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Pineapple Delight.... Very nice... Easy too !!!! 6 pineapple slices, 2 egg whites, 1/4 cup sugar and 6 scoops of ice cream. Drain juice from pineapple slices and chill slices. Beat egg whites until stiff but not dry. Gradually add sugar, beating until stiff. Place pineapple slices on greaseproof covered tray. Place a scoop of ice cream into the middle of each slice. Cover completely with meringue, can decorate with coocnut and a cherry. Bake at 200c for 4-5 minutes until lightly browned. Serve immediately.

valentino - 2008-05-05 16:56:00

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cookessentials - 2008-05-05 18:10:00

Crock pot Chocolate Fudge Pudding This is the crockpot version of our selfsaucing pudding! 1 cup flour, 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1/4 cup sugar, 3 Tbsp. cocoa, 2 tsp. baking powder, dash salt, 1/2 cup milk, 2 Tbsp. vegetable oil, 1/2 tsp. vanilla. 3/4 cup brown sugar, 2 Tbsp. cocoa, 1-3/4 cups hot water. In large bowl, combine first 6 ingredients and stir to combine. Add milk, cooking oil and vanilla and stir well. Pour into crockpot. In a medium bowl, stir second amount of brown sugar and second amount of cocoa together. Add hot water and mix well until blended. Pour over batter in crockpot; do not stir! Cover crockpot and cook on high about 2 hours or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. shorty246 (175 ) 2:56 pm, 5 May

245sam - 2008-05-05 20:53:00

Pear, apple, & ginger crumble with custard. 3 apples peeled, quartered, cored & sliced, 3 pears, peeled, quartered, cored & sliced, 3/4 cup brown sugar, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1 Tbsp water. Crumble: 2 cups rolled oats, 1 cup flour, 1 cup brown sugar, 1 1/2 tsp ground ginger, 100g butter. Method: Arrange fruit in large ovenproof baking dish. Sprinkle over sugar, cinnamon, and water. Combine crumble ingreds. in a bowl & mix well. Sprinkle crumble over fruit. Press lightly with back of spoon.Bake at 180 degrees C for 45 mins. Serve with custard. Serves 6-8. cherieandmark (220 ) 3:10 pm, 5 May

245sam - 2008-05-05 20:54:00

Creamy Rice Pudding 8 T arborio rice 1/4 C water 300ml milk 300ml cream (or you can use all milk) large knob of butter 2 t vanilla essence 4 T castor sugar Place rice, water, milk and cream in saucepan. Bring to boil, then turn down to a very gentle simmer. Stir every so often for 20 mins, until the rice has swelled up and thickened. Rice should be soft, but have a little bite to it. Stir in the butter, vanilla and sugar and stir until dissolved. Pour into an ovenproof dish and place under a gentle grill for a couple of minutes until a golden brown skin develops (watch carefully!). Serve with cream. Serves 4. nickyd (223 ) 3:57 pm, 5 May

245sam - 2008-05-05 20:55:00

sunshine pud Sift 1 cup flour 2tsp baking powder half cup sugar 3 tsp custard powder 1cup coconut into large bowl.Melt 3tbl butter with half cup milk 1 tsp vanilla add to dry ingredients mix then put in ovenproof dish.melt 2tbl butter half cup sugar 2tbl golden syrup 2 cups boiling water heat in pot till dissolved mix and pour gently over mixture dont stir it!bake moderate oven half hour yumyum.
wise_one (16 ) 4:13 pm, 5 May

245sam - 2008-05-05 20:56:00

Self-Saucing Ginger Toffee Pudding Batter: 1 cup flour 2 tsp baking powder 2 tsp ground ginger 1/4 cup soft brown sugar 1/4 cup white sugar 50g butter 1 tbsp golden syrup 1/2 cup milk Sauce: 1/2 cup soft brown sugar 1/2 cup white sugar 1 tbsp golden syrup 2 tsp ginger 2 cups boiling water Method Combine dry batter ingredients in a large bowl. Melt butter with golden syrup. Pour into dry ingredients with milk and mix. Place in greased oven-proof dish that is quite deep, Put sauce ingredients in a bowl. As you add the boiling water, stir until ingredients are mostly dissolved, then pour over the batter mixture. Bake for 45 minutes at 180oC. Serve with vanilla ice-cream or whipped cream. Makes 4 servings
pam.delilah (462 ) 6:04 pm, 5 May

245sam - 2008-05-05 20:57:00

Croissant Pudding with Marmalade Glaze 4 Croissants coarsely chopped, 2 1/2c milk, 300ml cream, 1/2c caster sugar, 5 eggs, 1/2c good orange marmalade. Place croissants in a 2.5l oven dish. Place milk and cream in saucepan over med heat and bring to simmer. Remove from heat and add sugar. Whisk together eggs and 1/2 the marmalad in large bowl. Gradually add milk mix whisking until combined. Pour over croissants and set aside 10 mins to soak. Place dish in a large roasting dish in the oven (bain marie). Pour in enough boiling water to reach halfway up the sides of the pudding dish. Bake for 50mins @ 170° or until set. Heat remaining marmalade until melted - brush over pudding. Sultanas, dried apricots or chopped dates can be added with the croissants at the beginning. Very easy to make and a really yummy twist on your usual bread n butter pud.

rkcroft - 2008-05-05 21:09:00

Nashi Pear Tarte Tartin... 60gm butter chopped, 3/4c brown sugar, 2 nashi pears peeled and cored - sliced thinly, 1 sheet frozen ready rolled puff pastry partially thawed. Melt butter in shallow ovenproof frying pan. Add sugar and stir. Reduce heat and simmer 5 mins. Arrange pear slices overlapping slightly in pan. Place pastry over pear pressing edges down into pan. Bake for 25-30mins @ 200°C or until pastry is puffed and golden. All to cool in pan 5mins. Invert onto large plate and serve.

rkcroft - 2008-05-05 21:13:00

Peach Rollups.... 3-4tbsp butter, 1/2 c orange juice, 1 tsp grated orange rind, 1/2 c sugar, 2 c self raising flour, 1/4 tsp salt, 75g butter extra, 1/2 c milk, 1/4c brown sugar, 1tsp cinnamon, 1 x 455g can sliced peaches drained & whipped cream for serving. Mix first four ingredients in saucepan, simmer for 5 minutes then pour half mixture into buttered 23cm square ovenproof dish. Sift flour & salt into bowl. Rub in second butter & add milk, mix for a soft dough. Roll out about 30cm square. Brush with a little extra melted butter & sprinkle with brown sugar & cinnamon. Arrange drained peaches on this & roll up like a jam roll. Cut into 9 slices & arrange ring cuts side down, in syrup in dish. Pour remaining syrup over dough. Bake at 200c for 25-30 minutes or until crisp & golden brown on top. Serve with excess syrup & whipped cream.

valentino - 2008-05-06 11:40:00

A Lovely Variation to Post #51...Pineapple Delights. Bake some larger than normal size Chocolate Chip Biscuits ( condensed milk recipe are best ) and use the biscuit as it's base. One could still use pineapple as well if one wishes... Very delightful. Very easy and a lovely treat.

valentino - 2008-05-06 14:35:00

Caramel Dumplings Caramel Dumplings Dessert
This recipe is really delicious 1 1/4 cup self raising flour, 1/3 cup sugar, 1 oz butter, 1 tsp Vanilla ess. 1/3 to 1/2 cup of milk,rub butter into flour & salt add suger milk & Vanilla mix well..SAUCE 1oz butter, 1 1/2 cups brown sugar packed firmly 1 1/2 cups water pinch salt. combine pot heat add dough in spoonful lots to sauce and simmer about 10 mins can cook while eating main course..

smokey5 - 2008-05-08 21:17:00

Apple Dumplings Apple Dumplings
This is and old recipe an also is delicious. 2ozs butter,1 cup flour 1 tsp baking powder..Rub together & bind with water roll out cut into squares..cut peeled apple into quarters an roll in squares. Place in greased dish, Baste with 1 cup hot water 2ozs butter 1 cup sugar melted together until Golden brown 300-350 oven 3/4 hr. serve with custard or ice cream or just on its own

smokey5 - 2008-05-08 21:18:00

bonoffie cooking involved u just need to make a biscuit base, then spread highlander caramelle on top then a layer of bananas then whipped cream and then decorate as u like, i normally crumple a flake over the top...this is simlpe and so yummy..mmm mmm mmm

sammy-gurl - 2008-05-08 21:41:00

Bumping for self saucing Caramel #22...

valentino - 2008-05-11 16:41:00

Need to put this in as well...... has some lovely desserts that are saved from earlier posters....

valentino - 2008-05-12 16:27:00

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cookessentials - 2008-05-12 17:09:00

Bumping for gingernut Dessert... Post 28

valentino - 2008-05-14 13:02:00


1 3/4 cup castor sugar,
2 eggs,
rind of 2-3 lemons
1 cup oil(sunflower is recommended)
1/2 teaspoon salt,
1 cup plain yoghurt(not low fat)Greek is recommended)
2-3 teaspoons lemon juice,
2 cups SR flour.

Beat eggs, sugar, oil and lemon rind, add yoghurt, salt, lemon juice, and flour in that order. Butter and flour tin before adding mixture. Bake at 180c for at least 30 min may take longer depending on your tin. It will be golden brown and will spring back when touched. THIS IS SO GOOD.

kat35 - 2008-05-14 16:18:00

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barloo - 2008-05-18 17:20:00

Bunping for someone wanting apple desserts... One can replace other fruit with apples and add a little cinnamon on the apple with a sprinkle of sugar if doing so....

valentino - 2008-05-19 08:39:00

Bumping up for Bread & Butter Pudding... .

valentino - 2008-05-20 15:35:00

Bread and No Butter Pudding (Without eggs) *METHOD* Dissolve 2Tbsp Brown Sugar with Tbsp water in a low-heat saucepan add 2 meduim apples peeled core and cut into thin slices. Cover and simmer 5mins. Grease baking dish or slow-cooker. Cut into halves 8 or more thick slices of Bread (You can use Fruit Bread, personally I use FruitBread)and layer along with the apple adding in the occassional currants or sultanas and preferred spices as you layer. Moisten bread dish with a cup of milk and prepare custard mix of 1-2 servings. Pour over while hot and set to cook in your SLow Cooker or bake in a moderate oven. Enjoy. *TIPS* If you really want-- you can spread butter on the slices. but in the olden days Bread and Butter pudding was just a way to use up buttered bread left over from a meal and actually has no real functional use--despite it's name. If using normal bread. Try spreading jam instead.

randomized - 2008-05-21 18:35:00

Sunshine pud How long in oven

boakes - 2008-05-22 14:34:00

Think it is noted... "half hour" towards the end just before yum yum.....

valentino - 2008-05-22 14:42:00

Bumping for self saucing choc pudding... .

valentino - 2008-05-28 11:44:00

This next recipe, one could use any fruit to suit, Strawberries are very nice in this dish. Have also done it with peaches (both fresh and can), also very nice.

valentino - 2008-05-28 12:16:00

Strawberry Meringue Pudding. 450g strawberries hulled, 200g sugar, 40g flour, pinch of salt, 3 eggs separated, 150ml milk & grated rind of half lemon. Cut any large strawberries in half, place in bowl, sprinkle with 25g of sugar, cover, leave to stand. Sift flour and salt into mixing bowl, add egg yolks, mix well. Gradually stir in milk followed by 25g sugar & lemon rind. Thoroughly grease an ovenproof dish. Pour half of mixture into it, place half of strawberries on top, then the rest of mixture & arrange the remaining fruit on top. Bake at 200c for 35 minutes. Beat the egg whites until stiff & fold in remaining sugar. Take the dish out of oven when time, pile meringue mixture on top of pudding. Replace in oven, bake at same temp for another 10 minutes. Remove and serve immediately.

valentino - 2008-05-28 12:25:00

bumping in case other's want it too :o)

jenna68 - 2008-06-02 08:26:00

Bumping for self saucing puddings ...

valentino - 2008-06-05 12:24:00

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mn8385 - 2008-06-05 19:44:00

made your gingernut surprise last night valentino!! we all loved it! 14yr old down to 2 yr old. The ginger flavour really came thru. Wondered whether it would work with other type biscuits like choc chip or peppermint? Or maybe a variation - substituting the custard for whip cream - not cooking but leaving for an hour or so.

neville26 - 2008-06-06 11:24:00

neville26 If one has an idea of trying something especially after having successfully done a recipe then one would know on own's personal taste re-trying out other variations. This is great and one can only say "Go for it", it is the only way one knows how personal variations comes out. Thank you for your initial feedback as they say on TM. Cheers neville26.

valentino - 2008-06-06 11:52:00

Bumping for for others to try :o)

jenna68 - 2008-06-07 17:46:00

bumpy bump yum i wana make pud NOW !!!

madshazza - 2008-06-07 23:50:00

Bumping.... was in the danger zone...

valentino - 2008-06-12 11:57:00

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cookessentials - 2008-06-14 21:48:00

And again ... :o)

jenna68 - 2008-06-16 06:19:00

Heavenly cinnamon rolls drizzled in a sweet icing. Note Prep. Time: about 4 hours.
Serves: 12 – 15….

1 1/2 cups sugar,
3 Tbls. ground cinnamon,
4 tsp dry yeast,
1 tsp. Sugar extra,
1 cup warm to hot water,
1 cup warm milk,
2/3 cups sugar extra,
170g melted butter,
2 tsp Salt,
2 eggs - slightly beaten,
8 cups flour,
125g melted butter extra,
125g melted butter extra,
1/3 cup granulated sugar,
4 cups icing sugar,
170g melted butter extra,
2 tsp. vanilla extract,
1 tsp. maple extract – optional and if available, but recommended ( Do not use Maple syrup – it is different ) and
up to 6 Tbls. hot water

valentino - 2008-06-19 16:58:00

Cinnabons Cont... Mix together 1 1/2 cups sugar and the cinnamon; set aside.
-In a small bowl, dissolve yeast and 1 tsp. sugar in warm water; set aside.
-In a large bowl, mix together milk, 2/3 cup sugar, 170g melted butter, salt, and eggs; add yeast mixture and 4 cups of flour to mixture; beat until smooth; stir in enough flour to form a slightly stiff dough.
-Turn dough out onto a well-floured surface and knead for 8 minutes.
-Place dough into a large greased bowl, cover, and allow to rise in a warm place until doubled in size, about 1 - 1 1/2 hours.
-Punch down dough and let rest for 5 minutes.
-Roll dough out onto a floured surface into a 38cm X 50cm approximately rectangle.
-Brush 125g melted butter over dough; sprinkle cinnamon sugar evenly over dough; sprinkle nuts evenly over dough, if desired.

valentino - 2008-06-19 16:59:00

Cinnabons cont.... Final bit -Tightly roll up dough and pinch edges together to seal; cut the roll into 12 - 15 slices using a very thin knife or thread and without squashing.
-Coat the bottom of a (minimum size) 32cm X 23cm X 5cm baking pan with 125g melted butter; sprinkle 1/3 cup sugar evenly in the bottom of the pan.
-Place cinnamon roll slices close together in the prepared pan; cover pan and allow to rise in a warm place for 45 minutes.
-Bake rolls in a 180c oven for 25 - 30 minutes, or until golden brown.
-Stir together icing sugar, 170g melted butter, and extracts; stir in hot water, 1 Tbls. at a time, until the glaze reaches desired spreading consistency.
-Spread prepared icing over slightly cooled rolls.

valentino - 2008-06-19 17:00:00

Too good to lose.. :o)

jenna68 - 2008-06-21 09:25:00

Caramel Sago 2Tbsp butter, 500mls milk, 6Tbsp brown sugar, 2 eggs, 2Tbsp sago, 1/4tsp salt, 1/2 tsp vanilla. Place 4Tbsp of the sugar in a pan with the butter and melt over a low heat. Bring to the boil and boil for 1 minute. Stir in slowly the milk and sago. Bring back to the boil and cook gently, stirring frequently, until the sago is cooked. Beat the egg yolks with the salt and add to the sago mixture. Cook until smooth and thick. Beat the egg whites until stiff and add the other 2Tbsp brown sugar. Fold into the sago mixture adding the vanilla. Lovely hot or cold. My son so loved this that he offered his Mum to cook it for 42 people on a school camp. Bless him!

lulu239 - 2008-06-21 13:38:00

Up it goes .. :o)

jenna68 - 2008-06-23 19:51:00

Bumping for poppi2 To have a look at some self saucing puddings and others for ideas...

valentino - 2008-06-27 10:13:00

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cookessentials - 2008-07-02 08:13:00

I need to check this one as well

snapit - 2008-07-05 15:11:00

And again ... :o)

jenna68 - 2008-07-09 05:38:00

Bumping.. :o)

jenna68 - 2008-07-12 10:04:00

bumping great thread

leechris - 2008-07-12 10:27:00
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