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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


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cookessentials - 2010-11-12 07:23:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-11-12 07:24:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-11-12 07:25:00

Charlieb if your spirits need lifting I'm sure Ali is the one to do it. Enjoy your lunch. Winnie you are doing so well, well done Calista on all that exercise-you too Toady.All well with me and mine. Have been working a little in the garden-there seems to be no time between it being to wet and being dry and hard. A lot I really haven't touched during the winter so plenty to do. My well sprouted Jersey Bennes are still waiting for attention but at least the plot is dug.My neighbour has his garden open for the ramble this weekend so I stand looking over the footpath fence so see which areas of mine will show-I have a long wide border so some is hidden by shrubs!

marywea - 2010-11-12 09:39:00

What a beautiful day clear and hot - a real Canterbury Show Day. Have already retired from the garden in the heat but more later. I think I'm actually going to have Christmas lilies by Christmas for the first time in a few years - the smell of lilies is the smell of Christmas to me & I have lots of bulbs but its been New Year befor tey are ready lately. The jersey bennes look on target but the pea seed didn't come up at all. Off the garden centre sale now I think. Have a good day everyone.

greerg - 2010-11-12 10:58:00

Been lurking in here for ages , thought it was about time I posted.
Cooks, Charlie & Mary, great minds think a like as I have just been out in the already established vege garden of our new residence. I was deciding where the best place to plant some potatoes. I haven't had a proper vegie garden for around 20 years.Have never grown potatoes & when I was working in the garden I found some tiny spuds. You would laugh at my ignorance around the vegie plants in it. I have just pulled out some over grown red silver beet & there was this other unusual looking plantgrowing very high which I thought was silver beet but when I pulled it out it was beet root.

Edited by 510 at 12:04 pm, Fri 12 Nov

510 - 2010-11-12 11:51:00

Charlie & Ali, I can hear & picture the laughter that will be happening when you are both together.
Well done Winnie for passing your 2nd accounting exam.
Have a great day everyone.

Edited by 510 at 12:08 pm, Fri 12 Nov

510 - 2010-11-12 12:00:00

hubbys in shower, hotel we are staying in has boarded up buildings either side, we are one the 5th floor and just around the corner from the building thats coming down, beautiful day and dare I say it probably hotter than auckland!! looking forward to my lunch very exciting!! I dont even know what the plants you guys are talking about, but I did searve some lettuce from my wee tub the other day a first and it was lovely and fresh.

auckland_ali - 2010-11-12 12:09:00

What a gorgeous day!!!
Worked my 6 hr shift till 12pm (only 120 breakfasts today - lol) then headed out to New Brighton.
Had a lovely walk at the beach then did over the Savemart out there trying to find some 3/4 pants that fit! I've now lost 12kg & dropped 2 sizes since I moved to Chch and very few of my summer clothes fit!!! I figure it's not worth buying new till I reach my ideal size/weight so Savemart it is :)

Thanks for the congrats on my exam ... I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself. Only 2 weeks left then school's out for the summer. Hooray!!!

Going to get my fire escape container garden organised on Monday - I'm recycling the old Chch green recycling bins as my containers. How's that for green lol!

Welcome 510 ... nice to see you posting here!
Although some think otherwise - this is a thread where everyone is welcome to come and share. We leave our differences of opinion on food/nutrition at the door and simply share with and support each other in our daily lives :)

Welcome to Chch ali - I hope you experience only the good side of our shaken city!

winnie231 - 2010-11-12 15:33:00

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cookessentials - 2010-11-12 15:33:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-11-12 23:45:00

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cookessentials - 2010-11-13 07:07:00

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cookessentials - 2010-11-13 07:12:00

I like that one Cookie.

marywea - 2010-11-13 11:22:00

Welcome 510,
I wondered what happen to you,and congrat to Winnie,you are going to fly though that course with flying colours.
Its a muggy day here in Grey,and a slight breeze blowing,good for the washing.
Cooks love your quotes,they are great and help alot.
Just popped in to say hi,time to get lunch moving.
have a wonderful day.

earthangel4 - 2010-11-13 11:38:00

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cookessentials - 2010-11-13 12:01:00

Hi Cooks,I am good today,hubby rang the hospital yesterday and put in a complaint,hangs head in horror he is it was not good enough,when they received 2 letters by 2 doctors last friday,they rang me,and said they will get onto it on Monday,as have not been seen by Urogynecologist.
Dr from the hospital rang me back,and told me what to do,she also said they will think about putting me off work,so its all good,and good to hear from you.
We have people coming thru thr house today at 4.30,they want to buy for rental,that will suit us as we are renting off hubbys daughter.

earthangel4 - 2010-11-13 13:05:00

Could I be any more shattered!! We rode for 34 kms today and I feel every one of them!! Took us just under 2 hours and the last 10 mins or so were hard going.... Won't get a chance to get another long one in before Taupo but I will be fine just take things at my own pace... I have already told the girl doing the same section as me not to wait for me.. and to go at her own pace.. that takes the pressure off me trying to keep up. Had another little topple, I am no good looking behind me... the next thing I knew i had slid on the gravel... have a nice bruise on my elbow.. just big enough to get good attention. lol

Good luck with your health issues earthangel... you really have been through the wringer.
Had a look at Reef Point lodge.. looks lovely.. My anniversary is coming up as well 19th Nov... 22 years! Not sure what we will do if anything as we have a busy few weekends coming up... knowing the way we operate suddenly a night will feel right and spur of the moment we will all go out... may even be December lol.

Taking this weary body to bed now... enjoy the rest of the weekend ladies. JBx

Edited by toadfish at 10:28 pm, Sat 13 Nov

toadfish - 2010-11-13 22:22:00

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elliehen - 2010-11-13 22:40:00
elliehen wrote:

Cycle the Otago rail trail??

Doing that next March... but not with hubby though, hes not really into exercise lol (he is into American cars instead)..... I am going with some ladies from my training group.. about 8 at last count... watch out Otago!!!

Its not cheap though.. by the time we have flown down, hired bikes, accomodation food etc.... best part of $2000... just as well its just me going lol.

Edited by toadfish at 10:51 pm, Sat 13 Nov

toadfish - 2010-11-13 22:47:00
earthangel4 wrote:

I am good today,hubby rang the hospital yesterday and put in a complaint,hangs head in horror he is it was not good enough,when they received 2 letters by 2 doctors last friday,they rang me,and said they will get onto it on Monday,as have not been seen by Urogynecologist.
Dr from the hospital rang me back,and told me what to do,she also said they will think about putting me off work,so its all good,
That's great news, sometimes we need a loved one to act for us on our behalf in situations like that. Sending warm wugs to you

Edited by 510 at 11:01 am, Sun 14 Nov

510 - 2010-11-14 10:58:00

Good afternoon all,toadie wow you are doing wonders,good on you and all,my Dh does a lot of tramping and is doing a bike ride in march,he has not been on a bike since he was a kid,he will have to practise shortly,lol lol.
510 warm hugs back at you.
A nurse told me at work yesterday,that 3 staff approached her saying if this is for real,why is she still working,omg am so hurt about this,I do not lie,and why would I make up something like this,so very hurtful and cruel .
I txt her this morning as she is a good friend of mine,and said if you are not going to tell me who they are,please tell them I am so hurt,she txt back and said I will tell all staff today and tomorrow as different staff on today.
If they could feel the pain I am in,my god.
Anyway did not come in here to moan,just venting,its a very wet cold day here today,hope you are all enjoying your sunday.
Thinking of you all.
Angel hugs.

earthangel4 - 2010-11-14 12:16:00

Hang in there Earthangel - it sounds as if a solution could be in sight even though it's lousy that you've been feeling so rotten for so long. And some of them may just be genuinely horrified that you are still working when you obviously should be resting and getting the treatment you need - rather than not believing you.

greerg - 2010-11-14 12:49:00

Whew! I walked 8 km today - I thought it was going to rain, so got it in early. Then I finished paying for my new bike which I will pick up Monday week so I can take it with me to a council run "give it a go" course.

As QEII park is 10 kms away, and over some dangerous 60 kph roads without cycle lanes, I am working on bribing a male friend so he will put both our bikes in his SUV. I think banana muffins should do the trick.

calista - 2010-11-14 16:30:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-11-14 23:11:00

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cookessentials - 2010-11-15 07:20:00

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cookessentials - 2010-11-15 07:21:00

I had my own private tsunami in the bath last night. It was interesting, but I was glad it didn't get onto the floor. Charlie, good to know your boys are handling it. It's the children I feel sorry for, however a teacher at school said her 5 year olds said the scariest things were getting lost and having nightmares, Nobody mentioned earthquakes.

I know i'm much better since the chimney was demolished. Now it's only dealing with the EQC and AMI that's horrible.

I walked 8km yesterday and will bike at least double that today.

Edited by calista at 9:54 am, Mon 15 Nov

calista - 2010-11-15 09:51:00

My heart goes out to you ChCh guys, mum was upset in Ashburton after last nights aftershocks. Have just come back from a week up that way but we thankfully felt none in that time ,but the day we spent in ChCh ( Leonard Cohen concert )seeing shops boarded up and cordons around buildings made it so real from just telly watching. Earthangel I really feel for you , am in similar work and I know how hard the lifting can be on our bodies....take care and don't let others think they know your illnesses better than you...

jbsouthland - 2010-11-15 10:14:00

So enjoy peeping in this thread. thank you for the good vibes always.....!!!

jbsouthland - 2010-11-15 10:15:00
greerg wrote:

Hang in there Earthangel - it sounds as if a solution could be in sight even though it's lousy that you've been feeling so rotten for so long. And some of them may just be genuinely horrified that you are still working when you obviously should be resting and getting the treatment you need - rather than not believing you.

Thankyou greerg,yeah you are right,its all good now,I am over it.

earthangel4 - 2010-11-15 10:28:00

Ah charlie,my heart goes out to the children,wished I could gather them all up and bring over hear,just breaks my heart to hear that.
Cooks when is hubbys birthday,mine is in Jan as well.
Its a beautiful day here,after a very wet weekend.
I had a call from the Urogynecologist,she said she will get me in asap.and think about putting me off work,and if I had any trouble to ring her back,she has given me her number.
It goes to show what a complaint can do,I was in pain this morning when I woke up but pain killers have kicked in,so its all good.
Thank you jbsouthland,for your kind words,and do come back in here,

earthangel4 - 2010-11-15 10:35:00

Morning all,
after a shaky weekend lets hope for a calm week here in Chch ... for the sake of everyone's nerves!
earthangel - thinking of you and hoping you get some possitive action & results soon. It's just not right what's happening with you!
I start my last unit of school for the year today ... more accounting but I know I'll cope with it & it's only 2 weeks worth.
Still no news on my news from work yet ... but manager has said - be patient as things are happening in the background. I just wish they would happen faster ... I could do with a payrise before Christmas lol!
I need to get myself a pedometer ... would love to know how far I walk during a shift at work. The new plates we have are bigger & heavier than any I've worked with before too so getting in some good weighttraining while being on the move! Gotta be good for me - though my feet didn't think so last night lol!!
Not much more to report here - oh - have miss 13 booked to fly down on the 10th Dec so looking forward to having her back :)
Just hope my shifts aren't too brutal while she's here.
Have a great day all :)

winnie231 - 2010-11-15 12:13:00

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cookessentials - 2010-11-15 14:15:00

blame me blame me, just cant believe that hubby has been to chch 4 times since the earthquake and not felt a thing?? we were very humbled by our visit to chch, we went to kaiaipoi and looked at the all shook up railway station and the portaloos. and also charlieb poor house, I do not envy you and what every aftershock is what more damage is it doing, but hot as blazes couldnt believe the weather just wonderful, we had a flutter on friday night winnie, I am the roulette player, I lost $50 on the table and hubby held his own at the blackjack he then put a $20 on the roulette gave me 2 chips and we cashed in at $75!! love walking out with only a couple of dollars lost on the pokie machines lol!! the old kenny rodgers "know when to fold ém"trick I think!! - good results winnie, and hang in there earthangel sounds as though you have people batting for you. waves to toady and ann and calista well done with the biking both of you bikers

auckland_ali - 2010-11-15 17:22:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-11-15 22:37:00

F A N T A S T I C, Charlie that's a great achievement
" cyber pats on the back & cyber cheers to you".

Edited by 510 at 11:09 pm, Mon 15 Nov

510 - 2010-11-15 23:07:00

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elliehen - 2010-11-15 23:26:00
510 wrote:

F A N T A S T I C, Charlie that's a great achievement
" cyber pats on the back & cyber cheers to you".

I second that... good for you .... Cyber Champagne for me as well... even though its before 6am lol.

toadfish - 2010-11-16 05:53:00

Well feeling better body wise today... was a bit weary Sat & Sun but went for my walk yesterday morning and feel ok today... I suppose tommorrow morning will be another 28km loop (1.5 hours) then I won't be able to do any more big ones as I have plans this weekend... that don't include 2 hours on the saddle. lol. I can't believe Christmas is sneaking up on us.... Brought my first chrissy pressies this weekend.. I have hubbies side on the 12th December so am trying to get that out of the way first. I am at a loss for my parents (70 & 73) and am toying with a harbour bridge climb for them... seeing all the health blips we have had this year... thought something exciting.. will think about it... they don't need "things" in fact they are like me (or I am like them) we are not into "things" unless they are practical & we need them. They like their garden so may go off to Kings for some devine inspiration....

Tadpoles both had NCEA maths yesterday (level 1 & 3)and it sounds like they did ok... so 2 down....7 to go!!

Well thats me... washing has just finished so off to do my jobs before work... work really does get in the way of life sometimes. lol

Edited by toadfish at 6:03 am, Tue 16 Nov

toadfish - 2010-11-16 06:03:00

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cookessentials - 2010-11-16 06:22:00

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cookessentials - 2010-11-16 06:25:00

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cookessentials - 2010-11-16 06:35:00

Well done Charlieb2. I hope you get a break now or are you straight back into it with summer school? Cooks I am going to look at the laundry in a new light - it seems to have quadrupled since son came home but it is nice to have him for a while. He was being super helpful too, but played tennis on hot court in bare feet on Saturday (yes- at 22) and now has the biggest blisters I've ever seen on soles of his feet so is a bit slow. When I said to his twin brother that I wished I could say that I couldn't believe M would be so daft but that sadly I did believe it, twin said thoughtfully "I wish I didn't believe I'd be that daft but I probably would...". Oh dear and they are actually quite bright really.

Edited by greerg at 8:01 am, Tue 16 Nov

greerg - 2010-11-16 08:00:00

What a cheerful thread this morning. Charlieb and Winnie, anyone in CHCh who can get an assignment on the 2 X table correct has my admiratation-Charlie I think this one that you passed so well was done after 4th Sept.----says a lot for your powers of concentration. Overcast in Wgtn but no sign of much needed rain so watering the garden will be needed.

marywea - 2010-11-16 10:32:00

Earthangel has asked me to keep you all updated, so to do that I've started a new thread.

countrygirl17 - 2010-11-16 13:06:00

I don't know if I should be drinking during class charlieb ... shhhhh - don't tell my tutor! **cheers** (wispered)

winnie231 - 2010-11-16 15:05:00

CharlieB I'm deighted for you. Well done.

calista - 2010-11-16 18:03:00

woo hoo, and it was a shoe in - which is what we knew you would do, congrats and I am raising my chardonnay to you (which I actually started at 3.30!!) so much for going to girlfriends to scrap - eat and drink is more like, but hic I am not complaining!! - my son did the math as well, wasnt so happy with the exam - wasnt questioned how they were expecting it, always frustrating until you get the results!! lol to greerg son, boys doesnt matter what age they are one sometimes has to question their brain power !! - bet hes sore mind you. waves to everyone else, beautiful hot day here most impressed with how our summer is shaping up, its always lovely to get down to bare arms in the day.

auckland_ali - 2010-11-16 19:38:00

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cookessentials - 2010-11-17 06:33:00
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