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Disposing of mobile phone?

muppet_slayer wrote:

All so very true. I just feel bad for them you know.


nice_lady - 2020-12-19 11:03:00

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kittycatkin - 2020-12-19 11:12:00

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kittycatkin - 2020-12-19 11:14:00
kittycatkin wrote:

Even that one ? :D

Well that's an interesting question.

nice_lady - 2020-12-19 11:31:00
kittycatkin wrote:

Fewer, not less, unless you mean that not all of the person is killed.

LOL yeah true. Silly me.

muppet_slayer - 2020-12-19 11:31:00
tegretol wrote:

Now that's an interesting subject for an Economic lesson. Spend $30 extracting $1 worth of base metal.

To answer the OP - stick a screwdiver thru it to ensure that your data is near impossible to retrieve and biff it in the garbage.

Like this?
Which is also the hazard when put through a garbage compactor!

Edited by harm_less at 11:46 am, Sat 19 Dec

harm_less - 2020-12-19 11:45:00
harm_less wrote:

Like this?
Which is also the hazard when put through a garbage compactor!

One might assume that you'd have known to remove the battery first!

tegretol - 2020-12-19 12:07:00
nice_lady wrote:

NOT going to happen if the profits would be lower. Westerners, and pretty much everyone else in the world look after themselves first. And if that means someone has to get a smaller cut so that the someone else higher up the food chain gets a bigger bank balance then that's what happens nearly always.

And you only have to do a very quick skim of the international news, (try Al Jazeera for instance), and you'll see there's MUCH worse going on all the time out there.

Of course there is much worse going on all the time but we are focusing on a specific industry and we must focus if we are to address problems, you have to start somewhere. Why not the children of these mining industries?
I fully understand what you are saying but it doesn't make it 'right' or acceptable and what makes it 'right' or acceptable is using and making up excuses for it and ignoring the key issues by, for example, giving examples of similar atrocities happening in other or same industries, seemingly canceling out the issues we are trying to focus on. The same thing that actually goes on. We make up excuses for the wrong doings.

muppet_slayer - 2020-12-19 12:14:00
tegretol wrote:

One might assume that you'd have known to remove the battery first!

As the saying goes 'Assumptions are the mothers of all f*ck-ups'.

harm_less - 2020-12-19 13:13:00

why not give it to a childcare centre for children to play with. some parents let their children play on phones that don't work

jackiechan3 - 2020-12-19 13:35:00
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