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TOMATOES - Share your tomato recipes :)


Not a lot of ideas for me to add. make Passata, as the Italians do. All it is, basically, is tomatoes, cooked, strained, then reduced to a thick pulp/sauce. It is then bottled and sterilized, or frozen. A good store-cupboard of Passata will give you lots of options when the time comes to use it. You can make soups, sauces, add it to meat dishes - well, you get the idea.
Several years ago, I was poking around in a second-hand store in Wellington, and found an Italian gadget - a tomato passer, which I promptly snapped up for the princely sum of $5. After the tomatoes are cooked a little and soft, you put them through the passer, which looks a little like an old-fashioned hand mincer, and which pushes the pulp of the tomato into a waiting bowl, and the pips and skins into another bowl. Mine is quite small, but has saved a lot of time (it is much faster than using a mouli, even). I've even put apples through it - you just quarter and cook them with a little water, put them through the passer, and there you have it - pips and skins on one side, nice smooth apple puree on the other. A great $5 worth in any language!

punkinthefirst - 2013-02-23 18:29:00

helpful thread to have at this time of the year

bev00 - 2014-02-23 23:31:00

ry5 that is an old tried and true recipe from the Aunt Daisy recipe book,
Aunt Daisy's Pure Bright Red Tomato Sauce and that is what it truly is. I first made it 55 years ago and my mother had made it previous to that!

Does anyone have a recipe for cumber and tomato relish please. I hae dozens of books but also a splitting headache at the moment so can't be bothered trawling through them! Have tried google but to no avail. Nothing with garlic thank you.

I do have a fave tomato sauce/relish recipe, just boiled longer and strained for sauce also a brilliant soup recipe if anyone interested. Pasta sauce recipe somewhere also.

meg94 - 2014-02-24 15:16:00

too good to lose

bev00 - 2015-02-24 22:51:00

bump for tomatoes

uli - 2016-02-15 16:11:00

Here are some more recipes for the tomato glut:


5 cloves garlic
1 small onion
3 Tbsp oil
200g peeled fresh ginger, sliced paper thin
1 tsp salt
2 small dried red chillies, thinly sliced
8 tomatoes, deseeded
250g sugar
4 Tbsp cider vinegar

1/ Peel and thinly slice garlic and onion.

2/ Heat oil in a saucepan. Add the ginger, garlic, onion, salt and chillies and saute, without browning, until onion is translucent.

3/ Chop the deseeded tomatoes.

4/ Add chopped tomatoes to the pan with the sugar and vinegar. Bring to the boil and simmer until reduced by half, which takes about 20 minutes. Cool.

5/ You can either serve this jam straightaway, especially with pan-fried fish and sticky rice, or you can put it in a sterilised preserving jar.

uli - 2016-02-21 12:23:00
punkinthefirst wrote: make Passata, as the Italians do. All it is, basically, is tomatoes, cooked, strained, then reduced to a thick pulp/sauce. It is then bottled and sterilized, or frozen.


later on plenty to make pasta sauces, use on pizza bases, Chicken Cacciatore etc.

lythande1 - 2016-02-21 13:33:00


bev00 - 2017-02-20 23:16:00

Tomato and ginger jam that's me I have just picked my toms and will make tomorrow

ritebuy - 2017-02-21 19:37:00
ritebuy wrote:

Tomato and ginger jam that's me I have just picked my toms and will make tomorrow

Is there a recipe?

uli - 2018-02-15 16:58:00
uli wrote:

Is there a recipe?

For "What" Uli????

petal1955 - 2018-02-15 17:12:00
uli wrote:

Is there a recipe?


5 cloves garlic
1 small onion
3 Tbsp oil
200g peeled fresh ginger, sliced paper thin
1 tsp salt
2 small dried red chillies, thinly sliced
8 tomatoes, deseeded
250g sugar
4 Tbsp cider vinegar

1/ Peel and thinly slice garlic and onion.

2/ Heat oil in a saucepan. Add the ginger, garlic, onion, salt and chillies and saute, without browning, until onion is translucent.

3/ Chop the deseeded tomatoes.

4/ Add chopped tomatoes to the pan with the sugar and vinegar. Bring to the boil and simmer until reduced by half, which takes about 20 minutes. Cool.

5/ You can either serve this jam straightaway, especially with pan-fried fish and sticky rice, or you can put it in a sterilised preserving jar.



uli (656 656 positive feedback) 12:23 pm, Sun 21 Feb #56

samanya - 2018-02-15 18:52:00
tjman wrote:

Go look at Annabelle Langbein's summer harvest sauce. It is fantastic. I now have jars of the stuff in my pantry, and have given some away too. Friends find it lovley.

Thanx for this...sounds good, and I'm about to make some

rainrain1 - 2018-02-16 08:56:00
rainrain1 wrote:

Thanx for this...sounds good, and I'm about to make some

It's very good & so versatile. I freeze some in smallish plastic bags & if it's thin enough you can just break off the amount needed (same with basil pesto).

samanya - 2018-02-16 14:00:00

Another vote for Annabelle Langbein's Harvest Tomato Sauce. Easy and very versatile, I love that it can be frozen in flat zip lock bags and take up very little space in the freezer. Made 3 batches so far, Tomato passata is next.

patsprat - 2018-02-16 15:11:00

Fried Green Tomatoes...Great Movie..

I made 10 large jars of Spag Bol tomato sauce from our crop this year. The plants that keeps on giving. So sweet and tasty.. compared to store bought ones. ..Just the usual recipe with plenty of fresh oregano and basil..


fruitbat - 2018-02-16 18:21:00
rainrain1 wrote:

Thanx for this...sounds good, and I'm about to make some

Make it every year, its great.

fifie - 2018-02-16 18:49:00

Today I cooked:
Lots of onions, lots of green beans, half a kilo of smallish cut beef, 2 tins of tomatoes, some peeled Agria potatoes, some peppers and lots of chilli, garlic, basil, salt etc.

Always makes 2 meals and everyone loves it.

uli - 2018-02-23 19:10:00
holly-rocks wrote:

I recommend this recipe ~
its really yummy and easy to make..but I now freeze it or just it fresh as I have had a few major disasters when opening the stored bottles....they tend to exploide when opening!! ( maybe something I did wrong but I did follow the recepie ) :D :D :D

This Harvest Sauce also makes a great tomato soup.

survivalkiwi - 2018-02-24 08:46:00


bev00 - 2019-02-24 01:45:00


bev00 - 2020-02-17 23:29:00
punkinthefirst wrote:

Not a lot of ideas for me to add. make Passata, as the Italians do. All it is, basically, is tomatoes, cooked, strained, then reduced to a thick pulp/sauce. It is then bottled and sterilized, or frozen.
Is this bottling same as you do for chutneys etc? Do you not need vinegar etc to keep it going off? I love this idea, and I have one of those gadgets. Was given to me years ago and use it to make tomato sauce.

jan2242 - 2020-02-18 09:52:00
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