 29th April". So I will have paid 3 more lots of rent by then out of my pension. lol and a very large Real Estate Company can't cover the amount which is approx. 1 and 1/2 weeks rent. 'I roll my eyes'.

anne1955 - 2021-04-12 19:47:00

As for the new laws, "I" personally think it is a loose, loose situation. And this is not because of the above issues, as I was tenant prior to law changes, this hasn't affected my situation, other than they have said now they won't renew my lease. :( I have been looking for another rental and have a couple to look into further. But looking at the prices in Queenstown :) might rent there until tourists come back and they all get thrown out. Amazingly cheap lol and the luxury of it lol. Bet the beer is at double the price in their bars against the Local RSA.

anne1955 - 2021-04-12 19:53:00
sparkychap wrote:

I was thinking the same pico, question is was it an official notice within the 21-90 day window or just a threat...

In reply to this 2 weeks prior to me giving all my 14 day notice to fix things I have an email saying that I could stay on over the year, lease until September when life will change for me considerably. But after me say I was going for extra cost reimbursement's, I received the email saying your lease will not be renewed after end of May lol I am almost past caring. I will find another rental or as WINZ have offered emergency housing. Which I would never accept far more people in more need than me.

anne1955 - 2021-04-12 19:59:00

What is the actual term of your lease - when is the “official” end of the term?

sparkychap - 2021-04-12 20:01:00
sparkychap wrote:

What is the actual term of your lease - when is the “official” end of the term?

Hi it was a fixed term lease, and ends 29 May 2021. On the 26th March I got an email to say my lease will not be renewed. So I think they are within the legal rights of time to do this?
They had in another email prior to this just 2 weeks prior sent and email saying they would be happy to let me stay till September. Which was what I had asked for when leasing it, but agent had said "we'll do a year lease Anne, and I'm sure it will be fine to extend it when the time comes.
I will be moving out after all this I am over it totally. And I won't rent another place with a Body Corp either :) I have a friend here that is looking to buy into new unit with a Body Corp I said I wouldn't But that's her choice, even though she has known what I have been through ...

anne1955 - 2021-04-13 08:49:00

Hi :) I hope things go really well from now on, and you find a safe, warm home with a responsible , ethical landlord :)

upfront1 - 2021-04-28 12:38:00
upfront1 wrote:

Hi :) I hope things go really well from now on, and you find a safe, warm home with a responsible , ethical landlord :)

Thank you I have found a suitable rental and move in the end of the month.

Did get a further giggle from current situation, in that Landlord & agent upon me wining my case asking for 2-3 weeks to pay, then 4 days after it was due. Sent me an email asking for bank account details. Yes could have been a legitimate reason but more likely just being 'grippers' again.
So I did something I have never done before, I emptied my account the rent comes out of. Was going to email them and say you pay me I pay you, could have even added in the same time frames. But I waited and got a warning regarding an eviction notice. Something also I have never had before. Did give me a great amount of giggle factor. I did email and ask to make sure it was going into correct bank account :) But paid it prior to their response :) It has cost me a heap in fuel money viewing properties, but have found a 'me' house :) And can't wait to move. next interesting thing will be to see 'if' silly owner's wife still thinks I have 'stolen her munted curtains'. And replaced them with same curtains fixed repaired and new curtain rail replaced. I am leaving them more because, to return to the state they where is more effort than I can be bothered with :)

anne1955 - 2021-05-14 19:54:00

Good to hear Anne1995, hope your "me" place gives you some peace and quiet.

sparkychap - 2021-05-14 20:06:00
sparkychap wrote:

Good to hear Anne1995, hope your "me" place gives you some peace and quiet.

And nary a body corporate in sight!

shanreagh - 2021-05-14 20:42:00
sparkychap wrote:

I love the smell of a flawed analogy in the morning.

Ha... yes my old boss used the 'analogy' and it was always total rubbish.. from one pocket to another was a favourite... circumventing the tax department and various other corporate bodies

karlymouse - 2021-05-14 23:19:00

That’s great news Anne! ????????????

lakeview3 - 2021-05-15 07:23:00

The member deleted this message.

lakeview3 - 2021-05-15 07:23:00

Great news ! I read the whole thread and I really hope you have happiness in your living situation from now on and you can breathe.

If your new place happens to need your curtain repair services, can I suggest you photograph the 'before and after', just in case.

Good Luck!

Edited by hazelnut2 at 9:30 am, Sat 15 May

hazelnut2 - 2021-05-15 09:29:00
hazelnut2 wrote:

Great news ! I read the whole thread and I really hope you have happiness in your living situation from now on and you can breathe.

If your new place happens to need your curtain repair services, can I suggest you photograph the 'before and after', just in case.

Good Luck!

Funny enough Curtains are as thin as lol and missing a heap of hanging bits But I will take photo's lol.

Was thinking last night.... And for those that know me :) Yes thinking isn't always a good thing for me. It's almost like 'The Hut revisited' lol

anne1955 - 2021-05-15 10:22:00
karlymouse wrote:

Ha... yes my old boss used the 'analogy' and it was always total rubbish.. from one pocket to another was a favourite... circumventing the tax department and various other corporate bodies

And you dear lady Should be doing more listings rather than 'lurking' on TM boards lol Miss chatting and of course miss the dog and 'your' man' and chatting at the markets :)

anne1955 - 2021-05-15 10:26:00

Just thought some of you might actually get a laugh out of today's email Like I did Get accepted for the property, viewed with all things there and then got this. Acceptance email says: offered property at 300.00 No I have to be fine with it really nothing much I can do, Well probably is but I'm not going to was/am so thrilled at the cottage and grounds not willing to upset apple cart. lol Good to know that he is leaving the rubbish behind for me lol Thank goodness there is storage space :

Before you pay the bond and first weeks rent, I need to make something clear regarding the furnishings. $300 rent per week is the basic unfurnished price. Our previous tenants have been paying $320 for furnished. I will take the washing machine, lounge suite, one chest of drawers and 2 bed side tables, unless you decide to choose the furnished plan for $320 per week. Because there are needs for these at another place in the future.

The fridge, microwave, dining table and chairs, chest of drawers, 2 seater couch from sunroom plus other items will remain at $300 per week unfurnished price as our favour. What this means is that if any of these items breaks or stops working, the responsibility for repair and or replacement is not ours. Whereas, with the furnished price we are responsible for repair and replacement if required. There is also a single lounge chair in the sleepout you could use as well if you like.

Please let me know which option you prefer (furnished or unfurnished) in case I need to organise shifting the washing machine and lounge suite

anne1955 - 2021-05-16 11:48:00

What was it advertised as Anne? Thanks

sparkychap - 2021-05-16 11:50:00
sparkychap wrote:

What was it advertised as Anne? Thanks

Just as a 2 bed house :) Was the fact noting was said about this at viewing lol I'm just leaving it be I really couldn't handle any more dramas lol Just thought I'd let some people here actually see what life toss's at me :)

anne1955 - 2021-05-16 12:26:00
anne1955 wrote:

Just as a 2 bed house :) Was the fact noting was said about this at viewing lol I'm just leaving it be I really couldn't handle any more dramas lol Just thought I'd let some people here actually see what life toss's at me :)

I don't understand?
If it wasn't advertised as a furnished property, but you're getting a "fridge, microwave, dining table and chairs, chest of drawers and a 2 seater couch" - then 'life threw you' some great luck.
Unless you don't want those things in which case you're fully within your rights to tell the landlord to remove them as you've got your own.

desi1969 - 2021-05-16 19:24:00

Good to see you have found a place to live.

I see cheap washing machines on here and I’m pretty sure the Salvation Army will have a lounge suite and maybe even a washing machine that they could deliver to your new address.

The landlord is obviously trying to help you. I hope you can see your glass is half full rather than half empty and that soon ‘your cup runneth over’...

Good luck.

lovelurking - 2021-05-17 08:24:00
lovelurking wrote:

Good to see you have found a place to live.

I see cheap washing machines on here and I’m pretty sure the Salvation Army will have a lounge suite and maybe even a washing machine that they could deliver to your new address.

The landlord is obviously trying to help you. I hope you can see your glass is half full rather than half empty and that soon ‘your cup runneth over’...

Good luck.

I just had a giggle that all He's a property investor I have since found out via searching :) And I just smiled at what was going to be left against what he was taking. There is plenty of storage and that is where his (rubbish bits of furniture are going) Granted fridge/freezer is a blessing. But he states in an email to me if I rent with all furniture then he will be responsible for any electrical problems with white ware If I rent unfurnished he will not be :) Sorry just find it funny No if the fridge breaks down he'll be asked to remove it, unlike here and the washing machine he wasn't even willing to take it away :) And give me the actual space I was paying rent on lol
As long as he stays within his 'landlord' boundaries giving me the required amount of notice etc, I will be happy :) After seeing his lack of skills as a handyman lol Seeing him cutting a manhole through lovely T&G flooring when taking the scorcher (sp) board off would have not caused the issue he will have had now having to nail a board on top of flooring and relay carpet. I did politely say such But then what does a female know lol
I will just go away and be a quite nice old lady lol :)

anne1955 - 2021-05-18 11:58:00

If you don’t want the furniture he’s offering, I’m sure you could ask for him to remove it.... seems a nice thing for him to offer tbh....

dazarae - 2021-05-18 13:30:00
anne1955 wrote:

The fridge, microwave, dining table and chairs, chest of drawers, 2 seater couch from sunroom plus other items will remain at $300 per week unfurnished price as our favour. What this means is that if any of these items breaks or stops working, the responsibility for repair and or replacement is not ours. Whereas, with the furnished price we are responsible for repair and replacement if required. There is also a single lounge chair in the sleepout you could use as well if you like.

So for the unfurnished price if something breaks are you required to fix or replace it and leave it when you go, or is he just meaning you will have a dud item and up to you if you want to repair or replace it for your use.

koru67 - 2021-05-18 14:01:00

I'd not be having any of his stuff 'stored' at your place and would ask him to remove his crap, oops, er, everything before you move in! This way, there will be NO problems ever about chattels.

And that extra $20 a week, (which you're not paying). What a rort! That's $1040 a year more that you have to pay in rent and it will keep on adding up!! You can get some nice new stuff and be 'after-paying' for that rate and own them in the end!

hazelnut2 - 2021-05-18 16:33:00

:) Thanks people I smile it's such a different world out there now in the world of the 'renter' , and I will add the landlord. I don't think the new changes actually help either that much sadly. But that is life after I saw the owner 'attack' T&G floors which I actually think where/are kauri in order to make a man hole to get them put down some insulation ( lol) sinful not putting it in but way he went about it lol. I will be storing all unneeded things in the sleep out. As it seems his main concern is actually doing any work himself. And I will ask prior if this is ok :) It's newer and has 'shite' in it all ready :) Oh if I could turn back clocks 30 yrs ago. I just want a quite life and to be left alone. To pay my rent and live a quiet if not semi exocentric one Seems like loner is thought of this way :) But I will find a 'name for my new abode and will write about it as I did 'The Hutt" with 2 tt's. :) It has enough garden to keep me out of any trouble lol Not that I would ask that, it finds me lol. Thank you for all your kind thoughts and being the 'writing critic's' to those that where :) One day I will be able too afford a computer that helps me more, rather than my old friend here :) And should any of you be passing through Cheviot do come have a cuppa.

anne1955 - 2021-05-20 19:44:00
koru67 wrote:

So for the unfurnished price if something breaks are you required to fix or replace it and leave it when you go, or is he just meaning you will have a dud item and up to you if you want to repair or replace it for your use.

lol bit of each lol

anne1955 - 2021-05-20 19:46:00

Cheviot is a lovely little town, have you lived there long anne?
My friend lived in the little council flats next to the Returned Services Memorial. Sadly he died last year but he was very happy there.

lovelurking - 2021-05-21 07:56:00
lovelurking wrote:

Cheviot is a lovely little town, have you lived there long anne?
My friend lived in the little council flats next to the Returned Services Memorial. Sadly he died last year but he was very happy there.

I am just about to move this week, I know the flats you are talking about they look nice and bright seem to get good sun.

anne1955 - 2021-05-23 12:38:00

Hi :) great to hear you have found a place that suits you :) hope it all goes well for you :) try to be kind to your landlord, he sounds like he is trying to be kind himself, even if it seems a bit clumsy :)

upfront1 - 2021-05-23 13:26:00
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