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Help Please.. LL getting valuers in..

shanreagh wrote:

Have you made your mask yet?

'fewer' not 'less'

Correct. Less is for categories, and fewer is for items. As in, less traffic is caused by fewer cars. Or, fewer philosophers and more English teachers.

johnston - 2021-10-27 16:26:00
smallwoods wrote:

We helped a tenant into the house by leaving in the deposit for his bank loan.
They paid us out, as agreed 5 years later.
10 years on and they are back renting?

No hopers.

tegretol - 2021-10-27 21:32:00
tegretol wrote:

No hopers.

You must be lovely (NOT) to be around being so judgmental of your fellow humans. Or are you meek as a lamb at home and let rip here? Asking for a friend.

shanreagh - 2021-10-27 21:43:00
tegretol wrote:

No hopers.

LOL, you have little idea.

smallwoods - 2021-10-27 22:13:00
shanreagh wrote:

You must be lovely (NOT) to be around being so judgmental of your fellow humans. Or are you meek as a lamb at home and let rip here? Asking for a friend.

"Asking for a friend"... aka "I don't have the guts to ask for myself do I'll pretend to have friends"..!!!

Darwin was spot on you know and I fullt subscribe to his theories. Do you?

tegretol - 2021-10-27 23:34:00
tegretol wrote:

"Asking for a friend"... aka "I don't have the guts to ask for myself do I'll pretend to have friends"..!!!

Darwin was spot on you know and I fullt subscribe to his theories. Do you?

'Asking for a friend' on this section of the MB is tongue in cheek as you would know if you came here often enough rather just bombing in once, dropping your poison and away.

So actually in your case it was more than tongue in cheek but heavily sarcastic. But you knew that too didn't you? Just in case I will put a little warning.

PS You haven't asked answered the query about when you use your highly judgmental persona. Is it just in anonymous situations like MBs?

Edited by shanreagh at 8:01 am, Thu 28 Oct

shanreagh - 2021-10-28 07:59:00
shanreagh wrote:

'Asking for a friend' on this section of the MB is tongue in cheek as you would know if you came here often enough rather just bombing in once, dropping your poison and away.

So actually in your case it was more than tongue in cheek but heavily sarcastic. But you knew that too didn't you? Just in case I will put a little warning.

PS You haven't asked answered the query about when you use your highly judgmental persona. Is it just in anonymous situations like MBs?

Every day when I met nasty types like you with your hidden and devious agendas.

tegretol - 2021-10-28 11:24:00
tegretol wrote:

Every day when I met nasty types like you with your hidden and devious agendas.

you just called our Prime Minister a horse and you think shanreagh is nasty?

sparkychap - 2021-10-28 12:23:00

tegretol, you are an egg.

I certainly hope you are not a landlord as your attitude is very unprofessional.

tygertung - 2021-10-28 12:31:00
tygertung wrote:

tegretol, you are an egg.

I certainly hope you are not a landlord as your attitude is very unprofessional.

Not now. I was a LL but after a few years of tenants expecting me to be on call to fix their every whim and dance their tunes, I chucked them all out and the properties now stand empty. True, there are good ones but the vast majority are shitheads and have no respect for themselves or other peoples property. Yet they have an incredible level of self-entitlement like "you must paint the door a different colour to match my new car" or "you need to mow the lawns by 4pm on Saturday as we are having friends round"......

That's why I can't be arsed being nice to clot-heads who make your sorts of comments.

tegretol - 2021-10-28 13:59:00

Notice: we are out of stock of troll food ????

thumbs647 - 2021-10-28 16:52:00
thumbs647 wrote:

Notice: we are out of stock of troll food ????


tegretol - 2021-10-28 19:03:00
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