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The Official Xmas Cake Recipe Thread......


Bumping for shazzie10

juliewn - 2011-11-18 03:35:00

This message was deleted.

elliehen - 2011-11-18 13:26:00
juliewn wrote:

The recipe makes either a large (roast tin size) cake, or three medium cakes - which is what I do..

Hi Juliewn - what size cake tins do you use? Thanks

ayglepaygle - 2011-11-18 19:51:00

too good to lose such wonderful tips ..

bev00 - 2012-11-17 23:54:00

I have just made three Alison Holst pineapple Christmas cakes for a resthome/hospital that I am a volunteer at. Tasted the first one a few days ago and it is beautiful. Very easy recipe. If anyone would like it - please let me know and I will post it.

maximus44 - 2012-11-18 17:51:00


lindylambchops1 - 2013-10-12 20:02:00

It's probably time that this was bumped up again.

bedazzledjewels - 2014-10-12 20:02:00

Thanks bumpers!
Does anybody freeze their wooden cake box recipe successfully? I have mine in the freezer and two friends have pooh poohed that saying it will dry out, take it out, and that I have to keep adding booze to it. I'm not going to unless someone tells me that this recipe doesn't freeze well.... Cookesssentials??

wendalls - 2014-10-12 22:23:00

bump for those that are already all in a frenzy about Christmas cakes.
OP's recipe must do it for all last comers :)

uli - 2015-10-11 18:24:00

ive made several this year, Gardie has posted one in the recipes thread, has honey and apple in it - looks and smells divine, made 1 from the Chelsea sugar website, also done The Wooden Cake Box Co 26cm cake and Annabel Langbeins overnight one - this one looks a million dollars, but quite light in colour. Wooden Cake Box Co looks rich, dark and moist, as does Gardies, again, for the 2nd year in a row, Chelsea dissappointed me, not sure why, just looks slightly less appealing than the others. I have left the baking paper from the tin on mine and triple wrapped mine in tin foil, and triple wrapped in gladwrap - all are stored in the fridge.

kay34 - 2015-10-17 20:19:00

bump - let's have this years recipes!

uli - 2016-10-14 17:38:00

All done!! Got 24 in total (16 being small, 9cm diameter ones). So enjoyed it, might keep an eye out for new recipes........

kay34 - 2016-10-14 17:43:00

** bump - coming up to "that" time.. **

autumnwinds - 2017-10-13 23:40:00

bump for the cake lovers

uli - 2018-10-06 18:42:00

Kendall and Richard's Christmas Cake
1kg Tasti Christmas fruit mix or 1 kg dried fruit
1 cup orange juice
1 cup black tea (Can use ½ cup tea and ½ cup brandy.)
2 cups wholemeal flour
3 tsp baking powder
70g slivered almonds (small packets in the baking section of the supermarket)
70g walnuts pieces
2 generous tsp cinnamon
2 generous tsp mixed spice
2 tsp vanilla essence
Soak the fruit in tea preferably overnight, but at least for a couple of hours.
Preheat oven to 160[Degree] fan bake. Place the rack just under halfway.
Line the bottom and sides of a 20cm square cake tin with baking paper.
Mix in the remaining ingredients except for the almonds with soaked fruit.
Sprinkle with slivered almonds. Bake for approximately 1½ hours or until a skewer stuck into the centre of the cake comes out clean.
Cool, then cut into small fingers as required
The cake is pretty when decorated with nuts and can be glazed with 1tspn apricot jam and 1tspn orange juice warmed together in microwave.

zsazsa777 - 2018-10-06 20:56:00

Any experienced cooks here know how to bake christmas cake in a microwave. I was going to do the gnger ale xmas cake recipe and don't have an oven. So microwave is my only option.
Any tips greatlyy appreciated.

countrylife4me - 2018-12-06 13:25:00

I use this easy 4 ingredient recipe but change it up with some single malt whiskey or good brandy and make my own mix of fruits including cranberries. I'm not a baker but I can manage this!

Preparation: Overnight then 15min › Cook: 2 hours ›

Place 1 kilo of mixed fruit mix into a large bowl and mix 2 cups of pure orange juice into the fruit mix.
Stir well, until all juices are mixed thoroughly through; cover bowl and place in fridge overnight.
Next day add 2 cups of self raising flour & 2 tsp mixed spices,
Preheat oven to 150 degrees C.
Prepare 20cm (8") cake tin lined with cooking paper and place mixture in tin.
Bake (approx) 2 hours.
(if top of cake looks like burning, place a sheet of brown paper over top of cake)

aphra1 - 2018-12-06 15:30:00
maximus44 wrote:

I have just made three Alison Holst pineapple Christmas cakes for a resthome/hospital that I am a volunteer at. Tasted the first one a few days ago and it is beautiful. Very easy recipe. If anyone would like it - please let me know and I will post it.

This has got to be my all time favorite recipe, have tried others over the years and nothing comes close....would agree its a beautiful cake. I ice mine with Jo Seagar's brandy buttercream icing.

figjamto - 2018-12-06 17:14:00
toadfish wrote:

Has anyone made Christmas Cakes for gifts using a Texas Muffin pan... I thought I might make some for work colleagues (About 18 in all)

My big question is... how did you line the tins? so you could could cook long and slow without burning? The reason I asked..."Fifie" in another thread said she lined hers with baking paper AND Brown paper... not sure how you would do that.

Haven't used Texas muffin tins but I make Christmas cakes for gifts in the tins that smoked fish comes in. Have had them for years, and just line them with baking paper. Cooking time is shorter than a large cake, so I just extimate.

mak47 - 2018-12-07 10:50:00
countrylife4me wrote:

Any experienced cooks here know how to bake christmas cake in a microwave. I was going to do the gnger ale xmas cake recipe and don't have an oven. So microwave is my only option.
Any tips greatlyy appreciated.

Haven't done that since the early 80s when I made the occasional one in a 2 litre ice cream container. Maybe try this NZ recipe (I haven't tried it)?

kaddiew - 2018-12-07 15:03:00
countrylife4me wrote:

Any experienced cooks here know how to bake christmas cake in a microwave. I was going to do the gnger ale xmas cake recipe and don't have an oven. So microwave is my only option.
Any tips greatlyy appreciated.

Hi, have you got a crockpot? One year I made my cake in the CP as didn't have an oven at that time, I cooked it in a round (purex type glass) straight sided dish as used for souffles. I was pleased with the result as the long slow cooking gave a lovely dark, moist cake. Just a thought.

Edited by nauru at 6:43 pm, Fri 7 Dec

nauru - 2018-12-07 18:42:00

Thank you for the deas on a Microwave Christmas Cake. Might try the crockpot idea as I think that likely has more chance of turning out ok. Fingers crossed.

countrylife4me - 2018-12-08 00:09:00

16x made this year - and now, finally, all delivered.

kay34 - 2018-12-08 19:17:00

'tis the season ..

bev00 - 2019-12-06 00:35:00
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