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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


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cookessentials - 2010-11-17 06:37:00

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vintagekitty - 2010-11-17 12:03:00

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cookessentials - 2010-11-17 12:36:00

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vintagekitty - 2010-11-17 13:04:00

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fisher - 2010-11-17 17:06:00

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vintagekitty - 2010-11-17 17:08:00

hows it going vintagekitty? anymore photos of that beautiful house of yours? hope all your appointments went well, have been thinking of you, good to see you posting. have just seen Dear Daughter off at the airport for another 5 month stint, held the tears to the escalators after check in and then wanted a photo, rolled eyes but hey I thought I did a good job, first set of tears 5 mins before she went though that goodbye door for the sky, I really thought I was one very grown up mummy here, think I do need some kudos, mind you since being home, that bedroom has a clear viewing of the carpet `- - - - how bad is that again, no daughter but can tell you carpet colour of her empty bedroom, gosh give me 2 weeks before I answer that question!!!

auckland_ali - 2010-11-17 21:03:00
auckland_ali wrote:

hows it going vintagekitty? anymore photos of that beautiful house of yours? hope all your appointments went well, have been thinking of you, good to see you posting. have just seen Dear Daughter off at the airport for another 5 month stint, held the tears to the escalators after check in and then wanted a photo, rolled eyes but hey I thought I did a good job, first set of tears 5 mins before she went though that goodbye door for the sky, I really thought I was one very grown up mummy here, think I do need some kudos, mind you since being home, that bedroom has a clear viewing of the carpet `- - - - how bad is that again, no daughter but can tell you carpet colour of her empty bedroom, gosh give me 2 weeks before I answer that question!!!

I feel your pain Ali... Can't imagine waving either of my 2 off.... but then again... you seem to be my crystal ball.... so I know I have it coming.

Well can't sleep, all these early mornings are taking their toll... even those I don't have to be up for "ping" my eyes are open at 5am. The good news is... the by-product of all this cycling is I am noticeably changing shape, seem to be toning up in the waist, lower back area of all places... Have lost about 6 kgs in the last 6 weeks, wish i could say it just happened but i have actually been watching what I eat as well. I just know its a physics thing... less weight up a hill = easier lol. So long may I stay on track, although after Taupo won't be doing quite so long distances.....

Well, its a busy week this week for me.. made a double mix of lemon sour cream syrup cake last night, which made a large cake and 3 mini cakes in my new Texas Muffin Pans. Its 2 peoples birthdays at work and we are all meeting up today... so i have the big cake to share plus i am going to put a candle on each Texas muffin cake so they can be presented & blow one out each lol... The other was for Miss 18... (Miss 16 is trying to lose weight) and she said it was delicious... phew thats always a relief.

Looking forward to work today, as like I said all the branches are meeting up, the downfall is.. work doesn't stop coming in so tommorrow will be busy catching up.... Still will cross that bridge when I come to it.

Have a great day lovely people, thinking of earthangel and hoping everythings going well.

Take Care

Edited by toadfish at 5:21 am, Thu 18 Nov

toadfish - 2010-11-18 05:17:00

my daughter was complaining that her eyes were opening at 5 am and she couldnt go back to sleep, that suns rising earlier and the birds seam to chirp more in the summer do you think, good luck with taupo, and food in excercise out has always been the no.1. cure for a fat arse unfortunately!! having a lovely haircut today with highlights so looking forward to getting some weight off, it makes it a lot warmer around the neck when theres a pile of it there!! (thinking a really good chop!!) have a lovely day everyone

auckland_ali - 2010-11-18 08:48:00

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cookessentials - 2010-11-18 09:48:00

Thank you all,I am out of pain today,so I went christmas shopping,had lots of fun,had coffee with a friend.
I am taking one day at a time,and while I feel good will do as much as I can,as tomorrow is another brand new day.
Cooks,with the pain I was in I had not taken any cherry juice,a silly thing to do,as I did not want to mix my pills,but last night I was so wanting some sleep,so took the bull by the horns and took a capsule,before bed,I boy did I sleep,a silly silly thing for me to do,should of asked.
Its a beautiful day here today,just having a nice cupa.
I am really not a morning person,but because I have had 3 days off this week have been up before 8,and have been enjoying hearing the birds sing.
Hope you are all having a wonderful day,and may the birds sing again tomorrow,that was told to me,when I kicked my ex husband out by an old lady bless her,that was a long time ago but I still remember her words.
Cooks my birthday is on the 10th Jan,DH is on the 2oth Jan and DD is on the 2nd Jan

earthangel4 - 2010-11-18 14:59:00

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cookessentials - 2010-11-18 16:37:00

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elliehen - 2010-11-18 21:59:00


Congratulations on your fabulous success Charlie.. very cool..

I've had a few tears myself - my darling Daughter phoned yesterday to say she's passed all her course and has been given a beautiful scroll - a travel passport looking invitation to the Graduation Ceremony next month.. She's been through a lot and has achieved this success while continuing to cope through health issues, and I could not be more proud of her..

Last night she also invited four of our friends to travel there for the ceremony and they're all joining us there - a very special celebration to share with them as well.

Today is her last day of classes - then on into the life she's making through her own choices.. the future is yours my darling Daughter Jenni.. :-)

Have a lovely weekend everyone..

juliewn - 2010-11-19 12:46:00

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cookessentials - 2010-11-19 13:26:00

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cookessentials - 2010-11-19 13:27:00

Hi everyone,
I passed another accounting exam yesterday - much to my relief!!!
One more to go next week then school's out till Feb :)

winnie231 - 2010-11-19 13:55:00

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cookessentials - 2010-11-19 14:34:00

Congratulations Rae.. very exciting.. good for you :-)

I sure am Pam.. she's made it all happen that's for sure..

juliewn - 2010-11-19 14:54:00

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cookessentials - 2010-11-19 22:34:00

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cookessentials - 2010-11-20 07:21:00

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cookessentials - 2010-11-20 07:25:00

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cookessentials - 2010-11-20 13:58:00

Not me Pam! I've just gotten home from an 8 hr shift.
I've got 1 hour to put my feet up then I'm going back to work for another shift .... keen or mad???!

winnie231 - 2010-11-20 16:31:00

Mad and obviously young!! Hope you are saving time and energy for Mr ???

marywea - 2010-11-20 17:19:00

Go Winnie!

I went to a production of "Amahl and the Night Visitors" put on by the Hagley (Community College) Singers last night and it was totally wonderful. It's an operetta about the 3 Kings stopping off at the home of a poor widow and her son (who walks with a crutch). They are penniless and call the local comunity to help them feed the visitors - then that night the mother tries to steal some gold and is caught. The boy defends his mother and offers his crutch as a gift to the baby. He is healed and goes off to hand it over himself.

The story sounds a bit sentimental told like that, and I suppose it is but I wanted to see it because my mum was in a production of it 48 years ago and I loved it.

The other good thing was, because it was such a lovely night I walked from the Bus Exchange and back -7.39Km according to mapometer. I found the way to increase my pace was to pretend I was on a treadmill and try to go the speed I do on them, and it worked.

calista - 2010-11-20 19:37:00

Hi everyone - where are you all today?
Out enjoying a warm & sunny Sunday I hope!
Mary - if life begins at 40 then I'm a babe in arms, lol! My feet say otherwise after what I've put them through this weekend!!!

I'm feeling very sad about what's happened on the coast - and very relieved to get a text from a friend of mine there saying he's ok.
I'm a true blue coaster so sitting here watching the news with tears flowing & a heart bleeding for what the folks there are going through.
And praying for a miracle!
Any other news form me seems so trivial right now.
Kia kaha coasters xxx

winnie231 - 2010-11-21 18:38:00

you southerners are certainly getting your fair share of grief at the moment, hugs all around, mixed bag of weather here in auckland this weekend, terribly humid yesterday but 3/4 sleeves on today, we have ditched our microfibre duvet for a cotton blanket and what a difference, phew we slept much better hard to get the temp right at this time of year. we had couple for dinner last night was meant to be out for dinner but both hubbies eye spotted each other on takapuna boat ramp both went fishing so we had snapper for dinner - (p.s. not my husband the catcher lol!!) why go out for fish when we had freshly caught??? anyway hope everyone has had a nice weekend

auckland_ali - 2010-11-21 21:18:00

Son's school friend is trapped at Pike River which has suddenly made it all very real here, his brother is out but his father is the safety manager at the mine. It's impossible to imagine what that family and so many others are going through. Just hope the miracle that gave us the earthquake with no loss of life can be replicated over there so at least some of those young men are rescued soon.

greerg - 2010-11-21 22:35:00

Oh Greer... Rae.. my thoughts are with everyone there.. I truly hope all are brought out safely - and very soon..

If anyone would like to leave a message, there's a Facebook page of support for the Men and their Families and Friends.. the link is:

juliewn - 2010-11-22 02:49:00

If anyone would like to light a candle of support for the Miner's and their Families and Friends, click on an unlit candle on this page, and follow the directions to light one..

juliewn - 2010-11-22 03:17:00

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cookessentials - 2010-11-22 07:03:00

Picked up my new bike. It's really fast and comfortable.

calista - 2010-11-22 16:59:00

you wont know yourself calista, well done, and I am sure you will get many hours of enjoyment/use out of it. brought some potted colour today (only the second time in my life) have a wooden container I got in a flea market in levin and painted it a better colour so feeling very green at the moment, I must remember to water every day - its the simple things that I fail on!! lol. still thinking of those miners - not much more news at the moment.

auckland_ali - 2010-11-22 18:01:00

Ali.. interesting events happening in Levin.. started here on Trademe:

and a story about it on Campbell Live - follow-up due soon on the show.

juliewn - 2010-11-22 23:12:00

My thoughts are with everyone there in Westland.. wow.. the Facebook page now has 47,510 members.. all of us there in support of all everyone is going through.

Congratulations on your new purchase Callista..

How are you all there in Canterbury.. I hope answers are becoming known and things improving, at least a little.. thinking of you all there..

Edited by juliewn at 11:15 pm, Mon 22 Nov

juliewn - 2010-11-22 23:15:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-11-22 23:18:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-11-22 23:20:00

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cookessentials - 2010-11-23 06:46:00

Charlie I hope your waiting is over soon. It would be good to have some kind of timeline for what needs to happen.

I'm going to a "Have a Go" cycling class at QEII this evening. When I first saw it advertised I was a bit dubious as I didn't know if it was just for those long-legged blokes that power past me as I ride down to the shops, however I met one of the organisers at my Green Prescription class and she said it's not. The "have a go" classes are aimed at people starting out or just wanting a 'taster' to see if they are interested in an activity. They're aiming at getting people to dust off any bikes they have around and come. I feel a bit of a fraud to be honest, but they are covering road safety (which I need a refresher on) and some easy mechanics - about which I am completely in the dark, so plenty of chance to pick up new knowledge.

I've persuaded a friend he needs to do the course too - (blush)mainly because riding there and back for me would mean going through the industrial area around Maces Rd and the deserted bit by the settlement ponds in the dark coming home and he can put both bikes on his SUV. Meanwhile, back to the bike shop - the rear mudguard obscures the back light and I want a allen key so I can adjust the seat so my calves don't bang into the back of my thighs when I pedal. Of course getting rid of some of the excess fat and replacing it with muscle would help.

calista - 2010-11-23 07:48:00

I am literally flying in and out...

but sorry had to get this out Calista, take your bike back to the shop and get them to fit it to you... don't guess it... Its critical to have it fitted well if you value your back, neck and other "bits" Truely, a professionally aligned bike is a must and the shop will know exactly what they are doing while we as riders would just guess with what feels comfortable... don't be shy, if its not comfortable you know where... tell them.. they have heard it all before and can change seating positions...... right

*apologises for having bossed calista around and runs off to work*

Will check in soon the last few days have been manic and I am running in self preservation mode at the moment and looking after myself and those around me.

toadfish - 2010-11-23 07:57:00

Enjoy the new toy Calista and happy anniversary Cookie.
Charlie, what a thrill for your young'un. You say you will be paid out but I don't know if that is for repairs or a total rebuild. Whichever it is,it seems like you know your way ahead now which would meam you are out of limboland..

marywea - 2010-11-23 10:20:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-11-23 10:54:00

That's one more step charlie.

Don't worry about being bossy Toadfish, any advice is more than welcome - besides which you have some way to go before even approaching my youngest brother's bossiness, he's the reason I wore a helmet before they were compulsory. He said, "What's your brain worth?" Then, in case that sounded too caring, "Not a lot I know, but ya gotta protect what ya got."

Anyway I did go back to the shop ensure I was fitted properly, and the seat was adjusted. They looked dubiously at the mudguard but managed to adjust it so it is no longer obscuring the back light, so I am OK for night time.

Because I had so much running around to do I clocked up 28.7 km today. Bossy little brother (no longer 'little' and OMG 50 next year) says, "Don't overdo it".

Compared with the subtrax one I have this bike is so fast and smooth it's amazing. I've made a decision to stick to the safest roads while I'm gettihg used to the 'feel' of it, and on Thursday I'm riding to Hagley Park so I can explore the gears without killing myself or anyone else.

calista - 2010-11-23 21:12:00

you do wear that reflective stuff dont you? I remember toady saying you can buy them cheap as in a $2 shop, one body worth protecting, there has been far too many cycling accidents this year in nz, we are not good for looking out for bikes!! - on a buying high lol my scrapbooking website has just had its sale and got 2 things of 6 that were first 200 customers, woo hoo ones a special xmas present which would not have otherwise been purchased!! my xmas shop has its sale toady - not bad pickings either!!

auckland_ali - 2010-11-23 21:47:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-11-23 22:31:00

Morning all,
busy week for me but all good here. I have my final accounting exam today - woohoo! But 1st off to work. Have a great day :)

winnie231 - 2010-11-24 05:06:00

Morning all.... Busy Busy week here as well... My weekend away was a bit of a disaster, I organised to go to head office on Saturday (about 2 hours drive from Auckland) and the plan was hubby was going to join me later on in the day with his classic car, we were going to stay the night and I could leave earlier on Sunday morning while he went to a show and swap meet.... that was until he lost his keys... looked for them for hours and then I drove back to Auckland to get him and back to the car show destination. Meant 6 hours on the road for me (plus the work I was doing at head office)on Saturday, and we got to our motel after 7pm where I cleaned off best part of a bottle of wine (Big mistake)... Then I had a terrible nights sleep Sunday night... worrying about my new role. Anyway like it or not it has put me on the back foot all week, I was shattered and its been a busy week. Feeling better today though.... phew... and looking forward to my girls weekend away at Taupo. Off for my morning ride now... just an hour.. we are saving ourselves till Saturday.
Sorry its all about me this morning... I do hope everyone is well.. Off I go....

Have a great day all. JB

PS after $75 at a locksmith hubby now has 3 sets of keys... my hint for the day...anyone without a spare needs to sort it out before it is an issue.

Edited by toadfish at 5:43 am, Wed 24 Nov

toadfish - 2010-11-24 05:42:00

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cookessentials - 2010-11-24 06:21:00

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cookessentials - 2010-11-24 06:29:00
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