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Ive just done the weeks baking, what did you bake


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alia1 - 2006-05-02 16:24:00

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cas123 - 2006-05-03 18:38:00

My baking included Survival, and its already gone ! Recipe is
Warm 3tbsp milk, 1TBSP golden syrup and 1 tsp baking soda, Then add 1 cup of each of the following, flour, rolled oats, raisins, sugar. Add 6oz of melted butter. Stir together and bake in greaded slice tin 20 mins at 180 degrees C. Top should just start to brown and be firm to touch. Just beaut.

seafield1 - 2006-05-03 20:48:00

Also did a Fruit loaf, this receipe was given to me by my late MIL, and dates pre WW11. 4oz sultanas, 4oz mixed fruit, 4 oz brown sugar, 1 egg, 8oz flour 2 tsp baking powder. Soak fruit and sugar in 1 teacup of hot tea for 2 hours. Add beaten egg, and flour / baking powder. Mix well. Bake in loaf tin at 180 degrees C for 50 - 60 mins. Suitable to freeze.
I do my tea as one cup of hot water and put a tea bag with it and remove it once I have finished soaking. You can also very sucessfully use sultanas or raisins only. Great stand by.

seafield1 - 2006-05-03 20:53:00

Sorry Survival - should have read Survival Slice cheers

seafield1 - 2006-05-03 20:54:00

Coconut macroons is also a great one, especially if the chooks have been laying like crazy - uses up the whites.

seafield1 - 2006-05-03 20:55:00

hi is anyone having the same problems as me trying to get in to the
it just wont work for me..grrr
love this thread by the way...keep it up

jog05 - 2006-05-04 16:55:00

alia1 I use Wattties Chuckwagon corn in my bacon and egg pies. It has celery as well as other bits that make it moist and tasty.

donnabeth - 2006-05-06 21:14:00

Sponge roll tin Does anyone know where, in Auckland, I can buy a traditional sponge roll tin? I have tried Millies in Posonby, two Warehouses and Pak'n Save, but I have had no luck. I also want a ring tin (for the orange cake!)

dajm - 2006-05-06 22:36:00

This ones looks a keeper, but haven't tried it yet Yummy Peanut Caramel Slice
1/2 c sugar; 1 c Flour; 2tsp cocoa; 100g melted butter; 1/c coconut' 1tsp baking powder; 1 tsp van ess. Mix together, Press into sponge roll tin, bake 180 for 20mins. While thats cooking make the topping. 2Tbsp flour; 1 tin condensed milk; 2Tbsp golden syrup; 100 g butter; 1 cup of nuts (more if you like) Heat until a little thick, then add nuts, Pour over base while still hot. This is yummy, I have made it with Paschio (sp) nuts, Hazel nuts, brazil nuts I just chop them up abit, I sometime make the base without cocoa which is also nice. The toppign is easy halfed and still makes enough to cover base.

paghan (89 ) 11:23 am, 7 May

lennyb1 - 2006-05-08 13:36:00

bumping... for Donutgirl

sharee9 - 2006-05-08 18:00:00

Response to dajm Hi there, I have been looking for the same two tins as well. I found a swiss roll tin at farmers in the weekend. They're on special there at the moment

sammygirl1 - 2006-05-09 21:47:00

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nakigal2 - 2006-05-12 12:58:00

to keep it going My family love Alison Holst's ABC muffins. 1 cup mashed bananas, 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1/4tsp salt 1/4 c canola oil, i large egg, 1/2 cup milk 1/2 c choc chips 1 apple graed or finely chopped 2 c SR flour.200 deg C mix banana, sugar salt oil egg and milk til well mixed. stir in choc chips & apple. Shake flour through sieve onto everything and fold together. spoon into 24 mini or 12 med muffin pans bake 10-12 min til golden brown.
With the fruit it seems vaguely healthy!

jot99 - 2006-05-12 17:26:00

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alia1 - 2006-05-13 15:26:00

alia I suggest you cut the cake in half, spread whipped cream on one half and put them together. No one will ever know it had sunk!

angeljasmine - 2006-05-13 15:47:00

magical orange cake posted by smiley_cherub is the best. I doubled the mix and did halve in a loaf tin (as in recipe) and made muffins with the rest but for something different i put a cup of chocolate chips in the mix as well.Presented to mum(family muffin queen) for mothers day and she love them.Thanks smiley_cherub

whiskey13 - 2006-05-14 17:36:00

banana cake and pikelets with a difference original banana cake recipe from Edmonds book,i find mixing the ingredients in the food processer,than by hand my cake turns out better.Pikelets,i just added abit of coconut,sultanas and raspberry food colouring flavour,instead of the vanilla essence,turned out okay,will try almond flavouring next

gandmwatts - 2006-05-15 10:27:00

just made chocolate muffins #562 and added a spoon of strawberry jam in the middle, dusted with icing sugar - very yummmmmm

leon20 - 2006-05-17 12:14:00

bumpity bump cant have this thread slipping.It's the air that i breath

whiskey13 - 2006-05-19 18:19:00

White(choco) chocolate chunk muffins made yesterday,this is a chelsea recipe,that i have used time and time again,but i added extras ,which will be in brackets.
4tsps baking powder,2(3) cups flour,100g(150g) butter melted,3/4 cup white sugar,2 large eggs,1/2 tsp vanilla essence,1 cup milk,1 cup white chocolate chips(ordinary choco chips) and (12 pieces of chocolate,any)and 1/2-3/4 cup warm water,wanting the mixture to be moist not dry
preheat the oven to 200c,mix all ingredients together in a large bowl until just combined and moistened.spoon 3/4 of the mixture into a well greased tin(i used paper muffin cups in the tin) then add the chocolate piece,then top with alittle more of the mixture to cover chocolate, and bake for 15-20 until mixture sorings back when touched

gandmwatts - 2006-05-22 10:48:00

for above on the bottom of the above recipe should read,when mixture springs back when toched,thats when the muffins are cooked,not soring which i mis-spelt above

gandmwatts - 2006-05-22 10:51:00

Hi alai1 ....RE: Sunken Banana cake I think the reason this happened was because you switched the oven off for those final 10 mins of cooking time. The sudden change in temp certainly wouldn't have helped. Next time, keep the oven on until the cake is fully baked. Occasionally, after I have tested a cake with a skewer, it has also sunk so now I make sure the cake is pretty much baked before I am tempted to poke the skewer in! Better luck next time ...

smiley_cherub - 2006-05-23 04:53:00

PLEASE!!!! need a recipe for steak and cheese pie ....not runny or too rich....

donutgirl - 2006-05-23 09:10:00

Toll House bars (Kiwified Nestle's recipe) 2-1/3c flour, (can substitute 1/3c cocoa for flour to make double chocolate), 1t baking soda, 1t salt. Cream together 200g softened butter, 3/4c each of white & hard-packed brown sugar, 1t or so vanilla. Beat in 2 eggs, add flour mixture. Add 1c chopped walnuts & 1 chopped 250g block Whittakers Dark Block. Spread it in an ungreased pan (mine is 37cm x 25cm) & bake in a preheated 190C oven for 25min. You'll have an easier time getting it out of the pan if you refrigerate it first, otherwise the center pieces will be a bit too gooey.

lennyb1 - 2006-05-26 17:32:00

Bump!!!! Bump!!!!

sprint76 - 2006-05-29 10:57:00

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dreamer55 - 2006-05-29 15:01:00

Bump Bump bump bump bump

sprint76 - 2006-05-31 13:38:00

go see... "made the easiest slice yesterday" thread - just started it, really yum..... :o)

jenna68 - 2006-05-31 13:48:00

This morning I tried a new recipe Ginger crispies in teh edmonds Book. I didn't read the recipe very well and discovered they are rolled in cornflakes. that was just a wee bonus. I also made big cookie time biscuits and a version of Anzac biscuits.I have a new oven and need to practise baking. Next up is pavlova and sponge.

donnabeth - 2006-06-01 16:17:00

yesterday I made mini choc muffins with jam and choc chips, peach and cream cheese muffins and chocochip cookies - the tins are full!

leon20 - 2006-06-02 10:25:00

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laura8388 - 2006-06-02 11:56:00

laura8388 Have just bumped the thread for you for the cookietime cookies

kennymac - 2006-06-02 12:23:00

Bumping again Keep it going

kezza28 - 2006-06-04 12:33:00

Gee Whiz gotta keep this active

whiskey13 - 2006-06-06 17:20:00

Weeks Baking I have just done the weeks baking , I made 2 dozen Chocolate & Banana muffins. Chocolate chippie cookies, and some beaut Louise cake. Shall try some more new recipes from this thread. Love to try new things, my hubby and son don't mind me baking so they can show off their lunch boxes. lol

woodle - 2006-06-08 20:25:00

Sour cream coffee cake 1/2 tsp b-soda,1/2 cup black coffee, cooled,175g butter,softened, 1 cup caster sugar, 3 eggs, 1/2 cup sour cream, 2 cups s-r flour, Dissolve the b-soda in the coffee and set aside. Beat the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs one at a time. Stir in the sour cream. Sift the s-r flour and fold into the creamed mixture with the cooled coffee. Turn into a greased and lined 23cm cake tin. Bake at 180 for 35min. Cool in the cake tin for 10mins before turning out. Ice with White Chocolate and Coffee Ganache and decorate with walnut halves,if wished...1/2 cup cream,2 tsp instant coffee granules, 125 g white chocolate,chopped, bring the cream and coffee granules to the boil. Remove from heat,add the chocolate and stir until it melts. Cool, then spead on cake.

whiskey13 - 2006-06-11 15:32:00

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stargazer2 - 2006-06-11 17:37:00

Today I made the Donut Muffins posted the other day, I added a tespoon of jam in the middle, and they where devine I had to make 2 batches, The famous Orange cake, and Choc chip cookies, was planning on making Brownies as well, but the kids ate the eggs for

paghan - 2006-06-11 17:55:00

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barloo - 2006-06-11 17:58:00

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barloo - 2006-06-11 18:08:00

Baking I rarely bake. Why should you be feeding this stuff to kids? Its fat and sugar. Especially the sugar. Totally unnecessary. Whats wrong with snacks consisting of bread, like stuffed toast cases, fruit, off a tree not out of a tin loaded with sugar and veges?

lythande1 - 2006-06-11 18:56:00

Bumpin back up for people who like sugar.

happs1 - 2006-06-14 12:31:00

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barloo - 2006-06-14 12:39:00

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angelics - 2006-06-14 14:10:00

A question! How many grams is a 'cup'of butter? Thanks

helen65018 - 2006-06-16 09:48:00

I usually round down I would use 200g for a cup of butter & 100g for a 1/2 cup. The recipes often benefit from a touch less butter anyway.

lennyb1 - 2006-06-16 10:23:00

Occasional snacks I would have thought so but going by some of the early posts in this thread it isn't or they have 18 kids.

lythande1 - 2006-06-16 11:19:00

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barloo - 2006-06-16 12:57:00

# 1 makin your double choc muffins with one difference swaped a 1 cup of milk for one cup of strong coffee. Thankyou.

happs1 - 2006-06-17 15:31:00
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