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Ive just done the weeks baking, what did you bake


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who_2_b - 2006-07-21 19:49:00


r.mascord - 2006-07-23 15:58:00

I made Apple cake and highlander cookies. If anyone wants either recipe I'll post them.

jot99 - 2006-07-23 20:35:00

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craig311 - 2006-07-23 22:19:00

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who_2_b - 2006-07-25 15:18:00

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mauricios - 2006-07-25 19:27:00

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mauricios - 2006-07-25 19:27:00

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tanns - 2006-07-26 22:18:00

I got busy yesterday I made 2 boston buns (sally lunns for you, a choclate oaty slice and the choc chip slice off the message board. All VERY scrummy.

mumstu - 2006-07-28 08:00:00

Chocolate Peanut Slice Anyone got this recipe using Snickers chocolate bars? I had it but can't find it. Thanks if you can help.

whiskey13 - 2006-07-30 14:13:00

WOW people...... this thread is still is so hard for me to find anything on this thread lol....KAPAI!!

chch_gal - 2006-07-30 14:31:00

Apple cake for Mauricios Sorry for the delay have only just come back on.
3oz butter, 6 oz brown sugar, 4 oz plain flour, 4oz wholemeal, 1/2tsp mixed spice 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 2 eggs milk to make 1 cup, 2tsp baking powder, 1tbsp chopped peel (opt) grated rind 1 orange, 3 cooking apples cored and chopped.
Cream butter & sugar, add eggs and flour then rind and fruit. Bake for approx 1 hr 350 deg.
Makes a great dessert, warm with cream or cold in lunch boxes.

jot99 - 2006-07-30 16:30:00

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mauricios - 2006-07-31 21:20:00

kia ora every 1 i seen a recipe on here for scones made with a can o lemonade cream and flour they are really yummy . you can also use a can of any other flavor fizzy so they look like the flavor eg: a can o fanta makes the scones look orange smell like orange n taste like orange. get creative yummy

strobe1 - 2006-07-31 22:25:00

chch_gal Check out post number 1039 on page 21 of this thread if you want a copy of the recipe book of this thread.

jaxma - 2006-08-01 09:07:00

PS... Volume 2 is in the creative phase - keep those recipes coming please so there are enough to make the book a decent size!

jaxma - 2006-08-01 09:43:00

Does anyone have this recipe ?? Does anyone have a recipe for homemade cheese cake. I no it has cream cheese, pineapple and passion fruit in it with a biscuit base.

strobe1 - 2006-08-01 12:58:00

#1413 You're welcome.
I hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

jot99 - 2006-08-02 18:47:00

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dave240 - 2006-08-02 23:58:00

re 1419 See 1415 for how to get recipe book.
Bumping puts the topic back to the top of the list so helps keep it going.

jot99 - 2006-08-04 08:50:00

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barloo - 2006-08-04 09:21:00

to bump this up I've made carrot cake (Edmonds), Weetbix crunchie (again) and choconut slice (both from this thread)

jot99 - 2006-08-05 21:17:00

Lets keep this thread going Bumpity bump bump bump

sue62 - 2006-08-06 11:06:00

I once Bump this thread At the second to last post of Fallin into the big black hole. It was a close one. PPPHHHeeewwww.

happs1 - 2006-08-07 20:27:00

Mince Savourys HELP Have been trying to perfect the Spicy mince that a small cake shop in Tawa,Wgton area,made years ago.Once tasted never forgotten.Can anyone help??

effcee1 - 2006-08-08 19:28:00

bump ..

maitredee - 2006-08-09 05:41:00

Bu... MP

happs1 - 2006-08-10 18:44:00

From PG 2 to pg 1.

happs1 - 2006-08-12 16:35:00

pg2 to pg1

happs1 - 2006-08-13 23:21:00

It must be my turn... BBBUUUMMMPPP!!!

whiskey13 - 2006-08-15 18:24:00

Thanks whiskey I was a little lonely in

happs1 - 2006-08-18 00:37:00

Sorry happs1 i kept checking and saw that you were bumping so i got lazy lol but i will keep on bumping from now on

r.mascord - 2006-08-18 12:22:00

I have made Maggie Choc brownie in the microwave and it is so easy and so scrummy. There was so much that some has gone in the freezer and some has been used for a dessert. Look under the thread for Maggies recipe.

clair4 - 2006-08-18 20:11:00

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barloo - 2006-08-19 15:22:00

Pecan Praline Cheesecake (brianmac's) It is very rich,so cut into slender slices. Serves 12. CRUMB CRUST:125g wheatmeal biscuits (I use digestives) 60 g butter, melted. FILLING:750g cream cheese;2 tsp vanilla;1 1/4 cups brown sugar,firmly packed;3 eggs;2 tbsp plain flour;1 cup finely chopped pecans.TOPPING:1/2 cup brown sugar,firmly packed;60g butter;300ml jar of cream;12 pecans. PECAN PRALINE:1/2 cup sugar;2 tbsp water;1/2 cup pecans

245sam - 2006-08-19 23:04:00

Pecan Praline Cheesecake (brianmac's) cont'd CRUMB CRUST:Combine crumbs and buttr in a bowl, mix well. Press over base 7 sides of a 23cm springform tin. Refrigerate 30 mins. Pour filling into crumb crust bake in mod oven 50 mins or until it is set, cool, cover, refrigerate overnight.Remove from springform tin, place onto serving plate. Pour hot topping over cold cake, decorate with whipped cream and the 12 pecans. Sprinkle with pecan praline.

245sam - 2006-08-19 23:05:00

Pecan Praline Cheesecake (brianmac's) cont'd FILLING:Beat cream cheese and vanilla until smooth, add brown sugar, beat until smooth, beat in eggs one at a time, then flour. Stir in pecans. TOPPING:Combine brown sugar and butter in pan; stir over low heat without boiling for about 5 mins or until smooth & thick; use while hot. PECAN PRALINE:Combine sugar & water in pan, stir over low heat until sugar is dissolved. Boil rapidly without stirring until mixture turns a light golden brown,about 5 mins. Add pecans, pour onto greased oven try. When set, chop as finely as desired. Store excess in an airtight jar for future use. This is an all time favourite and is absolutely devine.

245sam - 2006-08-19 23:07:00

i made cup cakes today i use the butterfly cupcake recipe in the Edmonds cook book,then i also add 1/4 cup of feijoa or orange juice and then add sultanas
choco bits just to jazz up the cakes

gandmwatts - 2006-08-20 20:54:00

bump ..

maitredee - 2006-08-21 06:48:00

weetbix slice hi there has any1 got the recepie for weetbix slice:)

toniez11 - 2006-08-21 21:05:00

Loch Katrine Cake from the Edmonds Book Base: 1 cup flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 50gr butter, 3-4 tablespoons milk, 1-2 tablespoons raspberry jam, 1 cup currents (I used sultanas). Sift flour and baking powder togeter, cut in butter til mix resembles breadcrumbs. Add just enough milk to form a stiff dough. Roll into a rectangle shape large enough to line a 20x30cm pan. Spread the jam and sprinkle with currents. Sponge: 50gr butter (softened), 1/2 cup sugar, 1 cup flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 2 beaten eggs, 4-6 tablespoons milk. Cream butter and sugar til fluffy. Sift flour and baking powder together. Add to creamed mix alternately with eggs. Stir in just enough milk to form a smooth pourable mixture. Pour over top of base. Bake at 190*C for 30 minutes or until cake spings back when lightly touched. When cold ice with lemon icing.

jaxma - 2006-08-22 08:36:00

Jaxma Was the Loch katrine cake similar to Russian slice? Cheers Di

dizyq - 2006-08-22 09:29:00

Mels Secret Chocolate Cake Copied from another thread so it doesn't get lost. 2 Cups water, 3 Cups caster sugar, 250gm butter, 1/3 Cup cocoa, 1 teaspoon baking soda, 3 Cups self raising flour, 4 eggs (lightly beaten). Combine water, sugar, butter ,cocoa, & soda in a large pot. Stir over medium heat without boiling until sugar is dissolved. Simmer for 5 minutes uncovered. Cool for 10 minutes. Mix in flour and eggs and beat til smooth. Pour into a lined roasting dish and bake for 50 minutes at 160c. Check at 40 minutes. Stand for 10 minutes before turning out onto a wire rack.
malcovy (1 ) 9:47 am, 22 Aug

245sam - 2006-08-22 10:01:00

dizyg Yeah - it's kinda similar. I was trying to make a slice the local supermarked calls "Jamaican Slice" and it was much like it, but not quite the same.

jaxma - 2006-08-22 11:00:00

jaxma, I'm all excited!! Are you doing another book? I got your first one and am delighted with it! I'm baking more than ever now. Made the banana cake out of it and iced it with cream cheese and passionfruit pulp from the muffin thread. Very nice TIA for book #2

jennyp2 - 2006-08-22 20:37:00

jennyp2 Yes, there is another book in the making, but the contributions have slowed down so much that at this rate it's not going to be very substatial!

jaxma - 2006-08-22 20:45:00

hmmm, I must see what I can do I have a few old favourites. Might take a while though...

jennyp2 - 2006-08-22 20:53:00

bumpin from pg3

leigh08 - 2006-08-25 22:51:00

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doodles - 2006-08-26 14:10:00

Gingernuts These are just like bought ones. 1/4lb butter, (50gm) 1/2lb sugar (1 cup) 1 egg, 1/2lb flour(1 1/2 cups ) 1 tbls Syrup, 21/2 tsp Ginger, 1 tsp Baking Soda, cream butter and sugar add syrup, egg and dry ingredients. Roll into balls onto tray. DO NOT flatten. Oven 180deg 15-20 mins. They flatten when cooked and crack just like bought ones.

jennyp2 - 2006-08-27 20:02:00
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