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Help please! Annoying neighbour


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kittycatkin - 2020-10-08 15:04:00
kittycatkin wrote:

It wasn't MY husband, thank you :D But I'd love to have seen the nosy parker's face... serve her right :D

I just give the finger in the direction of my neighbours so if she is looking through the gap in the fence, she is left in no doubt about what I think of her and her poor animal control and care.

Edited by lakeview3 at 4:37 pm, Thu 8 Oct

lakeview3 - 2020-10-08 16:33:00
kittycatkin wrote:

It wasn't MY husband, thank you :D But I'd love to have seen the nosy parker's face... serve her right :D

Oops, was laughing so didn't read it properly but still funny no matter whose husband he was---and I would have loved to have seen her face too, probably still in shock.

kacy5 - 2020-10-08 17:33:00

Go buy the loudest harley possible and raise your confederate flag

kata001 - 2020-10-08 21:51:00

had a similar neighbour that rented the house next door, allways complaining to council about anything we did, cutting down trees, tiling the basement
floor,changing the front door, didnt like the colour we painied the fence
or the house,, plus a load of porkies
community constable was able to help,she spoke to them and it turned out
they used to own our house 10 years earlier but had lost it due to a mortagee sale owing to his aloholic issues,community constable and concil
virtually told them to pull thiier heads in it was no longer their house
then we were left with each time they saw us they would shout WHY DONT YOU DIE many times they eventually moved on

stbossman - 2020-10-18 14:58:00
lakeview3 wrote:

unless of course they could be justified.....some people are just noisy and inconsiderate and expect others to put up with it. A bit of mutual respect goes a long way.

Nightmare neighbours include:

you forgot one w have in our street, a house used as a kids daycare

People with small yappy dogs
People with large dogs who bark all day
People with too many cats or actually even just one cat that thinks it’s territory includes the neighbours vege garden
People with boats and campers and who don’t have adequate room for them
People with V8s or skylines
People with stock cars
People who have too many parties
People who are car enthusiasts and have too many cars and do home tuning.
People who mow lawns on the weekend despite being retired and having all week to do it.
People who have noisy teenagers
People who have screaming toddlers
People with pet parrots who make sounds like ringing phones ALL DAY (and yes we have had to tolerate that, bad news is those birds can live until 80 years old)
People with heat pumps too close to your house, or spa pools....

Did I get everything?

forgot 1 that I have encountered in 2 places I have lived a noral suburban house being used as a kids daycare, last one was not obvious as it runs as
a home based care centre through 2 differnt companies, so no need for
any council involvement, noise from 7am till 6pm then the darlings go home probably to a nice quiet street

stbossman - 2020-10-18 15:03:00
mrcat1 wrote:

Lucky you don't live next to me, nothing for me to start up my boat engine at 2am when we get back from fishing, and its got a real cackle and loud.
Or i start up the semi auto shot gun at 2am rounding up coons.

lucky you are not in Auckland cant use the hose or water blaster

stbossman - 2020-10-18 15:04:00
stbossman wrote:

lucky you are not in Auckland cant use the hose or water blaster

I wouldn't move back to Jafaland for all the tea in china!!!

mrcat1 - 2020-10-18 16:15:00
stbossman wrote:

forgot 1 that I have encountered in 2 places I have lived a noral suburban house being used as a kids daycare, last one was not obvious as it runs as
a home based care centre through 2 differnt companies, so no need for
any council involvement, noise from 7am till 6pm then the darlings go home probably to a nice quiet street

oh true that would be right up there with the neighbours kids playing on a trampoline 12 hours a day and also there is the air BnB with 3 bedrooms that sleeps 12, with the spa pool and the drunk uncles right next door to your house.....

lakeview3 - 2020-10-18 16:24:00
mrcat1 wrote:

I wouldn't move back to Jafaland for all the tea in china!!!

me neither....or to a bigger house

lakeview3 - 2020-10-18 16:25:00

Did I mention people who are retired but only mow their lawns on a Sunday? I wonder if they have set days for everything else as well???!!!

lakeview3 - 2020-10-18 16:26:00
lakeview3 wrote:

unless of course they could be justified.....some people are just noisy and inconsiderate and expect others to put up with it. A bit of mutual respect goes a long way.

Nightmare neighbours include:

People with small yappy dogs
People with large dogs who bark all day
People with too many cats or actually even just one cat that thinks it’s territory includes the neighbours vege garden
People with boats and campers and who don’t have adequate room for them
People with V8s or skylines
People with stock cars
People who have too many parties
People who are car enthusiasts and have too many cars and do home tuning.
People who mow lawns on the weekend despite being retired and having all week to do it.
People who have noisy teenagers
People who have screaming toddlers
People with pet parrots who make sounds like ringing phones ALL DAY (and yes we have had to tolerate that, bad news is those birds can live until 80 years old)
People with heat pumps too close to your house, or spa pools....

Did I get everything?

You've missed so many

There's no mention of trees, roots and branches causing damage, blocking light, you've not mentioned ones that do karaoke, there's no mention of fences, shrieking children, children that scream insults over the fence, people that damage your property, I don't think you've given enough weight to dogs either.

magicroundbout - 2021-01-25 01:28:00
lakeview3 wrote:

oh true that would be right up there with the neighbours kids playing on a trampoline 12 hours a day and also there is the air BnB with 3 bedrooms that sleeps 12, with the spa pool and the drunk uncles right next door to your house.....

we have an Airbnb like that where the people staying there inevitably use a lot of mini van type vehicles or are oversized in some way (luggage, bike carriers etc) house has 6 off-street parking spaces but they are only allowed to use 1 so the vehicle is usually overhanging the pavement. There is only 1 pavement and it is on the main route to the primary school and just around a blind corner.

As Satre said hell is other people.

magicroundbout - 2021-01-25 01:35:00
kittycatkin wrote:

Coons are racoons, unless one is a redneck American who uses the word of black people. What else could a coon be but a racoon ?


stevo2 - 2021-01-25 05:49:00
lakeview3 wrote:

Did I mention people who are retired but only mow their lawns on a Sunday? I wonder if they have set days for everything else as well???!!!

Grass grows on Sundays too.
Re overheard phone conversations - join in the conversation with useful advice.
Wandering dogs on your property - restrain them and get Animal Control to call.

amasser - 2021-01-25 19:30:00
amasser wrote:

Grass grows on Sundays too.
Re overheard phone conversations - join in the conversation with useful advice.
Wandering dogs on your property - restrain them and get Animal Control to call.

we have a fence so dogs can’t get in thankfully. We fenced to keep our dog in like any responsible dog owner should.

As for mowing on a Sunday.....seems some people despite having all week to mow, are stuck in their ‘routine’. It’s pretty selfish when you have others for whom only have sundays off work. They are so stuck in their ways they probably have a weekly menu, morning tea at 10am lunch at 12 dinner at 6 and 9pm Friday’s for nookie. Lol cracks me up.

But yeah the mower is annoying as heck and just like clockwork off it went again yesterday. I have a special name for people like that. ????????

lakeview3 - 2021-01-25 19:51:00
lakeview3 wrote:

we have a fence so dogs can’t get in thankfully. We fenced to keep our dog in like any responsible dog owner should.

As for mowing on a Sunday.....seems some people despite having all week to mow, are stuck in their ‘routine’. It’s pretty selfish when you have others for whom only have sundays off work. They are so stuck in their ways they probably have a weekly menu, morning tea at 10am lunch at 12 dinner at 6 and 9pm Friday’s for nookie. Lol cracks me up.

But yeah the mower is annoying as heck and just like clockwork off it went again yesterday. I have a special name for people like that. ????????

Last I looked, we lived in a free country. Just because they could do it some other time, they don't have to. Other people do it on Sunday, why shouldn't they?

sparkychap - 2021-01-25 20:05:00

kittycatkin wrote:
Coons are racoons, unless one is a redneck American who uses the word of black people. What else could a coon be but a racoon ?

Stevo2 wrote:

and not forgetting .... Maine Coons

jethrocat - 2021-01-25 20:35:00
sparkychap wrote:

Last I looked, we lived in a free country. Just because they could do it some other time, they don't have to. Other people do it on Sunday, why shouldn't they?

oh I dunno, common courtesy? respect? Common sense?

I can usually pick the types.....

lakeview3 - 2021-01-25 20:45:00

Neighbours who have called the police on each other
Neighbours who throw lighted cigarettes under the house next door
Neighbours who have their own firing range that extends over the next door property
Neighbours who chop down native trees but allow all known noxious plants to grow
Neighbours who get raided by the drug squad

trade4us2 - 2021-01-25 20:54:00
lakeview3 wrote:

oh I dunno, common courtesy? respect? Common sense?

I can usually pick the types.....

they can do what they like.

sparkychap - 2021-01-25 20:54:00
sparkychap wrote:

they can do what they like.

course they can and they will be judged for it.

I prefer to be considerate and quiet, but what I have learned is some people are just ????????.

lakeview3 - 2021-01-25 20:58:00
lakeview3 wrote:

course they can and they will be judged for it.

I prefer to be considerate and quiet, but what I have learned is some people are just ????????.

I think we all know who the unreasonable neighbour is here.

sparkychap - 2021-01-25 20:59:00
sparkychap wrote:

I think we all know who the unreasonable neighbour is here.

yes I think we do.....

lakeview3 - 2021-01-25 21:03:00

Go on sparkychap please tell me what kind of guy mows who doesn’t work, mows his lawn EVERY sunday at the same time, go on tell me.


lakeview3 - 2021-01-25 21:04:00
lakeview3 wrote:

Go on sparkychap please tell me what kind of guy mows who doesn’t work, mows his lawn EVERY sunday at the same time, go on tell me.


maybe someone who knows it really grinds your gears and enjoys it....

sparkychap - 2021-01-25 21:05:00

Someone who has twigged on how to press another's buttons and does so to amuse himself in his retirement?

cinderellagowns - 2021-01-25 21:06:00

Oh geeze, now I am almost twinning with Sparky.

cinderellagowns - 2021-01-25 21:07:00
sparkychap wrote:

maybe someone who knows it really grinds your gears and enjoys it....

lol i think more like someone who has to schedule a nookie for the same time every week too.

lakeview3 - 2021-01-25 21:07:00
lakeview3 wrote:

lol i think more like someone who has to schedule a nookie for the same time every week too.

ah that’s what’s annoying you - you’re not getting any.

sparkychap - 2021-01-25 21:09:00

Haha oh look!

lakeview3 - 2021-01-25 21:10:00
cinderellagowns wrote:

Oh geeze, now I am almost twinning with Sparky.

you Have my sympathy.

sparkychap - 2021-01-25 21:10:00
sparkychap wrote:

ah that’s what’s annoying you - you’re not getting any.

lol - I can have it whenever I want!

lakeview3 - 2021-01-25 21:12:00

Not that I am taking it for granted mind....

lakeview3 - 2021-01-25 21:12:00

I have a neighbour who mows his lawn same time every Sunday. He works and is on the spectrum so I have always put it down to that. You can set your clock by him, 3.00pm on a Sunday.

shanreagh - 2021-01-25 21:13:00

‘Don't punish others for your bad planning’ ????

lakeview3 - 2021-01-25 21:15:00
shanreagh wrote:

I have a neighbour who mows his lawn same time every Sunday. He works and is on the spectrum so I have always put it down to that. You can set your clock by him, 3.00pm on a Sunday.

yeah my one starts his up at 3pm also.

Remember the thread about the guy (another neighbour of mine) who mowed his on Christmas flipping day? Thank goodness it seems it was a once off.

lakeview3 - 2021-01-25 21:17:00

Coons are possums.

raffella - 2021-01-25 21:25:00
sparkychap wrote:

ah that’s what’s annoying you - you’re not getting any.

Awesome lol

gamefisher - 2021-01-25 21:38:00

I'm really struggling to see what's wrong with mowing the lawn on a Sunday, retired or not. I've been "guilty" of mowing mine on a weekend, but I generally wait till about 10am in case anyone's having a sleep in. If people are working long hours during the week the weekend is the best time to catch up with maintenance, plus with the changeable weather you need to pick your days. Retired? you can do as you please, some retired folk are busy volunteering or doing hobbies.
I don't care as long as no one keeps me awake half the night with dub dub stereos or wakes me up at some ungodly hour of the morning.

hound31 - 2021-01-25 21:44:00
gamefisher wrote:

Awesome lol

see 83....

lakeview3 - 2021-01-25 21:47:00
hound31 wrote:

I'm really struggling to see what's wrong with mowing the lawn on a Sunday, retired or not. I've been "guilty" of mowing mine on a weekend, but I generally wait till about 10am in case anyone's having a sleep in. If people are working long hours during the week the weekend is the best time to catch up with maintenance, plus with the changeable weather you need to pick your days. Retired? you can do as you please, some retired folk are busy volunteering or doing hobbies.
I don't care as long as no one keeps me awake half the night with dub dub stereos or wakes me up at some ungodly hour of the morning.

oh I dunno, if I was retired I would probably think ‘I will mow my lawn when others are at work so I don’t ruin their day off with noise’. But then that’s just the way I think I guess.

lakeview3 - 2021-01-25 21:49:00

I love all my neighbours, we've shared good and bad times. the best and worst. whether we mow our lawns on a weekend??? that's not even a topic.

heather902 - 2021-01-25 22:07:00

keys - 2021-01-29 10:21:00
lakeview3 wrote:

oh I dunno, if I was retired I would probably think ‘I will mow my lawn when others are at work so I don’t ruin their day off with noise’. But then that’s just the way I think I guess.

Yes that's what I try to do.

shanreagh - 2021-01-29 11:11:00
heather902 wrote:

I love all my neighbours, we've shared good and bad times. the best and worst. whether we mow our lawns on a weekend??? that's not even a topic.

I guess if it is say, 10.00am on a Sunday, or earlier sometimes I would get annoyed especially if people are working during the week. I live next door to a surgeon on one side and a nurse on another and so try to keep the noise down as you never know when they are on nights shift etc.

shanreagh - 2021-01-29 11:14:00
carl2627 wrote:

We have applied for and have been granted approval from the council to build under our house. Unfortunately our neighbour has always had issues with us making any changes to our place and has been calling the council on us repeatedly for anything and everything she can over the last 5 years. We are at the stage now where we are over it. Any advice on what we can do? Because she is not harrassing us herself, we can't apply for a harassment and restraining order.

we had a similar neighbour next door,we were renovating the whole house
and everytime we did something they would complain to council even though it wasnt a council matter and try and stop anything being done,
each time they saw us outside they would ask when we were going to die,
we found out the reason was they had had our house built when it was new
how they wanted it, but owing to issues of their own doing they had lost the
house in a mortgagee sale to the owner before us who was only here a couple of years and didnt change anything, so each time we did something like build a new fence replace the kitchen etc even paint the exterior they
felt as if it was a personal attack on them as they did not anything to change as they hoped oneday to buy it back no such luck for them we have been here 18 yrs and the whole time they rented next door lucky for us thier landlord sold and they moved

catbrat - 2021-03-04 09:50:00
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