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Low Carb Recipes

buzzy110 wrote:


I got this idea from Yes Chef and have tried it several times, once served to house guests. They loved it. I have altered the original recipe slightly to use frozen peas rather than fresh and omitted broadbeans and have substituted grapeseed oil for a natural fat)

(Quantities depend entirely how many people you are cooking for)

Baby Spinach
Frozen or fresh peas
1T of a fat for frying (e.g. ghee, avocado oil, lard, etc)
Sour cream or double cream

A lidded frying pan or have ready a cutout round of baking paper to fit the pan

1. Heat fat in a frying pan
2. Add as much spinach (½pkt is enough for 4 people) as required and rapidly stirfry till it is wilted down
3. Add frozen peas and keep frying till heated through
4. Season
5. Add in a tablespoon or two of sour or double cream and mix thoroughly

Done. Totally simply and really, really fast. It is delicious and very filling.
It is great for adapting as well. Spices to taste can be added. Other vegetables can also be added. The original recipe uses a mix of peas and shelled and peeled broad beans. I made it with cabbage, peas and fresh ginger once.

Note: do peel the white hard covering off broadbeans so if using frozen they may need to be dunked in boiling water and peeled before using.

That recipe appeals to me.
It reminds me of one of Digby Law's spinach recipes that I make often & enjoy.
I could easily have it as a main, with a tomato.
I think it's low carb, except for the breadcrumbs, which could easily be omitted.
Italian Spinach.
1 large bunch spinach
50 g butter
1 large onion
1 clove garlic (I sometimes us more cos I love it)
100g mushrooms
2 tabs dry breadcrumbs
2 tabs grated Parmesan
1/2 cup sour cream
S & P to taste
cook the spinach briefly & drain & chop roughly
Melt butter & saute the chopped onion, garlic until transparent. Add sliced mushrooms & cook for about 5 mins. Add spinach, bread crumbs, Parmesan & sour cream. Season to taste with S & P.
It's delicious imo.
PS, a squeeze of lemon juice just before serving, wouldn't go amiss.

Edited by samanya at 5:03 pm, Thu 12 Oct

samanya - 2017-10-12 17:02:00

This thread is gold! Thanks to all the posters and thank you, Buzzy, for your knowledge and the time you put into it. Hope it keeps going.
Pork Belly Slices tonight!

flick5050 - 2017-11-03 12:35:00

This is a recipe posted in another thread by davidt4. It looks absolutely divine.

LEBANESE GRILLED LIVER (Stephanie Alexander)

4 cloves garlic, peeled
large pinch of flaky salt
60 ml extra virgin olive oil
black pepper
1 tab dried mint (or 2 tab chopped fresh mint)
4 x 1cm thick slices of calf's or lamb's liver, or 500 g chicken livers

Work the garlic and salt to a paste, mix with oil, pepper and mint, mix with liver and allow to rest in the fridge at least 1 hour.
Grill over high heat until browned but still pink inside, serve with a salad of tomato, red onion, parsley, lemon juice.

This is also very good with 2 tsp cumin powder instead of the mint. Add fresh mint to the salad.

buzzy110 - 2017-11-16 09:56:00

Fat Bombs are ideal when you are going outdoors but with a little modification substituting in Blue Wild Virgin Organic Cold Pressed Coconut Oil for fat or butter they make excellent anti Alzheimers food which can slow or delay the progression of the disease. (1) Mary Newport did not add a lot of coconut oil to her husbands cereal and he was not low carb.

Organic cold pressed oil retains the flavour of coconut so its tatse goes nicely in "Fat Balls". Obviously in the Lime Ball recipe included at the bottom of the following link you don't want maple syrup, almond milk or too many dates. Ideally cranberry can be partly or fully added in place of the dates.

Fat Balls.

"Cocoa" flavoured fat balls have only four ingredients, dried cocoa powder, almond flour, crushed peanuts, dates. According to tatse decrease the dates and add in blue virgin organic cold pressed oil. Cocoa Balls do satisfy a choclate craving if you can't be bothered making them I recommend the Tom and Luke brand in the supermarket paleo section.

Mark Sissons Pemmican recipe cooking coconut oil (has no obvious coconut flavour) can substitute for kidney fat and dried cranberry instead of blueberry. Cranberry goes well with beef and makes the pemmican more appetizing for most people.


(1) How low carb and ketosis protects the brain - Amy Berger interview.

Edited by otako at 3:50 pm, Sun 10 Dec

otako - 2017-12-10 15:46:00

1. Smoked mussels marinated in chilli and olive oil
2. Baby sardines (from PnS Fish chiller. They have a clear, pull top lid. Great just
as they are
3. Tomato and Fluffly Clouds
• Cut firm, even sized tomatoes in half around the 'waist'
• Scoop out the liquidy seeds and leave the solid 3part core
• Stuff each hollow with Kaikoura Fluffy Cloud goat cheese spread or, as a substitute, feta
• Cut each half of stuffed tomato in half through the solid 3 part division
• Just before serving rip some Basil leaves and put a piece onto each third, grind over a sprinkling of salt and black pepper

buzzy110 - 2017-12-26 14:57:00

TREAT TO HAVE WITH COFFEE (Instead of chocolate at Xmas)
I was lucky enough to get hold of a tub of Kaikoura goat cheese bocconcini marinated in lemon oil for this recipe.

Bocconcini in lemon oil or however they come
Apricots - Choose sweet and small rather than large and sour

• Cut apricot in half - either way works
• Take out stone
• Put a small ball of deliciousness in the hollow of one halt
• Put the other half on top and gently squeeze till it looks like an apricot sandwich
• Place in serving dish and repeat
• Try not to eat them as you are preparing

Serve with coffee for afters

buzzy110 - 2017-12-26 14:58:00

One of the things I wanted to get away from this Christmas was to eliminate, as much as possible, being chained to my stove. My daughters all mucked in on the day but someone has to, ultimately, be the cook. So this was my solution. The prep can be done 2 days ahead with just a final 5mins with the final additions. It is totally moreish.

(No quantities because it depends how many are being catered for and whether there is a desire to used for the days following Christmas.) Cut the vegetables into reasonable sized chunks. Resist the urge to slice into fine, small pieces

50/50 EV Olive Oil and Sesame Oil (Can be made at time of serving)

Cut into chunks the following:
Asparagus Spears
Fresh Green Beans
Carrot (Cut into wedges - do this by making a wedge cut at the bottom and ¼ turn and repeat till whole carrot is a pile of thick wedges
Cauliflower Flowerets
Broccoli Flowerets
(Try and find Cauli and Broccoli that are still very tightly held together rather than just the biggest you can find)

• Place the Beans, Carrots and Cauliflower chunks into a pot with a small amount of water.
• Bring to the boil and turn down and steam for about 1 - 1½mins till just about tender
• Take out of the pot with a slotted spoon and instantly cool in cold water with ice added.
• Repeat with the Asparagus and Broccoli only for less time as they cook much faster
• Store in a container with a lid

Chunk Salad vegetables and mix through. Don't over power the salad with these additions. Just use enough. All are desirable but leave out ones that you may not like

Tomato (If you are lucky enough to have small, mixed tomatoes just cut in half)
Lebanese Cucumber
Red Capsicum
Avocado (Add last of all on the top)
Spring Onion (White only unless you soak the green to remove bitterness)
Lettuce (Preferably iceberg but I've used baby cos) Just a small amount and ripped
Radish (more optional than the other vegetables)

Place in serving bowl and put the dressing on the side. People can dress their salad after they serve up.

I resisted the urge to add cheese, nuts, olives and any other additions because it is just the vegetable course and too many flavours, especially with vinegary sauces. No vinegar in this one as it just overpowers everything. Also there is enough cheese and protein in other dishes.

buzzy110 - 2017-12-26 15:04:00

This year I decided to put turkey on the menu for the Christmas feast. I've never done turkey before so it was pretty much experimental. Experimenting with food on important occasions is not the best idea but it all worked out great. The turkey turned out plump, moist and completely delicious, not at all like the descriptions of dry old turkey that I often read about.

I had ordered a fresh, boned turkey from Pak-n-Save and collected it on the 23rd. I had given specific instructions. I only wanted the body boned and the wings, legs and thighs left intact on the body, and the bones. What I got was an almost totally boned out turkey roll WITHOUT the bones for making stock. The wing bones had been left in. I was gutted but needs must, needs will. Here is what I did but I would add this way can be used for a whole turkey as well.

buzzy110 - 2017-12-26 15:05:00

First brine the turkey

I used Nigella's basic recipe but with slight alterations because of the stuffing I had made up in my head. I halved this recipe due to the size of the turkey.

(Make up in a bucket with lid or very large bowl capable of taking turkey and bringe)
1 Litre of warm Water Water
5 Litres of Cold Water
125g non-iodised Sea Salt (Definitely only use halve if halving recipe)
3 T AABlack Peppercorns
1 Cinnamon Stick
1 T Caraway Seeds
4 Cloves
2 T Allspice Berries (I mucked up and bought ground so used ¼ tspn instead)
4 Star Anise
2 T White Mustard Seeds
2 Onions quartered
1 x 6cm pce Fresh Ginger (I didn't halve this)
4 T Maple Syrup
4 T Clear Honey

Nigella has an orange and caster sugar but I changed that to:

1 to 1½ Cups Apple Juice

1. Dissolve the Salt, Honey & Maple Syrup in the litre of Warm Water in bucket or bowl
2. Add Cold Water, Apple Juice and all the other ingredients and stir to mix
3. Add Turkey and ensure it is completely covered
4. Put the lid on or cover and place in the fridge for a minimum of 24 hours. (I did it for 2 days)
5. When ready remove from gthe brine and pat dry with paper towels

1pkt L'Authentique Chicken & Bacon Sausages or Freedom Farms Chicken Sausages
(If using FF Sausages then add cooked and finely chopped rasher or two of streaky bacon)
Mushrooms - about 5 or 6 Medium sized mushrooms
1 Apple - grated with skin on

6. Mix well
7. Do what you are supposed to do with stuffing. (I had to use the services of my SIL who used to be a chef because of the unfortunate way the butcher had process my turkey. He made it look amazing)

These quantities may not be enough for an intact turkey so double if necessary

8. For a boned out and stuffed turkey roll - 175C for 1½hrs fan oven in a roasting bag on a baking try. Then rest for 30mins covered with a clean tea towel, in bag.
9. For a whole turkey Nigella says this:
• Make a basting glaze of 75g Butter and 3 T Maple syrup (not low carb) and brush with turkey before roasting. Baste periodically throughout the cooking.
• Preheat oven 220C
• Cook for ½hr then turn temp down to 180C and continue cooking. For a 4-5kg Turkey allow 2½ - 3hours in total. For a final browning of skin turn oven back to 220C for last 15mins
10. Rest 20 mins before carving.

Gravy is so passe but Turkey without some sort of delicious sauce is not what I wanted for Christmas so I did this:

11. If the bones were available I would have squashed them flat, placed them in the slow cooker, covered with water, onion, celery, some green vegetable scraps and a Tblspn of apple cider vinegar and cooked on low for 36 hours then drained the stock off and thrown the bones and solids away. Instead I used pre-made chicken stock made the same way.
12. Saute about 12 small mushrooms in ghee, add a heaped tablespoon of flour (bog standard gravy really) to the pan and mix till it is all combined with the butter then tip in hot stock and stir to thicken and remove lumps over a low heat. Continue cooking to cook out the flour taste. Season
(I premade this in the morning during all the other prep and it was simply a matter of reheating when needed).

buzzy110 - 2017-12-26 15:06:00

That sounds delicious buzzy ...would have been so helpful to those planning a turkey feast if you'd posted it before Christmas ...never mind, it may come in handy for Christmas 2018.

samanya - 2017-12-26 19:03:00

Mmm, yes maybe next year..I've never cooked turkey before nor have I had it for years until this year! My step mum cooked for 24 and there was so much left over... we all ate too much meat and a wee bit of salad.. I think that takes away from the specialness of each meat that we had too much to choose from..

wendalls - 2017-12-27 20:35:00
wendalls wrote:

Mmm, yes maybe next year..I've never cooked turkey before nor have I had it for years until this year!

imo, the brining is the secret...the meat is moist & it doesn't taste too salty, as you might think it would.

samanya - 2017-12-28 10:43:00

My Favourite recipe Lo Carb, high fat!
300g ham or 150g ham and 150g streaky bacon
8 eggs
1 1/2 c cream
salt and pepper
1 leek chopped
1/2 a cabbage sliced finely
1 head broccoli chopped
1/2 red capsicum sliced and 1/2 yellow one.
300g mushrooms sliced
Thyme, salt and pepper
1 1/2 c grated vintage cheese. I use Noble.
Partly cook veges and add to greased pie dish, add ham (bacon)mushrooms and toss about a bit.
Mix cream and eggs together until blended season with salt and pepper, and pour over veges.
Cover with grated cheese and a sliced tomato. Sprinkle Thyme over top. Bake at 180 for about 45-50 minutes.
Has to be a strong tasting cheese of which I found Noble the best.

family007 - 2018-01-18 21:50:00

Sounds like a lovely frittata!
Serve with a green salad I would say :)

uli - 2018-01-19 15:06:00

I will try that family 007. Are you a Bond using that 007 number?

wendalls - 2018-01-28 00:56:00


buzzy110 - 2018-04-18 17:16:00

I am unsure where I found this recipe. Bananas are not really that low in carbs, but as there are only eggs added to them it may suit some folk.
Banana cake.
Whip 2 egg whites until they are stiff, set aside.
Mash two ripe bananas
Whip in 2 egg yolks.
Fold in the egg whites.
Spread into a round sponge pan and bake 20 minutes.
Serve with whipped cream, sprinkle with toasted almond slivers.

I have not got around to try out the recipe myself, sorry. It dose look as if it would work, although it won't be a very high cake.

Edited by pickles7 at 1:42 pm, Sun 22 Apr

pickles7 - 2018-04-22 13:42:00
pickles7 wrote:

I am unsure where I found this recipe. Bananas are not really that low in carbs, but as there are only eggs added to them it may suit some folk.
Banana cake.
Whip 2 egg whites until they are stiff, set aside.
Mash two ripe bananas
Whip in 2 egg yolks.
Fold in the egg whites.
Spread into a round sponge pan and bake 20 minutes.
Serve with whipped cream, sprinkle with toasted almond slivers.

I have not got around to try out the recipe myself, sorry. It dose look as if it would work, although it won't be a very high cake.

Can also make “pancakes” with this recipe although using just 1 banana

sarahb5 - 2018-04-22 14:31:00


uli - 2018-06-09 18:14:00

I made a really delicious 'sauce' to go with my vegetable meal.

Pistachio/Macadamia or any other nut Sauce

½ Cup Macadamias or pistachios
A generous handful of Parsley
Garlic or Fresh Ginger - optional but delicious
½ Cup Olive Oil
1 Cup Cream
approx 6-8 firm button Mushrooms
Ghee for Sautéing the Mushrooms
Salt and Pepper to taste

1. Place all the ingredients apart from the cream and mushrooms into a blender and food processor and blend to make a pesto. It should be more nut than parsley. Set aside
2. Cut the mushrooms into quarters and sauté till just cooked through but still firm
3. Add cream and bring to the boil then simmer till reduced by approximately half and it has thickened
4. Add in the nut pesto and stir through

This makes an absolutely delicious addition to steamed vegetables
I also use it, occasionally, with salmon or fish with the addition of a squeeze of lime or lemon stirred in
I guess, but have not tried it yet, that you could also mix in blue cheese and use on steak

buzzy110 - 2018-06-10 09:57:00

Did your sauce yesterday buzzy110 as we now have plenty of mac's (took only 25 years).
Very very nice over ancient slow cooked soup chicken breast (8 hours slow cooked) and fried fennel slices!
No need for anything else!

uli - 2018-06-15 17:47:00

This recipe is definitely not traditional in any sense of the word but I find it an easy way to get the vegetable portion of the meal over with if you like to separate out the protein and vegetables, which I do sometimes.

MISO SOUP - Buzzy style

Ingredients: - Serves 2
Cut the following vegetables up into thin shreds, rings or sticks: (No chunks if possible except for cauliflower and broccoli)
A finger length of leek
1 small carrot or half a carrot (very thin sticks)
Green beans - optional
Large Floweret of Cauliflower - Cut into thin slices
Broccoli - about the same amount as Cauliflower done same way. Use stalks as well
Cabbage or Chinese Cabbage - About 1 cup full
Fresh Ginger to taste - cut finely like the carrot
Red Capsicum
Heaped Tblspn Miso Paste or more to taste
Water or stock to cover the vegetables

Heat the water or stock in a pot big enough to take all the vegetables
When boiling just chuck in the vegetables - all of them
Bring back to the boil and simmer for about 2mins
Mix the Miso in a cup of cold water to make it into a loose paste
Add Miso to vegetables
Taste and then add seasonings

This is so simple, so tasty and so healthy
Makes a great lunch
I use fish stock a lot to make this because my deep freeze is overflowing with it but any stock will work just as well
I make it all about the vegetables

buzzy110 - 2018-06-17 15:24:00

Re above recipe - I forgot the celery - half stick of celery

buzzy110 - 2018-06-17 16:05:00

So many bread recipes out there that really are trash.
I have settled on Waffles, easy to make and delicious.
Waffle recipe sweet or savoury.
Savoury recipe
4 eggs
1/4 cup of cream
pinch of salt
1 cup of almond flour.
Cook in a waffle maker.

Sweet waffles.
All of the above plus
1 teaspoon of vanilla
1 to 2 Tablespoons of sweetener of your choice.
[I use Splenda.]
This recipe makes 5 good sized waffles.

Edited by pickles7 at 4:57 pm, Mon 27 Aug

pickles7 - 2018-08-27 16:52:00

Yay waffles. My daughter gave my son a waffle maker for his birthday in August. I'm like yay another gadget that we can't fit in the cupboard and I won't be using it.. now I can!

wendalls - 2018-09-19 15:14:00

I love this lcarb recipe and find it better than traditional waffles
4 eggs, vanilla essence, 1tbsn phyllium husks, small tub cottage cheese, mix together and leave for 10 minutes. Makes 3 - 4

poppit15 - 2018-09-19 17:02:00

I have recently acquired a Beriner Spiraliser and have to say just "wow". How did I live this long without one.

Today I made the following great mixed vegetable salad. It can be adapted and altered to suit - i.e. I used Macadamia nuts because I have a tree and kilos of uneaten nuts in my deep freeze. The choice of vegetables is entirely optional.

I have been away and only had a tin of sardines to go with it but I could just as easily have used grated cheese, boiled eggs or any other leftover protein.

buzzy110 - 2019-01-25 15:07:00

½ Courgette
½ Carrot (scrubbed)
1sml Red Capsicum (Carefully cut around green stalk and pull out seeds and pith)
5cm Approx Tender Cauliflower Stalk
Same with Broccoli Stalk (optional)
5-6cm Cucumber (Peeled in strips)
2 Button Mushrooms (Sliced)
5-6 Fresh Mint Leaves
3-4 Fresh Basil Leaves
½cup Roasted Peanuts - salted and smash in a mortar and pestle
½ Avocado (Sliced)

Dressing: - Mix together
3T Peanut Oil
3T Sesame Oil
3T Mama San Sushi Soy
6T Apple Cider Vinegar

Using a medium cut spiralise the Courgette, Carrot, Cauliflower and Broccoli (if using) Stalk
Using just the straight cutter on spiraliser do the Cucumber and Broccoli
Lay all down and make about 3 cuts to cut up the vegetables
Finely slice Mushrooms
Rip the Mint and Basil leaves
Put altogether into a bowl and toss to mix
Serve onto individual plates or arrange onto a platter
Finely slice Avocado and lay over the top
Sprinkle with the smashed, roasted nuts
Dress with the dressing

buzzy110 - 2019-01-25 15:07:00
wendalls wrote:

Yay waffles. My daughter gave my son a waffle maker for his birthday in August. I'm like yay another gadget that we can't fit in the cupboard and I won't be using it.. now I can!

There are many versions of spiralised sweet potato waffles which are brilliant for coeliacs as well as 'lowish carb' desserts and for those people lucky enough to have a Belgium waffle maker. I don't and just used a nonstick frying pan. Not ideal but better than nothing I guess.

My favourite is:

Ingredients: (makes 4)
½ Orange Sweet Potato
1-2T Coconut oil
1 Egg
Dark Chocolate Bits
Blueberries or some other fruit
Whipped Cream

Spiralise a heap of Sweet Orange Potato and pan fry in the coconut oil till tender - Note: Sweet Potato can be eaten raw so not necessary to get really tender
Add tspn Ground Cinnamon - mix in
Allow to cool
Add beaten Egg
Add A Small handful of the Chocolate Bits
Heat Waffle Maker and Spray
If it is a 4 Waffle Maker spread the mix out all over and do waffle making
If it is a 2 Waffle Maker spread only half the mix, etc then cook the other half
Remove, cut where appropriate and serve with a few Blueberries (strawberries, grated/spiralised apple/pear, etc) and whipped cream.

Here are some links:

Edited by buzzy110 at 3:24 pm, Fri 25 Jan

buzzy110 - 2019-01-25 15:23:00

I forgot to add that I used fresh ginger in the spiralised salad as well.

buzzy110 - 2019-01-25 15:30:00

There has recently been a thread about pizza bases with a couple of low carb recipes made from cauliflower and courgettes.

I do a variation to both those recipes so that I can achieve a nice dry pizza base that can be easily eaten with fingers.

But thanks to brightlights and samanya for their recipes in the thread

buzzy110 - 2019-01-29 14:01:00

Cauliflower - I use approx 4-5 lg flowerets
½ cup Mozerella - Grated
½ cup Parmesan or Cheddar - grated
½ tsp Dried Oregano
2 Eggs - Lightly beaten

1. Cut up flowerets and pulse in a food processor till crumbly
2. Add about 2 tspns salt - generous amount and pulse through
3. Tip Cauliflower into a paper hand towel lined colander or sieve (big sieve)
4. Place over a bowl and leave for 40mins or longer
(this allows the cauliflower to sweat out all its water)
6. Tip into a t/towel/big square of muslin cloth or a nut milk bag and squeeze till you get as much water out as you can
7. Put into a bowl with the remaining ingredients (no need to add salt) and mix
8. Press onto a sheet of baking paper on a baking tray to form the pizza shape into a pie dish lined with baking paper
9. Bake for 30mins at 180C
10. Take out of oven and put favourite toppings on
11. Bake for a further 20mins
12. Enjoy

Variation - instead of cauliflower grate or spiralise 2 large courgettes and process the same as for the cauliflower


The pizza base, done this way is nice and dry and can easily be eaten with fingers rather than knife and fork.
No need to add further salt. There will be just enough remaining on the sweated vegetables

buzzy110 - 2019-01-29 14:02:00

May as well bump

timturtle - 2019-02-05 20:16:00

Nice thread, buzzy

dutchlegz - 2019-05-26 21:00:00
buzzy110 wrote:

Cauliflower - I use approx 4-5 lg flowerets
½ cup Mozerella - Grated
½ cup Parmesan or Cheddar - grated
½ tsp Dried Oregano
2 Eggs - Lightly beaten

1. Cut up flowerets and pulse in a food processor till crumbly
2. Add about 2 tspns salt - generous amount and pulse through
3. Tip Cauliflower into a paper hand towel lined colander or sieve (big sieve)
4. Place over a bowl and leave for 40mins or longer
(this allows the cauliflower to sweat out all its water)
6. Tip into a t/towel/big square of muslin cloth or a nut milk bag and squeeze till you get as much water out as you can
7. Put into a bowl with the remaining ingredients (no need to add salt) and mix
8. Press onto a sheet of baking paper on a baking tray to form the pizza shape into a pie dish lined with baking paper
9. Bake for 30mins at 180C
10. Take out of oven and put favourite toppings on
11. Bake for a further 20mins
12. Enjoy

Variation - instead of cauliflower grate or spiralise 2 large courgettes and process the same as for the cauliflower


The pizza base, done this way is nice and dry and can easily be eaten with fingers rather than knife and fork.
No need to add further salt. There will be just enough remaining on the sweated vegetables

The recipe that I originally used required the cauliflower to be cooked (I steamed it) & then wrung out in a tea towel but I have discovered that like your recipe, there's no need for cooking the cauli first, much simpler.
These freeze well, for a short time.

samanya - 2019-05-27 10:55:00
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