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Have others spent/spend to meet healthy homes?

thornton1961 wrote:

sounds like legitimate buisness costs , every business in NZ is regulated and has compliance costs, l dont know why the housing rental industry is so precious...

All businesses would increase their prices to reflect increased costs. It's how businesses stay in business. I can't understand why the landlords' business expenses are viewed as something they should absorb but it's okay for every other business to increase costs.

oakcottage - 2021-06-17 15:27:00
lovelurking wrote:

I wish that compliant healthy homes were a requirement for all homes, not just rentals...

if owners choose to live in a cold, damp house, surely that's their choice? My friend is 74 and lives in a really old house and it's freezing but she loves it.

annie17111 - 2021-06-17 15:27:00
annie17111 wrote:

if owners choose to live in a cold, damp house, surely that's their choice? My friend is 74 and lives in a really old house and it's freezing but she loves it.

So, why should a rental be any different then? Level playing field and all that...

lovelurking - 2021-06-17 15:50:00
loose.unit8 wrote:

Maybe, maybe not.

But my point was, it would be a weird situation if we were forcing older homes to be above the standards we set for new homes. Conversely, building home which are already not up to healthy home standard is nuts.

yes but i think that situation is going to change.
submissions for the new building standards closed the other week. govt has built some of their houses to higher standards, a bit of a test run.
renters don't have much choice in the housing which is why its being pushed on landlords.
home owners a the moment are free to upgrade whatever they like. a lot of them have especially with the healthy home rants.
even run of the mill poor buggers like myself have done upgrades.

new home owners can build their homes to higher standards, but most don't because most don't know or want to know. some that do get pressured by building industry not to. and then theres the large number that are simply building to sell so less spent the better.

but hopefully this will all change soon.

tweake - 2021-06-17 16:08:00
annie17111 wrote:

if owners choose to live in a cold, damp house, surely that's their choice? My friend is 74 and lives in a really old house and it's freezing but she loves it.

thats absolutely fine.

however many people out there use that to justify making all houses cold/damp. so everyone else has no choice at having a warm/dry house.
plus many say they love it but actually just put up with it because they don't want to spend any money.

with a decent house you can have it cold or warm as you like and its cost stuff all to run. and thats for the lifetime of the house.

tweake - 2021-06-17 16:14:00
annie17111 wrote:

if owners choose to live in a cold, damp house, surely that's their choice? My friend is 74 and lives in a really old house and it's freezing but she loves it.

I decided to add another story on my really old house, and I had to insulate the new bit.
I insulated the rest of the house by removing the weatherboards - it wasn't that hard. $2000 to insulate the whole house.

trade4us2 - 2021-06-17 16:20:00
trade4us2 wrote:

I decided to add another story on my really old house, and I had to insulate the new bit.
I insulated the rest of the house by removing the weatherboards - it wasn't that hard. $2000 to insulate the whole house.

She doesn't want to. It's not how I would want to live but she's happy.

annie17111 - 2021-06-17 17:23:00
oakcottage wrote:

All businesses would increase their prices to reflect increased costs. It's how businesses stay in business. I can't understand why the landlords' business expenses are viewed as something they should absorb but it's okay for every other business to increase costs.

Because arguably they should have provided a warm, dry home in the first place rather than being forced to. If that's too hard or too much of a pain, then perhaps being a landlord isn't right for you and you should look into alternative ways of investing your capital

csador - 2021-06-17 20:25:00

We met compliance so nothing to do, but what does annoy me is that tenants refuse to use the heatpump, or smartvent system. Whats the point of putting these in when they arent used as tenants cant afford the power, or so they say.

molly37 - 2021-06-18 06:02:00
molly37 wrote:

We met compliance so nothing to do, but what does annoy me is that tenants refuse to use the heatpump, or smartvent system. Whats the point of putting these in when they arent used as tenants cant afford the power, or so they say.

If there is evidence of mould or damp at inspections, it is up to the tenant to remedy or pay the cost of someone else to remedy. Unless the cause is landlord responsibility, eg roof leak. Easier to prove responsibility if the rental is compliant, but even if not tenants are often responsible anyway. And should be formally held to account.

artemis - 2021-06-18 08:00:00
molly37 wrote:

We met compliance so nothing to do, but what does annoy me is that tenants refuse to use the heatpump, or smartvent system. Whats the point of putting these in when they arent used as tenants cant afford the power, or so they say.

with ventilation systems use the land lord systems, ie they are locked so they can't be adjusted or even have a control panel tenants can see.
obviously come inspection time and the vents are blocked off or they have gone into the ceiling and unplugged it, thats a bit of a different issue and possible grounds for them to find a new home to live in.

unfortunately there is some education require, especially as nz has a culture of not using electric heating.

tweake - 2021-06-18 13:03:00
annie17111 wrote:

if owners choose to live in a cold, damp house, surely that's their choice? My friend is 74 and lives in a really old house and it's freezing but she loves it.

I'm weird and like to eat my dinner by candlelight.
Therefore, landlords should not be required to make sure their rental properties have light fittings.

luteba - 2021-06-18 16:53:00
luteba wrote:

I'm weird and like to eat my dinner by candlelight.
Therefore, landlords should not be required to make sure their rental properties have light fittings.

I'm weird and like to eat my dinner by candlelight. Not only that, but my diet is completely vegan raw food.

Therefore, landlords should not be required to make sure their rental properties have light fittings or cooking facilities.

sparkychap - 2021-06-18 17:26:00
sparkychap wrote:

I'm weird and like to eat my dinner by candlelight. Not only that, but my diet is completely vegan raw food.

Therefore, landlords should not be required to make sure their rental properties have light fittings or cooking facilities.

I like sleeping outside so I'm after a cardboard box on a section...that'll do me!

shanreagh - 2021-06-18 17:43:00
sparkychap wrote:

I'm weird and like to eat my dinner by candlelight. Not only that, but my diet is completely vegan raw food. Therefore, landlords should not be required to make sure their rental properties have light fittings or cooking facilities.

You might just about be weird enough not to need a kitchen sink either. Build up immunity by not washing your raw vegies or the plates you serve them on.

webworth - 2021-06-19 18:40:00
webworth wrote:

You might just about be weird enough not to need a kitchen sink either. Build up immunity by not washing your raw vegies or the plates you serve them on.

Good call, no point providing a kitchen as I can just eat out the vege patch.

sparkychap - 2021-06-19 18:43:00
oakcottage wrote:

All businesses would increase their prices to reflect increased costs. It's how businesses stay in business. I can't understand why the landlords' business expenses are viewed as something they should absorb but it's okay for every other business to increase costs.

aaaaahhhh , of course !..all hail the rental investors business mentality ...

so thats why a cup of coffee costs $9 now..


Edited by thornton1961 at 9:21 pm, Tue 22 Jun

thornton1961 - 2021-06-22 21:14:00
thornton1961 wrote:

aaaaahhhh , of course !..all hail the rental investors business mentality ...
so thats why a cup of coffee costs $9 now..

Hope you enjoy high rents. Just wait till the new tax is passed on.
Ain't seen nothing yet.

pcle - 2021-06-23 08:09:00

Mine were mostly already compliant, I needed a moisture barrier for one place and to board up the open fireplace. The other one only needed an oven extractor fan.
I had already insulated and put in bathroom fans, heatpumps etc when I purchased because I wanted to be able to offer a decent property for rent.
And I don't increase rents for this type of thing. I see it as 50% investment and 50% not being an asshole.

huggy5 - 2021-06-24 07:50:00
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