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forgotten foods

nauru wrote:

Yes they do still sell potato fritters (battered slices) at local chippys. Grand daughter always has them if we decide on a (very rare) takeaway.

Yum, potato fritters, well they used to be yum. Had them when I worked late on a thursday night at the supermarket.....many many years ago (30+) they used to be .04c each, I remember that. Way back when I used to earn bugger all an hour, they were a nice cheap meal with a bit of fish.

dibble35 - 2019-02-26 17:39:00

I still reckon that they must be a NI thing ...I used to frequent F & C shops as a teenager & I've never seen them ...I must be missing out on a true iconic taste treat?

samanya - 2019-02-26 18:07:00
sarahb5 wrote:

Not like the thick batter on fish

Thanks sarah ...wouldn't need to the the same as bought fish batter & that was what I was imagining.

samanya - 2019-02-26 18:09:00
samanya wrote:

I still reckon that they must be a NI thing ...I used to frequent F & C shops as a teenager & I've never seen them ...I must be missing out on a true iconic taste treat?

Same as we missed out on the SI Cheese roll, had never heard of them till a few years ago. I started making them from a recipe on here about a year ago, keep them at work in the freezer for a quick morning tea, so easy.

dibble35 - 2019-02-26 18:27:00
dibble35 wrote:

Same as we missed out on the SI Cheese roll, had never heard of them till a few years ago. I started making them from a recipe on here about a year ago, keep them at work in the freezer for a quick morning tea, so easy.

That could well be the case ...the SI cheese roll has caused many a discussion on which is the best.
They are easy to make (any variation) freeze well & a handy standby to have on hand to feed guests.
I have to cater for a meeting every so often (mainly guys) & I find that the rolls are always popular& the fact that I can grab them out of the freezer is a big plus.
I don't make them for myself, though...perhaps I should.

samanya - 2019-02-26 18:52:00

can still get potato fritters in Christchurch,

articferrit - 2019-02-26 19:11:00
articferrit wrote:

can still get potato fritters in Christchurch,

And here in Whangamata lol........I don't have them often at all, years apart however they were a fav as I don't really like hot chips; so used to eat them as an alternative when we had FnC as a family when I was young.........which was probably about twice a year lol.


awoftam - 2019-02-27 19:07:00

I miss frying saucers. It was a tradition for us to have them as part of a Christmas breakfast when my children were young.

dolphin19 - 2019-02-27 21:37:00

Oops, I forgot to mention Meal Makers. They were like a Rice Risotto but was noodles and flavouring that you added to mince.

dolphin19 - 2019-02-27 21:40:00
dolphin19 wrote:

I miss frying saucers. It was a tradition for us to have them as part of a Christmas breakfast when my children were young.

I remember them, they were yummy.

jan2242 - 2019-02-28 08:18:00

Spanish cream, junket, blancmange, pink or chocolate.

kclu - 2019-03-04 17:26:00


meoldchina - 2019-03-04 23:52:00

Vesta Meals. I remember Paella, curry and Chinese varities. These were packets of dehydrated ingredients to which you just added water and simmered in a pan. My sister and I would eat these while watching TV late at night. We thought we were being very Cosmopolitan!

meoldchina - 2019-03-05 08:51:00
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