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Ive just done the weeks baking, what did you bake


CHRISTMAS SHORTCAKE 1/2-3/4 cup each of glace cherries, preserved/crystallised ginger and chocolate chips or chopped dark chocolate, 280g butter, 170g icing sugar, 1 small egg, vanilla essence, 450g flour, 1/2 tsp baking soda.
Quarter the glace cherries and cut the ginger into the same sized pieces. Cream the butter & icing sugar. Beat in the egg &vanilla essence. Sift the flour and baking soda together. Add the sifted ingredients & mix them in well. Lastly add the chopped cherries & ginger & the chocolate chips or chopped dark chocolate. Mix well, then place the mixture into a sponge roll tin and smooth it out. Bake at 160ºC-180ºC, until light golden in colour. Cool and cut as desired.
Note: Use a mixture of red and green for a real Christmassy look. This shortcake can also be used for bake-blind tarts, fruit mince pies, apple pies, etc.

245sam - 2005-11-03 02:01:00

Yum That Christmas Shortcake sounds very scrummy. In fact would make a lovely Xmas gift so it's into the kitchen in the weekend!!! Lots of Xmas baking projects "in progress" so another one isn't going to hurt. Thanks for posting the recipe but hey ... don't make a habit of posting recipes at 2 in the morning - lol!

smiley_cherub - 2005-11-03 05:14:00

grapefruit madera double layered grapefruit madera with a italian merainge filling and white choc icing

spchicksta - 2005-11-03 09:52:00

just made the "magic slice" off the condensed milk tin -- so simple and delicious -- if you haven't seen it here tis... 1&1/2 C plain sweet biscuit, crushed; 75g butter melted; 1C choc bits; 1C raisins; 1C des.coconut; 1C flaked almonds; 375g tin sweetened cond.milk. Oven at 180oC combine crumbs and butter press into tin - evenly sprinkle over choc bit, raisins, coconut and almonds then pour over tin of cond.milk -- 25-30mins until centre is firm. Cool in tin. Not one to be too particular with ingreds I use Malt biscuits & sultanas. YUM!!!

nalaha3 - 2005-11-03 14:30:00

Trade Me have taken my email address out of my profile so if anyone wants the recipe book file, I'm not sure how we can go about it. Might have to get cryptic with email addresses. I'd run an auction or classified, but as there is no charge for it, it would end up costing me money to run the advert.

jaxma - 2005-11-03 18:46:00

Lemon & Ginger Fudge Cake I bought a pre-mix pack from Binn Inn and all I had to do was add butter and water. I've iced it with lemon icing and am now anxiously waiting for it to set so I can sample.

jaxma - 2005-11-03 18:47:00

yummy biscuit recipie check out the biscuit recipies in last saturdays Dominion Post the oatbran/sultana biscuites are very morish and even feel healthy

whiteroses - 2005-11-03 20:08:00

Jaxma For anyone who is a follower of this thread, your PDF file is WELL worth having - all alphabetical and fully searchable too, what a bonus! I know you aren't out to make money from sharing your document, so perhaps you could just ask those that want a copy to reimburse you for the cost of the listing? Wouldn't be much at all would it? They could even just pay you in stamps maybe? At least by listing them it will put you in touch with people without upsetting TM. Thanks for all your hard work, it's brilliant.

smiley_cherub - 2005-11-03 20:19:00

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babysister - 2005-11-04 16:35:00

Hi Jaxma i have tried to find your email but failed to find it....i was wondering if i could get a copy please i go by my username and you can find me at the x place...cheers guys im pleased this thread is still going after all this time lets try and get two years aye...this must be the longest thread on here

kob - 2005-11-04 17:29:00

I got my hand smacked by TM for having my email address in my profile and they took it off. I'll try sending it to your email.

jaxma - 2005-11-04 19:36:00

#1008 Smiley :-) Thanks for the compliments :-D TM rules are that you are not allowed to auction E-books, so I'm stuck there too. I can't post my email address anywhere or I'll get my account deleted, so the only suggestion I can make is that if people want a copy of the book, they run an auction themselves (see #39664238 for a sample) and I can do a "buy now" and then I haven't broken any rules and won't get the boot.

jaxma - 2005-11-04 19:46:00

can i please have one? :)

dizzywitch - 2005-11-04 20:31:00

#1013 Can you run an auction (see my post above) so I can do a "buy now" and then I'll be able to send it to you.

jaxma - 2005-11-04 20:41:00

Would love a copy of the recipe book I will stick a buy now auction on if you could please please send me a copy.

fishaboy - 2005-11-06 16:22:00

thanks for sending it to me Jaxma it is well worth having all made up properly like....anyway i have been a busy girl today i have a friend who is in hospitol and she asked me to fo her some bakinh so i have made her some chocloate caramel square & some cocnut rough slice and some queen cakes and cheese cakes so ill divy them up between her and the lunchboxes so a very good days work here

kob - 2005-11-06 17:01:00

Chocolate and Orange Cream Biscuits 125g unsalted butter, softened,
125g icing sugar,finely grated zest of 2 oranges, 1 egg, 125g self-raising flour, 90g cornflour,
30g cocoa,Filling: 2 c icing sugar, 2 TB butter, 3 TB cocoa,
finely grated zest of 2 oranges
orange juice.
Method: Pre-heat oven to 180deg.C. Line biscuit trays with baking paper. Cream butter, icing sugar and orange zest until smooth. Add egg and beat again until incorporated. Sift flour, cornflour and cocoa powder
together, then fold into creamed mixture until well mixed. Place small teaspoonsful onto prepared trays, allowing room to spread. Bake in oven for about 8-10 minutes. Remove and allow to cool on wire racks. When cold, spread half to biscuits with filling and top with the other biscuits. Leave for 2-3 hours for the filling to set.
Filling: Place all ingredients except the orange juice in a food processor and process until well mixed. Add orange juice, a teaspoon at a time,
until mixture is of spreading consistency.

whitetrash32 - 2005-11-06 20:06:00

#1015 Fishaboy No problem :-) Just post a buy now auction and put the number here and I'll do a buy now for you :-D

jaxma - 2005-11-06 20:12:00

ooops sorry had forgotten off to do one now.

fishaboy - 2005-11-09 12:37:00

40128190 thank you very much for that.

fishaboy - 2005-11-09 12:40:00

Bumping up so I don't get too many silly Questions on my auction LOL

fishaboy - 2005-11-09 21:57:00

Sorry :-) Been a busy day - not been home long, and hadn't been online this afternoon.

jaxma - 2005-11-09 22:00:00

Thanx so much Please some other fool never went and hit buy now LOL

fishaboy - 2005-11-09 23:18:00

Hi Jaxma or anyone with the document Please buy now on the following 40189541 so i can get the document pretty pretty please...............

bexnz - 2005-11-10 00:00:00

bexnz All done :-) I send the file to you a few minutes ago.

jaxma - 2005-11-10 07:19:00

Very impressive book thanks so much Jaxma for all your hard work. Printed the whole thing out today and got it all sorted in a clearfile!!! Have passed on a copy to a friend who bakes often for her children. You would have thought I gave her a million bucks the way she carried on. Oh well now I have to put it to use!!!!!! Anyone wants one passed on feel free to ask on my auction if I have one going at the time.

fishaboy - 2005-11-10 20:00:00

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gordy8252 - 2005-11-14 11:31:00

bump cause it got to the 2nd page

babysister - 2005-11-16 21:42:00

yay new recipes i'm a mum with 3 littilies and enjoy baking, now i can get outta my rut of afghans and peanut brownies with all these gorgeous recipes...thanks to all you ladies who take time out of your busy days to help young mums like myself expand their baking skills!

marina09 - 2005-11-17 14:16:00

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herika - 2005-11-17 14:22:00

hiya fishaboy Hiya I would be really interested in a copy I have a friend who has foster kids and shes always saying what am I going to cook today and whats something new for their lunch and to top that off she can up top 20 kids in the home on the weekends....shes a great lady.lolololol

svx1 - 2005-11-17 14:29:00

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habitualnicki - 2005-11-17 15:43:00

Hi svx Im will be back again later. you can find me at aapt net in au and we are kiwisinoz.

fishaboy - 2005-11-18 19:36:00

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lisa202 - 2005-11-18 20:52:00

Bumpity bump anyone wants a copy you can see where to get me. Mmmmmmm love the carrot nuts and pineapple cake!!!

fishaboy - 2005-11-19 00:07:00

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habitualnicki - 2005-11-19 00:18:00

You are all more than welcome! I got pleasure out of creating it and hope everyone gets pleasure out of using it :-D

jaxma - 2005-11-19 17:10:00

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nimrod2 - 2005-11-19 20:06:00

Hey there :-) I am already registered with Old Friends - my name is Joanne and I am listed in the Central Rottweiler Club :-)

jaxma - 2005-11-20 11:01:00

Jaxma You are amazing. The file was here when I got up this morning. What a job you have done!!! Thank you so much.

carterne - 2005-11-21 06:46:00

Jaxma / fishaboy 41094730, thanks for that.

svx1 - 2005-11-21 10:59:00

Mississippi Mud Cake Originally Campmum's and posted again by Smiley cherub. A very different method to standard cakes and it was so very nice and moist. I made in an expanding oblong tin 23 X 19 X 6cm but it came right to the top so would make larger next time. Actually think I would do 2 small round tins and freeze one-depending on how many it is for.Wasn't sure about the icing-very runny and I added icing sugar-should I have left it to cool? Tasted great-served with whipped cream as dessert. Thank-you so much.Trouble with doing large oblong-I only had a plastic tray big enough to put it on!!

marywea - 2005-11-21 13:36:00

1040 :-) Thanks for the compliment 1041 - all done

jaxma - 2005-11-21 19:49:00

************Jaxma is a Star *************** WOW!!what alot of time,effort and hard work you have put into this compilation of recipes,I am very grateful for you sharing this with all of us!!A big thanks to all you great foodies for sharing those fabulous recipes.!!I think that this message board is the greatest,very homely,helpful,and humorous at times,you guys are GREAT.lollollol HAVE A WONERFUL XMAS.Cheers Spice

svx1 - 2005-11-24 01:14:00

I agree wholeheartedly with svx1!!! Jaxma you deserve a medal for all of that work! I got it off babysister, but I really think you should be selling these (hard copies) & making a bit of profit for all your time. I especially like the fact that you have acknowledged the poster of the recipe, as it means we have a point of contact (or someone to thank)!

kateathome - 2005-11-24 16:38:00

Any chance of me having one a copy of... ...Jaxma's receipes to please? Anyone?? Let me know what I need to do......PLEASE....please???

earth_moon - 2005-11-24 22:15:00

earth_moon Run a 10c buy now auction with my name in the title line, post the number here and I'll do a buy now and we can take it from there.

jaxma - 2005-11-25 07:24:00

41442545 Thanks Jazma, auction number is as above. Just ignore the buy now price will you? It wouldn't let me start lower than 50 cents.
Just had a thought. Hope no one bids on it. Eeekkk...


earth_moon - 2005-11-25 09:51:00

All done You should receive the file anytime now.

jaxma - 2005-11-25 20:13:00

Woo Hoo..!! I'm number 1050... .... and what I really wanted to say was a HUGE bouquet of flowers to Jaxma for the tremendous job she's done in collating and sharing these wonderful recipes. Grateful thanks from my end of the computer to all of you that have contributed to this effort. Well done everyone...
Cheers all..

earth_moon - 2005-11-25 22:15:00
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