Serious saver interest rate is sad
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51 | Ask ANZ about lower risk managed funds ( a mix of shares, bonds, cash). Most conservative/ moderate funds ( low risk) are returning say 5% after fees pretax. Balanced funds ( more risk)say 10% and some growth funds ( high risk) say 20%+. If you're investing for a medium term say 5 years your returns should be ( but not guaranteed) better than savings or term deposits. You don't have to invest all your savings and most funds allow withdrawals. Stick with a "safe name" provider eg a Bank or Milford or Simplicity etc. I'm sure some 'anti' posters will climb in here as they lost money in the share market years ago. Mixed funds provide diversified investments. Check ANZ website. The BNZ has a product called YouWealth- check the BNZ website which shows you returns on the various fund options over past few years and the composition , risk of each fund. Looking pretty good right now as markets have generally been in bullish mode but as always things can change. If investing you need to have the courage not to panic if balances drop occasionally - you can check daily if you want. PS - suggest read the book The Big Short - easier to understand if you don't have financial knowledge, it will explain things more clearly -then watch the movie-an amazing true story. Take care with any sole operator Financial Advisers - some are very good- well qualified, experienced etc, Some are thieves eg Bernie Madoff and a couple of kiwi blokes in the news last couple of years who've lost or flogged clients investments. Edited by gumboot999 at 6:15 pm, Sat 4 Sep gumboot999 - 2021-09-04 18:08:00 |
52 | sparkychap wrote:
I think he went off to make some feature-length films about the apocalypse, but got interrupted by a real apocalypse. ‘They’re’ saying he could make a cameo before we get to the end. thumbs647 - 2021-09-04 18:24:00 |
53 | lovelurking wrote:
Their management fees would eat up any profit you might make. The big companies can still go under, look at Equiticorp. spidermurti - 2021-09-05 01:41:00 |
54 | travlr wrote:
Be careful that you don't end up paying Withholding Tax at 28% especially if you are already on a lower tax rate. spidermurti - 2021-09-05 01:42:00 |
55 | lovelurking wrote: yes Milford assets are brilliant , daz1968 - 2021-09-05 22:45:00 |
56 | spidermurti wrote: lovelurking - 2021-09-06 09:01:00 |
57 | megan109 wrote:
Not only ANZ though .. pick just about any bank & microscope is needed to read the Interest rate for looking after your dough, then IRD take their swipe out of it too .. a completely different story on charging for the Pla$tic, Loan$, Mortgages$ Overdraft$ etc etc.. ;) Edited by tmg at 7:16 pm, Tue 7 Sep tmg - 2021-09-07 19:15:00 |