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Power meters

gunna-1 wrote:

I think they allso communicate with other power users to get general data for the area, its only what i know, if true they will be going non stop.

do you have any source for this allegation? Why would my smart meter need to get usage for others?

sparkychap - 2021-01-03 14:14:00

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gunna-1 - 2021-01-03 14:18:00

They gather all the individual data at the office surely, then work out what different areas use.. Otherwise, what, one meter's smarter than the rest and does the calculation and sends it off ?

mechnificent - 2021-01-03 14:25:00
gunna-1 wrote:

For the general power useage of the given areas, i plan on getting a meter and testing our one for myself to see whats true and what isnt, but it seems fairly logical to me, why would they not be used as a ruling stick to gauge consumption, why were they designed for in the first place...

that makes absolutely no sense at all. Why? Why does my meter need to know if Mrs Miggins at number 54 is having a long shower?

sparkychap - 2021-01-03 14:26:00

I'd be wanting the one smartest meter at my place... I don't trust those other people's meters.. They might try and blame me for using all the power.

mechnificent - 2021-01-03 14:26:00

It's all one big conspiracy Sparky.. You must know that.

Spill the beans !

Edited by mechnificent at 2:27 pm, Sun 3 Jan

mechnificent - 2021-01-03 14:27:00

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gunna-1 - 2021-01-03 14:27:00
gunna-1 wrote:

Who might have an issue with Mrs Miggins takeing a long shower, think about it.

Only crazy tinfoil hat people.

sparkychap - 2021-01-03 14:28:00

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gunna-1 - 2021-01-03 14:29:00
mechnificent wrote:

They gather all the individual data at the office surely, then work out what different areas use.. Otherwise, what, one meter's smarter than the rest and does the calculation and sends it off ?

absolutely. It makes no sense that any meter would need to know the “general consumption of the area”. What’s it going to do with it? Randomly turn my heat pump on if it thinks I’m not using it enough?*

*that’s another crazy theory, btw.

sparkychap - 2021-01-03 14:31:00
gunna-1 wrote:

Worse, try harder.

the lizard people? ????

sparkychap - 2021-01-03 14:31:00

What does Mrs Muggins look like ?...I might be interested.

mechnificent - 2021-01-03 14:32:00

Gunna... You gotta get out of that city ..

mechnificent - 2021-01-03 14:33:00
mechnificent wrote:

What does Mrs Muggins look like ?...I might be interested.

its Miggins.

sparkychap - 2021-01-03 14:34:00

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gunna-1 - 2021-01-03 14:35:00
gunna-1 wrote:

I dont know about royal family conspiracies, they sound abit far fetched, but try agenda 21.

why would the United Nations be concerned with Mrs Miggins showing habits?

sparkychap - 2021-01-03 14:36:00

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gunna-1 - 2021-01-03 14:37:00
gunna-1 wrote:

The environment, natural resources..

and why would my meter need to know what everyone else is up to? Is it part of the secret cabal of pedophile baby eating liberal globalists?

sparkychap - 2021-01-03 14:42:00

Lol... I'm glad I don't have a tv.. Another avenue for them to get into my home..

mechnificent - 2021-01-03 14:45:00

We all know those meter readers gossip quite enough already...

mechnificent - 2021-01-03 14:46:00

And the mail man... Nothing's safe from the prying eyes these day !!

mechnificent - 2021-01-03 14:46:00

Thank goodness for brown paper...

mechnificent - 2021-01-03 14:48:00

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gunna-1 - 2021-01-03 14:48:00
gunna-1 wrote:

Nosey technocrats, but i dont know if they are connected to secreat societies, if they are its most likely the club of rome, the committee of three hundred, or some bankers, dont know if the skull and crossbones society are invoved or the black nobility or if they even have anything to do with pedophileia probably not.

well if they can remotely know and turn off the power of anyone watching Shortland Street then I roll up my trouser leg, give the funny handshake and I’m all in.

sparkychap - 2021-01-03 14:50:00
mechnificent wrote:

And the mail man... Nothing's safe from the prying eyes these day !!

Mrs Miggins always has a long shower after the mail mans been.

sparkychap - 2021-01-03 14:51:00

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gunna-1 - 2021-01-03 14:55:00

Those mailmen !

mechnificent - 2021-01-03 14:57:00

Dude.. The freemasons are all good.. Like Rotary they are.

mechnificent - 2021-01-03 14:58:00

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gunna-1 - 2021-01-03 15:01:00

Ha.. I know them all.. All the real ones.. Not the made up stuff though..

mechnificent - 2021-01-03 15:03:00

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gunna-1 - 2021-01-03 15:06:00
gunna-1 wrote:

Probably are, i,ve only heard rantings about sexisum lately so tuned out on it, The Rosicrucians are another one most likely few people know about..

the only sexisum is from Rachel on 8 out of 10 Cats...

Edited by sparkychap at 3:07 pm, Sun 3 Jan

sparkychap - 2021-01-03 15:07:00

They are both about self knowledge and development Gunna.. It's all good.

mechnificent - 2021-01-03 15:11:00
gunna-1 wrote:

I think they allso communicate with other power users to get general data for the area, its only what i know, if true they will be going non stop.

Where do you get this rubbish from ??

martin11 - 2021-01-03 16:17:00

I don't want any meter. I am sick of paying the bill. Every month they send it and then if you don't pay it they take the free gift off you and you end up paying 150% interest on it. How dodgy are they charging the prices they charge then offering a credit or gift.

Edited by ash4561 at 5:10 pm, Sun 3 Jan

ash4561 - 2021-01-03 17:07:00
gunna-1 wrote:

I think they allso communicate with other power users to get general data for the area, its only what i know, if true they will be going non stop.

complicated to do and waste of $$$ to have the meter do it.
very easy to do that back at the power company office, their computers will analyse all the data for all users and know exactly whats going on with their grid.

tweake - 2021-01-03 17:10:00
ash4561 wrote:

I don't want any meter. I am sick of paying the bill. Every month they send it and then if you don't pay it they take the free gift off you and you end up paying 150% interest on it. How dodgy are they charging the prices they charge then offering a credit or gift.

Wut? Just pay your bill on time. We are with Powershop and buy our power ahead of time, so no surprises.

apollo11 - 2021-01-03 17:18:00

Its not like me to side with the conspiracy freaks, but power usage profiles have been used to locate urban dope-growers.
Those grow-lights use heaps of power.

masturbidder - 2021-01-03 20:20:00

Not any more Mastur.. They use LED now... So I heard.from swim (some one I met)..

Edited by mechnificent at 8:57 pm, Sun 3 Jan

mechnificent - 2021-01-03 20:56:00
masturbidder wrote:

Its not like me to side with the conspiracy freaks, but power usage profiles have been used to locate urban dope-growers.
Those grow-lights use heaps of power.

I thought they just bypassed the meter altogether for the UV lamps?

apollo11 - 2021-01-03 21:09:00


How do you do that ?

mechnificent - 2021-01-03 21:23:00

Dark glasses on...


mechnificent - 2021-01-03 21:24:00
mechnificent wrote:


How do you do that ?

Vewwy vewwy carefuwwy.

apollo11 - 2021-01-03 21:30:00

lol.. Ok.. if I had a meter I'd have a go.. It sounds like fun

mechnificent - 2021-01-03 22:00:00

I'll try the neighbors.. They won't mind.

mechnificent - 2021-01-03 22:02:00

I've just been over in USA.. those yanks are a crackup.. and so defensive of trump.. Easy bait..

mechnificent - 2021-01-03 22:03:00

You could do it the old fashioned way- plant it outside. You live 10km from the middle of nowhere so you should be OK.

apollo11 - 2021-01-03 22:05:00
mechnificent wrote:

I've just been over in USA.. those yanks are a crackup.. and so defensive of trump.. Easy bait..

The good thing about Trump is that he wasn't a politician. If he'd been a better person too, he would have been a winner. Not that it matters, I don't see how anything can save the US now, the globalists have won.

apollo11 - 2021-01-03 22:08:00

Go tell them.. They'll love to hear that(not)..

mechnificent - 2021-01-03 22:09:00

I live the charmed life mate.. Everybody likes me, even the boys in the plane.. They come and waggle their wings at me every year..

I waggle back.

mechnificent - 2021-01-03 22:11:00
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