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$8M Motel


Heard theres a second deal in the works, the $8 million motel thats been on the market for years... now has a govt funded neighbour. What a lovely development for Rotoruas "Golden Mile" along fenton street.

bitsnpieces2020 - 2021-08-03 17:00:00
bitsnpieces2020 wrote:

Heard theres a second deal in the works, the $8 million motel thats been on the market for years... now has a govt funded neighbour. What a lovely development for Rotoruas "Golden Mile" along fenton street.

yes I heard that too, hence why I am now calling it the ‘boulevard of broken dreams’. Some of the poor people who live nearby have been burgled while they are sitting in their own houses. Their homes must be losing value being situated near these motels.

There’s a homeless guy with his car who has a dog that is parked up on one street. Not sure if he’s in the accommodation and the dog lives in the car or what. Either way, what a mess this town and indeed our country has become.

Apparently there is some list of all the motels that aren’t used for this sort of housing somewhere so people know where they can stay if they come on holiday. Not sure where to find it though.

lakeview3 - 2021-08-03 17:07:00

Oh my goodness and now this!

Just gets better every day.

lakeview3 - 2021-08-03 17:20:00

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gunna-1 - 2021-08-04 04:29:00

You should be able to read that one. This one is paywalled but you get the drift:

It would be cheaper to find out where each homeless person came from and give them $5000 to move back there

I have spent most of my life in this place. Never have I seen it so bad. What a shameful legacy our mayor and council have left us.

Edited by lakeview3 at 7:26 am, Wed 4 Aug

lakeview3 - 2021-08-04 07:12:00
lakeview3 wrote:

You should be able to read that one. This one is paywalled but you get the drift:

It would be cheaper to find out where each homeless person came from and give them $5000 to move back there

I have spent most of my life in this place. Never have I seen it so bad. What a shameful legacy our mayor and council have left us.

So we know this was caused by a homeless person from one of the local motels?

sparkychap - 2021-08-04 08:56:00
bitsnpieces2020 wrote:

Why is NZ investing so much money on people that will only ever be a drain on everyone else?

If it is telling people that a motel unit is their future that is not 'investing'.

This is just a short term 'fix' using other people's money by those with no real idea.

soundsgood - 2021-08-04 14:53:00
sparkychap wrote:

So we know this was caused by a homeless person from one of the local motels?

yeah I am sure it’s just a coincidence we have truckloads of people, gang members etc just around the corner living in emergency accommodation ????

You should see the crime stats and areas committed from the neighbourhood watch group newsletter……I did.

lakeview3 - 2021-08-04 18:04:00
lakeview3 wrote:

yeah I am sure it’s just a coincidence we have truckloads of people, gang members etc just around the corner living in emergency accommodation ????

You should see the crime stats and areas committed from the neighbourhood watch group newsletter……I did.

The same thing's going on up here in Auckland too LV.
Here's a recent review of an inner city Auckland motel I found online:
"Horrible, Terrible and Unsafe: Zest OK is the WORST
This is the worst! It houses open drug users, drunks, criminals and unhygienic people with complete disrespect for fellow residents. This does not, of course, exclude the staff - some of whom who have appalling customer service. I felt neither safe nor comfortable. Please do yourself a favour and AVOID this place!

I understand that this may be the only, or best, option for some people with a low budget or who need immediate access to places like the Hospital, which is right next door. But I seriously do not think this is worth it. I feel sorry for people who are forced to stay there long-term because I really do believe this place is DANGEROUS. For your own safety and security, stay somewhere else. If nothing else, it will ruin your trip."

mazalinas - 2021-08-04 21:46:00
mazalinas wrote:

The same thing's going on up here in Auckland too LV.
Here's a recent review of an inner city Auckland motel I found online:
"Horrible, Terrible and Unsafe: Zest OK is the WORST
This is the worst! It houses open drug users, drunks, criminals and unhygienic people with complete disrespect for fellow residents. This does not, of course, exclude the staff - some of whom who have appalling customer service. I felt neither safe nor comfortable. Please do yourself a favour and AVOID this place!

I understand that this may be the only, or best, option for some people with a low budget or who need immediate access to places like the Hospital, which is right next door. But I seriously do not think this is worth it. I feel sorry for people who are forced to stay there long-term because I really do believe this place is DANGEROUS. For your own safety and security, stay somewhere else. If nothing else, it will ruin your trip."

i think it’s everywhere. What a sad situation for our country.

lakeview3 - 2021-08-04 22:06:00
lakeview3 wrote:

i think it’s everywhere. What a sad situation for our country.

The unintended consequences are huge... Using Motels for emergency housing for the homeless is going to stuff our accommodation industry when international tourists return.
No one will want to stay in Motels, that review mazalinas found will be the norm.
I feel sorry for the Moteliers who have spent a lot of money to buy their business and work hard but who don’t take WINZ customers.

lovelurking - 2021-08-04 23:14:00

stevo2 - 2021-08-05 06:45:00
lakeview3 wrote:

yeah I am sure it’s just a coincidence we have truckloads of people, gang members etc just around the corner living in emergency accommodation ????

You should see the crime stats and areas committed from the neighbourhood watch group newsletter……I did.

Correlation does not equal causation.

sparkychap - 2021-08-05 07:54:00

And this is sooo much better than private rentals.
Idiot ideologues in power.

pcle - 2021-08-05 07:55:00

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gunna-1 - 2021-08-05 15:13:00

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gunna-1 - 2021-08-05 15:16:00

Yesterday a legal aid worker told me about a youth who was put into the facility for a couple weeks (too young for prison) The police were taking them back home, they stopped at BP for fuel, went inside to pay, they had to take the youth with them (obviously), and went back to the car, drove away. Shortly after the youth asked the police officers if they wanted some chocolate, he had shoplifted from the BP, while in police custody. He went back to BP, court, and the facility for a couple more weeks.

bitsnpieces2020 - 2021-08-12 18:56:00
gunna-1 wrote:

Are they going to do there job and provide affordable accommodation, or sit there scoffing and moaning, if its the latter, the govt has this dirty work on there hands, should have thought this through before selling up the state houses..

Government has no business being in housing. Just one failure after another.

pcle - 2021-08-12 20:00:00
pcle wrote:

Government has no business being in housing. Just one failure after another.

When you say 'government' you really mean taxpayers.

artemis - 2021-08-13 06:39:00

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gunna-1 - 2021-08-13 06:51:00

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gunna-1 - 2021-08-13 06:55:00
pcle wrote:

Government has no business being in housing. Just one failure after another.

I bet if you talk to most New Zealanders you will find many have lived in a state house growing up, myself included. My father grew up in state houses because he was from a forestry family, I spent the first 6 years of my life in one also.

This is part of the reason the system is broken. People were given state houses to live in, then suddenly these houses were sold out from under them or their jobs were ‘sold off’ by the Lange and Bolger Govts with no warning

So don’t complain the govt should never have been into housing, this country was built off the back of housing people in state houses. Think of all the jobs created building them for a start. All the forestry towns and villages, villages where the power plants were, post office workers, police, teachers, public servants the list goes on and on. This is part of the reason why some families don’t have the ‘base’ of home equity. Because the govts of Bolger and Lange sold off their homes, their jobs and frankly their dignity. Now the lack of hope is generational.

This country should be ashamed of the way it has treated some people and the hypocrisy from some is unbelievable. Many former PMs and politicians have lived in and benefited from state housing and then they pulled the carpet out from everyone else’s feet just so they and their mates could profit from it. It’s quite disgusting.

Edited by lakeview3 at 7:39 am, Fri 13 Aug

lakeview3 - 2021-08-13 07:37:00

But you didn't live on a benefit and it wasn't a house for life. Better option is helping people to own. Not buying up all the cheap houses by out bidding everyone else. Or paying $Zillions per week for motels. The wallies won't dare address the actual problem - too much tax and red tape stifling development.

pcle - 2021-08-13 09:08:00
pcle wrote:

But you didn't live on a benefit and it wasn't a house for life. Better option is helping people to own. Not buying up all the cheap houses by out bidding everyone else. Or paying $Zillions per week for motels. The wallies won't dare address the actual problem - too much tax and red tape stifling development.

I agree about helping people to own. This has so many benefits and our historical high home ownership rates prove this. As these rates are dealing, so too is our general standard of living .

Unfortunately housing the ‘poor’ has now become a whole industry, from the emergency accommodation‘providers’ to the landlords buying up all the houses. The whole system is *@#$&ed.

lakeview3 - 2021-08-13 09:12:00

The only solution the idiots in charge are applying is more tax and more regulations. What we desperately need is a whole lot less idiots in charge.

pcle - 2021-08-13 10:47:00
pcle wrote:

The only solution the idiots in charge are applying is more tax and more regulations. What we desperately need is a whole lot less idiots in charge.

unfortunately most of them are the same no matter what party they are from. This current lot aren’t doing themselves many favours given their utter inability to sort the housing market or steal local govt water assets from ratepayers and turn previously thriving CBDs into cesspits of no hopers. Won’t be long before some towns literally have skid row for CBD just like downtown LA.

lakeview3 - 2021-08-13 13:53:00
lakeview3 wrote:

most of them are the same no matter what party they are from. This current lot aren’t doing themselves many favours given their utter inability to sort the housing market or steal local govt water assets from ratepayers and turn previously thriving CBDs into cesspits of no hopers. Won’t be long before some towns literally have skid row for CBD just like downtown LA.

Absolutely. And now we have 120 of the expensive useless to contend with.

pcle - 2021-08-13 17:08:00

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gunna-1 - 2021-08-13 17:12:00
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