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lemon curd

marcs wrote:

I just found this on the internet and tried it. It is one of the best lemon curd I have tasted and made in a microwave. Not sure how long it will keep as it was gone pretty quick. It uses much less butter.

250g sugar
2 eggs
Grated rind of 2 lemons
Juice of 2 lemons
1 tablespoon custard powder
60g butter

Beat eggs well, add sugar, beat until creamy. Add lemon rind, juice and custard powder and combine thoroughly. Add butter and microwave on 1/2 power (I used 40% on 1100W) till it thicken and boils. Make sure it is in 30 sec bursts.
******Given that lemons in Auz are very tart, that amount of sugar was perfect. Lemons in NZ are not that tart so may want to reduce the sugar amount.******

Thanks for that recipe, my lemon tree is laden, but they are Meyer lemons & I don't find then tart enough in a lemon curd, but have always been dubious about reducing the sugar content because of the keeping qualities ...however I have read that it freezes well & not too hard.
Has anyone done that?

samanya - 2018-07-15 19:50:00
samanya wrote:

Thanks for that recipe, my lemon tree is laden, but they are Meyer lemons & I don't find then tart enough in a lemon curd, but have always been dubious about reducing the sugar content because of the keeping qualities ...however I have read that it freezes well & not too hard.
Has anyone done that?

Yes and you can scrape it out of the container like sorbet

sarahb5 - 2018-07-15 20:37:00

I am looking for the butter-free recipe I saw on here but cannot find it now! Am hoping someone has a copy of it please? Sorry, cannot even remember the original poster.
Also, daughter is getting married next year and I have been nominated as chief baker of the cakes...yikes! I am thinking of one layer being lemon yoghurt cake and am thinking of layering it with lemon curd instead of buttercream. Would that be too much? Am going to be making a test run of it tonight after work to take around to very, very ill father for morning tea tomorrow so we can say he had a piece of her wedding cake! (now my eyes are leaking again!)

shepa1 - 2018-09-01 12:55:00

From Lynda Hallinan
Recipe: how to make lemon (or grapefruit, lime or orange) curd in the microwave... in less than 10 minutes!
In a large glass bowl, combine 100g butter and 1 cup sugar. Microwave on high for 1 minute and stir well. Whisk in the juice and finely grated zest of 3 lemons, and 2 tablespoons cornflour dissolved in 1 cup cold water. Finally, lightly beat 2 eggs and add them to the bowl, whisking in well.
Cook for 8 minutes on high, stopping and whisking well every 2 minutes until it's thick and creamy. If the butter separates out a bit, don't panic. Just whisk it again when it comes out of the microwave, then pour into jars. Store in the fridge.
Use as a filling for lemon meringue pies, or spread on pancakes, toast or muffins. As this preserve contains eggs, it should be eaten within 2 weeks.

jubish (4705 4705 positive feedback) 11:21 pm, Sat 4 Aug #4

bev00 - 2019-08-03 23:28:00
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