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Home made frozen vegetables are horrible.


I dont freeze spinach, silverbeet, cabbage, or bok choy etc, find it is a watery mess, better eaten fresh, to much we give it away.

fifie - 2019-04-07 11:50:00
fifie wrote:

I dont freeze spinach, silverbeet, cabbage, or bok choy etc, find it is a watery mess, better eaten fresh, to much we give it away.

I wilt and freeze spinach, as it's just fine for lamb/chicken Saagwala. Great stored in flat ziplock bags, takes up very little room in the freezer, too

autumnwinds - 2019-04-07 17:47:00
autumnwinds wrote:

I wilt and freeze spinach, as it's just fine for lamb/chicken Saagwala. Great stored in flat ziplock bags, takes up very little room in the freezer, too

You can buy frozen spinach frozen so why wouldn't you freeze your own?
It's fine.
I try to plan to have spinach all year round, especially over winter, it's one of my faves.
Last year I messed up, so this year I was not going to repeat that mistake...hence, I've got that many seedlings coming up & I might end up freezing some for summer! Goes to seed almost immediately down here in summer ...even the 'summer' variety.
I love the stuff & I have a spinach pie in the oven as I type (bought spinach which is a rarity that I buy any vegetables, apart from the semi tropical types)

samanya - 2019-04-07 18:03:00

with your cauli and broccoli deep fried in a batter is really nice

gardner12 - 2019-06-09 16:02:00

Are you meaning frozen cauli & Broccoli, gardner12.
Do you batter it when frozen?

samanya - 2019-06-09 17:07:00

Shop ones are flash frozen, is why Can't be done at home. Some work better than others, I don't anymore, stick with seasonal veges and shop frozen peas.

lythande1 - 2020-01-25 15:58:00

It's looking like the summer of the cucumber here & will be the winter of the pumpkin!
I've let the self seeded pumpkins stay, where possible & am experimenting with training a couple of Queensland Blue plants on wires where my grapevine was (I shifted it)
ATM it's the summer of the bean!
The neighbours & family are benefiting from the surplus & that's all good.

I love giving the excess away ...I grow too much!

samanya - 2020-01-25 18:24:00
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