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Those Dang Cheese Rolls


** recycling **

autumnwinds - 2019-04-01 23:26:00

Lythande1 is Uli's apprentice they both got to stick the knife into people. They think they are superior to EVERYONE when it comes to recipes and food !!!!

petal1955 - 2019-04-02 05:35:00


I have never met or talked to Lythande1 and I am getting quite annoyed with the "nasty" side of this board.

To be accused of all sorts of things which I do not do and then being maligned and others being pulled into this cr@p is no good.

I am not someone that contacts the supervisors but if this continues I might have to do that.

What is your problem petal1955 ?

I cannot even remember anything you said or did that has anything to do with me.

Answer quickly please as this cannot stand here unanswered.

uli - 2019-04-02 19:23:00

Looking at your profile it says:
Favourite Quote You never get a second chance to make a first impression
Why not stick to that rather than malign people here?

uli - 2019-04-02 19:25:00
petal1955 wrote:

Lythande1 is Uli's apprentice they both got to stick the knife into people. They think they are superior to EVERYONE when it comes to recipes and food !!!!

Very odd post from many angles

timturtle - 2019-04-03 21:34:00

As for the first post recipe it is very nice BUT I stand by my comments must be grilled not pressed and heaps of butter spread on to top after grilling

Not low carb unfortunately

timturtle - 2019-04-03 21:38:00

Sometimes you need to have a not low carb treat aye?

uli - 2019-04-08 20:02:00
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