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Welcome to the Coin Club. We are an assortment of newbies and oldbies, amateurs and experts with questions and answers for oldbies and newbies, amateurs and experts in coin collecting, also known as numismatics. Whether you are just getting started, have been collecting for years or have simply found some old coins about the place that you’d like to sell, this is the place to ask your questions.

No one has all the answers, and you may get five differing answers to the same question, yet each may be right in a manner of speaking, especially if opinions are involved. Opinions often vary. If you receive no answer to your query within 48 hours, please ask again.

To post a photo: click on My Trade Me, then on "View My Trade Me". Then scroll way down toward the bottom to "My Photos" and click on that. Click "upload photo" and follow the instructions on-screen from there. Once done, you can copy-and-paste the link to your picture into a message posted here.

translateltd - 2020-11-11 20:40:00

blimey look at this!

someone paid $3.,120 US for 1901C trade dollar, with a big scratch on it!!!! obviously corruptly graded MS63 by pcgs!( perhaps for the rich prick chinese market, like they do with the 1936 NZ florin if you've seen some of the ridiculous AU grades they dish out to coins that we would call ave cric!!!!)

I think JIm sold one of these in here, along with a bunch of other bargain priced trade dollars! I think the 1901C was about $350? I noted it at the time but declined to purchase owing to lack of funds, and maybe not exactly realising what a steal it was at the time. I wonder who got it? I think it was Chris? Hey Chris, would you like to sell it to me, please I'll give you $499?

dtpapa - 2020-11-18 10:12:00
dtpapa wrote:

blimey look at this!

Goodness. There's something strange toward the top on the other side too, a patch of surface roughness just above the top Chinese character (cleaning residue?)

translateltd - 2020-11-18 10:33:00

yup probably messed about with, wouldn't surprise me pcgs doing favours for their priority clients, lol

speaking of greedy bastard chinese billionaires I noticed a bunch of trade dollars included in latest noble, might put a few bids on before prices get too ridiculous! Hopefully though don't get into bidding war with greedy bastard billionaire!

Just wish noble could take better photos, would be just a little bit annoying to win bidding war with bastard billionaire only to find coin is crappy, lol

dtpapa - 2020-11-19 08:42:00
gammoner wrote:

No glitch, it has happened to me

bloody useless trademe!
missed out on some nice full sheets!!!!

I didn't even have that many bids, don't know if it is based on actual number of active bids at the time, or total of bids placed over a certain time period?

dtpapa - 2020-11-19 08:53:00

Remember that in the US there are two types of grading: Technical and Market. So the latter grading can depend on the marketplace; larger, open collar and older coins are 'allowed' more friction as are coins made from softer metals. Crazy,crazy. If in doubt do without and stick to sellers that we can trust.

alpha111 - 2020-11-19 19:32:00

And Price variations: Cyprus proof pound $45 at acw-nz on Trade Me, same coin at $126.50 on Colonial .

alpha111 - 2020-11-19 19:43:00

It's one thing to do with an inscribed-edge 50c, I guess:

Seller has a couple of other bottle openers with perforated coins attached.

translateltd - 2020-11-20 08:35:00


alpha111 - 2020-11-27 19:50:00

Work continues apace on the first part of the MacMaster catalogue update, and the first chapter (covering 2010-2019) should be available for free download soon. There's an update to the "Centennial" chapter of Morel 3 in the pipeline too.

translateltd - 2020-11-28 08:03:00

Is the best way to sell coins is say estate lot?

35 - 2020-12-04 20:30:00
35 wrote:

Is the best way to sell coins is say estate lot?

Or "found in a house being demolished" :-)

translateltd - 2020-12-04 22:58:00

Another title is available for free download on the RNSNZ "catalogues" page: the first part of the new edition of the MacMaster/Purdy catalogue of post-1940 NZ commemorative medals (chapter covering the 2010-2019 decade) is now out, along with an update to the Centennial chapter of the Morel catalogue. Link is the same as previously - just click on any of the item descriptions to download:

translateltd - 2020-12-05 17:16:00
translateltd wrote:

Or "found in a house being demolished" :-)

Another version of this theme with Listing # 2885783370 .
"We bought a 100 year old house and found these coins stashed in a ceiling cavity. I have had them assessed at Mowbray Collectables and they said they weigh around 26 grams and seem genuine, but they do not specialise in Chinese coins. They are not magnetic."

alpha111 - 2020-12-08 08:58:00
alpha111 wrote:

Another version of this theme with Listing # 2885783370 .
"We bought a 100 year old house and found these coins stashed in a ceiling cavity. I have had them assessed at Mowbray Collectables and they said they weigh around 26 grams and seem genuine, but they do not specialise in Chinese coins. They are not magnetic."

They look faker than Donald's tan.

lester36 - 2020-12-08 10:01:00
alpha111 wrote:

Another version of this theme with Listing # 2885783370 .
"We bought a 100 year old house and found these coins stashed in a ceiling cavity. I have had them assessed at Mowbray Collectables and they said they weigh around 26 grams and seem genuine, but they do not specialise in Chinese coins. They are not magnetic."

My initial quote wasn't verbatim, shall we say :-)

translateltd - 2020-12-08 10:45:00

Token Memento Birth of Republic of China Wed 9 Dec 8:19 pm Listing #:
2885783370 Top bid: $153. So a merry Xmas for the seller.

alpha111 - 2020-12-10 13:06:00


translateltd - 2020-12-18 06:28:00


dtpapa - 2020-12-19 08:55:00
dtpapa wrote:


Wow. I expected the Freehill collection to be coming up at some point but hadn't seen any results. Some people go nuts over multicoloured toning, but the high-grade NZ shilling with some impressive rainbow effects I put on the e-place a few years ago managed to get me US$1.50. Win some, lose some ...

translateltd - 2020-12-19 11:32:00

All the trade dollars went for ridiculous amounts, probably bored rich prick Chinese billionaires with nothing better to do!

The Freehill collection has certainly fetched some very high prices. I wonder if Freehill had a good NZ collection? The recent NZ offerings on Noble have not been up to much, to put it mildly. Maybe next Noble?

In fact travel permitting if an upcoming Noble does indeed feature a spectacular selection of NZ coins and tokens then some numismatic enthusiasts from the group could get together and make a trip of it?

then again maybe not, it was just a thought, lol

dtpapa - 2020-12-20 11:37:00

An unhappy chappy when some one uses the 'fake' word. ELEVEN SILVER COINS 1890-1900 SEQUENCE Listing # 2900925059
'Thanks for fu. G up my auction your wrong wish people like you would mind there own business prick'

alpha111 - 2020-12-23 17:35:00

This is a rather interesting find.
I would be open to comment on this resent find.
From my research I think it a contemporary forgery.
Appears to be silver plated copper with the silver worn off some of the high spots.
Would have been nice without the cut.

lester36 - 2020-12-23 19:02:00

Worthpoint shows an example stating "1804 contemporary circulating counterfeit of an Irish 6 shilling piece. The Irish pieces are very rare. The originals were struck over Spanish 8 reales. Like most of the Bank of England's attempts at coinage at the turn of the 19th Century, they were failures.I can ship overseas but the cost of insurance is prohibitive".
I've a George III 1817 'halfcrown' that is copper without silvering.

alpha111 - 2020-12-23 19:58:00
alpha111 wrote:

An unhappy chappy when some one uses the 'fake' word. ELEVEN SILVER COINS 1890-1900 SEQUENCE Listing # 2900925059
'Thanks for fu. G up my auction your wrong wish people like you would mind there own business prick'

Looks like the aggro comment has been removed but the other comments still there are equally instructive!

translateltd - 2020-12-24 10:50:00

Bump ... and a happy new-mismatic year to everyone.

translateltd - 2020-12-31 09:28:00

The new year's best bargain in coins:- "coin- one quarter anna india.---goerge v" Starting price $1,000 , Listing #2918822975 . Plus as a bonus it's already holed for wearing!

alpha111 - 2021-01-03 11:26:00

I missed this article first time round, but I guess we can all expect to see more of these surfacing now it's been reprinted:

translateltd - 2021-01-11 10:44:00

I had missed that article myself. Maybe they should have credited my photo of serial number two from my old website where they got the image from. :-)

translateltd wrote:

I missed this article first time round, but I guess we can all expect to see more of these surfacing now it's been reprinted:

nznotes - 2021-01-16 18:31:00

THE SPINOFF: Proudly promoting the plagiarism of pictures?

alpha111 - 2021-01-17 11:05:00

Suddenly wondered why nothing here from taidhg for a while. Not good.
"No charges after car knocks down 93-year-old in driveway"
Stuff Mariné Lourens 11:30, Jan 02 2020.
It has been almost two months since a reversing car knocked Ray Dobson to the ground, but his mobility may never get back to what it was before the incident. He... says the incident "ruined" his life while the driver walked away scot-free.
I think we all wish you the best Ray!

alpha111 - 2021-01-17 18:53:00
alpha111 wrote:

It has been almost two months since a reversing car knocked Ray Dobson to the ground, but his mobility may never get back to what it was before the incident. He... says the incident "ruined" his life while the driver walked away scot-free.
I think we all wish you the best Ray!

Thanks for posting this - I'd missed this news too. Good wishes to Ray for a continued recovery.

translateltd - 2021-01-18 11:07:00


translateltd - 2021-01-18 16:38:00
translateltd wrote:


Oh, c'mon Martin, you really wanted to bid on this

gammoner - 2021-01-18 22:49:00
gammoner wrote:

Oh, c'mon Martin, you really wanted to bid on this

Wouldn't have minded being the seller :-) Every other example I've seen has sold for between about $5 and $50.

translateltd - 2021-01-19 08:08:00
translateltd wrote:


Lol, I'm familiar with the top bidder from the stamp auctions! A bit of a worry if he is now branching into the numismatics (for other buyers that is, coin sellers will be very happy!)

dtpapa - 2021-01-21 09:17:00

I have noticed that in the Morel book of medals that many of the early ones are listed as pierced, even though they obviously weren't so on initial manufacture. So what is the story, was this a very common practice and are undamaged examples therefore rare, or even non existent. Seems a shame as the holes do spoil the visual appeal somewhat!

dtpapa - 2021-01-21 09:22:00
dtpapa wrote:

I have noticed that in the Morel book of medals that many of the early ones are listed as pierced, even though they obviously weren't so on initial manufacture. So what is the story, was this a very common practice and are undamaged examples therefore rare, or even non existent. Seems a shame as the holes do spoil the visual appeal somewhat!

Hard to be categorical but I suspect many were pierced as a matter of course to go on fob chains, etc., so it tends to be "standard for issue" in many if not most cases, even if not all were officially pierced at the time of manufacture. A bit like Turkish gold coins - they tended to be pierced for ease of carrying (as jewellery or attached to clothing, for example), so it would be pointless rejecting them on that basis. Standard procedure with those was to grade them one level down if pierced. Whether there'd be any merit in adopting a similar approach to commemorative medals, I don't know. Probably not enough of many of them around to make a difference.

Unpierced examples *may* be harder to come by, but that's only an assumption in the absence of any decent population studies.

Edited by translateltd at 2:13 pm, Thu 21 Jan

translateltd - 2021-01-21 14:11:00

thanks Martin I just can't comprehend why anyone would want a great big unsightly hole drilled in their medal totally ruining it!

Edited by dtpapa at 6:34 pm, Thu 21 Jan

dtpapa - 2021-01-21 18:32:00

Intriguing - am I right in assuming it's a goodwill thing rather than being an excessively rare serial?

translateltd - 2021-01-21 21:04:00

judging by the comment section it's definitely goodwill,

and up to a grand now too!

if I was a millionaire it's probably the kind of thing I would do too, I hope!

dtpapa - 2021-01-22 17:20:00

While sorting through some Farthings, I came across one with some damage, I'm curious to know what you think might have done it, here are some photos:

What do you think, just a poor attempt at punching a hole through the top, or could this have happened at the mint?

justinian1 - 2021-01-25 15:25:00
dtpapa wrote:

Lol, I'm familiar with the top bidder from the stamp auctions! A bit of a worry if he is now branching into the numismatics (for other buyers that is, coin sellers will be very happy!)

. You are so right!
1587-1987 Canadian Silver Dollar "John Davis" Coin In Case - Final bid
$112.00 Listing # 2944479639

alpha111 - 2021-01-25 15:44:00
justinian1 wrote:

What do you think, just a poor attempt at punching a hole through the top, or could this have happened at the mint?

I'd call aftermarket damage - looks like someone's tried punching a cross in the field behind Britannia's head and then a hole for suspension at the top, and made rather a pig's ear of both.

translateltd - 2021-01-25 19:57:00
alpha111 wrote:

. You are so right!
1587-1987 Canadian Silver Dollar "John Davis" Coin In Case - Final bid
$112.00 Listing # 2944479639

Different underbidders in each case - clearly more than one keen buyer around!

translateltd - 2021-01-25 19:59:00
translateltd wrote:

I'd call aftermarket damage - looks like someone's tried punching a cross in the field behind Britannia's head and then a hole for suspension at the top, and made rather a pig's ear of both.

Thanks, I was thinking along those lines myself but thought I'd get a second opinion.

justinian1 - 2021-01-25 22:21:00

I thought there'd have been a run for msg no. 10,000 by now ...

translateltd - 2021-02-01 10:20:00
translateltd wrote:

I thought there'd have been a run for msg no. 10,000 by now ...

It's not far away...

justinian1 - 2021-02-01 12:28:00

Getting Closer

lester36 - 2021-02-01 15:49:00
lester36 wrote:

Getting Closer

done haha

35 - 2021-02-01 16:57:00
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