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Be a Landlod this year?


So you agreed - service tenancies ARE governed by the RTA. Phew.

sparkychap - 2021-01-03 16:10:00

I've never said though that there were exemptions from a service tenancy..That's just what you read into my words..

mechnificent - 2021-01-03 16:13:00

Phew yourself Sparky..

Lucky I like you.

mechnificent - 2021-01-03 16:13:00
pf wrote:

whose standard ? .. some Greta wannabees with their snout in the taxpayer funded Government trough .. just because a standard is set doesn't mean it's a reasonable or logical standard .. my house doesn't meet the new healthy homes standard and I have no issue living in it .. also pathetic the 90 day notice if you want to sell the property ..

Lived in mine for over 40 years. Has no insulation at all over or under. Raised a family and had no issues. (I used a thermastatically controlled heater and/or fire for heating) And of course we had cloths if it was cold. It is a dry house (the air blows through).

bryalea - 2021-01-03 16:14:00

And if you read really carefully, you'll see that I never agreed service tenancies are governed by the RTA either.. those are words you are now trying to put in my mouth.. #51

But I think we have it sorted now..

And, the important thing, to me anyway, is that Gunna might be reading all this and realise that we all get lucky if we make it so, and that it only takes one lucky break, or act of kindness, to change our life..

Edited by mechnificent at 4:23 pm, Sun 3 Jan

mechnificent - 2021-01-03 16:18:00
bryalea wrote:

Lived in mine for over 40 years. Has no insulation at all over or under. Raised a family and had no issues. (I used a thermastatically controlled heater and/or fire for heating) And of course we had cloths if it was cold. It is a dry house (the air blows through).

Ha.. That's me too draughty house, no insulation, raised a family and we are all as hardy and as healthy as anyone.. or more so.

mechnificent - 2021-01-03 16:20:00
mechnificent wrote:

Unless you've had the offers I've had, then you are making presumptions.

I hope you batted your eyelashes and said that you were already spoken for.

apollo11 - 2021-01-03 16:22:00

Mate... I've had to fight them off all my life.

mechnificent - 2021-01-03 16:24:00
mechnificent wrote:

Mate... I've had to fight them off all my life.

Yeah, some men won't take no for an answer. I had a mate with the same problem, had to walk down Marion street (The local drag strip) nightly to get home . He had so many offers from blokes in cars that he could have made a living off it, if he'd been so inclined.

apollo11 - 2021-01-03 16:49:00

Yeah it comes with the territory.. And the women !

mechnificent - 2021-01-03 16:51:00
mechnificent wrote:

Yeah it comes with the territory.. And the women !

Lol. I've got a face like Dolf Lundgren's after a hard night on the town, so the girls that don't know I'm a big softie tend to scream and run away.

apollo11 - 2021-01-03 16:55:00

Girls are more perceptive than us fellahs Apollo.. you know that.

mechnificent - 2021-01-03 17:04:00

And you can't judge a bicycle seat by it's cover... They all know that !

mechnificent - 2021-01-03 17:06:00
mechnificent wrote:

And you can't judge a bicycle seat by it's cover... They all know that !

Yeah that's why women chase after 'misunderstood' prison blokes.

apollo11 - 2021-01-03 17:14:00

They do ?

Lucky you've got a fast bike.

mechnificent - 2021-01-03 17:21:00
mechnificent wrote:

They do ?

Lucky you've got a fast bike.

Happily married, no need for fast getaways.

apollo11 - 2021-01-03 17:22:00

Slower the better then..

Lucky bastard.

mechnificent - 2021-01-03 17:25:00
mechnificent wrote:

And if you read really carefully, you'll see that I never agreed service tenancies are governed by the RTA either.. those are words you are now trying to put in my mouth.. #51

I know, I was just trying to give you an easy way

Service tenancies are covered by the RTA and Healthy Homes requirements.

sparkychap - 2021-01-03 17:39:00

I never do easy Sparky..

But just this once I'll agree with you.

mechnificent - 2021-01-03 17:42:00

*cracks open a cold one and slides it down the bar to mechnificent*

sparkychap - 2021-01-03 17:49:00

Ehh.. Cheers Bro..

mechnificent - 2021-01-03 18:07:00

Call me Mech..

mechnificent - 2021-01-03 18:08:00

Oi Sparky are you setting up in oppo to Chito? If so make mine a double vodka on the rocks. - 2021-01-03 22:21:00
74 wrote:

Oi Sparky are you setting up in oppo to Chito? If so make mine a double vodka on the rocks.

Hey - not sure where Chito's got to - probably sorting out those multiple heath violations - so he left me in charge.

We're out of Vodka, I'm afraid - I've only got this specially imported green liquer Chito keeps under the bar. Label is in Russian, and google translates as "methyl alcohol", but that must mean "menthol".

Have a large one on the house.

Edited by sparkychap at 9:03 am, Mon 4 Jan

sparkychap - 2021-01-04 09:03:00

It's after nine.. I'm in.

mechnificent - 2021-01-04 09:07:00
sparkychap wrote:

We're out of Vodka, I'm afraid - I've only got this specially imported green liquer Chito keeps under the bar. Label is in Russian, and google translates as "methyl alcohol", but that must mean "menthol".

Hi SC would you save some of that menthol methyl stuff for me to soak my silver in and perhaps adapt my car (or lawnmower) to run on it......

Or perhaps it is Absinthe and you could allow only arty TM-ites to drink it.....I mean it addled the brains of some famous artists and their works are selling for mega-bucks....

shanreagh - 2021-01-04 12:19:00
sparkychap wrote:

Hey - not sure where Chito's got to - probably sorting out those multiple heath violations - so he left me in charge.

We're out of Vodka, I'm afraid - I've only got this specially imported green liquer Chito keeps under the bar. Label is in Russian, and google translates as "methyl alcohol", but that must mean "menthol".

Have a large one on the house.

Beats the Han d'Sanitise that Chito was serving - cheers! - 2021-01-04 12:59:00
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