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Cucumbers coming thick and fast--

davidt4 wrote:

This is my favourite relish. It keeps for a year.

Bread & Butter Pickle (9 small pots)

1.4 kg peeled and sliced cucumbers
450 g brown onion, finely sliced
2 red capsicums, cored and finely sliced
40g salt
285 g white or raw sugar
40g yellow mustard seed
1 tsp celery seed
1 tsp tumeric powder
½ tsp ground mace
600 ml cider or white wine vinegar

Layer veges with salt, cover and stand 2 - 3 hours. Drain, rinse in cold water and drain again. Meanwhile put rest of ingredients in a preserving pan and boil 2 min. Add drained veges and bring up to a boil, stirring frequently. As soon as it reaches a full boil remove from heat, pot in small jars and cover.

I make this one too, very yum and doesn't last long! nice and crackers with cheese.

feebee10 - 2014-03-26 08:44:00


bev00 - 2015-03-26 22:23:00


• Ingredients
• 4 large cucumbers (approx 14-16 apple cucumbers)
• 2 x 425g tins crushed pineapple
• 8 onions
• 3 cups white vinegar
• 2 1/2 cups white sugar
• 2 cups water
• 2 tsp mild curry
• 2 tsp turmeric
• 2 tbsp salt
• 4 tbsp corn flour
• 1/4 cup vinegar (extra)

Peel cucumbers if desired- slice lengthwise and scoop out seeds and
Discard them. Then slice the cucumbers.

1. Cut onions in half and slice.
2. Combine all ingredients except corn flour.
3. Boil well for a good 20 minutes (I put lid on to bring to bring to boil, but take off before moisture drips into pickle and dilutes it).
Combine corn flour with 1/4 of cup of extra vinegar, add and stir for 5 minutes

I have also made this with a combination of cucumber and zucchuni

petal1955 - 2015-03-27 08:32:00

I have several ginormous marrows. I have plenty of pickles etc. Suggestions?

rogerk1 - 2015-03-28 17:12:00

The member deleted this message.

rogerk1 - 2015-03-28 17:12:00

bump for cucumbers.

uli - 2016-03-26 18:43:00

and again

bev00 - 2017-03-26 22:49:00


bev00 - 2018-03-25 00:44:00


bev00 - 2019-03-23 23:37:00
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