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Ive just done the weeks baking, what did you bake


Yep that's right Uli, no butter! 1200 entries in this thread. Wow!

libby51 - 2006-03-08 20:23:00

#1200,orange/coconut/choco chip cup cakes turned out really good.I didnt have any icing sugar to make icing,so i have placed a soft fruit sugar jube lollie on top of each cake.Looks tempting,but they are for daughters school gala.

gandmwatts - 2006-03-08 21:47:00

What an excellent idea gandm! easier than icing, and would look good. I'll remember that one (or try to!)

libby51 - 2006-03-08 22:21:00

bumpity bump ......

tironuips - 2006-03-09 17:11:00

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wimwom - 2006-03-10 14:39:00

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wimwom - 2006-03-10 14:42:00

Bumping Anyone do any baking today?

tironuips - 2006-03-11 16:09:00

Sure did! Make the 5-cup slice, my husband is taste testing it right this moment, and Pam's lemon yoghurt cake. Found my bundt tin! Thought I'd given it away when we moved, but it was jolly expensive,so am glad I hadn't. Haven't used it for years (apart from as a jelly mould when the kids were little - birthday parties!!) so used it for your cake Pam, and wowee it looks spectacular! First time that tin's been in the oven for over 30 years!

libby51 - 2006-03-11 17:02:00

Am I right in seeing this thread has lasted a year wow.... I have only read the first page and have a couple recipes to try... I try and bake with my toddlers at least once a week... I love baking and really enjoy so am sure to find a few new reicpes to try.... thanks all

ham-sio - 2006-03-11 17:48:00

I made a... Betty Boop slice before I put dinner in the oven to cook.
Baking day was always on a Saturday in our house when I was growing up.
I love to bake too Ham-sio, so am always looking for something new to tempt the family with.

tironuips - 2006-03-11 19:36:00

where r u cookie time???? where in this thread can I find the ma higgins cookie recipe and the cookie time, hv spent hours looking through all the threads................

sooz11 - 2006-03-12 10:40:00

ma higgins take a look at 647... i think!!

bereca - 2006-03-12 11:06:00

For sooz11 Hi sooz 11
I just spotted the Ma Higgins Recipe in the thread started as" How do you make Chocolate Chip Cookies'. (#5 at the moment). I'll see if I can bump it up for you.

gazz - 2006-03-12 22:35:00

#1175marywea,thank-you the Tan slice you thought might be what i was looking for,is the slice,as ive just made it.Dairy owner doesnt sell the slice any more,and couldnt remember the name of the slice.

gandmwatts - 2006-03-13 13:46:00

Tan Slice Base.175g butter,1/2 cup sugar,2 1/2cups flour,1 tsp vanills essence.Cream butter and sugar,add vanilla.Add sifted flour,and mix,then put two thirds of the mixture into a lightly graesed 20cm x 30cm sponge roll tin,pressing firmly.Put remining ingredients into fridge.
Filling.50g butter,1 tin condensed milk,1Tblsp golden syrup.
Top.1/2 cup chopped walnuts,1/2 cup chopped chocolate.Place butter,condensed milk,golden syrup into a pot and melt filling then spread over base.Sprinkle over the filling crumble reserved base over the top of filling.Bake at 160 degrees c for about 35-40 mins.Do not allow top to become brown.I then sprinkle the chocolate and walnuts over the slice when cooled.

gandmwatts - 2006-03-13 13:54:00

Nasby Slice. This is a fav of mine,made it heaps of time.
170g(6oz butter) 1 1/2tsp baking powder, 2 eggs, 1/4 cup milk
170gflour(6oz) 1 1/2 Tblsp cornflour, 170g sugar(6oz)
Cream butter and sugar,then beat in eggs and milk then add dry ingredients.Place half mixture in sponge roll tin and spread with black currant jam.Add 2 tsp mixed spice to remaining mixture and place over jam.Bake 1/2 hour at 180 C(350 F).Ice when cold with white icing.

gandmwatts - 2006-03-13 14:02:00

thanks to everyone who's contributed!!!!! Very yummy.

didi37 - 2006-03-14 00:11:00

Awesome thread, I baked for the first time in months. The family are gobsmacked. Afgans, ginger biscuits, cheese and bacon sticks, saltana malties and doubled all mixtures so the freezer has the top ups. As anything with sugar in it dosent freeze completely so its just take out of the freezer and straight onto a plate, by the time the coffee/tea or hot drink is made, they are just right. Thanks to those who started this thread, I thoroughly enjoy reading it and will be trying the recipes from time to time.

vcflight - 2006-03-14 02:24:00

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orfu2003 - 2006-03-14 03:47:00

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wimwom - 2006-03-14 08:20:00

still no luck any luck finding those threads Gazz??.

sooz11 - 2006-03-14 12:36:00

found tks tks gazz and bereca, hv located said cookies, will giveboth a test tonight

sooz11 - 2006-03-14 12:41:00

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gordy8252 - 2006-03-14 15:21:00

Hamantaschen (filled cookies for Purim) Depending on whose Yiddish you believe, these are to resemble either the villainous Haman's hat or his ears. These are eaten on the Jewish festival of Purim, which we just had from Monday sunset. 2-3/4c flour, 1/2c sugar, 1T baking powder, 1t grated orange peel, 1/2t salt. 200g butter, softened. 2 beaten eggs, 2T milk. Prune or poppyseed filling (recipe for prune filling in next post). 1 egg yolk mixed with 1T milk for glaze. Cut butter into dry ingredients until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Add eggs & milk & mix until dough binds together. Give the dough about 5-10 strokes of kneading in the bowl to get it smooth, then divide in half, wrap each 1/2 in plastic wrap & refrigerate for an hour or so. To be continued...

lennyb1 - 2006-03-15 11:53:00

assembling & baking hamantaschen Grease 2 baking sheets & set aside. Roll out one of the dough halves on a floured surface to about 1/2cm thickness. Cut out 7cm circles with floured cutter. Fill each circle with a teaspoon dollop of filling & pinch 3 edges together to make triangle, leave a pinched ridge up along each seam, leave a small hole in center. Place about 3-4cm apart on greased sheets, brush with a bit of the glaze, bake 20-25min in preheated 175C oven until golden. Cool on racks. Repeat with other half of dough - should make about 32 sizeable cookies in total.

lennyb1 - 2006-03-15 11:59:00

Prune lekvar filling In the US, they sell cans of readymade poppyseed or prune filling, but I've devised a homemade prune filling that works quite well. This stuff is also heavenly on scones. 200g pitted prunes (about 3/4-1c worth), chopped with a bit of flour to prevent too much stickiness. 1/3c sugar, 1/3c boiling water, 1T lemon juice, 3/4t grated lemon rind. Combine all ingredients & microwave on medium or medium-low power for 1 minute at a time, about 4 minutes in total, until thickened. Cool.

lennyb1 - 2006-03-15 12:06:00

wimwom 176 thread n: 1220 cheese and bacon sticks... I made up the recipe or rather enhanced an existing one froma book printed in 1948. here goes
6oz flour 4oz grated cheese (edam or tasty) 4oz butter pepper & salt 1 egg yolk. 4 rashers of middle bacon. finely sliced.

Mix flour with butter and nearly all the cheese, i throw in the bacon here as well, add the S & P. Make a nice dough, roll out the dough and slice into sticks. then cover with egg white and remainder of cheese here I give them a twist to make them look a little more attractive. Bakemfor about 10 minutes in a fiarly hot oven, do watch them closely though as they can burn quickly... good luck.

vcflight - 2006-03-15 17:07:00

OOPs sorry about the type o's I need to get busy and have a manicure to trim the nails!!

vcflight - 2006-03-15 17:09:00

Yaka Tori?? Has anyone got a recipe for this meat dish, I believe it is Indian and am not sure if I have the right spelling. The library dosen't have anything on this dish and it is YUMMY with cream cheese on buns, has cumin and garam masala it it but also more spices. Would really appreciate anyones help here as I have a BBQ coming up to close the season for my boys.

vcflight - 2006-03-15 17:12:00

Honey Oat Bars 1 Cup Rolled Oats, 1 Cup Sultanas, 1/2 Cup Wholemeal Self Raising Flour, 1/2 Cup Raw Sugar, 1/2 Cup Coconut, 155 gms Butter, 1 T Honey.
Combine Oats, Sultanas, sifted flour, return husks from sifter to the bowl, Sugar & Coconut. Melt butter & honey, add to dry ingredients and mix well. Press into lined sandwich tin. Bake 180C for 15 - 20 mins. Cut into bars while hot, remove when cold.

12pack - 2006-03-15 17:40:00

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wimwom - 2006-03-15 19:20:00

bump ...

tironuips - 2006-03-18 06:07:00

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fly04buy - 2006-03-18 09:41:00

What a wonderfull message board Hi everyone i've just look at this message board and can't get over it! This is amazing having all these wonderful recipes in one place! Keep the good work up everyone! ;-)

melza28 - 2006-03-19 01:04:00

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jetboat - 2006-03-19 11:01:00

breadmaker hot x buns Thanks libby for this recipe. I have made these this morning and found that my bread maker did not have a beep for 30 min. So do you think that I could put the last ingredients in at the beggining? I ended up man handling the mixture then returned it to the b/maker and then cooked them in the oven. They turned out ok but would like to know if once you cut th em with a knife are you meant to roll them to a round shape? I didnt and they have ended up like pinwheels. Thanks

goodness46 - 2006-03-19 11:51:00

Marshmellow square & apple square brother in-law staying from over seas,so thought i would impress him with some home baking.I will post these's two recipes at a later date.

gandmwatts - 2006-03-19 22:14:00

orange choc chip muffins Hi my kids love these muffins from the supermarket. Have tried to make them myself but never come out the same. Any help would be appreciated, (& save me money haha) Thanks

rcrc - 2006-03-19 23:57:00

Try this recipe - just add 1/2 cup choc chips and bake mixture in muffin tins (25 mins cooking time should do it. Magical Orange Cake: 1 whole orange, washed and processed to a pulp, 125gr melted butter, 1 cup sugar 2 med-lge eggs, 1 1/2 cups self-raising flour. YES, ITS AS EASY AS IT LOOKS! If you have a food processor, just pulp up the orange then add everything else to it. Now, I don't have a FP so I did it the old-fashioned way (LOL) Mix together the melted butter and sugar, add egg then orange pulp. Stir to combine then fold in sifted SR flour. Pour into lined loaf tin and bake at 180C for approx 35-40 mins or ready when tested with skewer. Such an economical recipe!

smiley_cherub - 2006-03-20 04:52:00

Marshmellow slice 4oz butter 1 egg 1tsp b.powder
8oz flour 4oz sugar 2tblsps cocoa,1/2 cup coconut,1tsp vanilla essence.
Cream butter and sugar,add essence and egg,then sifted dry ingredients
Press into a cake tin about 10-12" long,bake 30mins at 180 c(350f)
When base is cooled then add marshmellow mixture,and slice when set.
Marshmelow ingredients is Dissolve 2 Dstpss gelatin in a cup boiling water,then beat in 2 cups sugar,then add any food colouring,beat mixture until stiff,then pour over base.

gandmwatts - 2006-03-20 14:59:00

Apple shortcake 3oz butter pinch salt 3 Tblsp sugar dash of vanilla essence 1/4 cup milk 2 cups flour 1egg,
1 1/2 tsp baking powder.

cream butter and sugar,then add egg,then dry ingredients,and milk and vanilla essence.
Roll out then divide into two,place first pastry in square tin then add your stewed apples/apricots(which have been sweetend to taste,and cooled first)
then place on your top layer of pastry,cook at 350 f for 30 mins

Note* you can double this pastry to make a heavy thick pastry.

gandmwatts - 2006-03-20 15:06:00


herbiem - 2006-03-21 11:46:00

love this thread love this thread for ideas and inspirations.... I need more ideas for the lunch box and after school

greening - 2006-03-21 13:35:00

Hi Goodness. Yes I put everything in together when making small loaves of bread as my beeper only sounds on the longer timed ones, and it doesn't seem to make any difference. What I do really is put all the other ingreds in, get it going and then measure and chop or whatever the add-ins, nd put them in when ready. As for rolling them into balls, yep I do, just a roll around bwteen my hands. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you, have been away.

libby51 - 2006-03-21 16:52:00

bumping up 4 anyone who want to kep the recipes, including me who hasn't time to write them down or save them

angel361 - 2006-03-21 22:17:00

bupping up the recipe thread

angel361 - 2006-03-22 20:45:00

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jetboat - 2006-03-24 14:08:00

Bump Just want to keep this fantastic thread going

sammygirl1 - 2006-03-27 18:50:00

I have just made american brownie #32 and marshmellow slice #34 - the marshmellow looks a little sugary (gritty) - maybe i put the sugar in to fast.....anyone else have the same prob? the brownie is fab.

Something savoury now I think ; )

leon20 - 2006-03-28 14:30:00

this thread is unbelievable i never thought it would run this long well done everyone ......2 YEARS.......

kob - 2006-03-28 15:29:00
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