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Ive just done the weeks baking, what did you bake


kelmrob... what makes the lemon cream set? Have you left something out, maybe egg yolk?

kateathome - 2005-09-29 16:22:00

smiley_cherub I just made your Old Fashioned Gingerbread recipe - I don't have a loaf tin so I doubled the recipe and put it into a cake tin. It is(was) wonderful ... it's not even cold yet and it's already 1/3 eaten. I'll be making that one again.

jaxma - 2005-09-30 11:19:00

It's a goodie eh?! I make it about once a week! The workmates love it so I take one in to them quite frequently. In fact I baked a double batch today - half into a loaf tin and the rest went into mini-muffin tins. For me, that works well as I bring out just one mini muffin rather than cutting into a whole loaf. Pleased you enjoyed the recipe Jaxma - it was given to me quite some time ago and has been a favourite ever since.

smiley_cherub - 2005-10-02 19:29:00

I've just made Old fashioned gingerbread loaf,Sultana Tea Loaf (thanks to the people who posted them) and Weight Watchers Muesli Bars

whiskey13 - 2005-10-03 20:33:00

Yo-yos from the Edmonds Book - they are cooking as I type this!

jaxma - 2005-10-06 09:46:00

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gordy8252 - 2005-10-06 10:37:00

hi gordy found it...x smiley..50gr butter,1tb G.Syrup, 1egg, 1/2cup B.Sugar, 1C plain flour, 1tsp.b/p, 2tsp ginger, 1tsp mixed spice,1tsp b.soda, 3/4 cup milk....In saucepan melt butter and g/syrup, add egg and sugar, mix well. Sift and mix other ingreds except B.Soda...Mix B.Sod with milk and stir into mix..Mixture will be runny..Pour into into paper lined tin and bake 160/190 for 35min .Do skewer test.

neldav - 2005-10-06 10:49:00

Gingerbread Loaf Recipe is also on Lisa Website as are MANY of the favourite recipes from this board plus plenty of Lisa's own tried and true treats too. And if you are reading Lisa ... thanks heaps!!

smiley_cherub - 2005-10-06 11:57:00

Weight Watchers Muesli Bars which number on the thread is that. Sounds good to me.

zambesi2 - 2005-10-06 20:22:00

Weight Watchers Muesli Bars Has not been posted before, so here you go zambesi2: 180g rolled oats,90gms cocoa pops, 90gms muesli flakes, 1/4 cup desiccated cocnut, 1/4 cup sugar, 3 tablespoons golden syrup,1/4 cup water, 1/2cup pie pack apples, 130gms tub light fruche (my local pacn'save have all ingredients)Preheat the oven to 160*C. Coat a 20x30cm lamington tin with cooking spray. Thickly coat a large pan with cooking spray. Heat and add the oats,cocoa pops, muesli & coconut. Cook lightly for about 3 mins. Combine the sugar, syrup, water, pie apples & Fruche in a separate pan. Heat and cook until the sugar dissolves. Cook gently for about 2 mins. Stir into the cereals and press into the prepared tin. Bake for 20 mins, or until browned. Cool in the tin, cut into 16 bars.(2 points each if you follow the points plan)

whiskey13 - 2005-10-09 13:23:00

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fly04buy - 2005-10-09 13:51:00

fly04buy I have Lisa's site in 'Favourites' and I've just tried to get on to the site too - maybe it's just unavailable at the moment so I suggest you try again later.

245sam - 2005-10-09 14:09:00

Great thread............... I made butterscotch cake today, and am going to try this pasta recipe for tea that consists of fresh pasta, cream and pkt of soup mix. Heaps of awesome recipes on here that I now make regularly. Thanks

reanubeau - 2005-10-09 14:47:00

I just checked and managed to get onto Lisa site This afternoon I had a big baking session: a double batch of rashishmans to die for fudge for my nephews bd, Campmums Lemon Slice for my neighbour, and for my workmates: a batch of Ultimate banana and chocolate muffins (fabulous recipe from Foodtown Mag a while ago) and a baking session wouldn't be right without doing a gingerbrad loaf as well. I love these sorts of afternoons...baking to my hearts content and my hips discontent - lol. Actually I have been able to bake all this and not do any taste tests along the way ... thank goodness for tried and true recipes!!

smiley_cherub - 2005-10-09 18:42:00

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dod64 - 2005-10-11 11:42:00

dod64 - Wanganui Special just for you :-) Base: 8 oz kremelta (melted), 4 cups cornflakes, 1 cup coconut, 1 cup icing sugar, 3 tablespoons cocoa. Pour kremelta over dry ingredients and mix. Spread half in sponge roll tin and place in fridge. Filling: 1/2 tin condensed milk, 1 teaspoon vanilla essence, 1/4 cup brown sugar, 2 oz butter, 2 tablespoons golden syrup. Place all ingredients in a pan and boil 1 minute, stirring constantly. Cool and spread over base. Top with remainder of base mixture and set in fridge.

jaxma - 2005-10-12 19:54:00

Oh - I just remembered ... I usually cut it before it sets too hard, then return it to the fridge to set properly. If you leave it to set completely before cutting, it goes really hard and breaks up rather than cutting into nice little (or big) squares. Don't make the pieces too big because it is really sweet and rich.

jaxma - 2005-10-12 19:58:00

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dod64 - 2005-10-13 15:28:00

I've just finished baking for our calf club/gala, which is on tomorrow. I made roasting dish size chocolate cake, sour cream banana cake,large ring tin chocolate cake, 3 date loaves, 2 apricot & banana loaves, round s-c banana cake & a dish of fudge. Muffins will be made early morning to ensure freshness. Just the icing to complete my evening's work, then..zzzzzzzzzzzz!!

maxie11 - 2005-10-14 23:39:00

maxie11 do u mind pointing me in the direction of the large ring tin chocolate cake? or roughly what page its on? thanks

lisa_marie40 - 2005-10-15 00:12:00

Hi Lisa This is just a recipe I have, that wasn't quite enuf for a roasting dish, so tried a ring tin approx 23cmx6cm and it is perfect, makes a lovely big round cake. Looks great iced all over and covered in coconut.
I've actually just finished icing it.
Looks good!!!!!

maxie11 - 2005-10-15 01:33:00

Here is a recipe to make your own condensed milk 3/4c sugar,1/2 c warm water....Dissolve the sugar in the water ina pot and then add 1 1/4 c full cream milk powder. Simmer gently untill thick (usually takes about 5-10 mins)Is slightly grittier than the shop stuff but works exactly the same and I have even frozen it for later use and it works fine.

mumstu - 2005-10-15 08:41:00

Mumstu can it be made into caramel like the shop bought stuff?

jaxma - 2005-10-15 08:45:00

Has anyone got a recipe using real cherries? I know we are spoilt in the south here, at Christmas we get real cherries farely cheap. My daughter adores them and wants me to bake something with them in?, any recipes would be great.

mumstu - 2005-10-15 09:01:00

Could try making it into caramel because I have bunt it on occasion and it goes brown?

mumstu - 2005-10-15 09:17:00

White Christmas Cake This recipe calls for tinned cherries, but I think fresh cherries would be nicer anyway. I have made it on many occasions and it's tried and true :-) Tastes really nice too. 250gr cream cheese, 150gr butter, 1½ cups sugar, 1½ teaspoons vanilla, 4 eggs, 2¼ cups sifted flour, 1½ teaspoons baking powder, 8oz tin cherries, drained &. chopped, ½ cup sliced almonds. Soften cream cheese slightly (in microwave for about 20 seconds) and put in food processor, add slightly softened butter, sugar and vanilla essence. Mix well then add eggs one at a time, mixing well between each. Transfer mixture to a bowl and gradually add 2 cups of sifted flour and baking powder. Coat the cherries with the remaining ¼ cup flour. Add cherries and almonds to batter and gently fold in. Grease a 10” cake tin (a bundt tin is good). Pour batter into pan. Bake at 1600C for approximately 1 hour 20 minutes. Cool and ice with almond flavoured icing or glaze with: 1 cup sifted icing sugar
enough fresh cream to make into icing consistency

jaxma - 2005-10-15 09:25:00

ooops Bake at 160*C ... not 1600C LOL

jaxma - 2005-10-15 09:30:00

That sounds soooooo Yum!!! Have put the recipe in my file, thanks.

mumstu - 2005-10-15 09:31:00

Lemon bars Crust: 175g softened butter, 1/2c icing sugar, 2c flour, dash salt. Cut dry ingredients into butter (it will look dry), pat into greased 10x12in or 9x13in pan, bake at 175C for 14 minutes. Filling: 4 beaten eggs, 2c sugar, 1/3c flour, 3/4c fresh lemon juice, (or any quantity from 1/2c – 1c), grated zest from the lemons used for the juice, dash salt. NB - the lemons from my tree have nice flavour but little acid, so I add 1t citric acid too. Mix these ingredients together, pour onto baked crust, bake 25min at 175C. When cool, sift icing sugar over the top, cut into bars.

lennyb1 - 2005-10-15 11:04:00

I am making a book of every recipe in this thread with the poster's name included. Get all your favourite tried and true recipes in now and I'll include them in the book. Also if you want a copy of the book (which will be emailed in a Word document) either post your name here or email me at the address in my profile and when it's finished, I'll send it to you. :-) Get baking guys!

jaxma - 2005-10-16 07:41:00

Bump Just to get it back to the top.

babysister - 2005-10-18 18:06:00

Jaxma Have just emailed you re: your offer of a copy of all the recipes. Many thanks

babysister - 2005-10-18 18:09:00

My husband married me for my cheesecake... or so the legend goes. I just made this for him for our 20th wedding anniversary Monday. (This is also in the Great Cheesecake Thread) Best cheescake: Beat until smooth: 3 well-beaten eggs, 500g softened cream cheese (Philadelphia blocks, not the spreadable kind, accept no substitutes), 1c sugar, 1/4t salt, 2t vanilla extract, 1/2t almond extract. Blend in 750g sour cream, light okay. Crust: 1 pack minus 2 biscuits Malt o'Milk biscuits crumbed, 1/4c finely chopped walnuts (or crumble the last 2 bikkies), 1/2t cinnamon, 75g melted butter, combine & press on bottom & up sides of a 23cm springform pan. Bake in preheated 190C oven for 40min or until set - it should be slightly puffed around the outside but not cracked or browned, middle should still be slightly liquid. Chill at least 4 hours, better overnight. Eat as is, or can top with fresh passionfruit, or fruit cooked with sugar & cornflour.

lennyb1 - 2005-10-18 21:32:00

Recipe Book Formatting the recipe book is a huge task and its taking a while, but as soon as it's done, I'll send it out to those that have sent me emails. At the moment it's 76 A4 pages. I do a bit of work on it every day, so please be patient - and keep those recipes coming!

jaxma - 2005-10-19 21:43:00

bumpity .

karen165 - 2005-10-22 19:10:00

Just a bump for all us food lovers.

twinkley1 - 2005-10-24 22:05:00

#974 You may like to try a French recipe called Clafoutis aux Cerises - a type of cherry pudding cake. It is a classic dessert from the Limousin area of France.INGREDIENTS:

* butter and sugar for the baking dish
* 1-1/4 lb. cherries
* 1/2 cup sugar
* 1/3 cup all-purpose flour
* 1/3 cup cream
* 2/3 cup milk
* 4 eggs
* 2 egg yolks
* 3 Tablespoons kirsch (optional)
* Icing sugar for dusting PREPARATION:
This traditional dessert, from the Limousin area of France, is usually cooked with the cherries unpitted. If you choose to do it this way remember to warn everyone!

1. Pit the cherries (or not). 2. Brush the baking dish with some melted butter and coat it with some sugar. Shake out any excess sugar.

3. Sift the flour and a pinch of salt into a bowl and make a well in the center.

4. Pour the milk and cream into the well and stir to make a smooth paste.

5. Add the eggs, egg yolks and sugar. Continue whisking to make a smooth batter.

6. Put the cherries into the buttered and sugared pan. Ladle t

mamabear - 2005-10-24 23:19:00

continued... Ladle the batter over the cherries.

7. Bake the clafoutis in a pre-heated 180 deg C oven for 30-35 minutes. It should be puffed up and just beginning to brown.

To serve:

Remove from oven. Allow to cool slightly, then dust with the icing sugar and serve.

mamabear - 2005-10-24 23:20:00

Fascinating site about Baking History

mamabear - 2005-10-24 23:26:00

Yes Mamabear The site that you have mentioned is excellent. I have had it book marked for quite a while now and refer back to it often for a bit of inspiration.

smiley_cherub - 2005-10-25 04:58:00

...bump... I've finished the recipe book, so if you want a copy send me an email to the address in my profile and I'll email it back to you ... free of charge of course!!!!

jaxma - 2005-10-27 10:55:00

bump for glitter girl

neldav - 2005-10-29 17:07:00

Thanks mamabear that sounds devine!!! Roll on summer and cherries!!!!

mumstu - 2005-10-30 07:50:00

W*H*AT*??? Is this thread doing on the second page(you all should be ashamed of yourselves-just kidding,I love this thread)

whiskey13 - 2005-11-02 17:07:00

Sorry whiskey13 I usually try to remember to bump it back to the top .... my bad! :-)

babysister - 2005-11-02 22:45:00

Citrus Streusel Slice 1 1/2 cups firmly packed brown sugar, 225 grams margarine or butter, softened, 2 1/2 cups flour, 2 cups rolled oats, 2 tsps baking powder, 1/2 tsp salt (optional), 1 can condensed milk, 1/4 cup lemon juice, 1/4 cup orange juice, 2 tsp grated lemon peel, 2 tsp grated orange peel,Icing sugar.
Heat oven to 180 deg c. Beat brown sugar and margarine until creamy. Add combined flour, oats, baking powder and salt; mix until crumbly. Reserve 2 cups oat mixture for topping; set aside. Press remaining oat mixture onto bottom of ungreased 13 x 9-inch baking pan. Combine condensed milk, lemon juice, orange juice and peels; mix well. Spread mixture evenly over crust. Sprinkle with reserved oat mixture, patting gently. Bake 35 to 40 minutes or until light golden brown. Cool completely. Sprinkle with icing sugar. Cut into squares.

whitetrash32 - 2005-11-02 23:46:00

CHEWY SLICE 1 level dates (cut small), 1 cup each of sugar, self-raising flour and coconut, 115g butter, 1 dssp golden syrup, 1 beaten egg.
In a bowl mix together the dates, sugar, self-raising flour and coconut. Melt the butter and golden syrup together, then cool slightly and add the beaten egg. Pour the liquid ingredients over the dry ingredients and mix. Press into a sponge roll tin. Bake at 180ºC for about 30 minutes.

245sam - 2005-11-03 01:49:00

CHOCOLATE ROUGH 225g butter, 140g sugar, 1 egg, 2 cups flour, 2 tbsp cocoa, 1 cup coconut.
Cream the butter and sugar, then beat in the egg. Add the flour, cocoa and coconut. Mix together.
Press into a shallow tin and bake at 180ºC. Ice while still warm with the Icing: 2 cups each of icing sugar and coconut, 2 tbsp cocoa, 55g butter, vanilla essence, hot water to mix.

245sam - 2005-11-03 01:51:00

NOUGATINE FINGERS Base: 115g butter, ½ cup sugar, 2 egg yolks, 1&1/2 cups flour, 1 tsp baking powder, 1/4 tsp salt.
Cream the butter & caster sugar. Add & beat in the egg yolks. Sift together, then mix in the flour, baking powder & salt. Spread this mixture into a greased sponge roll tin, approximately 30cm x 20cm.
Meringue Topping: 2 egg whites, pinch salt, 1 cup brown sugar, 1/2 tsp vanilla essence, 1 cup walnuts (chopped).
Whisk the egg whites & salt together until very stiff. Add & whisk in the brown sugar & vanilla essence. Fold in the chopped walnuts. Spread the topping over the base.
Bake at 180ºC for approximately 30 minutes. Leave in the tin until cold, then cut into bars.

245sam - 2005-11-03 01:52:00

OATY TAN SLICE Topping: 1/2 x 395g can sweetened condensed milk, 50g butter, 1 tbsp golden syrup.
Gently heat the topping ingredients together until well combined, then allow to cool.
Base: 1/2 cup flour, pinch salt, 1/2 tsp each of baking powder & baking soda, 1&1/2 cups rolled oats, 1 cup each of wholemeal flour & brown sugar, 1 lightly beaten egg, 1/2 tsp vanilla essence, 125g melted butter, 1/2 cup chopped walnuts.
Sift the flour, salt, baking powder & baking soda into a bowl, then add the rolled oats, wholemeal flour & brown sugar. Mix together well. Add the egg, vanilla essence & butter. Mix well, then spread approximately three quarters of the mixture into a greased 30cm x 20cm sponge roll tin. Spread the cooled topping over. Crumble the remaining base mixture over, then sprinkle with the walnuts. Bake at 150ºC for 30 minutes, or until firm.

245sam - 2005-11-03 01:53:00
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