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Harassment of tenant from Body Corporate President

sw20 wrote:

Do you want things to change or do you want sympathy and a place to vent?

I want things to change I am just about to drop off a letter to my letting agent So we will see I guess what happens now.

anne1955 - 2021-01-18 12:59:00
anne1955 wrote:

I want things to change I am just about to drop off a letter to my letting agent So we will see I guess what happens now.

Have you issued a 14 day notice to remedy as suggested upteen times above?

sparkychap - 2021-01-18 13:14:00
luteba wrote:

The wording does matter though - if the property is let as a "whole house" on AirBnB they're not technically running a business _from_ the property, any more than you're running a business from the property if it's rented to people long-term.

of course they are. It’s a short term holiday rental and the same laws don’t apply as they do to a long term rental.

lakeview3 - 2021-01-18 14:14:00

thumbs647 - 2021-01-18 14:20:00
anne1955 wrote:

I want things to change I am just about to drop off a letter to my letting agent So we will see I guess what happens now.

Anne I'd be emailing correspondence to the letting agent as that way you have a record of it and their replies.

shelleigh - 2021-01-18 15:30:00

Dear Anne1955, I am really sorry to hear you are being mistreated by this bully. I was also sad to see you had to give up your long term companion cat. I think you are doing well in getting your written notice to the letting agent re repairs needed. I also think there is some good advice from other posters , in amongst their discussions of side topics :) As a landlord I understand that I am not entitled to just show up at my tenants home and have obligations to ensure that heating, cooking, washing, general services and peaceful private occupation are maintained properly. The BC bully has no right to enter your space, intrude on your peaceful occupation or order you around. The suggestion of a restraining or trespass order is a very useful action. Keep pursuing your agent and/or property owner and if they don't comply with the written request for repairs file with the TT. I would also suggest that part of your complaint to the TT if you need to go that far would included the harassment from the BC you have been subjected to. It may work better for you to just try to put up with this mean person while you find another more suitable , comfortable home, if you are concerned about backlash due to TT interactions. Be courageous, take sensible calm actions to defend yourself and your peace of mind from the intrusions, and mismanagement of the property, you have had to put up with. It appalls me that some property owners and managers are so disrespectful to the people who are paying good money to them. Keeping a written record of all interaction with the Bully and or email copies of correspondence with the property manager is a good idea to help you back yourself up confidently. I wish you the best of luck and hope that you are able to establish a home for yourself that meets your needs. nga mihi Rj

upfront1 - 2021-01-18 16:28:00
anne1955 wrote:

.... I don't want to have to go into battles like this, but now the costs of 1st going to a laundry weekly are over a weeks rental in total, ...

Wow you either have a ridiculous amount of laundry, or incredibly cheap rent.

desi1969 - 2021-01-18 16:55:00

Fixed term tenancy it seems so could be terminated on the end date with proper notice. Or could be deemed retaliatory notice by the Tenancy Tribunal and termination notice set aside.

artemis - 2021-01-18 18:38:00
desi1969 wrote:

Wow you either have a ridiculous amount of laundry, or incredibly cheap rent.

Sounds like cost over a year.

artemis - 2021-01-18 18:39:00
artemis wrote:

Fixed term tenancy it seems so could be terminated on the end date with proper notice. Or could be deemed retaliatory notice by the Tenancy Tribunal and termination notice set aside.

How can it be retaliatory notice?

sparkychap - 2021-01-18 18:42:00

Sounds like another tenant from Hell.

masturbidder - 2021-01-18 18:52:00

Sounds like another body corporate from hell more like.

lakeview3 - 2021-01-18 19:07:00

Mr ‘chairman of the board’ has let all the glory go to his head.

lakeview3 - 2021-01-18 19:08:00
sparkychap wrote:

How can it be retaliatory notice?

If a tenant raises issues relating to their rights, then is given notice. Tenant says a letter is being dropped off today. Not a done deal because like all Tenancy Tribunal cases - it depends.You don't agree?

artemis - 2021-01-18 19:10:00

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kittycatkin - 2021-01-18 19:12:00

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kittycatkin - 2021-01-18 19:18:00

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kittycatkin - 2021-01-18 19:20:00

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kittycatkin - 2021-01-18 19:24:00
artemis wrote:

If a tenant raises issues relating to their rights, then is given notice. Tenant says a letter is being dropped off today. Not a done deal because like all Tenancy Tribunal cases - it depends.You don't agree?

I assumed you meant the other way round, as the OP wants out and probably won't care if the LL gives her notice before she does.

sparkychap - 2021-01-18 19:30:00
kittycatkin wrote:

This story sounds very strange.

You should have been here for OP's other stories over the years, been some doozies.

desi1969 - 2021-01-18 22:34:00
kittycatkin wrote:

Anyone who signs without reading the agreement can't complain. Never, ever sign something you haven't read.

Understanding is more important.

johnston - 2021-01-19 06:44:00

This 'President' bloke sounds like a right royal tosser! Probably got nothing better to do than harass people Probably doing nothing all day!!!. I am sorry that you had to rehome your cat. Hopefully this can get sorted so you can have a peaceful life. God luck Anne

megan109 - 2021-01-19 10:58:00

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kittycatkin - 2021-01-19 16:36:00

This message was deleted.

kittycatkin - 2021-01-19 16:37:00
kittycatkin wrote:

What do you mean ? Unless the person's read it, they can't understand it as they don't know what it says. Relying on someone else's interpretation is asking for trouble. Never, ever sign anything you haven't read.

You proved my point. You read my post but do not comprehend.

Edited by johnston at 8:19 am, Wed 20 Jan

johnston - 2021-01-20 08:18:00
desi1969 wrote:

You should have been here for OP's other stories over the years, been some doozies.


mkr_ahearn - 2021-01-20 08:24:00
desi1969 wrote:

You should have been here for OP's other stories over the years, been some doozies.

including the tread from Nov where she asked if the landlord had to repair the appliances and was advised to get 14 day notices issued.

And here we are....

sparkychap - 2021-01-20 09:01:00
sparkychap wrote:

including the tread from Nov where she asked if the landlord had to repair the appliances and was advised to get 14 day notices issued.

And here we are....

Another hit and run. They never came back to that thread either.

sw20 - 2021-01-20 09:32:00

Regarding non working appliances, These have been told to the letting agent at every inspection, at the first inspection, letting agent said they would notify the owner, and the last time when I said I had contacted Tenancy's Services, and they said it is required that they keep them in working order. My letting agent "laughed and said yes we know that".

Last night the Letting Agent rang me regarding the letter, and was about to contact the owner, as yet she hasn't got back to me.
I asked in my letter 'if' it was possible I could end the lease early due to the 'harassment' of Body Corp Chairperson. As to he has 3 unit's to date within the complex, the most recent purchase was the unit beside me. He doesn't live in any of the units full-time and 1 he has tenants in. But with the fact he had people his friends over Xmas staying and the male made revolting sexual advances. Just adds to my wanting to move. I had to close my business last year due to the virus, and decided to move from my 5 yr rental to start again as a retire my rental prior to that was 4 yrs. I don't like the idea of shift as such but really not knowing from day to day if there is going to be some other 'unpleasant' person staying me door makes me very uncomfortable. The other night while I was watering my roses out sit, I jumped nearly out of my skin when out came a young man only in shorts. (granted is was still warm). He then introduced himself as the soon of Mr Chairman's son. Day before yesterday when his mother and father came up the lad had gone home, I said to Mr Chairman what a nice young man his son is and then he went into "what have you been talking to my son about, what did you tell him" tone was again in offensive mode Just so very unpleasant. So I walked away which in small area is not always easy.
So time will tell what the agent and owner say. .

anne1955 - 2021-01-20 10:03:00

So you still haven't given a 14 day notice. You don't want to be helped.

sw20 - 2021-01-20 10:31:00
mkr_ahearn wrote:


Meaning, she should have seen OP's many other threads over the years, there have been some great threads with colourful stories; (wouldn't have thought that hard to understand ;) )

Suffice to say, this is by no means an isolated event in OP's rental/housing history, as opposed to the 'stable long term 4 year and 5 year tenancies' which are now being reported.

desi1969 - 2021-01-20 10:39:00

I find OP's post's comparable to reading "War and Peace"

clay229 - 2021-01-20 11:27:00
clay229 wrote:

I find OP's post's comparable to reading "War and Peace"

Tolstoy knew how to use paragraphs though.

johnston - 2021-01-20 12:18:00
desi1969 wrote:

Meaning, she should have seen OP's many other threads over the years, there have been some great threads with colourful stories; (wouldn't have thought that hard to understand ;) )

Suffice to say, this is by no means an isolated event in OP's rental/housing history, as opposed to the 'stable long term 4 year and 5 year tenancies' which are now being reported.

Yes I have seen Anne's previous threads over the years. Wasn't sure of your meaning/intention for posting that and okay.

mkr_ahearn - 2021-01-20 12:35:00
clay229 wrote:

I find OP's post's comparable to reading "War and Peace"

Because they are both great works of fiction?

jonnythecat - 2021-01-20 12:35:00
jonnythecat wrote:

Because they are both great works of fiction?


johnston - 2021-01-20 13:02:00
jonnythecat wrote:

Because they are both great works of fiction?

oooooooh......a cat bite

skull - 2021-01-20 13:19:00
skull wrote:

oooooooh......a cat bite

The op should check the claws in tenancy agreement. I am sure everything is actually purrfect and she's feline fine.

Edited by johnston at 1:34 pm, Wed 20 Jan

johnston - 2021-01-20 13:34:00

People! in your wonderful worlds... you are aware that making smug , sarcastic and/or teasing putdown comments isn't coming across as witty so much as just another form of bullying?

upfront1 - 2021-01-20 14:44:00
clay229 wrote:

I find OP's post's comparable to reading "War and Peace"

Well I do hope that my books sell as well. Granted grammar and spelling will need a bloody amazing proof reader.

anne1955 - 2021-01-20 14:44:00
shelleigh wrote:

Anne I'd be emailing correspondence to the letting agent as that way you have a record of it and their replies.

Yes and thank you I do keep copies of all writings I do Cheers Anne

anne1955 - 2021-01-20 14:46:00
upfront1 wrote:

Dear Anne1955, I am really sorry to hear you are being mistreated by this bully. I was also sad to see you had to give up your long term companion cat. I think you are doing well in getting your written notice to the letting agent re repairs needed. I also think there is some good advice from other posters , in amongst their discussions of side topics :) As a landlord I understand that I am not entitled to just show up at my tenants home and have obligations to ensure that heating, cooking, washing, general services and peaceful private occupation are maintained properly. The BC bully has no right to enter your space, intrude on your peaceful occupation or order you around. The suggestion of a restraining or trespass order is a very useful action. Keep pursuing your agent and/or property owner and if they don't comply with the written request for repairs file with the TT. I would also suggest that part of your complaint to the TT if you need to go that far would included the harassment from the BC you have been subjected to. It may work better for you to just try to put up with this mean person while you find another more suitable , comfortable home, if you are concerned about backlash due to TT interactions. Be courageous, take sensible calm actions to defend yourself and your peace of mind from the intrusions, and mismanagement of the property, you have had to put up with. It appalls me that some property owners and managers are so disrespectful to the people who are paying good money to them. Keeping a written record of all interaction with the Bully and or email copies of correspondence with the property manager is a good idea to help you back yourself up confidently. I wish you the best of luck and hope that you are able to establish a home for yourself that meets your needs. nga mihi Rj

Thank you

anne1955 - 2021-01-20 14:48:00
sw20 wrote:

Another hit and run. They never came back to that thread either.

I do often should I feel it needed return to prior posts of mine. It was more now the change in things 'the harassments' that have made me so upset. I actually like it here, well until this continued 'personal inferences in my life and hence the loss of enjoyment living here. And after he purchased the unit next to me and became a far more regular visitor and totally in my face when ever he saw me. I had learned to live with weekly trips to Laundromat not happy with extra costs I have had to put into making the place liveable but bite the bullet and was happy enough to bring it up yet again upon my next 3 monthly inspection. As really I have been here 8mths and lease is 12 Yes should have jumped up and down straight away But didn't, I actually just want a quite life.

anne1955 - 2021-01-20 14:58:00
desi1969 wrote:

Meaning, she should have seen OP's many other threads over the years, there have been some great threads with colourful stories; (wouldn't have thought that hard to understand ;) )

Suffice to say, this is by no means an isolated event in OP's rental/housing history, as opposed to the 'stable long term 4 year and 5 year tenancies' which are now being reported.

Wrong last house was 5 yrs and NZ Housing previous was 4 yrs and private. And only moved from the other into a 'State House' because of it selling. And from State house to here for a couple of reasons mostly be cause I felt it could be better let being 2 bdrm And the next door neighbour on one side that was not only ripping the system off big time But neglected her fur babies. Rest of street and myself where and still are friends even be it only now via FB.

anne1955 - 2021-01-20 15:07:00
upfront1 wrote:

People! in your wonderful worlds... you are aware that making smug , sarcastic and/or teasing putdown comments isn't coming across as witty so much as just another form of bullying?

I possibly should be use to such, but not needed or required I say thank you the one thing on here I have never done is as you say, in fact totally the opposite

anne1955 - 2021-01-20 15:09:00
desi1969 wrote:

Wow you either have a ridiculous amount of laundry, or incredibly cheap rent.

The rent if compared with NI and even some SI is very realistic 220.00 for unfurnished bedsit. Rented with working appliances :) Our local Laundromat is 5.00 per load And I do weekly washing of clothing items and fortnightly an extra 8.00 for largest machine so all towels and bedding can be done. I don't use a clothes dry there and don't have one here. Fact more than 30 yrs since I ever owned one. I don't dry lets say "smalls" outside they go to bathroom. Unlike some renters here and like some owners here as well. I don't want or need to see such but it's done buy many. Even if in Corp Body Rules not to.
7 mths of laundry and odd other times as I had a fill in job for 3 mths uniforms had to be done when my rosters didn't fit weekly wash. And these are not included in amount.

anne1955 - 2021-01-20 15:22:00
desi1969 wrote:

You should have been here for OP's other stories over the years, been some doozies.

Do those take into account the people that have been given and taken some of my advice when they asked for help?

Doozies they maybe but all true. So here's another you might have missed. 27 yrs of $3.74 per 3 months approx. ACC payments for Sexual, mental and physical abuse. These are meant to be looked at each 5 yrs but 27 yrs later (Last year) after reading some 'new information from ACC' I contacted them Reply was "We don't have any files for you, you don't exist"! When I pointed out my payments they said "no sorry not from us" I said well I have copies of it all and can provide may years of bank statements as well. I got a lot of coughing and spluttering. And that they would get back to me, I said again happy to send it to them.

No why had I not don't anything about it prior you may ask. Because I had never had any notification from them and sadly not in the habit of reading ever change of law in NZ
When they accepted and suddenly found 'some old records' They asked if I wanted to be re-assed I said yes. It took nearly a year to get the appointment. I was originally assed at 10% and the above was that payment amount. After a large number of Dr's appointments from all types of Dr's of ACC Late last year they said it is now rated at 30%.
And no I want no sympathy And this payment includes in it the fact the 'system' took away my ability to have children.
So before people sit in judgment of others There are some amazing stories out there even in NZ
And now I am out for a hour of so to met the lady who was kind enough to do a DNA test so I could find my "Birth Father" I never knew I was adopted until I was almost 30 and found out my birth father the day I turn 65,

anne1955 - 2021-01-20 15:51:00

Enjoy your vent. You are happily incurring extra costs for whatever unknown reason. You have been provided with advice regarding a 14 day notice to rectify the broken appliances. There is a damn good chance you could be awarded damages from this part time landlord, however we can only point you in the right direction, you need to act.

I’d bet $10 when your lease ends in four months they will try and take your bond for the broken appliances.

sw20 - 2021-01-20 16:04:00

This message was deleted.

kittycatkin - 2021-01-20 16:04:00


Sounds like you’ve had a shit time for a long time anne.
Is there anyone who can help you get on top of this?
Chances of finding your birth father alive is pretty slim but hopefully you might find some half brothers and sisters...
Best wishes.

lovelurking - 2021-01-20 16:06:00
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