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Do cell phone towers affect property values?

soundsgood wrote:

I use electricity.

I wouldn't buy next to a sub station or under High Voltage lines.


kittycatkin wrote:

I use power but I don't want a pylon in the garden.

Would you decline a house in a street with power poles?

raewyn2 - 2021-01-25 18:50:00
raewyn2 wrote:

Would you decline a house in a street with power poles?

Different scenario. Some buyers will take into account potential risks when buying. Others won’t care about risks.

Edited by committed at 7:07 am, Tue 26 Jan

committed - 2021-01-26 07:04:00
cassina1 wrote:

There is a belief that with the new 5G towers the radiation is greater than 4G. 6G when it comes out will have even greater radiation.

Yep, lots of beliefs around, most wrong as in this case. If anything 5G will have lower radiated power as it is much shorter range.

tony9 - 2021-01-26 16:19:00
kittycatkin wrote:

I use power but I don't want a pylon in the garden.

Why not? They are very useful for hoisting things up.

tony9 - 2021-01-26 16:21:00
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