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All the wasted citrus..............

samanya wrote:

I agree & then a cooperative could be set up, so that lovely fruit could be shipped down south for we poor old South Islanders could get lovely fresh fruit & we could send you stuff that likes cooler climates (all I can think of right now is Peony tubers) ..but there must be more things that we can grow that you guys would like ..beautiful Merino wool maybe?

The council here has planted a huge number of fig, lemon, guava, mandarin, orange, grapefruit and plum trees. Awesome.........They compliment the many wild loquat etc about the place.

awoftam - 2019-06-29 21:06:00
awoftam wrote:

The council here has planted a huge number of fig, lemon, guava, mandarin, orange, grapefruit and plum trees. Awesome.........They compliment the many wild loquat etc about the place.

Great idea, good on them!
Stone fruit & Figs would be a goer down here, citrus might be a bit risky for councils to plant cos of the frosts, they wouldn't be looked after while they are young & more vulnerable.

samanya - 2019-06-30 17:10:00
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