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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


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cookessentials - 2010-07-09 19:40:00

Hello all I have relied apon this thread for 1 year now. When I say 'relied' on, I lost my beloved twin sister just over a year ago we both loved to cook and often exchanged recipes. I found the 'community board' by chance which then lead me to the recipe section. I became pre-occupied with all the lovely recipes people were posting and it renewed my interest in cooking. I remember plucking up the courage to ask for advice with 'baking bread' to which 'Korbo' so kindly and promply replied. (I bake bread to her recipe very nearly every night, perfect every time!)
I recall 'cookessentials' so kindly giving me advice with a 'fruit cake'. I clearly remember 'brianmac' sharing kindly tips. The list goes on..... What I want to say tonight to all you wonderful people who shared your wonderful talents is thank you, thank you, thank you, you gave me more than just 'many a good recipe' these last 12 months, you gave me a place to come.........and feel cherry.

toeblister - 2010-07-09 20:30:00

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elliehen - 2010-07-09 20:43:00

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cookessentials - 2010-07-09 21:49:00

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cookessentials - 2010-07-09 22:10:00

Mr D seconds the thoughts of everyone here. He has done a lot of cooking from here & gone from being a can opener cook to being able to make muffins, casseroles & lemon meringue pie! Thanks valentino, glad the laska was a hit.

donald6 - 2010-07-09 23:16:00

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fisher - 2010-07-09 23:29:00
cookessentials wrote:

There would be a few and i may not remember them all but juliewyn,gregnmichelle,campmum-
,valentino ( yes, he pops in on occasion,but not so much now) and quite a few others,but at 10.20 pm, I cannot recall.

Hi Everyone.. a lovely thread Charlie.. :-) and nice to see all the posts...

I've been away for a while and in your part of the country Pam, saying farewell to our lovely Aunt and spending time with family there.. home today, and one of the first things to do online is to catch up with 'Recipes'.. :-)

I enjoy being part of the messageboard here too.. there's always something to learn and something to share..

May Trademe 'Recipes' long continue.. :-)

juliewn - 2010-07-10 00:33:00

It's so nice to have that recipe feel back again.... all the old names coming out from hiding. There is nothing quite like a meal to bring people together, I had my Ma & Pa over last night... they arrived as I arrived home from work.. but then sat at the breakfast bar while I got things ready... a glass of red in everyones hands... and a nice way to connect after a busy week. Family eating is important in this house and I like to try to live up to hubbies name for me.... "domestic goddess".
I like to try new things (245Sams red meatballs was the latest trial - nom nom nom) And I like to feed my family good nutritious, well balanced food, while not breaking the bank.


toadfish - 2010-07-10 06:24:00

You mentioned names from the past... I remember complaining about my user name... If I had realised it was going to be used on a message board I would have been "twinkle" or "sparkle" ... certainly wouldn't have chosen hubbies old nickname when we joined trademe. Then an old member piped up .... lucky you didn't get my hubbies nickname and her user name was "Oldbaldgoat" I haven't seen "Oldbaldgoat" post in years. but at the time I remember laughing......

toadfish - 2010-07-10 06:27:00

i have never sold anything on TM (must give that another try!! ha ha) but love this thread, check it EVERY morning, wonderful advice and interesting and useful recipes.

lynja - 2010-07-10 07:55:00

Found some great recipes on here and have added a couple. Great friendly people, nice to pop into this thread.

willman - 2010-07-10 08:21:00

Hi ladies, one of the reasons I left was the way "our threads" are being mirrored by Sophia Knaufman ?? sp?? in this website in America, and I also didn't like the self promotion of some selling on here. I have concerns that trade me haven't tackled the stack of recipes problem, but it's just my opinion, and I wish this thread well, with a word of caution. Be cautious on what you post, especially about going away on holiday,etc the usual security stuff ! If our lives are being broadcast all the way to the USA, there may be some here in little ole NZ who might use personal info to our detriment. But we knew the risks of posting personal info anyway. NOT that I have anything to hide, those who know me, see me warts and all anyways LOL. Waves hello to all (including USA !!) xxxx

fastlanenz - 2010-07-10 10:20:00

The Stack of Recipes site is a little strange - just copies the threads and recipes from here - I don't get it!

On the Blog page there is no Blog just details of how to do a recipe - it is the oddest thing. Why would you bother???

nfh1 - 2010-07-10 10:27:00

It doesn't make a lot of sense, and I don't know why I'm being ultra cautious on this particularly, just a gut feel. Why also, would they go to the bother of editing threads too? Right, off to enjoy this glorious sunshine! xx

fastlanenz - 2010-07-10 10:31:00
fastlanenz wrote:

It doesn't make a lot of sense, and I don't know why I'm being ultra cautious on this particularly, just a gut feel. Why also, would they go to the bother of editing threads too? Right, off to enjoy this glorious sunshine! xx

I had not noticed the editing - I suppose that will be to take out any reference to themselves!! What a waste of time!!

Edited to say -

I see those references are not removed - even stranger!!!

Edited by nfh1 at 10:35 am, Sat 10 Jul

nfh1 - 2010-07-10 10:34:00

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rog.e - 2010-07-10 11:18:00

great thread!

food is one of my passions... I come from a line of wonderful grandmothers who were fantastic cooks and who I think started me on my love of cooking from an early age as they were always happy to have me help.. I have some of my grandmother and great grandmothers hand written recipe books and still love looking at them.

I have found great recipes here and helpful advice and look forward to continue reading!

rubyjane11 - 2010-07-10 12:53:00

recipes thread is the first place I go each time I log onto TM.

I hope everyone is having a fantastic day, and can make the most of this beautiful sunshine

dorothy_vdh - 2010-07-10 13:00:00

gives a general wave to everyone, yes that stack of receipes is creepy, I didnt realize until recently that posts had been cut and pasted for a first thread to be sensational and totally out of order - thanks for pointing that one out to me fasty!! - but great ideas on here, one I did a few times was the orange cake the one where you threw everything into the blender - what a legend sooo easy and so tasty - and I like the interaction with people especially like minded its about our needs which a few people have said what it has meant for them to beable to "belong" or feel heard whatever, its nice to know someone will respond and you are not all alone in your home facing a personality less computer screen!! - have a great day everyone

auckland_ali - 2010-07-10 13:26:00

Love this section of message board, I asked a question on general about a year ago and got shot down in flames so never opened message board again till yesterday. Great ideas, great recipes and no attacking. I will definitely do more visiting here.

samboy - 2010-07-10 18:19:00

hi everyone, signing in from Gore here.... just love this part of the message board - have gained many really great helpful hints and new recipes.... been in and out for about 4 years now and love every minute of it..... am happy to share from my 'storehouse' any time..... been addicted to the kitchen for about 20 odd yrs so there is no hope for me at all now - I am a gone burger for sure lol - blessings all and take care over the weekend.....

timetable - 2010-07-10 18:55:00

I've been thinking alot about early posters here since the questioned was raised & just stumbled across one member who I remember for their willingness to share years of knowledge & experience - grannypam.
I see you are going through a very differcult time & my heart goes out to you. May you & your family be surrounded by love & support when you need it most. Thankyou for all you have shared with us here.

winnie231 - 2010-07-10 21:02:00

What a great thread Charlieb2, and so great to see some "old friends" again. I've been around since 2003, have met a number of people from here, stayed on holiday with a couple, and have extented my foodie knowlege and experiences greatly through other adventurous cooks sharing ideas, recipes, and suggestions.

Our newest experience is coming up this week courtesy of a recipe posted by Valentino - which I am looking forward to tasting: In preparation I have bought a packet of nori, some pickled ginger, a daikin radish, and some rice vinegar - all new ingredients for us here.

I get a buzz out of making for example "GrannyPam's 3 Minute fudge" or "Fishers Ginger Chops" etc. Recipes with a heart in friendship and fellowship. There are so many others though - What about Jazma who complied the first TM Cookbook in - when was it? 2005? Kob, bams, campmum and many many more who have shared and been an inspiration.

jaybee2003 - 2010-07-10 22:10:00

3 minute fudge? Woud you be able to share the recipe please? (I did do the search thing but there were so many threads with fudge that came up (Pages) that I didn't know where to start.
Great thread by the way.

bunny51 - 2010-07-10 22:36:00
bunny51 wrote:

3 minute fudge? Woud you be able to share the recipe please?

Hi bunny51 - Here 'tis: Grannypam's 3 Minute Fudge

In a pot boil 1 Cup Sugar, 1/2 Cup Cocoa (can use a bit less) 1 Tbsp Golden syrup, 125g Butter and 1/4 cup Milk. Boil all for 3 minutes stirring constantly. Remove from heat add 1 teasp vanilla and 2 and 1/2 cups sifted Icing sugar. Pour into greased dish.

jaybee2003 - 2010-07-10 22:50:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-07-10 22:57:00

Ooh thank you (I wasn't expecting a reply so soon, especialy at this time of night! ) I will make that tomorrow.

bunny51 - 2010-07-10 23:50:00

Speak of the devil and all a gut feeling told me to open this thread .. Its been a neat thread , so many memories.

I wish I could take the credit for the Fudge recipe but it was first posted by another trader (whose name is in my tatty recipe book and I cant be naffed looking for it) but anyways it's the only fudge I make ..(the rare times I need a treat)..
Tonight I feel like a I need a treat but so far I am fighting the

Those who know me (like rog.e) know that Mum has battled ill health for many years and many of her battles were shared with my mb friends. She never gave in though and retained her gorgeous sense of humour to the end.. God knows she needed it with all the curve balls that life threw at her along the way.. She is resting in peace now though and as much as I'd give everything I have just to be able to talk to her again I know she is in a better place.. Now we worry about Dad who has just had a severe stroke ... and a brother who is battling the big C..

Life is too short to worry about little things like mb

grannypam - 2010-07-11 18:53:00

Stay stong Grannypam.... It must have been tough.

As far as stack of recipes are concerned... I am not too bothered... mainly because as soon as I put it on here it is open to the world anyway... anyone from the states can view this just as easily as stack of recipes.... So stay "cyber" safe.

toadfish - 2010-07-11 19:11:00

Radishmans fudge, now that was one incredible fail proof delight that one, sorry to hear of your loss grannypam, sometimes when someone is ill for so long you feel a sense of relief that they are not going through any more pain but doesnt stop the missing them part. some lovely posters on here for sure :)

auckland_ali - 2010-07-11 19:50:00

A daily lurker in here, an occasional poster - a P and A reg who sneaks over.....and has learnt heaps. I now love my slow cooker - it's no longer just a roast cooker, I love my idiot proof scones, I make mean relish and pickles and jam - all thanks to you regular posters. My first ever issue was about baking blind, i remember the advice I got (one of the 'then" regs so either brianmac, fisher or toadfish) and rushing back in here thrilled to announce that I hadn't pre baked my pastry and "I didn't have a soggy bottom"!!!! I was so excited - and to this day, i still don't have a soggy bottom ;-) Please don't let politics spoil your excellent advice offered as it often has over in P & A :) Happy cooking :)

fuzzies72 - 2010-07-11 20:12:00

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fisher - 2010-07-11 20:37:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-07-11 22:49:00

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elliehen - 2010-07-11 23:17:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-07-11 23:21:00

I've been relying on this place for about 6 months.

I used to love cooking and baking years ago, but hadn't really done much in the past 15 or so years. My husband had commented I didn't know how to bake as I never had since we'd been together, so I had to prove him wrong when my circumstances changed last year.

My mother had never understood my fascination with baking, as it wasn't anything she did (her repertoire had one recipe that I can remember in it - funny I don't like that cake anymore). She is also one of those people that boils veges until they're dead and inedible.

My aunt, on the other hand, is a brilliant cook and baker and used to work for the NZWW test kitchen, but I've never gotten into indepth conversations with her about food.

I sort of feel I've got about 15 years to catch up on, trying to recall how to do things, trying new things and astounding my husband by how easy some things are (the easy-peasy scones always get the comment of "I'd never have thought to bake something for food, as I always think it takes forever".

So thank you to the posters who take time to post recipes and tips, there's a heck of a lot of info here, and using the "anytime" to search is brilliant (took me a little while to figure out how to search the forum, and now it gets a hammering from me as I try to find what I'm after). I also have a couple of recipe books handy to look things up and refresh my memory lol
Cheers all.

unknowndisorder - 2010-07-12 08:45:00

I dont do half as much baking as I used to when I had 3 hungry kids to feed ..

nowadays its more like I will bake a cake if we have visitors coming or if we are going somewhere ..

as far as dinners other half is strictly a meat and vegies man but every now and again I will branch out and try something really different. He usually eats without any

For a while I used to buy something different each month and then try and work out how to use it..I remember posting a question on here one day about what to do with Balsamic

grannypam - 2010-07-12 08:55:00

Lol Grannypam I bought some balsamaic vinigar once "something" I think I forgot what before I actually got to use it for that so ended up using it in cornbeef when I cooked it in the crock pot.

I used to like trying new recipes for meals but have gone off that a bit latey. At the moment I cook to feed the kids but I do stil like baking and try new baking recipes though

Edited by bunny51 at 9:06 am, Mon 12 Jul

bunny51 - 2010-07-12 09:04:00

Greetings all. I am an oldie in all ways who prefers plain foods and therefore not an adventurous cook. I think if computers and this site had been around in the days when I needed to cook, meals would have been more varied for the family, especially the meats. Still and sunny in Wgtn this am. I read the Real Estate and Gardening threads daily what ones do you go to?

marywea - 2010-07-12 10:42:00

Hiya everyone! If it wasn't for this TMMB Recipe section, I would not be what I am in the kitchen today!! I often post questions and can always rely on an answer. My bestest favourite recipes which are now in my recipe book (to be handed down the generations, I hope) are Toadies Brown Rice Salad, rkcrofts Best Ever Cupcakes and the fabulous Meatloaf with BBQ glaze (was this toadfishes recipe too?) A special thanks to pam.delliah, cookessentials and 245sam for all of their advice and answers and all of the other posters :o)

lisa7 - 2010-07-12 11:02:00

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cookessentials - 2010-07-12 11:05:00

I am a long time lurker and a sometimes poster! I started on the Recipes board just before I was married I think - fellow posters have inspired me through: a move to the country, a first baby, new friends, a second baby, deaths in the family, parties and celebrations, serious injury, a third baby...

I too have enjoyed 'friendships' with people I have never set eyes on and love the generosity that kitchens (and gardens!) encourage.

tixy - 2010-07-12 17:38:00

How great to have the familiar posters back with such a friendly thread! During one of our sojourns to the SI in the motorhome we would often check in especially on Pericle's Bar and Grill chats on a Friday!! And checking on Recipes when on the road and needing inspiration - long may we all be helpful and friendly to each other and enjoy Recipes as we used to!

2bakerz - 2010-07-12 17:43:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-07-12 18:58:00

and some of us was just plain silly (looks directly at fisher!!)

auckland_ali - 2010-07-12 19:19:00

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fisher - 2010-07-12 20:31:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-07-12 20:44:00

I was refering to your post about me and my fwend whom are very silly on occasion!! and yes we can run as two very very silly people!! (take my back charlieb2!!)

auckland_ali - 2010-07-12 20:45:00

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fisher - 2010-07-12 20:47:00
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