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How long does a desktop computer last?

muppet_slayer wrote:

Would pay to download HDsentinel too, and see what it has to say about your at least 8 year old hdd/ssd.

Yep it seems to me more than one issue or issue related to the video. Spell check? Clipboard issues? Screen issues? Needing to restart?

Check for dust issues and check your HDD with the above. Updated software? After 8yrs could be a good time to reinstall the Windows etc ...

rayonline_tm - 2021-01-28 09:55:00
trade4us2 wrote:

Being integrated there is nowhere to plug in another card. .

What rubbish. Theres always expansion slots inside the case the question is - is there a free one ?

nice_lady - 2021-01-28 09:58:00
rayonline_tm wrote:

Check for dust issues and check your HDD with the above.

Already told them this without any feedback as to whether they bothered.

nice_lady - 2021-01-28 10:06:00

Actually I've got an old (Windows Vista era) Toshiba laptop and it has a NVidea sticker on it, and the screen is all garbled when trying to display the native resolution (1280 x 800). Maybe the NVidea is the problem?!

Works ok at a lower resolution, but is a bit soft of course.

tygertung - 2021-01-29 07:22:00
trade4us2 wrote:

Nvidia don't work properly with Ubuntu .

Er......I have an Nvidia, it isn't an issue at all.And Linux.

lythande1 - 2021-01-29 08:30:00
tygertung wrote:

Actually I've got an old (Windows Vista era) Toshiba laptop and it has a NVidea sticker on it, and the screen is all garbled when trying to display the native resolution (1280 x 800). Maybe the NVidea is the problem?!

Works ok at a lower resolution, but is a bit soft of course.

Maybe the problem is that all of your anecdotes about having issues with hardware, is because you are using computers that are 15 years old?

The GPU is one of the most constantly stressed components of a PC, especially with the heat fluctuations it has to go through. It makes perfect sense that a GPU of that age could be having issues or could be faulty.... that doesn't mean that "nvidia is the problem".

cube_guy - 2021-01-29 08:50:00

The PC I am on now, is over 10 years old, still windows 7, some mornings it is slow as, like this morning at 7:30am when I went to do a courier booking, took over 15 minutes, everything slow to open up and pages to load even my excel work sheet, give it about half an hour and it's back up running normal speed,
It's not a morning PC now Lol!.
had problems a few years ago, thought it was dying, then put 2 & 2 together, uninstalled a programme & been sweet as since, but before I solved that problem I brought a new windows 10 expecting this to kark it, so now running both side by side until it says no more and dies, so if this has a slow start, I can carry on doing other stuff on other one, as that's the one I set up my auctions on and do photo's etc.
But I prefer windows 7 over windows 10,
Just like humans getting old, we take a bit of time warming up to move faster,

flossy63 - 2021-01-29 09:43:00

Might be faulty RAM, given that the integrated GPU uses the main system memory.

stevexc - 2021-01-29 14:33:00
stevexc wrote:

Might be faulty RAM, given that the integrated GPU uses the main system memory.

I have run memtest for many hours, showing zero errors.
The computer is still running. I have not had any crashes for a week.
Some of the graphics don't display very well.

trade4us2 - 2021-02-04 09:48:00
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