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Cancelling Contents Insurance

corogirl wrote:

I cancelled my contents insurance years ago because I couldn't remember when I had last had a claim, which was when my kids were at the destructive stage. I figured out I have saved about $10k since I cancelled it.

And if your house burned down tomorrow that 10k won’t go far.

blands70 - 2021-03-18 19:21:00
kittycatkin wrote:

Some people on Fair Go were complaining that their claim had been turned wonder, they had grossly inflated it and claimed for expensive items like a DVD player (expensive then) that they didn't have in the first place.

I stopped watching Fair Go when they started doing trivial stories like an old woman whinging because she bought some moisturiser in a box and the jar was smaller than the box and had a heavy base. The amount inside is written on the box, so this was a stupid complaint. It's like complaining that the chocolates in a box don't fill the box completely because they are in trays.

Oh my, hoky my.

bryshaw - 2021-03-22 18:19:00
sparkychap wrote:

Not really, plenty of Cantabrians got a great payout and bought new houses with them. Most of the botched repairs were caused by EQC/Fletchers, not insurers.

That is very true.

kitty179 - 2021-03-22 18:24:00

It is just stuff as long as people are safe all is OK. I only insure property not contents, cars or life.

You can pick up stuff cheaply and secondhand is still serviceable.

Edited by deboron at 7:24 am, Thu 25 Mar

deboron - 2021-03-25 07:23:00
deboron wrote:

It is just stuff as long as people are safe all is OK. I only insure property not contents, cars or life.

You can pick up stuff cheaply and secondhand is still serviceable.

not even third party?

sparkychap - 2021-03-25 07:39:00
deboron wrote:

It is just stuff as long as people are safe all is OK. I only insure property not contents, cars or life.

You can pick up stuff cheaply and secondhand is still serviceable.

you are missing the point of Liability cover. if you damage someone elses very expensive stuff, or have an at fault accident in your car and hit a Lamborghini, that will be coming out of your back pocket.

I have seen an incident where a worker damaged their employers couch. That couch was worth $60k. Imagine telling the insurer who is coming after you for recovery that they should just get a second hand cheapie to replace it with...

phoenix22 - 2021-03-25 08:17:00
deboron wrote:

It is just stuff as long as people are safe all is OK. I only insure property not contents, cars or life.

You can pick up stuff cheaply and secondhand is still serviceable.

which is why I have full insurance on all our vehicles. So if someone without insurance crashes into me, then my insurance company will chase them for the money.
We spend about $4000 on house, contents and vehicle insurance a year but it's worth it for the peace of mind.

annie17111 - 2021-03-25 10:15:00

i don't have contents insurance, but i dont have lots of $ value in stuff (contents)
I have house insurance
i had car insurance, my newly financed car was ridden off last month n insurance paid out, stink for the people who crashed into me but at least i didn't have to go through the courts system to try get my $ back

fast_or_last - 2021-03-25 14:12:00

This message was deleted.

kittycatkin - 2021-03-25 14:20:00

This message was deleted.

kittycatkin - 2021-03-25 14:22:00
kittycatkin wrote:

Just go to the opshop, you can buy one for $50.

Or look on TM and find an old Toyota to replace the Lamborghini; a car's a car....

Yes, but what if that car or couch wasn't yours, and you damaged it? You'd be up for replacing it, and I don't think the guy who's $60k couch or $300k Lamborghini was damaged will settle for anything less than a replacement at the same value.

Contents insurance (and vehicle insurance for that matter), isn't just about you and your stuff. it covers you in case you damage someone else's stuff. This is the point I am trying to get across.

phoenix22 - 2021-03-25 15:33:00
korban wrote:

Not everyone has thousands of dollars in a bank account, to be able to replace everything, should a disaster happen (flood, robbery, etc)

After a. Certain age you realize there is no need to replace everything. My few real essentials are cheaply replaced by the policy
payments I save..

lilyfield - 2021-03-25 15:41:00
lilyfield wrote:

After a. Certain age you realize there is no need to replace everything. My few real essentials are cheaply replaced by the policy
payments I save..

it isn't just about you and your stuff though. What if you cause a fire that burns down someone else's home? Their insurance company will go after you for recovery. If you don't want contents insurance which covers this, at the very least get a separate liability policy.

phoenix22 - 2021-03-25 15:49:00
sparkychap wrote:

not even third party?

To be fair I don't drive but hubby doesn't have vehicle insurance

deboron - 2021-03-26 06:56:00
phoenix22 wrote:

you are missing the point of Liability cover. if you damage someone elses very expensive stuff, or have an at fault accident in your car and hit a Lamborghini, that will be coming out of your back pocket.

I have seen an incident where a worker damaged their employers couch. That couch was worth $60k. Imagine telling the insurer who is coming after you for recovery that they should just get a second hand cheapie to replace it with...

If a Lamborghini has an accident with us it will be their fault more likely than not due to inability to handle a high performance vehicle. We are self employed so the second scenario is unlikely but when needed we have taken out public liability insurance for events.

You only need insurance if you can't afford to cover things that need replacing and in my experience you can always work out a payment plan. BTW my family and hubby were all in the insurance industry.

Edited by deboron at 7:03 am, Fri 26 Mar

deboron - 2021-03-26 07:01:00
deboron wrote:

To be fair I don't drive but hubby doesn't have vehicle insurance

Then I have to say I think he’s an idiot, sorry!
Vehicle insurance should be compulsory, just like registration and WOF...

lovelurking - 2021-03-26 07:05:00
deboron wrote:

To be fair I don't drive but hubby doesn't have vehicle insurance

then you are showing no respect for other road users. Just imagine if hubby drove into mals69s new Porsche?

sparkychap - 2021-03-26 07:14:00
lovelurking wrote:

Then I have to say I think he’s an idiot, sorry!
Vehicle insurance should be compulsory, just like registration and WOF...

yep - CTP like in most other civilised countries.

sparkychap - 2021-03-26 07:14:00
sparkychap wrote:

yep - CTP like in most other civilised countries.

That is mainly to cover personal injury claims that NZ has ACC covering. Vehicle damage is nothing compared to long term medical costs.

pauldw - 2021-03-26 09:48:00
pauldw wrote:

That is mainly to cover personal injury claims that NZ has ACC covering. Vehicle damage is nothing compared to long term medical costs.

Covers both in other countries, we wouldn't need the medial cover aspects. Just a CTP to cover damage to landlords Porsches.

Edited by sparkychap at 10:44 am, Fri 26 Mar

sparkychap - 2021-03-26 10:43:00
lovelurking wrote:

Then I have to say I think he’s an idiot, sorry!
Vehicle insurance should be compulsory, just like registration and WOF...

And the people who are unlikely to have insurance now, will just have one more thing to ignore. And they are likely the people causing a good chunk of the crashes anyway. When our glorious CCP overlords take over, we will be able to send these shirkers to 're-education' camps, and they will come out smiling (and obedient).

apollo11 - 2021-03-26 10:49:00

I once had contents insurance, and someone ripped off some stuff out of the garage -welding machines, air tools, chainsaws etc.

I tried to make a claim on it, but the insurance company wanted receipts and photos of everything. I had itemised everything and given it a value, came to about $800 I think.

It was all just too hard basket, so just cancelled the policy instead. I figure if the house burnt down and we lost everything, could just go down to the second hand shop and get everything we needed second hand for a few hundred. Would be a good way to de-clutter really.

Was able to put the savings on the premiums back into the mortgage.

We don't have a lot of fancy stuff so the villains won't find that much to rip off.

I reckon contents is a waste of money, house insurance is a good idea though if you have an insurable house.

tygertung - 2021-03-26 13:04:00
lovelurking wrote:

Then I have to say I think he’s an idiot, sorry!
Vehicle insurance should be compulsory, just like registration and WOF...

If it was we would get it.Considering with no accidents in over 40 years of driving it is money wasted.

deboron - 2021-03-27 06:39:00
sparkychap wrote:

then you are showing no respect for other road users. Just imagine if hubby drove into mals69s new Porsche?

Haha then Mal would have to chase us up

deboron - 2021-03-27 08:17:00
lovelurking wrote:

Then I have to say I think he’s an idiot, sorry!
Vehicle insurance should be compulsory, just like registration and WOF...

Oh I've just seen where you reside. No wonder you are anxious about this issue

deboron - 2021-03-27 08:20:00
tygertung wrote:

I once had contents insurance, and someone ripped off some stuff out of the garage -welding machines, air tools, chainsaws etc.

I tried to make a claim on it, but the insurance company wanted receipts and photos of everything. I had itemised everything and given it a value, came to about $800 I think.

It was all just too hard basket, so just cancelled the policy instead. I figure if the house burnt down and we lost everything, could just go down to the second hand shop and get everything we needed second hand for a few hundred. Would be a good way to de-clutter really.

Was able to put the savings on the premiums back into the mortgage.

We don't have a lot of fancy stuff so the villains won't find that much to rip off.

I reckon contents is a waste of money, house insurance is a good idea though if you have an insurable house.

I don't think you can replace a whole house load of stuff for a few hundred. It's stuff like blankets, beds, washing machine, fridge, oven etc.

annie17111 - 2021-03-27 08:52:00
deboron wrote:

Oh I've just seen where you reside. No wonder you are anxious about this issue

The worrying bit is that even with New Zealand in lockdown and no overseas visitors we still have atrocious drivers who take no notice of the road rules or understand how to negotiate a roundabout...

lovelurking - 2021-03-27 08:59:00
deboron wrote:

Haha then Mal would have to chase us up

Or his insurance company would, but then you'd probably not have the funds to pay, so someone loses out. Being hit by another driver is stressful and causes significant inconvenience and often loss of vehicle for the person hit.

If the other person isn't insured you end up having to pay the excess until it can be recovered. I honestly believe not being insurer is shirking your responsibility, even if you haven't crashed in 40 years. No one crashes until they do.

Edited by sparkychap at 9:14 am, Sat 27 Mar

sparkychap - 2021-03-27 09:07:00
lovelurking wrote:

The worrying bit is that even with New Zealand in lockdown and no overseas visitors we still have atrocious drivers who take no notice of the road rules or understand how to negotiate a roundabout...

Dangerous overtaking, speeding, tail gating, failing to merge and my pet peeve, opening car doors in car parks with no regard to other cars.

sparkychap - 2021-03-27 09:07:00
sparkychap wrote:

Or his insurance company would, but then you'd probably not have the funds to pay, so someone loses out. Being hit by another driver is stressful and causes significant inconvenience and often loss of vehicle for the person hit.

If the other person isn't insured you end up having to pay the excess until it can be recovered. I honestly believe not being insurer is shirking your responsibility, even if you haven't crashed in 40 years. No one crashes until they do.

Not shirking because I can cover any crash if I have to even a Porsche. Anyway with the vehicle thing I am with you but hubby isn't and he is the driver.

Edited by deboron at 8:12 am, Sun 28 Mar

deboron - 2021-03-28 08:11:00

It's only legalised gambling really.....

tegretol - 2021-03-28 10:21:00
deboron wrote:

Not shirking because I can cover any crash if I have to even a Porsche. Anyway with the vehicle thing I am with you but hubby isn't and he is the driver.

Sounds like your hubby is the worlds best driver then. And you are the worlds best saver.

sparkychap - 2021-03-28 10:23:00
annie17111 wrote:

I don't think you can replace a whole house load of stuff for a few hundred. It's stuff like blankets, beds, washing machine, fridge, oven etc.

Maybe not a absolutely bulging house, but you could easily get enough to get by for not much and then you would just slowly build it up as you needed it.

tygertung - 2021-03-29 06:18:00
tygertung wrote:

Maybe not a absolutely bulging house, but you could easily get enough to get by for not much and then you would just slowly build it up as you needed it.

You obviously don’t know anyone who has lost everything in a house fire and how devastating it is even with insurance. I do...

lovelurking - 2021-03-29 07:04:00

i got 0 insurance and i made sure i fixed the dodgey kiwi shel be right mate hous wiring chewed by rats .. in conduits. If you dont have insurance you also doubt crash your car if you know who pays .
I can see how you could think you need insurance when you always paid , you stop and you would have a claim. The same as they cant stop gambling like lotto.. its far more easy if you dont play lotto ever you know you wont win, but you saved the money you did not waste,
IF you got no insurance you have to be hyper sensitive dont buy candles or cloth dryers from the dump.. if you hear a noise like a tap leaking you fix it you have a faulty electrical you dont wait till the house is on fire because you got insurance when you dont.
i also have no battery in smoke detectors because my house wont go on fire i got 5kg rat bait in the ceiling ... instead.. and a new roof so water dont shorts the electrics.. i would say 70% nz houses need new roofs and are number 1 reason for dam and mould.

intrade - 2021-03-29 07:50:00

Not having a working smoke alarm is really stupid.

annie17111 - 2021-03-29 08:11:00
sparkychap wrote:

Sounds like your hubby is the worlds best driver then. And you are the worlds best saver.

He is pretty good having been a driver, and I am pretty frugal.

deboron - 2021-03-29 08:31:00
intrade wrote:

i got 0 insurance and i made sure i fixed the dodgey kiwi shel be right mate hous wiring chewed by rats .. in conduits. If you dont have insurance you also doubt crash your car if you know who pays .
I can see how you could think you need insurance when you always paid , you stop and you would have a claim. The same as they cant stop gambling like lotto.. its far more easy if you dont play lotto ever you know you wont win, but you saved the money you did not waste,
IF you got no insurance you have to be hyper sensitive dont buy candles or cloth dryers from the dump.. if you hear a noise like a tap leaking you fix it you have a faulty electrical you dont wait till the house is on fire because you got insurance when you dont.
i also have no battery in smoke detectors because my house wont go on fire i got 5kg rat bait in the ceiling ... instead.. and a new roof so water dont shorts the electrics.. i would say 70% nz houses need new roofs and are number 1 reason for dam and mould.

Not sure if trolling or just stupid.

sparkychap - 2021-03-29 08:39:00
deboron wrote:

He is pretty good having been a driver, and I am pretty frugal.

I don't have a problem with self insuring if you completely acknowledge the risk and have accounted for them. I'm sure your husband is a great driver, after all he's male, but its a different story if he then gets rear ended by a bad driver with no insurance.

sparkychap - 2021-03-29 08:40:00
sparkychap wrote:

Not sure if trolling or just stupid.


lovelurking - 2021-03-29 08:48:00
sparkychap wrote:

I don't have a problem with self insuring if you completely acknowledge the risk and have accounted for them. I'm sure your husband is a great driver, after all he's male, but its a different story if he then gets rear ended by a bad driver with no insurance.

yep would have to pay for repairs themselves and then try and get money out of the other driver.

annie17111 - 2021-03-29 08:52:00
annie17111 wrote:

Not having a working smoke alarm is really stupid.

lets put it this way if smoke alarms then id use fixed wired ones. And i would hope they work still if the fuses pop for another 30 minutes..
no good to have smokalarms with dead batterys cause you cant afford them but hey you got smoke alarms....

Edited by intrade at 10:10 am, Mon 29 Mar

intrade - 2021-03-29 10:05:00
intrade wrote:

lets put it this way if smoke alarms then id use fixed wired ones. And i would hope they work still if the fuses pop for another 30 minutes..
no good to have smokalarms with dead batterys cause you cant afford them but hey you got smoke alarms....

Do you see any flaws in your argument?

apollo11 - 2021-03-29 10:15:00
apollo11 wrote:

Do you see any flaws in your argument?

no its called calculating the risk. No house in europe mainland has smoke alarms. You should not do what i do unless you understand the risk and have done all preventive measures. Go and look in your ceiling if you see bear wires not in conduits you better have insurance and smoke alarms.
my risk is 50% to die in house fire its also 50% that i die in my car.. i dont have a smoke alarm in my car .. and neither have you i bet on it.
This is what i do and not cheapskate way for you to follow halfhearted and brainless . and then blame me when your house is on fire or what ever.
do what you have to.. You also cant have no insurance if you got a mortgage.
if i had to pay insurance what money do i use to fix dodgey wiring .. they are all total cowboys in this country . The used electrical tape to fix rat chewed wiring. 100% trades people my house is a ex statehouse. dripping moisture from repainted bodged roof on to electrical tape bridging power and earth with water and ......... you got the house on fire.. but hey you got smoke alarms with dead battery to feel save...

Edited by intrade at 10:31 am, Mon 29 Mar

intrade - 2021-03-29 10:23:00
intrade wrote:

lets put it this way if smoke alarms then id use fixed wired ones. And i would hope they work still if the fuses pop for another 30 minutes..
no good to have smokalarms with dead batterys cause you cant afford them but hey you got smoke alarms....

I'm staggered that you are proposing this as an argument.

sparkychap - 2021-03-29 10:24:00
apollo11 wrote:

Do you see any flaws in your argument?


sparkychap - 2021-03-29 10:27:00
intrade wrote:

lets put it this way if smoke alarms then id use fixed wired ones. And i would hope they work still if the fuses pop for another 30 minutes..
no good to have smokalarms with dead batterys cause you cant afford them but hey you got smoke alarms....

we have smoke alarms that take batteries and check then often. Batteries aren't that expensive

annie17111 - 2021-03-29 10:28:00
intrade wrote:

no its called calculating the risk. No house in europe mainland has smoke alarms.

Apart from virtually every country in mainland Europe.

France - mandatory since 2015
Germany - mandatory for all new builds for several years and existing ones in many states.

Can't be bothered to look at any more.

sparkychap - 2021-03-29 10:30:00
intrade wrote:

no its called calculating the risk. No house in europe mainland has smoke alarms. You should not do what i do unless you understand the risk and have done all preventive measures. Go and look in your ceiling if you see bear wires not in conduits you better have insurance and smoke alarms.
my risk is 50% to die in house fire its also 50% that i die in my car.. i dont have a smoke alarm in my car .. and neither have you i bet on it.
This is what i do and not cheapskate way for you to follow halfhearted and brainless . and then blame me when your house is on fire or what ever.
do what you have to.. You also cant have no insurance if you got a mortgage.

Haha yeah but how often do you sleep in your car? Quite a lot of deaths occur in house fires because the occupants are killed by smoke inhaled while they are asleep (our sense of smell does not work when we are sleeping).

kitty179 - 2021-03-29 10:31:00
intrade wrote:

my risk is 50% to die in house fire its also 50% that i die in my car.. i dont have a smoke alarm in my car .. and neither have you i bet on it.

It's ironic that you have often said that all Kiwis are morons. First you rewire your house with conduit, so you don't have to spend ten bucks on smoke alarm batteries every couple of years, you stuff your ceiling space with rat bait instead of making sure rats can't get in, and then you insinuate that I should treat my car like a house. How many days a week do you sleep in your car? Do you use candles or get drunk and have a fry up while you are in your car?

apollo11 - 2021-03-29 10:31:00
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