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peanuts37 wrote:

You read it, only Trade-me related stuff.

LOL, shall we all bombard the new community board as a protest

mrfxit - 2021-10-28 17:40:00
gblack wrote:

Just a warning to avoid the politics if you go there.

Why a warning? It is open to anyone to voice an opinion and if there are currently more right wing posters than left, then surely, it needs more left wing posters to establish a balance?

As yet, the advice side of NZI hasn't caught up with TM and TMMB seems so thin with posts, that it hasn't yet reached a viable level.

socram - 2021-10-29 10:51:00

When I first discovered the message board it could be more entertaining than reading a light hearted girly novel.

I remember one thread on here about a woman asking advice on whether to go on a date at New year with a new man, what she should wear etc. Fictitious but so funny and hilarious posts which went on for pages.

viking60 - 2021-10-29 12:18:00
socram wrote:

Why a warning? It is open to anyone to voice an opinion and if there are currently more right wing posters than left, then surely, it needs more left wing posters to establish a balance?...

That's illogical, just the thought of being classified 'right' or left' rather than 'spin 1/2', 'spin up' or 'down' etc, puts me off.

The thing I liked about TM was that it rounded up a bunch of people who just happened to be here because they wanted to buy or sell, the message board didn't start from a polarised viewpoint.

gyrogearloose - 2021-10-29 18:40:00
gyrogearloose wrote:

s illogical, just the thought of being classified 'right' or left' rather than 'spin 1/2', 'spin up' or 'down' etc, puts me off.

The thing I liked about TM was that it rounded up a bunch of people who just happened to be here because they wanted to buy or sell, the message board didn't start from a polarised viewpoint.

Spot on.

Bloody tunnel vision, linear thinking, black and white, false dichotomy buffoons.

ronaldo8 - 2021-10-29 20:28:00
king1 wrote:

here is a list of the new fees, the odd category at 5.9% but most of them now 9.9%

I had a real estate agent moaning to me a while ago, that after 20 or so years their fees were still stuck at whatever per cent. He was annoyed when I pointed out that the cost of houses had risen by a thousand percent, and so had their income. Looks like TM doesn't believe that the rising tide lifts their boat.

davepro - 2021-10-29 21:39:00
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