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Preserves Thread - Jams, Pickles, Relishes, etc..


Thank You Thank You :)

friend21 - 2007-11-03 00:18:00

Christmas Mince My recipe made enough for 2 years and I just kept in the fridge, it did have 1/2 cup brandy which may have helped and it was just fine.

marywea - 2007-11-03 00:29:00

Hi 43! The marbles keep the mix moving on the bottom of the pot - as it boils the movement moves the marbles and the mixture goes with the marbles - a darling friend taught me that wee trick, and it was soooooooo simple i thought - how come i didn't think of that!!! it really does work and i do it with all my jams etc that will thicken as they cook. have a blessed day!! christmas baking today - am addicted to christmas am happy to admit it!!

timetable - 2007-11-03 08:12:00

These are amazing: 6-8 sweet red peppers
1 large garlic clove
1/2 cup of: dry white wine, white vinegar, cider vinegar, coarsely chopped onion.
2 tbsp granulated sugar.
1/2 tbsp dry (or 1tbsp fresh) oregano leaves
1 tsp pickling salt.

Char grill the peppers & garlic until black and blistered. Peel and deseed peppers when cold. cut lengthwise into 2.5 cm wide strips.

Combine all ingredents except peppers and garlic in a saucepan. Squeez roasted garlic out of skin, mash and add to saucepan. Boil quickly, reduce heat and boil gently for 5 mins.

Pack peppers in jars & cover boiling vinagar liquid.

Makes 2 x 500 ml jars or 4 x 250 ml jars,

process 15 mins for both 250 ml and 500 ml jars.

friend21 - 2007-11-07 00:26:00

What I used them for. I use these for antipasta, in salads. As a cold relish on veal/lamb steaks. As a stuffing in rolled up fish kebabs +++++

friend21 - 2007-11-07 00:29:00

bump up bump up

friend21 - 2007-11-12 23:55:00

Bumping for Summer.. and wonderful harvests..

juliewn - 2007-11-16 15:15:00

...and for the delicious plums and berries, etc.. that are available now - or will be in just a few weeks..

juliewn - 2007-11-20 00:10:00

This message was deleted.

bexx13 - 2007-11-20 08:09:00

Hi Bexx.. They're excellent jars for preserves, etc.. hope you have someone to collect your jars.. if not, Opp shops will take them. ps.. just a note so that you don't get an email from Trademe.. their rules for the messageboards are that we can't include contact details of any kind in a post - I guess it also protects someone from being contacted by any number of other trader's too.

juliewn - 2007-11-25 00:58:00

bumping up

bev00 - 2007-12-01 23:55:00

Anyone have a fruitsalad jam recipe? My grandma used to make a delicious fruitsalad jam with passionfruit in it and I have been unable to replicate it so any recipes would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

boris13 - 2007-12-02 12:49:00

Hi Boris.. I remember a fruit salad jam too.. I think it had peaches and nectarines in it, then passionfruit pulp added near the end.. I'll have a look at some of the older recipe books I have and post a recipe for you if I can find one. Wish me luck!

juliewn - 2007-12-02 23:41:00

Fruit Salad Jam 1/2 lb Dried Apricots . 3 lb Peaches . 1tin(lb) Pineapple cut small . 1 Orange . 1 lemon . 6 Bananas . 10 Passionfruit . 5 1/2 lb Sugar ..... Cook apricot and peaches together, mouli. Add rind and juice of lemon, orange, pineapple and passionfruit pulp. Cook until soft. Add sugar and boil 20 to 25 min. Add sliced bananas, boil 3min. Test, bottle and seal.

mypeaches - 2007-12-03 01:12:00

Mypeaches.. that's the same one I remember my mother making - or if not the same, it's very similar - I remember the banana in it.. Yum.. I can taste it!!!

juliewn - 2007-12-03 02:09:00

Thank you thank you thank you You people are awesome, I'm sure this is it and I can taste it just reading the recipe. Now to show my kids how it was when I was young. Once angain thanks your all brilliant :-)

boris13 - 2007-12-03 16:09:00

Hi Boris.. let us know how you all like it - I'm sure Mypeaches recipe is the same recipe my mother made when we were kids..

juliewn - 2007-12-03 16:52:00

That was my grandmothers recipe. There was always a jar of it on the breakfast table. I have made it using fresh apricots instead of dried - just as yummy. . . I was luckily enough to inherit some of my grandmothers recipe books - has fruit cake recipe she made for her brother during the war! and how to make soap etc

mypeaches - 2007-12-04 00:54:00

Anyone seen a book.. called "Homegrown" from the New Zealand Gardener magazine it's a special collector's edition that has the months of the year and shows you how to sow, grow, harvest, pickle, preserve fresh fruit, herbs and vegetables from your garden. It's $14.90 but it has some bl--dy delicious looking recipes in it.I found it at Countdown

whiskey13 - 2007-12-04 10:04:00

Hi.. that sounds really interesting Whiskey.. thanks for posting about it.. I'll check for it when at Countdown later.. though as it's closing this Sunday and a brand new shop is opening on Monday, the stocks are way down in the current store. Wish me luck!

juliewn - 2007-12-04 16:10:00

Any luck juliewn finding the magazine?

whiskey13 - 2007-12-06 11:08:00

I guess i'll bump

whiskey13 - 2007-12-07 23:15:00

Hi Whiskey.. thanks for bumping.. no luck so far.. I'll check at our new Countdown store when it opens next Monday.. Have a lovely weekend..

juliewn - 2007-12-07 23:26:00

Its a great book- I bought mine at the bookshop in Wgtn airport but have seen seen it at Whitcouls, and even the local bookshop has it- shouldn't be too hard to find. Put out by NZ Gardener people so anywhere that is sold it should be available. Good luck finding one.

katalin2 - 2007-12-07 23:35:00

Thanks Katalin.. I'll check at Whitcoull's also.. it sounds like an excellent book to combine home grown produce with interesting preserving and meals..

juliewn - 2007-12-09 00:24:00

Meat paste - how do you bottle it? Hi, I have a meat paste recipe my late auntie used to make, lovely, but rich!, but I'm not sure how to bottle it? Do I sterilise the bottle, then fill while hot with hot paste, and let lids pop as with pickles, OR, should I let the bottles cool and fill with cooler mixture?? I have read you can freeze it once in the jars too. thanks in anticipation Janice

kiwi761 - 2007-12-09 13:16:00

Hi Kiwi.. I've not made meat paste - however would probably freeze it in small quantities.. hopefully someone else will see your question and be able to help..

juliewn - 2007-12-13 23:50:00

and bumping for Lovetoshop.. :-)

juliewn - 2007-12-13 23:50:00

bunping for me i love making jams pickles.Lyn

lynaire2 - 2007-12-17 19:05:00

Christmas Pickle 8 cups Diced Cucumber. 1/4 cup plain salt, 4 onions died, 2-3 red peppers diced, 3 cups sugar, 1 tsp celery seed, 1 tsp mustard seed, 2 cups wine vinegar, 2-3 tbsp cornflour.

Use long thin skinned cucumbers, halve lengthwise then scoop out seedy part using a teaspoon. Cut cucumber flesh into small evenly shaped cubes.
Put cucumber into a glass bowl. Sprinkle with salt and leave to stand for 30 mins. Drain and rinse discarding the liquid.

Place into a large saucepan with all other ingredients except cornflour. Bring to the boil, stirring constantly. Mix cornflour with a little extra vinegar and stir into cucumber mixture. Bottle as per normal.

This is quite a sweet pickle,great for on cold meats or just with bread and cheese. Very colourful and easy to make. enjoy! PS I had a bit of difficulty locating celery seeds and finally got some from the health food shop!

hawki1 - 2007-12-17 21:34:00

oops the onions are diced not died

hawki1 - 2007-12-17 21:38:00

Thank you will try this next. Just made the garlic pickles tonight, now the long wait for them to pickle.cant wait have heard they are so nice have tried them once before a long time ago thought.hope mine are just as nice.

lynaire2 - 2007-12-17 23:27:00

Your Christmas Pickle sounds so good Hawk.. thanks for sharing it.. Hope you like the pickled garlic Lynaire.. it's delicious.. ps.. I've noticed that the Chinese garlic sold in small bags in supermarkets tends to go greenish once it's pickled - it's not a problem - it just is a different colour to what might be expected.. Enjoy your goodies..

juliewn - 2007-12-18 00:10:00

Bumping for Christmas and summer goodies.. :-)

juliewn - 2007-12-19 16:12:00

This message was deleted.

joker13 - 2007-12-19 16:16:00

Hi Juliewn Glad you told me or i may of thought i had something wrong they look nice and lemon shade at the moment just cant wait to get my teeth into them.Lyn

lynaire2 - 2007-12-19 23:13:00

Hi Lynaire.. they taste very good.. specially with cheese and crackers, antipasto platter's, etc.. Hi Joker.. yum that sounds good..thanks for posting your recipe..

juliewn - 2007-12-19 23:22:00

calling Juliewn have found a recipe for pickled mushrooms if you would like them in my thread. pickled mushrooms no 1

lynaire2 - 2007-12-20 11:28:00

Hi Lynaire.. yes that would be great please.. Thanks... :-) Any recipes added here for preserving, pickles, jams, chutney's relishes, etc..etc.. all add to a great resource for all the people who love to fill jars with wonderful goodies.. Yum!

juliewn - 2007-12-20 16:20:00

pickled mushrooms Pickled Mushrooms
Pickled mushrooms This has only 1/4 cup of oil, but I would just omit if you don't want it. The recipe I use does have oil, but are wonderful 2 Lb. button mushrooms 2 Tbsp. pickling salt 1/2 cup water 3 cups cider vinegar, 5 percent acidity 2 cloves garlic 1/4 extra virgin olive oil 4 bay leaves 1 tsp. black peppercorns 1 tsp. dill seed 4 dried red chilies Wash and trim mushrooms, place in saucepan with enough water to cover; add salt and bring to a boil. Simmer 5 minutes. Rinse several times and drain. In the same pan, combine water, vinegar, and oil. Bring to a boil. Add mushrooms; simmer 5 minutes. Remove mushrooms from brine with a slotted spoon and pack into hot half pint jars. Place 1/2 tsp. chopped garlic, 1 bay leaf, 1 red chili, 1/4 tsp. peppercorns, and 1/4 tsp. dill seed into each jar. Pour brine to cover. Seal with lids, process in water bath canner for 10 minutes. Wait 2 weeks before opening to allow flavors to blend.
This is a copy and paste i found on the net. Lyn

lynaire2 - 2007-12-20 17:38:00

Hi Lynaire.. thanks for posting that.... it's certainly a different type of pickle.. are you going to make it? Will be interesting to see how it turns out.. Let us know if you do.. Cheers.. Julie

juliewn - 2007-12-20 18:17:00

Yes Juliewn I am going to have a go at making but not till after xmas as i have so much to do at the moment going up to rotorua on Monday to see my grandchildren and have xmas with them looking forward to the the holiday as well time for a good brake.Lyn

lynaire2 - 2007-12-20 18:48:00

Hi.. Have a safe trip - and a lovely time during your break.. Happy Christmas..

juliewn - 2007-12-20 19:37:00

Juliewn Pickled mushrooms===
Very easy too. Hardest thing was finding fresh Tarragon. We grow some now....... This works very well and keeps Pickled Mushrooms 450gm mushrooms 2 sprigs fresh tarragon 8 whole black peppercorns 1 pt white wine vinegar 1 tbspn chopped fresh ginger 1/4 cup sugar 1 tsp salt pinch cayenne Bring all ingredients to the boil. Cook 2 mins. Remove mushrooms and pack into jars. Reheat liquid and pour over.
this recipe was given to me by Nickyd on my mushroom thread hope she wont mind me putting it up for you and others that may want it as well Lyn

lynaire2 - 2007-12-20 22:28:00

Julieiwn Thank you foryour nice xmas wishes you have a nice one as well.Merry Xmas Lyn

lynaire2 - 2007-12-20 22:32:00

Hi Lyn.. thanks.. :-) Thanks for posting the recipe.. it sounds very good.. a bit different too for using with antipasto platters and nibbles.. wonderful easy summer meals... :-)

juliewn - 2007-12-22 22:51:00

Bumping for the General Messageboard people.. and all of us who enjoy preserving...

juliewn - 2007-12-26 22:37:00

Have just finished making Lemon Curd. Looks o.k, never made it before so i'll let you know what it's like on my toast in the morning!

whiskey13 - 2007-12-27 20:08:00

Yum Whiskey... I bet it will taste very good! My lemon trees are still young - 3 lemons on one of them, one on the other - can't wait till I have lot's of beautiful lemons to enjoy - they're one of my favourite fruits. In the meantime, two friend's have said "come and help yourself to lemon's - even if we're not home, fill up a bag" - which is much appreciated.. I can eat lemons like an apple - peel one and eat it! Sooo delicious.. Let us know how your lemon curd tastes on your toast!

juliewn - 2007-12-27 23:38:00

Blackberries Can someone point me in the right direction for some blackberry ideas. I have picked about 3 kilos and now trying to find a relish or something similar to use them in.

hsv941 - 2007-12-28 07:42:00
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