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Microsoft Updates

tygertung wrote:

I am not sure if this is true, as on all my Linux machines, the computer's performance isn't really affected at all when it is installing the updates, which the system asks me before installing them, and restarts are only at my convenience, and it takes normal time to restart, not ages like on a windows machine.

my updates take about 10 seconds on a shutdown, feature updates maybe 5 minutes. Personally I don't mind that, but if things like that are important to you so be it...

king1 - 2020-10-20 15:35:00

Yeah can't say windows 10 updated have been long slow experiences for us on our 3 machines either.

nice_lady - 2020-10-20 15:50:00

This message was deleted.

frogycrzy - 2020-10-24 16:18:00
frogycrzy wrote:

you can turn windows updates of if you havnt clicked. im still on build 10240 the first oem copy that flew out the only update i do is drivers for new device. everthing els cut. i tell my computer what i want not what ms says we must have or we will be in stone age with slow comp. i say more updates and junk from ms will slow your comp down to snail like speed

Maybe your computer is a P.O.S ? My computers haven't slowed down at all due to updates.

nice_lady - 2020-10-24 18:12:00
nice_lady wrote:

Maybe your computer is a P.O.S ? My computers haven't slowed down at all due to updates.

maybe another one who likes running old P4s and atoms

king1 - 2020-10-24 18:21:00
king1 wrote:

maybe another one who likes running old P4s and atoms

Hmmm....either that or is too oriented towards cheap, (and perhaps consequently nasty), rather than good ?

nice_lady - 2020-10-24 18:44:00

P4s were pretty fast in their time but I wouldn't recommend running W10 on one.

tygertung - 2020-10-25 06:28:00

Corect. Only kernal and grub updates need a reboot

tygertung wrote:

I am not sure if this is true, as on all my Linux machines, the computer's performance isn't really affected at all when it is installing the updates, which the system asks me before installing them, and restarts are only at my convenience, and it takes normal time to restart, not ages like on a windows machine.

Correct. The only time you do need to reboot after a linux update is when the kernel or grub are updated.

Updates are run in Super User account mode leaving the the Userr to carry on doing their thing. Super User mode can be accessed any time in a separate tty(full screen termial) by pressing the Alt and F1 through F6 or virtual terminal on the users Desktop as and when needed. Just log in as su.In other words no special "God" mode..

Edited by mark.p at 7:05 am, Sun 25 Oct

mark.p - 2020-10-25 06:54:00
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