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hestia - 2010-09-06 23:24:00

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cookessentials - 2010-09-07 06:56:00

soy potatoes are a great favourite
500gms potatoes, 1 tsp crushed garlic, 2 tbsp oil, 1tbsp soya sauce,1/2 tsp ground ginger. peel and cube potatoes. mix together other ingredients. add potatoes, toss around. can be cooked in an oven bag or covered dish. bake approx 45 min at about 200.
you dont need to be too fussy on quantities, double etc if you need to.

lynja - 2010-09-07 07:34:00

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cookessentials - 2010-09-09 09:23:00

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cookessentials - 2010-09-10 12:07:00

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cookessentials - 2010-09-24 06:37:00

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cookessentials - 2010-10-01 11:19:00

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cookessentials - 2010-10-04 16:17:00

Potato Salad

About 7 to 10 Average size Potatoes unpeeled or peeled cut into bite-sized pieces,
1 small onion finely chopped,
1 small green capsicum chopped,
2-3 celery sticks finely chopped,
1/4 cup finely chopped parsley.

3/4 cup mayonnaise (Edmonds Egg Mayo is very nice for this, Best brand is nice also, or nice creamy homemade),
1-2 tablespoons vinegar or lemon juice,
2 tablespoons sour cream.

Cook potato in a large pan of boiling water for 5 minutes or until just tender (a sharp pointed knife just pierces), drain and cool completely.
Combine the onion, capsicum, celery and parsley with the cooled potato in a large salad bowl.
Mix together mayonnaise, vinegar and sour cream, season with salt and pepper.
Pour about two thirds of dressing over salad and toss gently to combine without breaking the potato, if well coated then keep remainder in fridge for future use, if still a little light add remainder to taste or liking.
Garnish with a little chopped parsley.

valentino - 2010-10-04 16:32:00

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cookessentials - 2010-10-21 18:57:00

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cookessentials - 2010-11-01 15:28:00

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gavin166 - 2010-11-01 16:44:00

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cookessentials - 2010-11-27 08:33:00

Hot potato salad!!
500gs potatos
French Onion soup mix
250mls cream

Peel or leave skins on, cube into similar sized cubes, cook in microwave on high in dish wrapped in plastic wrap, cut a few air holes. Cook until tender, in oven 180o mix cream and mix in french onion soup mix. Let this come to the boil (gets thick) and has a crust on it. Mix in potatos and heat. This is an easy dish to do at the last minute up to the cream going in the oven, will take about 20mins. It is delicious, naughty and everyone loves it, a Xmas favourite.

abbied - 2010-11-28 21:50:00

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cookessentials - 2010-11-29 13:58:00

Here's one of our favs, Peel and chop as many spuds as desired into roughly one inch cubes, par cook in microwave for 6-7 mins with no water, then add 3-4 cloves of crushed garlic (more if you adore garlic!), then add 2 teaspoons tabasco sauce and enough olive oil to coat spuds. Place on a oiled baking tray or roasting dish and cook at 200 C untill crispy and golden, usually around 30 mins. Great with anything!

iriegirl - 2010-11-29 14:24:00
iriegirl wrote:

Here's one of our favs, Peel and chop as many spuds as desired into roughly one inch cubes, par cook in microwave for 6-7 mins with no water, then add 3-4 cloves of crushed garlic (more if you adore garlic!), then add 2 teaspoons tabasco sauce and enough olive oil to coat spuds. Place on a oiled baking tray or roasting dish and cook at 200 C untill crispy and golden, usually around 30 mins. Great with anything!

Sounds exciting. Do you mix the garlic, tabasco & oil & then coat spuds. The tabasco would give it some zing I'm picking. Green or red?

pat56 - 2010-11-29 15:14:00

Its yummy! i just throw everything in with the spuds and mix, i use red tabasco but any good hot sauce would do it!

iriegirl - 2010-11-29 16:01:00
iriegirl wrote:

Its yummy! i just throw everything in with the spuds and mix, i use red tabasco but any good hot sauce would do it!

Tried it last night but was only game to use 1t of red tabsco. Very nice. Phew daddy, 2t would knock your socks off. Used jar garlic which burnt a bit but no problem.

pat56 - 2010-11-30 20:08:00

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cookessentials - 2010-12-09 20:45:00
cookessentials wrote:


1kg potatoes, peeled, cut into 3cm pieces
40g butter, softened
80g grated parmesan cheese
3/4 cup (180ml) hot milk, approximately

Place potato in medium saucepan with enough cold water to barely cover the potato. Boil, uncovered, over medium heat about 15 minutes or until tender. Drain.

Using the back of a wooden spoon, push potato through fine sieve (or use a potato ricer) into large bowl. Stir in butter, cheese and enough hot milk, until mash is smooth and fluffy.

Serve topped with a little extra butter, if desired.

A tip for good mash is to ALWAYS add hot milk to the potato as cold milk will make it go sticky.

another good tip is not to peel and cut the potato before boiling it. Instead it should be boiled in their skins to prevent potato absorbing water

deli5 - 2011-01-18 00:43:00

Warm Potato Salad with Hot Cider and Mustard Dressing
Serves 4

500g potatoes diced into 2 cm cubes
1 tbsp butter
1 onion finely diced
2 rashers bacon, rind removed and finely diced
2 tsp flour
½ cup cider vinegar
2 tsp Dijon Mustard
2 tbsp sour cream
Pepper to taste
Chopped parsley
Boil the potatoes until tender, approx 10 minutes. Drain and allow to cool.
Heat the butter in a frying pan and cook the onion and bacon over a moderate heat until onion is soft, approx 5 minutes.
Add the flour and cook for 2 minutes, stirring constantly.
Stir in the vinegar, mustard and sour cream and cook for 2 minutes.
Season with pepper.
Place potatoes in bowl, add dressing and stir to combine. Garnish with parsley.

pnlnj - 2011-01-18 13:33:00

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cookessentials - 2011-02-24 16:45:00

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tipsy_bl0nde - 2011-02-28 13:17:00

sardis potato dish
boil potato and mash. add sauté onions, bacon or ham, chopped parsley
next make a choux pastry,

260ml milk 1 tsp sugar pinch of salt 100g butter
120g plain flour 4 free-range eggs
when you make the choux pastry,, do not make the mixture as runner as for making profiteroles.. this recipe has 4 eggs but only use one or two max.. the mixture should be thick and gluggy. add the choux pastry to the mashed potato and mix again.. grab a small handful and deep fry or shallow fry.. the potato mix will double in size and go crispy on the outside and soft in the middle..

Edited by aktow at 12:26 am, Tue 1 Mar

aktow - 2011-03-01 00:22:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-12 16:53:00

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elliehen - 2011-04-12 16:57:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-12 17:01:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-13 10:52:00

Try Mock Whitebait or potato fritters. [Edmonds do have a recipie]
Kids luv them. if not keen on veges you can grate carrot or pumpkin or anything grateable in with the grated potato. watch them go. you wont be able to cook them fast enough.
Good for a Friday nights tea. I have even grated a sausage into my mixture.

ethans - 2011-04-15 14:43:00

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cookessentials - 2011-04-16 10:32:00

1 kg Washed baby potatoes peeled and halved then boiled till tender
1 large and 1 small jar of whole egg mayo
1 capsicum diced
1 red onion diced
bacon bits fried till crisp
...1 can or corn drained
1 doz eggs boiled and chopped

Cool potatoes
Empty the large jar into a large bowl add onions, corn, capsicum and eggs, mix well. Add potatoes and bacon bits. Stir till covered with mayo, add small jar of mayo bit by bit till everything is covered.
Chill and eat when cold

janny3 - 2011-06-15 14:45:00

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cookessentials - 2011-06-21 15:46:00
cookessentials wrote:


so trying this !

pog_mo_thoin - 2011-06-22 12:32:00

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indy95 - 2011-06-26 11:38:00

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mwood - 2011-06-26 14:32:00

spuds- food of the Gods

bev00 - 2011-08-14 01:18:00

Sally Lunn Loaf

3/4 cup sugar
2 cups self raising flour
1/2 cup sultanas
1/4 cup milk
1 cup mashed potatoes (cold)
salt 1 egg

cream sugar and potatoes add egg sift flour and salt and add to mixture beat well stir in sultanas add enough milk to make a smooth dough. divide mixture in half and shape as a round loaf. bake 350 for 25-30 minutes. when cool ice with pink icing and sprinkle with coconut

bev00 - 2011-08-14 01:22:00

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cookessentials - 2011-08-25 10:39:00

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cookessentials - 2011-09-14 09:54:00

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cookessentials - 2011-09-23 15:10:00

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cookessentials - 2011-09-26 11:41:00

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cookessentials - 2011-09-28 09:23:00

lots of yummy recipes here that I can't wait to try : ) also does any one have a nice hasselback spud recipe? cheers!

sniper03 - 2011-09-28 19:21:00

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cookessentials - 2011-11-11 06:35:00

bump for kellz

uli - 2011-12-08 20:49:00

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cookessentials - 2011-12-17 17:17:00

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cookessentials - 2012-01-02 10:19:00

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cookessentials - 2012-08-08 14:30:00


Scrub the potatoes (as you would for baking them), then cut each unpeeled potato in half and brush the cut surface with oil or melted butter. Place the potatoes, cut-surface-down on a baking tray.
Bake at 180ºC-200ºC for about 35-45 minutes (depends on the shape and size of the potatoes), until the potatoes give slightly when pressed.
The skin-side will be baked, the cut-side will be roasted. :-))

245sam - 2012-08-08 14:40:00
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