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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


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cookessentials - 2010-10-22 21:33:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-10-22 21:40:00

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cookessentials - 2010-10-22 21:47:00

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vintagekitty - 2010-10-22 22:11:00

good on you vintage kitty, I broke my little finger and left toe on a dirt bike organized tour, I was borrowing a new bike that was reving too much first corner I went over the handlebars still have the dent in my upper leg!! broke my toe and then fell and fell and fell, I didnt have a breast plate on and got the handlebars into my chest my boob bled!! lost two gold bracelets (always wear my jewellery lol!!) fairly much finished me on motorbiking I must say think it was 2004 so 42 for me!! so wondering where my boy gets it from is fairly fundamental really!! Pam I did a stint as a kitchen designer and just loved it I got published in a auckland mag recently talking about good kitchen design, I have kinda changed track and gone all crafty which I just love as well, if I can make a bit of money so I can replenish my stocks I will be very happy. doing something you love is key to enjoying life.

auckland_ali - 2010-10-23 00:44:00

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cookessentials - 2010-10-23 06:07:00

Sorry Pam - still in your mid-forties then. No wonder you are still the object of young men's admiration. I think the demonstrations inb shop are a great idea. I've been to the odd one at Ballantynes and enjoyed them but think they'd be better in a smaller shop. I missed the recent one on icing and would really like to have gone as it's a skill I definitely haven't mastered. I'm quite a skilled embroiderer so I don't know why I'm such a clutz with an icing bag. My Christmas cake has had the same pattern of a square of blobs round the outside and a circle of blobs in the middle for 36 years!

greerg - 2010-10-23 09:01:00

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cookessentials - 2010-10-23 13:11:00

greerg one skill doesnt compute into others sometimes, if they are in the same family, embroidery would work well with quilting and detailed sewing totally different texture, my kitchen design was all about a good eye and measuring, scrabooking is the same!! happy birthday to Marywea!! - the threads youngest grandma!!

auckland_ali - 2010-10-23 13:36:00

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cookessentials - 2010-10-23 13:46:00

A very Happy birthday to Marywea,hope you have had a nice day so far.
I am so tired tonight so going to have an early night and get some sleep I hope.

earthangel4 - 2010-10-23 19:45:00

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cookessentials - 2010-10-23 19:49:00

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fisher - 2010-10-23 19:52:00

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cookessentials - 2010-10-23 19:57:00

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elliehen - 2010-10-24 01:14:00

Hi everyone,
happy Sunday. I've had a fabulous couple of days!
Birthday dinner with mum,daughter & man was great. Mike brought 3 bunches of beautiful tulips - one for each of us ... a lovely gesture & good way of scoring brownie points with mum! I also got the longest single stem rose I have ever seen :)
Unfortunately I have picked up a rotten sinus infection & sore throat so after playing uno & checkers with miss 13 Sat morning, DM took me to the med centre & I'm now off work & on antibiotics :(
Having a birthday lunch at mum's today with brother,SIL,nephew, daughter & DM (part of the family already) so I'm determined to enjoy that no matter how lousy I feel right now!
Have a lovely day everyone, xxx

** fisher - great to hear your sis is doing ok

winnie231 - 2010-10-24 08:51:00

oh Ellie I am jealous. There used to be a family of morepork that I could hear when I was going to sleep as a child, but in the last few years when I visit home I notice their absence.

The local wildlfe ranger says there are plenty not too far away, but they are out of earshot of my family home (even with my hearing aids in),

calista - 2010-10-24 08:53:00

Thank-you for your birthday wishes, esp. yours Ali!! Winnie, nice to hear yours went well and I hope Cookie has a happy time. The family met at a local eatery set up at our sports ground-the first attempt failed so hope the new people make a go of it. There is a nice play area beside the tables which the children enjoyed (there are also quiet areas) and the normal outdoor playground so an ideal place for all to relax. A friend also has a birthday early next week and 10 of us are going out for lunch. I had had 36 hours of throat and sniffles during the week but thankfully just left with a cough. There seems to be a long lasting cold/throat bug that is doing the rounds so I have been lucky.

marywea - 2010-10-24 10:02:00

the weather is getting warmer so all good, read on another thread vintagekitty you are not very well at the moment, hugs and positive thoughts your way. I must say I love the sound of birds and where we are now we have a lot more sounds, we have these little pea hen things that come out on our lawn - the cat was making all these noises like them trying to entice the brainless things - happy to report no untoward deaths on our lawn (stupid cat!!) glad everyones birthdays went well,

auckland_ali - 2010-10-24 12:02:00

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elliehen - 2010-10-24 12:31:00

Sharp wee aftershock spilt tea all over my desk. I think it was close and around 4 but I'll see waht the experts say.

calista - 2010-10-24 15:26:00

This is the bike I put the deposit on today. It's a step through as you can see so is good for shorties like me. Also it's lighter than my current bike as it's aluminium framed. One of the men in the shop had met the designer and said she was about my height and determined to build a bike that would suit shorter women (although of course it comes in larger sizes). I put it on layby as that way I can ensure I don't run myself out of money if the EC don't cough up enough to cover having the roof fixed. I hope to pay it off before Christmas because I always give myself the best Christmas present. Meanwhile my usual bike, being heavier, is good for exercise.

calista - 2010-10-24 17:07:00

Calling Pam. I made your Lemon Yoghurt Cake the other day and as I put it in the oven I realised I had put 3 cups of flour in it!!! It was supposed to be for our cake stall so I was as mad as mad. But when I cut into it it was absolutely delish! It was (I imagine) a different texture to the "real thing". I have since made two more and they feel lovely and soft. Also there are 6 lovely little Pumpkin Loaves in the freezer.

Congratulations on the "cute ass". I was in Placemakers and handed over my Gold Card and the chap said "This can't be yours. Who gave it to you?" I told him that remark would do me a good couple of months.

lulu239 - 2010-10-24 17:31:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-10-24 19:43:00

charlie I thought it was *my* fault as I'd just sat down at the computer and was about to post to another community how it was a whle since we'd had a shake.

Tea went alll over my desk, but when I called the fat'n'fluffy one she stuck her head up above the neighbour's fence as it to say. "Here I am, no need to make a fuss". I hate being inside, but being in a mall would be horrendous. Being in a bus is best as you don't feel most of them.

My other chimney is beginng to look a bit dogy - I think it might be a good idea to get it demolished as it will land on my bedroom if it goes.

The hole in the roof gets fixed tomorrow unless it's raining. (Fingers crossed everyone).

calista - 2010-10-24 20:15:00

Son and I were upstairs in Riccarton Mall having coffee and it was a really good shake there - longer than recent ones. it's the first time I've been upstairs in an earthquake and it really is a lot worse and the noise seemed much louder in the mall than they have been out here.

greerg - 2010-10-24 20:18:00

Happy Happy Labour Day!
Had a couple of nights away with just DH for his high school reunion, it was lovely to relax together.... meals out.... Left Friday midday and arrived home yesterday... felt like we were gone for far longer.. and the best news is... I still have today off!!!

Love the bike Calista... very flash! I am off for a walk this morning with my training group.. but being a holiday we are going to meet at 8am instead of 6am... very civilised... I am even going to have brekkie before I go... wonder what difference that will make. Its the marathon next weekend so I will go in on Sunday morning to cheer them on.... did it year before last... once is definately enough as 21 kms is a bl*#y long way! and having to make the harbour Bridge by 8.30am means you can't go at your own pace, you have to go hard for the first 13kms, other marathons for walkers would be easier... but I made it with 4 mins to spare and standing at the top of the harbour bridge was an amazing feeling!

Hasn't the weather been amazing... we had a BBQ and ate on the deck last night.. really felt like the beginning of summer.

Have a fab day all... and just quietly... ignore people who wind you up.... There are certain people in this world as my Grandad would say that "You wouldn't cross the road to spit on them if they were on fire" I read things and ignore it, as it just escalates the situation... you can't change people but you can change how they make you feel... hence the reason I never (well nearly rarely) respond.

Edited by toadfish at 6:58 am, Mon 25 Oct

toadfish - 2010-10-25 06:48:00

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cookessentials - 2010-10-25 07:35:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-10-25 11:21:00

Good Morning everyone,its so quiet here on the home front with DH and Abby away,but its all good.
I have been gardening and cleaning,also did some baking yesterday,so am feeling so much better each and everyday,and that is without the cherry juice.
Sure hope it arrives tomorrow,as they said they sent it on tuesday,have emailed them.

earthangel4 - 2010-10-25 11:59:00

Lovely day here today - just perfect for doing nothing!
I'm watching a Scooby Doo dvd with miss 13 at the moment.
I wish I was well enough for work but being off sick has given me extra time with daughter so a silver lining to the cloud :)
Mum has my DM lined up to come & fix her sewing table later in exchange for a roast chicken dinner ... being a builder has definitely earnt him brownie points lol!

winnie231 - 2010-10-25 12:41:00

Winnie having a builder on hand is great. My friendly builder is going to demolish the other chimney as yesterday's a/s made it look less than solid.

Off for a short ride, which might help my mood (grumpy) - at least I hope so.

calista - 2010-10-25 13:35:00

Ah you all are so lucky to have nice weather,its so cold here,has been all weekend,have a fire going,just heard from DH he said the weather is not great there either,and no whitebait today,

earthangel4 - 2010-10-25 14:07:00

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elliehen - 2010-10-25 18:55:00

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cookessentials - 2010-10-25 19:56:00
cookessentials wrote:

el, ours was a little slow in gettin gto us as well and i paid straight away with credit card. The long weekend never helps either.
We have had a lovely day, Got all the plants into the garden, then into the wee car, hood down and out for a jaunt in the sunshine.
Just threw some porterhouse onto the bbq, did some garlic and Rosemary potatoes and sald and sat outside in the garden to eat it...just lovely.

Thankyou for that,I was getting a little worried,but its all good now.

earthangel4 - 2010-10-25 20:21:00

Hello All :-)

Earthangel - my Daughter uses the tart cherry juice too - and finds it good - she reduced the amount taken each night - I think it was 30ml - after a couple of weeks she reduced it to 20ml and that works well too. We bought it at a Health 200 store. Hope it helps you sleep.

A creative and social weekend here - birthday party at a cafe, gardening, friend's called yesterday, would you like a trailer load of firewood - yes please, so took my trailer, and home again not long later with a full load to pack into my wood shed. Next winter's wood... sorted!

They've been here for dinner tonight, lovely company and yummy meal. For dessert, I made the chocolate brownie from these threads, that has apple pulp in the recipe, and no butter, oil or eggs - doubled the recipe to fit my large slice tin, changed it to add glace cherries and chopped dates, and served slices dusted with icing, and whipped cream on the side - a make-again recipe.. have tried it in a variety of ways now.

Have a lovely week, take good care out there..

juliewn - 2010-10-26 00:00:00

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cookessentials - 2010-10-26 06:24:00

Have a fabulous day Pam, you deserve it... I am a firm believer in that you get out of life what you put in.... So hang on to your hat.. it's going to be good one!

Its feels quite nice to start the week on a Tuesday... I have a really busy week ahead of me. Works BBQ on Thursday night, Bike ride Saturday morning, Graduation Dinner on Saturday night, marathon support Sunday morning and a coffee & cake fundraiser Sunday afternoon... phew... collapse into bed Sunday night.

Have an easy dinner tonight... lasagne from the freezer with a green salad.... Such a treat not to have to make it... then tonight I will make glazed chicken meatballs for tommorrow night.. so another easy tea. BBQ with work Thursday.... Then burger and wedges courtesy of Dh & daughters Friday... I won't have to cook again to Sunday night!!! and I can see a BBQ happening.

Have a great day everyone....

toadfish - 2010-10-26 06:58:00

Morning all,
the evening at Mum's was lovely. Dinner was delicious & my DM did the jobs for Mum to a very high standard & Mum is very impressed - she was describing to me this morn how he did it & that you cant see it & that he vacuumed up afterwards & ... he has made a fan :) lol
We all sat around the dining table later playing rummy-cub then scrabble ... DM fits right into the family. It's amazing!
I'm a very happy chickadee!!!
Have a lovely day all, Rae xxx

winnie231 - 2010-10-26 07:28:00

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fisher - 2010-10-26 10:47:00
juliewn wrote:

Hello All :-)

Earthangel - my Daughter uses the tart cherry juice too - and finds it good - she reduced the amount taken each night - I think it was 30ml - after a couple of weeks she reduced it to 20ml and that works well too. We bought it at a Health 200 store. Hope it helps you sleep.

A creative and social weekend here - birthday party at a cafe, gardening, friend's called yesterday, would you like a trailer load of firewood - yes please, so took my trailer, and home again not long later with a full load to pack into my wood shed. Next winter's wood... sorted!

They've been here for dinner tonight, lovely company and yummy meal. For dessert, I made the chocolate brownie from these threads, that has apple pulp in the recipe, and no butter, oil or eggs - doubled the recipe to fit my large slice tin, changed it to add glace cherries and chopped dates, and served slices dusted with icing, and whipped cream on the side - a make-again recipe.. have tried it in a variety of ways now.

Have a lovely week, take good care out there..

Thankyou for that,will let you know how I get on.
You take care hun.

earthangel4 - 2010-10-26 11:32:00

Good Morning all,
What a lovely brunch of nice people we have in here,
Toadie,my appointment went well,he has referred me to a specialist,I thought he said I had Ceoliac disease,but its chrons,I am not on gf now,so wished they would make up there minds,he said they are from the same family,am so upset about this.
So will take to the specialist tomorrow afternoon.
Cooks,I got a lovely email back from the cherry farm,they said they had the posted the juice yet due to the long weekend,they did not want them to cook,so are on there way now,they were so kind to do that,I sent one back thanking them,bless them.
Charlie hope you are ok sweetie,thinking of you,and winnie I am so happy for you,you deserve happiness.
Fisher how are you doing thinking of you and your sister.
To anyone I have missed sending you Angel hugs.
Its a beautiful day here,so awesome.

earthangel4 - 2010-10-26 11:38:00

I hope you get some sensible answers soon Earthangel - its so incredibly frustrating getting changing opinions from experts over something serious and when there's nothing you can do to sort it out for yourself. Uncertainty always makes thing worse doesn't it? It does sound as if you are getting closer to the answer though.

greerg - 2010-10-26 17:30:00

Had to google Crohns to find ou exactly what it is... my cousin and her daughter (in the UK) both suffer from it. Sounds pretty awful.. lets hope the specialist can get it under control and the symptons ease.

Well what a day... glad thats over... not all of us were busy getting PAMpered. Just waiting for tommorrow nights meatballs to finish cooking... then I am getting into my Pj's and blobbing out in front of TV... first time I have stopped since 8am this morning.... Your right Fisher family life sure is a busy one... but a good busy one if you know what I mean... I have a mental picture of you & K in your lovely home relaxing and know that one day... after braces, uni etc.. that will be me & S... but with a country view.... mmmm *wanders off to dream*

toadfish - 2010-10-26 18:30:00

My DM turned up earlier with flight tickets for me to join him & his family in Whangarei for new year .... hope you're going to be home fisher .... definitely want to come visiting while up your way!

winnie231 - 2010-10-26 19:15:00

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cookessentials - 2010-10-26 22:45:00

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cookessentials - 2010-10-27 05:11:00

Morning Morning... fellow early riser.... Off for my bike ride this morning, so fingers crossed it will be good weather... certainly looked clear skies last night.

Glad you had a fabulous day pam... back to reality now of paperwork I guess lol... must do mine... resisted the urge to get it out in the beautiful weather on the long weekend

Have a great day all.

toadfish - 2010-10-27 05:21:00

Morning all,
... well I feel like a rather well used dish rag!!! I've had some sort of reaction, the doc thinks to my antibiotics, and have had the most horrendous 24hrs with diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain & fever.
Not a great way to spend Miss 13's visit! When my DM brought my tickets around last night, apparently he was quite shocked & worried. I firgure if he still loves me when I look like this - then all is good lol :)
Have a great day all, xxx

winnie231 - 2010-10-27 06:56:00
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