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Ive just done the weeks baking, what did you bake


Belguim Slice - quick and easy 1/4 lb butter, 4 oz sugar - cream together. Add 1 egg. Sift 8 oz flour and 1/2 tsp baking powder. Roll out. spread ha;f with raspberry jam and fold top over to cover jam. Bake about 25 mins at 150 deg or till lightly golden. Ice with pink icing and sprinkle with toasted cocnut. Can also be adapted to make caramel slice - just add cocoa to pastry mis and replace jam with caramel made from condenced milk, butter and golden syrup. Ice with choc icing and sprinle with coconut if desired.

narnas1 - 2004-05-03 13:10:00

im gonna bake savoury muffins today 1 c flour, 1 c w/meal flour, 1 Tbspn bk, grated courgette, grated carrot, corn kernels, 1 pkt bacon & onion soup mix, 1/2 c grated cheese, diced ham, 75 g butter melted, 1 c milk, 1 egg. sift flours & bk into a mixing bowl and put in vegies, ham & cheese along with soup mix. in a different bowl mix melted butter, egg & milk - put into dry ingredients and mix til damp. divide mixture into muffin trays sprinkle with cheese and bake in a 190 degree oven for 20 mins or until golden brown. mmm yum. add or take anything u want from this recipe, that's the good thing about it.

tweek - 2004-05-03 13:49:00

Hi all This week i made anzac biscuits , afghans for hubby -slightly burnt of course! And the kids fav rice bubble honey squares, so glad you all are baking away and keeping this thread going i have not been online for ages and was happy to see this thread still hanging in there.YAY to all you mums, i have just had exciting news my grandaughter just got her first tooth! So won't be long and she can help all her aunts and uncles devour the baking too!

bams1 - 2004-05-04 11:37:00

Nanna Kennedy's Ginger crunch 1 heaped cup cornflakes, 1 heaped cup flour, 3/4 cup sugar, 1 cup coconut, 1 tsp baking powder, 1.5 tsp ground ginger, about 6 Tbsp melted butter. Put dry ingreds into basin. Add melted butter (more if too dry). Bake in a slice tin 12-15 minutes. ice while hot with.....6Tbsp icing sugar, 4 Tbsp butter, 1 tsp ground ginger, 2 tsp golden syrup. Beat then pour over slice.

a_kiwi_grl - 2004-05-05 19:23:00

Mars Bar Marshmallow slice 3 cups rice bubbles, 40g butter, 3 mars bars (chopped up), 180g pkt marshmallows, 1/2 cup crunchy peanut butter. Put butter, peanut butter & marshmallows into a saucepan & melt over low heat (keep stirring so it doesn't stick to pot). Pour in the rice bubbles & mix well. Pour into greased slice tin, spread and then allow to cool before cutting into squares. This is soooo good it will be gone as soon as you've made it!

a_kiwi_grl - 2004-05-05 19:29:00

Jamie Olivers Chocolate Fridge cake 150g butter (melted), 200g good cooking chocolate, 1 Tbsp golden syrup, 150g crushed digestive biscuits (or sweet wheaten biscuits), 2 handfuls each of crushed pistachio nuts & walnuts, some finely chopped glacé cherries and dried apricots, cocoa to sift on top. Place a glass/pyrex bowl over a small pot of simmering water. Place broken up chocolate in bowl & melt. Meanwhile, in a bowl cruch up biscuits, add nuts, fruit etc. Pour melted chocolate over biscuit mix & combine well. Put into a loaf tin lined with gladwrap. Pack mixture down tight & refrigerate for about 1 hour. Before serving sift cocoa over top. ...this is fab with a coffee after dinner. It is very rich & decadent. I suggest a bittersweet dark chocolate if possible.

a_kiwi_grl - 2004-05-05 19:37:00

Thank you all Just to say thanks to you all. I copy all the recipes down, that are placed on this tread, and when I have time, set about on a baking afternoon. I hav'nt find one that has'nt turned out or don't like, so thank you all and keep up the wonderful tread.(I think I all most have enough recipes now to make a book)

smdm - 2004-05-05 21:05:00

Thanks you Bam1 I tried your chocolate cake and aldo your choc raspberry slice. My family loved them. The choc cake recipe is the best I have come acorss!!

ommi - 2004-05-07 16:55:00

Another thanks! Hi y'all. Thanks for all the great recipes. Bams1 I made your Nancy slice and it was YUMMM! Does anyone have a recipe for honey ricebubbles slice please?? Thanks.

karen_gr - 2004-05-08 15:32:00

Easiest Brownie Ever This tastes every bit as good as a brownie where you have to melt chocolate but is SO EASY.
3/4 cup flour, 1 1/2 cups sugar, 1 1/2 tsp vanilla, 3 eggs beaten, 3/4 cup flour, 1/2 cup cocoa, 1/2 tsp bp, 1/2 tsp salt. Mix in a bowl melted butter, sugar and vanilla. Add eggs and beat with wooden spoon. Add dry ingred. Bake in tin (I use a small sponge roll tin) about 30-35 min 180 degrees. The secret is not to overcook it and it will still be a bit soft in the middle. Dust with icing sugar when cold. You can add choc chips or pecans (or other nuts) at the mixing stage which is also nice. ENJOY!

karen_gr - 2004-05-08 15:39:00

Honey Ricebubble Slice the recipe for this is posted above at number 41.

smileeah - 2004-05-08 16:44:00

oops make that number 42.

smileeah - 2004-05-08 16:45:00

Thanks for that - I must be blind!

karen_gr - 2004-05-08 19:03:00

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stormbaby - 2004-05-08 22:30:00

well yep im back into it did you miss me.....made a roasting dish off chocolate cake have just taken out it out of the oven, can u smell it Divine.....and queen cakes for the boys lunches iced and dipped them in 100s/1000s they will love that i dont think there will be any trading going on tomorrow

kob - 2004-05-09 11:22:00

sunday bunday I'm back too , snap kob i made choccy cake too and choc chip bics also some caramel popcorn drops, lunch boxes will be full this week.

bams1 - 2004-05-09 16:04:00

Oh my GOD.... Thanks for this thread....I love baking, find it very relaxing and am always looking for new recipies - now I have thousands to try. Yeehah. I have an awesome (and really easy) carrot cake recipie that I will post as soon as I can. Thanks heaps for these recipies - just fantastic!!

raveltd - 2004-05-09 18:29:00

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csearch - 2004-05-09 21:15:00

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elly1972 - 2004-05-09 22:18:00

Hi Kelly from Welly :) I menu plan (usually) find it works really well, especially since I don't have to go back to the shops and so don't end up buying all those things that I don't really need :) Home baking always seems to be more filling (as well as tasting nicer) and I usually bake with what is in season or on sale etc....... give me a yell sometime :) Andie

andie4 - 2004-05-09 22:29:00

I have done menu planning but find now that i have a standard grocery list and pretty much buy the same stuff each week, i know i need to be 7 meat meals in advance and i know that i need fruit, chippies,yoghurts for 3 people over the 7 days and also stuff for what i would advise id to sit down and type up and laminate your shopping list and each week just tick the things you ned and dont stray from it that way if you have to buy everything you know exactly how much the full list is...some weeks you will get away with not buying as much and you will have some pocket change...........alot of people i know wait for the weekluy specials and then plan their meals on whats on special but i find it easier to have the basics on hans at all times and then you can vertially make anythjing with abit of creativity

kob - 2004-05-10 06:35:00

very traditional this week banana cake and afghans from the edmonds cookbook!

zellas - 2004-05-10 09:00:00

elly 1972 I think it is cheaper to bake , as someone else said it is more filling so you don't eat as much at once , i buy all my stuff in bulk-5kg flour / sugar, 4kg marg,+ a couple of packets of butter for the things that really need butter,i buy alot of stuff from the bin inn or bulk bins at the super market, and when things are on special like choc chips i buy a few packets at once to store away. Some one else asked about meal planning too - i am like kob i usually have a set groceries list - 20 loaves bread and 10 2 L milk a week, plus the meat for 5 nights a week,that includes one night chicken and one night fish, 2 nights a week we have either left overs /soup/eggs/spag on toast - anything easy,or a big salad.Having 7 at home to feed (5 with adult tummys!) i have to spread things out a bit- so try to make meat go further by adding loads of veges/pasta/rice. cont

bams1 - 2004-05-10 11:17:00

cont i try to grow all our veges so that saves too, i also like to make puddings a few nights a week , so that the boys are REALLY full and then they are'nt hungry an hour after dinner as boys tend to do ( so much cheaper to have teenage girls who are always on a diet !!But 5 boys sure can chew thru the groceries)I try to be creative too although the meat is usually the same each week i try to do something different with it.We live rural too so if i forget something i can't just pop into town to pick it up - unless its a training night and are there anyway, so i try very hard to get all groceries at once.

bams1 - 2004-05-10 11:23:00

good on ya bams we do think alike............i too love being creative and love looking through old recipe books , i was lucky enough to inherit my grandmas recipe books which i absolutely cherish and make heaps of things out of them still........i only have 4 adults to feed(a 14& 16 year old)the kids eat more than us but if i am abit short on the supply list it can cost $160 to fill up for the week, i also try and make pudds so that they are full otherwise an hour later they will eat 6 weetbix or between the two of them they will eat a loaf of bread and a 1/2 jar of jam if i dont suppervise, they arent great vege eaters but i do persevaer.............i too stock up on specials and if im in the city shop at pac n save or export meat etc they sure do save and i just cut some thing else out that isnt a necessesaty(cant spell) it is encouraging to find other mums that are like me keep it up

kob - 2004-05-10 16:28:00

tonite im going to bake... sour cream banana cake with cream cheese style topping. the recipe is courtesy of - ive made this one before so its a real winner. making it for mummy since i didnt have any time yesterday to make her one for mothers day.

tweek - 2004-05-10 16:33:00

yep kob i don't know where they put it i seem to be forever getting a loaf of bread out of the freezer , no sooner does it thaw and its gone again!!Weetbix are a fav here too, good stuff for growing kids.I am lucky that all mine enjoy veges , they have had no choice they either eat them or go hungry - not one of them has a real dislike to anything which i am very thank full for right down to miss 4, actually they all like really strange foods that most kids won't eat like olives, i have to hide them in the fridge just so i get some!

bams1 - 2004-05-10 21:02:00

ok wrote my own thread but no one seems ta be listenin lol so thought i would try in here, i lost my choc cake recipe, it goes something like this, butter, golden syrup melted in microwave, milk ,eggs, vanilla, baking soda mixed together, add flour,b.p, sugar cocoa mix all together cook in oven, those are the ingriedents that im sure of, can anyone PLEASE tell me the quantities. thanks heaps

lisa_marie40 - 2004-05-10 21:56:00

Hey Lisa Marie Sorry I don't have it but I remember looking at it.... can you look through your history and find the link to the thread? It should still be there, just dropped off, I cleaned out my history today so am no help SORRY :)

andie4 - 2004-05-10 22:50:00

good idea, thanks i found it tho :), its actually the nestle classic chocolate cake on the cocoa tins. thanks heaps anyway.

lisa_marie40 - 2004-05-10 23:13:00

It's payback time... OK BAMS1 and KOB, I have copied all of your recipies and me and my 2 1/2 year old are going to have a cooking day today. I thought I would try and return the favour although I only have 2 recipies worth posting up here (most of what I cook is straight out of Edmonds) and they are both easy and delicious cakes! I hope you like them!

raveltd - 2004-05-11 09:03:00

Pearls Carrot Cake 1 cup flour, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp cardomom, 1/4 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp BP, 1/2 tsp baking soda, 1/2 cup each white and brown sugar, 1/4 cup coconut, 1/4 cup bran flakes, 1/2 cup sunflower seeds, 1/2 chopped walnuts, 2 eggs, 1/4 cup corn oil, 1 cup grated carrot.
Sift flour, spices, salt and BP. Add dry ingred and nuts - mix well. In another bowl mix eggs, oil and lastly carrot. Make well in dry ingred and mix in wet ingred thoroughly. Bake at 180 for 40-45 mins. Icing - 25 gms butter, 125 gms cream cheese, 1/2 tsp vanilla essence, 3/4 cup icing sugar. YUM YUM YUM!

raveltd - 2004-05-11 09:17:00

Orange Cake 1 whole orange (with peel), 200g butter, 3 eggs, 1 1/2 cups SR flour. Process whole orange until well pulped. Cream butter, sugar and add orange. Mix in dry ingred. Bake at 180 for 45-55 mins. Icing: 2/3 cup icing sugar, 2 tbs melted butter, grated rind 1 orange, juice or 1 orange. Really moist and lovely and keeps really well.

raveltd - 2004-05-11 09:22:00

Orange Cake (again) Raveltd, this sounds yum, and I'd like to try it. You say "cream butter, sugar . . ." yet you didn't mention sugar in the ingredients. How much sugar should it be?
Cheers, KoolKat

koolkatkiwi - 2004-05-11 15:10:00

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elly1972 - 2004-05-11 20:31:00

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elly1972 - 2004-05-11 20:36:00

orange cake again again sorry about that - should be 1/4 cup

raveltd - 2004-05-12 23:01:00

re # 121 message for elly1972 i mentioned in this thread that i have a shopping list which i use all the time well i have it for you too see i dont always stick to it , by way of if i still have 2 loaves of bread i will cut 2 down and if i still have meat i will cut down only if i need the money for other things otherwise i just stock up for a shortfall week..any way this is $170 worth of shopping
MEAT $50 (7 MEALS),
BREAD 8 LOAVES $ 12.90,
FRUIT $10,
SOAP $2,
EGGS X 24 $5,
CORDIAL X 12 $6,
this is to feed 2 adults and 2 teenagers...HOPE THIS HELPS

kob - 2004-05-14 10:15:00

homebaking In response to Lemsip about the ingredients of home baking. I think it is important to respect different views. However, there is something about the smell,taste and love that comes from homebaking.I hold (at 30!)fond memories of bonding with my kids while baking and hope as they grow up they will to. I will always remember the excitment of coming home to mums pink marshmellow shortcake covered in coconut! Personallly I think the key is all things in moderation. As we currently live in inland China with no oven and very limited ingreds I have really missed the benefits of homebaking. Enjoy the luxury of homebaking available to you!!

elvis9 - 2004-05-15 12:36:00

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elly1972 - 2004-05-16 15:25:00

fantastic thread I baked a fruit cake - gingerbread and anzac biscuits - wanted to send this thread back to the top as there are many fantastic recipes on here - thanks

hobbles - 2004-05-20 09:47:00

did my sunday on a monday this week!!!I made peanut butter biscuits,choc chippies, banana cake ( roasting tray) and bran muffins, i might add that there are only 3 muffins and some crumbs left so guess what i'll be doing tomorrow!!!

bams1 - 2004-05-20 16:32:00

bump I made bronnies crunch (twice) and a tan slice - yum yum!!. Have to pick something else as sister-in-law coming today. What will it be......

raveltd - 2004-05-22 08:51:00

Question When you bake for the whole week, what do you store your baking in?

andie4 - 2004-05-22 09:01:00

This is a great Idea..Thanks so much for shearing I made, Choc rasberry slice..YUMMMM, Birdseed Bars..YUMMMM, Tan slice YUMMM and brownies..YUMMMM.
I have 5 boys 33(hubby, bigest kid of, 10, 6, 5, and 3
It didnt last long, I have to get back into the habbit of weekly cooking, I will post some of the recipes that I use and never last long in the cupboard..Again, thanks 4 the great recipes

paghan - 2004-05-22 10:35:00

Here is a couple that I make Yummy peanut carmel slice.
1/2 c sugar, 1 c flour, 2tsp cocoa, 100g melted butter, 1/2c coconut, 1 tsp baking powder, van ess to taste.
Mix together press into sponge roll tin bake 180 20 mins
1 Tbs flour, 1 Tsb golden syrup, 50g Butter, 1 cup nuts (unsalted, any type u like) 1/2 tin condensed milk.
Heat until a little thick then add the nuts, pour over base while still hot.

paghan - 2004-05-22 10:41:00

I found this in my Nana's cook books I got after she had passed on..
Carmel Coconut cream
1 pkt finley crushed biscuties, add 150g melted butter, press into tin and cook 5 mins 175, take out and cool. This is important or it will break up in the next step. Mix together 1 tin condensed milk and 2 c coconut, u can soften in microwave a little to help spread, spread it over base and cook 20 mins until golden, I ice half with choc icing and half with lemon icing.

paghan - 2004-05-22 10:45:00

I make these cheese muffins from Alison Holst muffin book, but I add bacon or ham, chicken (cooked) and heaps of herbs.
2 Cups grated tasty cheese, 1 and 1/2 c self raising flour, 1/2 tsp salt, 1Tsb sugar, pinch of cayenne pepper,(This is where I add heaps, parsley, sage, tyme rosemary anything out of the garden) mix the flour, salt, sugar,and pepper in a bowl I use a fork to get lots of air in. Mix all other ingredents in another bowl evenly,then add to the dry ingredents mix gently dont over mix, I add meats in here. Put in muffin tin and top with cheese cook 210 for 12 mins or until golden

paghan - 2004-05-22 10:52:00

Andie I use a tupperare containers and we have a HUGE biscuit tin for the biscuits , Today i made another banana cake ( hubby bought a box of ripe nanas) and choc chippies , and a triple mix of afghans complete with icing and a walnut ( off our tree!!)That will only last for a few days - i also sent a care package to our big daughter and her family in Dunedin - nighteyes is her name on here,i love the smell of the kitchen when i have been baking although the smell gives me my fix and i don't eat alot of it , by the way Bronnies crunch is named after my friend Bronnie ,she would be proud to know you all enjoy her recipe!

bams1 - 2004-05-22 16:31:00

Post 32 ,the fudge brownie I thought that so yummy i just made some and its delicious!!!Going to have some with icecream for pudding.

livewire - 2004-05-22 18:48:00
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