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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


charlieb - I know! I borrowed it from you lol
Seemed appropriate for today ... even if I do have to work till 3am!!!

winnie231 - 2010-10-15 12:45:00

Hi everyone - feeling a bit more reasonable today, thanks for the support. I watched a swallow doing aerobatics by the Avon, and cuddled the fat'n'fluffy one and suddenly everything is back in perspective. I am planning a massage for next week and a quick trip to Akaroa to see some dolphins if the weather is up to it.

calista - 2010-10-15 16:12:00

Wow, last night's after shock was quite something. Just about under my office too so I'm glad it was so late. Hope it hasn't affected the people who were just starting to feel better too badly. I find I just feel really annoyed when we get them now - as if someone is being really unfair which is a really silly reaction but one that several of my colleagues seem to be having too. When we had a big one in the early afternoon last week there was a chorus of "Oh for God's sake .." round the building but no-one even bothered to go outside despite the shuddering of the building - just gathered in the kitchen for more coffee. Cantabrians will be able to cope with anything after this!

greerg - 2010-10-16 09:58:00

Interesting experience being in the casino last night when the quake happened! The chandeliers weigh 1tonne each ... watching those sway above our heads was a bit freaky to say the least!!!

winnie231 - 2010-10-16 11:29:00

Greerg - yep I recognise that feeling of being annoyed =as though it's not fair. The one last night was nasty, but I think it's not the aftershocks that are getting to me as nuch as the thought of the assessnent and having to make a whole lot of decisions about the chimney, garage, roof and fence when I just don't know anything about that stuff. Since I was raped having men I don't know in my house is always stressful. Rationally I know I will be safe, (even if they were that way inclined thay wouldn't have the time :-) ) but that really doesn't make any difference.

Edited by calista at 12:52 pm, Sat 16 Oct

calista - 2010-10-16 12:51:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-10-16 13:21:00
charlieb2 wrote:

We have heard from EQC that they will be out this week to look at our house and give us a decision one way or the other as to whether they repair or rebuild us.....

That must be similiar to wating for soon to be 9.... waiting waiting to see what the next few years are going to bring...

Well my cycling coach got us to meet him in Clevedon... and if anyone knows Twilight road... got us to ride to the top of it ...not once but 4 times!!! I just finished the third time when the fasties were nearly finished there 4th... I thought "Bugger it" and went up again... so I did just the same as them only slower. Very proud of myself... But am feeling it now.... Slept a good Nana nap this afternoon and my legs & body feel very weary.... They are all trying to convince me to do the 80km at Taupo... I don't think so lol. I exercise 4 times a week for an hour each time of reasonably high intensity... Thats to keep me fit and healthy... I seem to lack the desire to compete.

Off to Fashion X tonight... really looking forward to a girly girl evening.
Miss 18 got her job at Supre and is thrilled. So all well with the toadfie family.

toadfish - 2010-10-16 17:10:00

Wow, Toadfish, very impressive. I don't know the road, but I admire your dedication.

Thanks for the offer Charlie, I think I might have found a support person, but I am, as always, grateful for the offer. I hope Mr 9's birthday is fun for all involved.

calista - 2010-10-16 22:46:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-10-17 04:56:00

Twilight Road is a winding... climbing.. country road in Clevedon

Its 2.8km up... if you click elevation that will give you some idea of the incline so even though I travelled 22.4 (plus to and from where our cars were parked), I really only cycled 11.2 but all up hill!! The other 11.2 was zoomin down catching my breath!

Sorry to hear you guys are still shaking....hard to believe its still going on!
Well I did my bit for Christchurch last night, the fashion night was raising funds for the Christchurch relief fund... drank bubbles.... ate good food, had great entertainment... hope everyone appreciates the girls and my hard work... someone has to do it!! lol

Relaxing day planned.... Have a great day all! JBx

Edited by toadfish at 6:38 am, Sun 17 Oct

toadfish - 2010-10-17 06:38:00

Hi Calista.. I hope all goes well.. my thoughts are with you.. hugs..

Still huge aftershocks there.. must surely stop soon!

Wow Toadie.. you must be incredibly fit.. go you.. :-)

Have a good week everyone..

juliewn - 2010-10-18 15:40:00

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cookessentials - 2010-10-18 15:49:00

Whew! went to a "green prescription" exercise class today. Biked over there and back = 19.64km, as well as some flat out (for me) treadmill work. I love treadmills because they push me further than I go by myself. My head felt a bit swimmy afterwards though, so I may need to pace myself better.

There was a cup of tea afterwards too, which was *not* a good idea as it bounced back.

Cooks - I go and watch the dolphins about once a year, especially if I am feeling down - there is something about them that lifts my spirits in a way that nothing else does. Bush walking or watching ducklings and swallows helps too, but dolphins are magic.

calista - 2010-10-18 16:15:00

Thanks for your efforts on our part Toady!!!
Sounds like you'll need another workout after all that good food & drinks lol!
I'm keeping a close eye on the Casino chandeliers ... but they didn't fall in the 7.1 so I think they'll be ok now.
Works going well - I've only been there 2 weeks and am already being headhunted by a department manager (not my dpmt manager) for a promotion she has coming up! I must be doing something right :) It's very gratifying and I'm proud of myself. Just not sure what my boss will think but I have to do what's best for me.

Edited by winnie231 at 6:44 pm, Mon 18 Oct

winnie231 - 2010-10-18 18:44:00
cookessentials wrote:

Well done Julia! and no lo carb in sight!! .

I do the opposite of lo carb....

I drink this while excercising to keep me going, the change I have felt since using it is Phenomenal... and the muscle recovery noticably better... I call it my magic juice. I always make sure I get protein within the "golden Hour" after exercise as well. People mention the odd person that they know who exercise while low carbing.... but I think these would be out number by the carb loaders exponentionally. (sp)
From experience nutrition plays a huge role in how well I feel during and after... The worse bike ride I ever had was on a Saturday morning after I had had a high fat butter chicken... and lots of wine on the Friday night... I felt disgusting... and will NEVER EVER repeat that. DH has suggested our favourite Indian on a Friday night and is met with "I DON'T THINK SO!"

Had a great walk this morning.... braved the rain only to have it clear and we were all so happy we had made the effort.

Work was busy but managable....sounds like your job is going well winnie.... you will have to let us know from what department to what department you will be going ... on fb if this is too public.

Arrived home to a beautiful roast dinner thanks to my 2 "mini me" domestic goddesses.... they can really hold there own in the kitchen.

Made 2 trays of old fashioned mouse traps tonight so off to have a couple of those with a coffee. Nighty Night....

toadfish - 2010-10-18 20:03:00

Goodmorning everyone,
I have miss 13 arriving in 2 days ... I am so excited to see her!!!
She is bursting too - she's that excited, she has used up her texts for the month already!
Off to work tonight. It's going to be interesting!
I've been filling in at the bars until the restaurant opens (2 separate departments within food & bev) and the bars uber-manager wants to keep me!
What this space .... :)
Better get moving,
have a great day all & find something to smile about! xxx

winnie231 - 2010-10-19 08:29:00

I am really enjoying this thread,so many loving and caring people,too many people to name,its a pleasure coming in here.
Winnie I am so happy for you and I mean that,you rock,things are getting better and better for you,angel hugs to you hunxxxx
Toadie I love reading about your girls,mine son and daughter are so special and are close to my heart,as well as my grandchildren.
Charlie,you are close to my heart this week,thinking of you everyday.
To all the other posters,too many to name have a wonderful day.

earthangel4 - 2010-10-19 08:52:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-10-19 09:27:00

Thanks earthangel ... how are you feeling? I hope you're getting the help & support you need as you learn to cope with your condition.
Thanks charlieb ... winnie for president lol!
Working hard on my assignment too - hope to be finished by the end of today & then just do the tidy up and formatting tomorrow.
Presentation on Thursday & Fri but I refuse to do any school work on my birthday so Thurs is d-day for me lol!!!

winnie231 - 2010-10-19 09:37:00

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cookessentials - 2010-10-19 09:48:00

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cookessentials - 2010-10-19 09:48:00

Charlie, hope the news is the best it can be. I'll be thinking of you, your husband and those delightful boys.

The EC asssessor is coming this arvo and I'm in a panic because both the house and I arin *such* a mess. I have decided to cope with it alone as the friend who could help just takes over and I need to be able to do this myself. I know it will be difficult, but it would be worse having 2 men talking over my head about things - I hate that! I am going to make myself a nice tea so I have something to look forward to (salmon loaf baked in the oven).

calista - 2010-10-19 09:50:00

Good luck this afternoon calista ... take a deep breath, take control & be brave. Put on something which makes you feel strong & confident. If you look like a 'mousy' woman - that's how the male 'experts' will treat you.
We'll be thinking of you xxx

winnie231 - 2010-10-19 09:56:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-10-19 11:47:00

That was scary!!!!! My house was swaying alarmingly - I stood under a doorframe until I saw the TV was about to bite the dust then ran to save it! *dislike*

winnie231 - 2010-10-19 12:35:00

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cookessentials - 2010-10-19 12:38:00

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cookessentials - 2010-10-19 13:08:00

cookessentials/Pam, to the best of my knowledge no-one has said exactly "how long much longer these shakes are going to continue" - some time ago (soon after the big one) we did hear that they could go on for months which is not something we care to dwell on too much but believe me, here in Halswell, that 5.02 one this morning was nasty - noisy and with violent shaking which left me shaking like a leaf, so when at-work-DH and I next have a look around outside there's sure to be more or bigger cracks, more blocks bulging out from where they're meant to be and maybe even more crumbling stone blocks.
I've just heard on the radio that one of our neighbouring suburbs has flooding and part of Riccarton Mall's roof has collapsed...and so it goes on and on.
Take care and all the best to each and everyone as we all cope with living in the Garden City, currently more aptly called 'Shake City'. :-))

Edited by 245sam at 1:16 pm, Tue 19 Oct

245sam - 2010-10-19 13:14:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-10-19 13:31:00

My goodness Angel hugs to you all,its so frightening for you all,was talking to my lovely dil on here,when it happened,my heart goes out to you all.
Cooks,I am soooooo excited they are sending out my cherry package today,told them I would pay them tomorrow night,they must trust me.
I will let you know how I get on,as I really need a good nights sleep.
I am at the moment doing it all on my own with dh looking up on net.
The drs here I have no faith in,so we are doing our on research.
We have both been reading up on the cherry site,thanks so much cooks.
Calista thinking of you this afternoon,you can do it,hugs to you.

earthangel4 - 2010-10-19 14:00:00

Three very helpful assessors did a thorough job. I told them it was more about reassuring me everything was OK, and they did. One even went to talk to my neighbour (at my request) to reassure her the garage wall was solid and *not* going to fall on her rhubarb or lavender plants. (She wrote to me several days ago to say it was crumbling and in danger of collapsing). The brickwork *is* rough, but it has always been like that - she is convinced bricks have moved but neither the assessors or I could see it.

The aftershocks today were horrible. I had been planning a very boring lunch, but I went to my favourite cafe instead and had a mushroom pie. I noticed the Lyttelton tunnel was closed as I went past and dad said the airport closed for a while too.

Charlie - I thought of all the children at school when the quake was on - and the parents worrying about them.

calista - 2010-10-19 15:54:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-10-19 19:31:00

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cookessentials - 2010-10-19 20:54:00

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cookessentials - 2010-10-19 20:55:00

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elliehen - 2010-10-19 22:43:00

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fisher - 2010-10-20 00:45:00

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cookessentials - 2010-10-20 07:08:00

*waves to fisher* ... good to hear from my fav herb & chilli man :)
Love to you & Kathy up there in your winterless wonderland. Hope life is treating you well! Enjoy your sis & spoil her rotten.

winnie231 - 2010-10-20 07:56:00

Charlie - your need is much, much greater than mine - wish I could have said"go to Charlie's first, then come back". I hope they show up soon.

All is well here. Very minor stuff only. The garage wall was originally laid in a messy way - mortar all over the bricks etc, but they say it is solid. I can't see the movement she claims as if the bricks *had* moved it would be reflected in the mortar being crumbly - which it isn't. The difficulty is I had never seen that side of the wall before and of course she had, which kind of gives her the moral high ground.

I am worried because I see more trouble coming from her as I think she has a bee in her bonnet about this, despite the assessor reassuring her. I have tried in the past to be pleasant to her after she threw soil through the fence and when she said she could kidnap my cats and the police couldn't touch her, so I am worried this will give her another subject to harrass me over.

I'm going to talk it over with a friend tomorrow as he is good at helping me think more clearly about such things. I hate not getting on with a neighbour, but other people, including her other neighbour have found her to be difficult too, so I don't feel quite so bad.

calista - 2010-10-20 08:07:00

A giggle for all .... as we Cantabs need to laugh at the moment ... I replied to a text about a blind date tonight with "where & when do you want me?" .... and only realised after I sent it how it sounded!!! Thankfully he laughed & was a gentleman in his reply! How embarrassing!!!

winnie231 - 2010-10-20 08:07:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-10-20 08:55:00

I agree with Charlie, Neighbours are "in your face" luckily the one we don't get on with is 80m at the top of our driveway.... so don't have to see the "plonker" too often...
Excellant work on your green prescription day... you must of been shattered... remember the protein after to rebuild muscle.

Lol at winnie... thats a good start to the new chapter lol.

Enjoy your sister Fisher.... its a nice time to catch up.

Earthangel - Have you thought of biting the bullet and going to a private nutritionalist or specialist in your condition? sometimes it pays to pay up front and get some good advice rather than trial and error. There is not many things more important than your health. I had a second cousin die with lots of money in the bank waiting his turn on the public hospital waiting list.. if had just spent some of his hard earned cash he may still be around to spend some more!! Can't take it with you.

Well I cycled in a largly dry spot between 6 & 7am... was a good ride too... kept up for the first half and then those b#$*dy hills meant I lagged a bit but still very happy with my progress.

Well break over so back to it... take care one and all JBxx

*Looks around for Auckland_ali*

Edited by toadfish at 9:25 am, Wed 20 Oct

toadfish - 2010-10-20 09:25:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-10-20 10:09:00
charlieb2 wrote:

Well.. the OUTSIDE inspectors from EQC have been.... thats something.. Now we wait for the inside mob...

Thinking of you hun.

earthangel4 - 2010-10-20 11:07:00
fisher wrote:

Hi guys... hope you are all hanging in there down in cantabs land... hope it all ends soon... good stuff winnie... things seem to be falling in place... Was very very close with my sister... but she has survived and is coming up to the coopers beach house wed/thurs for 4-5 days over labour weekend but is very upset she has been taken off the transplant waiting list.. Brother has talked to her more than me and as her and I are a lot closer she gets very tearful which I cant stand...I know it sounds horrible but I simply cant talk to her and she recites the same stuff over and over... lets hope she can just rest and enjoy a peaceful few days and I'll cook her up a storm..
Enjoy the long weekend all you folks with ever and wherever you may be... cheers... oh, got me a new 4wd wagon to play with and Kathy has moved up to my old one... just need to sell her wee runnabout now.. early xmas pressies...:}}

Fisher so glad to see you post,thinking of you,

earthangel4 - 2010-10-20 11:11:00
toadfish wrote:

I agree with Charlie, Neighbours are "in your face" luckily the one we don't get on with is 80m at the top of our driveway.... so don't have to see the "plonker" too often...
Excellant work on your green prescription day... you must of been shattered... remember the protein after to rebuild muscle.

Lol at winnie... thats a good start to the new chapter lol.

Enjoy your sister Fisher.... its a nice time to catch up.

Earthangel - Have you thought of biting the bullet and going to a private nutritionalist or specialist in your condition? sometimes it pays to pay up front and get some good advice rather than trial and error. There is not many things more important than your health. I had a second cousin die with lots of money in the bank waiting his turn on the public hospital waiting list.. if had just spent some of his hard earned cash he may still be around to spend some more!! Can't take it with you.

Well I cycled in a largly dry spot between 6 & 7am... was a good ride too... kept up for the first half and then those b#$*dy hills meant I lagged a bit but still very happy with my progress.

Well break over so back to it... take care one and all JBxx

*Looks around for Auckland_ali*

Toadie,never thought of that,have rang the Doctor for another appointment with the specialist,will let you know how I get on,have appointment with the doctor as have to go through them,thanks so much.

earthangel4 - 2010-10-20 11:13:00
cookessentials wrote:

You are very may take a while to kick in,although it is quicker for some than others. It is very tasty too! You can put it over plain yoghurt as well

Just waiting for it to arrive,will let you know how I get on.
I love my morning yogurt,but like favour ones,lol,fresh choice has a gf one,but they have gone now,we now have count down here.

earthangel4 - 2010-10-20 11:15:00

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fisher - 2010-10-20 15:06:00

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cookessentials - 2010-10-20 15:31:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-10-20 16:00:00
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