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Scalloped potatoes = EPIC FAIL!


For anything with melted/baked cheese I always use Edam.You don't get that oil oozing-out and separating.

schnauzer11 - 2013-06-15 17:49:00

i like mine with a touch or more of blue vein cheese

bev00 - 2014-06-16 00:29:00

I layer sliced potato, finely chopped garlic and a wee bit of seasoning. Then I cover with half cream and half stock - we've usually got homemade chicken stock in the fridge - and bake for about an hour. If I don't have cream then I heat the stock and mix in some cream for cooking (a lower-fat philadelphia product).

It's a less heavy dish and beautifully savoury. And putting garlic etc between every layer makes it evenly flavoured.

drommy - 2014-06-16 06:30:00

I pre cook the potatoes
mix garlic and cheese with sour cream, season
a small amount on each slice, another layer, etc.

sossie1 - 2014-06-16 06:59:00
basenjibabe wrote:

I only ever have Colby cheese in the fridge.

Cut them thin as....a mandolin helps.
Make cheese sauce and do it that way......Colby is terrible, you need so much it comes out like melted plastic.....use a decent tasty and you will use considerably less.
If you can't cut the potatoes thin enough cook them a wee bit first...but be careful not to cook them to the point they are completely soft.

lythande1 - 2014-06-16 07:54:00

I trolled online and found this one that's so simple.
Slice your potato and onions.
Layer potato, onion, flour, Season between if you want
keep going till you fill your bowl.
Last layer, just use potatoes, season then just fill with milk to about 2/3rds, you can add cream if you so wish.
Cook at 180 for 100 mins. You can check it anytime after 80, but the recipe says 100.

blueviking - 2014-06-18 13:23:00

Potatoes, cream, packet Magi Chicken Soup Mix, doesn't sound flash but yummo, cook for 1 hour though.

lordean - 2014-07-20 18:35:00

Mine always turns out great. Never use any particular potatoe. Layer as thin as you can slice potatoes in a ovenproof dish, then sprinkle grated cheese I usually use Edam. Then I do a layer of kumara, sprinkle grated cheese. Keep alternate layering until dish is filled up. Grated cheese on top. In a jug mix 300ml cream, tsp Nutmeg & some black pepper. Cover with tin foil. Bake 180* for around 1&1/2 hrs. Then remove tin foil for around 10 mins to brown the top. Yummy.

muritai142 - 2014-07-20 19:12:00

I made a yummy bake tonight, 3 layers of thinly sliced potatoes with in between layers of thick cut onions, garlic, seasoning and good sprinkle of Maggi chicken soup mix. Last layer added some Tasty cheese then 1/2 mix cream and blue top milk poured over. Into a glass casserole, lid on cook for about 50mins then lid off add an extra handful grated cheese and back in for 10 mins
It's really a meal on it's own! Next time I might try using a bigger dish and add some chopped sausage or extra veges and do the whole meal in one dish

karrie3 - 2014-07-24 22:52:00
sossie1 wrote:

I pre cook the potatoes

Me too.

buzzy110 - 2014-07-25 11:01:00

Yes I always parboil them like I do for roast potatoes, much nicer. I always use half cream and half milk when baking as well.

strebor1 - 2014-07-25 11:15:00

I use nadine potatoes, layered with onions, cheese on top and heat milk to boiling then pour in to 2/3 height of layers, bacon on for last 15 mins cooking time, cooked when all liquid gone. My sister bought this recipe home from manual training cooking over 55 yrs yum. Use to put cheese with each layer but now just like it on top

Edited by jazzryn at 11:37 pm, Sat 26 Jul

jazzryn - 2014-07-26 23:35:00

scalloped potatoes. finely slice potatoes 4 should be enough. fill dish
evenly sprinkle with seasonings between layers.use a maggi packet
receipe with the thickening in add to milk stir and pour over potatoes.cover with tin foil bake lower in the oven for 45 mins.
remove foil cover with cheese and bake till nice and crisp. best idea
is to get a packet of 3 baked maggi scalloped potatoe mix from the
supermarket tasted devine. cooked to perfection. umm.

claudds - 2014-09-03 16:03:00

yummy ideas ..

bev00 - 2015-09-04 00:13:00

My fool proof one is the magi potato back 3 cheeses one. Just follow the recipe but instead of the cooking instructions cover it with glad wrap and put in the microwave for 15 mins. This way everything is gonna be cooked. Then put more cheese on top and wack it in the oven for 5-10mins on fan bake until the cheese is all melted and golden then your done! Easy as! You can't go wrong with a 20 minute potato bake.

rozigurl - 2015-09-04 08:30:00

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peter148 - 2015-09-10 16:51:00
eastie3 wrote:

Ah, Oakhill Potatoes, aka Nurses Home Sunday night special.

So true, I loved that for lunch when I was a new Staff Nurse at Masterton hospital and living in the nurses home before going flatting, yum!

dollydot - 2015-09-10 17:06:00
schnauzer11 wrote:

For anything with melted/baked cheese I always use Edam.You don't get that oil oozing-out and separating.

Traditionally it is just sliced potatoes, salt, pepper and cream.

Personally I think the whole onion and cheese and other stuff - just stuffs it up.

Try the original and you will love it!

I bake at about 200 degrees for an hour checking regularly in the lat 20 minutes if it needs turning or slowing down as you want brown edges but not black burnt bits.

And use a firm potato like Agria rather than a fluffy one which will disintegrate and you have no slices left.

uli - 2015-09-10 17:59:00

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whitehead. - 2015-09-14 14:58:00

Evaporated milk in a tin is good.sort of half way between milk and cream.a put of onion soup and some cheese.

flyspray99 - 2015-09-14 17:54:00

I find any recipe that refers to scalloped potatoes says to cook for 40 minutes - but they are NEVER done in that time - which is such a pain.

This is my recipe and it works well

mooshiesmum - 2015-09-14 19:04:00

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catlover28 - 2015-09-15 13:13:00
uli wrote:

Traditionally it is just sliced potatoes, salt, pepper and cream.

Personally I think the whole onion and cheese and other stuff - just stuffs it up.

Uli, I recently made a gratin of potato and onion, roughly equal quantities half-covered with double cream (no cheese), and it was really good. Not as rich and solid as the classic version, and the onion flavour was delicate and sweet. I think it's a useful alternative to a classic potato gratin and more suited to warm weather.

davidt4 - 2015-09-15 14:20:00
uli wrote:

Traditionally it is just sliced potatoes, salt, pepper and cream.

Personally I think the whole onion and cheese and other stuff - just stuffs it up.

Original recipes are good, but variations on the original are often more interesting.
There are some lovely sounding recipes here ...I'm not a big potato eater, but will give some of these a try

samanya - 2015-09-15 17:24:00
davidt4 wrote:

Uli, I recently made a gratin of potato and onion, roughly equal quantities half-covered with double cream (no cheese), and it was really good. Not as rich and solid as the classic version, and the onion flavour was delicate and sweet. I think it's a useful alternative to a classic potato gratin and more suited to warm weather.

Hi davidt4, yes I have made that too on occasion, however I just layered everything raw rather than cooked the onions first and then sprinkled over. For some reason I do not like cheese and potato. Great in an omelette, with pasta, a frittata etc, but not in a potato gratin... others might like it though.

I also have done a mix of potatoes (thin slice), kumara (thick slice) and pumpkin (extra thick slice), layered - then covered in cream and milk, salt and pepper. That way all was soft at the same time.

uli - 2015-09-15 18:15:00

Easiest potato bake ever.
4 lrg potatoes sliced,
3 rashes of bacon chopped,
1 lrg onion sliced,
1 packet of French onion dry soup mix,
600 mls of cream
2 tbs dried chives and 1 ts garlic powder. Put potatoes, onion and bacon in SC, in a bowl mix the cream with chives, garlic powder and soup mix. Add to SC and mix well. I'm cooking this on high for 3-4 hours. ????I've also put tea towel under the lid.

bev00 - 2015-10-04 20:57:00

I only make it with milk, potatoes and salt and pepper and a little dotted butter.. never use the cheese ... but I think the crux of the cooking is .... the right floury potatoe and warm the milk or cream before adding it ... cook covered for at least 40 minutes and uncover and cook another 30 minutes... it keeps well

karlymouse - 2015-10-04 22:08:00

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jazzryn - 2015-10-06 23:08:00
uli wrote:

Agria are waxy potatoes - at least when I grow them.

Are you sure?

sarahb5 - 2015-10-07 00:23:00
voidhawkltd wrote:

My mum taught me to make it using a sachet of maggi onion soup! Make it as usual but sprinkle the soup mix between layers and top off with milk, makes it creamy and it doesn't separate. Adds an extra little flavour to the sauce!

YUM going to try this but I always par boil the potato slices first for a few minutes, it ensures the spuds are always soft and well cooked through.

tofuqueen - 2015-10-07 07:21:00

bumping up for later

pixiegirl - 2016-09-29 13:35:00

I par boil the sliced spuds in a pot with cream.
Layer in a dish with onion, and grated cheese or whatever.
Never have uncooked potatoes again. Quick and easy.

poolgirl6 - 2016-10-01 20:24:00

These are the easiest, and always delicious!!

nextstop - 2016-10-01 20:58:00

Alison Holst potatoes to die for is a great, fail proof recipe.

korban - 2016-10-01 21:28:00


bev00 - 2017-10-01 23:08:00
davidt4 wrote:

Uli, I recently made a gratin of potato and onion, roughly equal quantities half-covered with double cream (no cheese), and it was really good. Not as rich and solid as the classic version, and the onion flavour was delicate and sweet. I think it's a useful alternative to a classic potato gratin and more suited to warm weather.

I have made a potato-fennel gratin as it already starts to bolt (as does the silverbeet, parsley and the spring onions so the leeks won't be far behind) layered nicely with cream form the house cow. Excellent! I guess you could do it without potato too :)

uli - 2018-09-23 17:18:00

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steve0061 - 2018-09-24 14:53:00

** bump **

autumnwinds - 2019-09-15 12:26:00

Cooking Cream, which you get in the supermarket next to the UHT milk etc. is great for things like this as it doesn't split when heated.

crazynana - 2019-09-17 15:59:00

The most easiest recipe is: slice potatoes thinly, slice onions, layer between each other seasoning the layers along the way with salt/pepper. Pour over Thickened Cream from supermarket ( I usually use 2 pottle of thickened cream for my family), sprinkle Paprika over the top and cook in oven until cooked. Never fails, never gets left overs.

You can add whatever else you want to in there.

reelingmaze - 2019-09-19 08:25:00

No packet soup, no making a cheese sauce, no microwave!
Boil sliced potatoes (any sort) a bit first, throw in sliced onions for last couple of minutes. Strain and tip half into oven proof dish, Dot with butter and garlic (I use Pams crushed garlic in a jar), salt & pepper. Repeat. Pour over milk, cream or half and half (not too much). Sprinkle with grated cheese (I use tasty) and some breadcrumbs. No idea how long in oven, don't time.

raffella - 2019-09-19 13:07:00

I use Nadine for everything potato. I slice and put layer of onion between each layer of potato. Tasty cheese on top. Add hot milk bout 3/4 up the dish. Cook approx 1 hour, bacon bits on top. Never had a fail.
My sister came home from cooking classes in primary school and family has been making since then, bout 60 odd years. Use to put cheeseThru each layer but I don’t any more. I take in homestay students and they love spuds cooked this way.

jazzryn - 2019-09-22 12:23:00
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