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Oh neat, thats good to know. Thankyou :)

onyx-1 - 2013-09-03 16:21:00
onyx-1 wrote:

Oh neat, thats good to know. Thankyou :)

And because I was left with one egg white, have made a tiny wee pav I'm going to smother in tangelo honey/whipped cream. My crappy day treat. : )

Edited by kaddiew at 6:34 pm, Tue 3 Sep

kaddiew - 2013-09-03 18:33:00
kaddiew wrote:

And because I was left with one egg white, have made a tiny wee pav I'm going to smother in tangelo honey/whipped cream. My crappy day treat. : )

Im sure you deserve it so enjoy!!! I just had stewed apple and whipped cream with some homemade rhubarb and banana jam...delish!

onyx-1 - 2013-09-03 19:25:00

This message was deleted.

cookessentials - 2013-09-03 19:31:00

That does sound delicious! Love rhubarb : )

kaddiew - 2013-09-03 19:37:00

for lemon honey lovers ..

bev00 - 2013-09-04 22:24:00

What does the butter do in the lemon honey, like some recipes here, dont have butter in them.
The one I have just made was....1 cup sugar, 100g butter, 2 eggs, juice and rind of 2 lemons.
I have no idea what my lemons are, but they are quite orangy in colour, very juicy and quite big....some as big as grapefruit.
I use the double pot method, but only got 4 little baby food jars...would you double all ingredients for more jars. Not happy to double the butter tho.
comments please.

korbo - 2014-08-02 11:14:00


korbo - 2014-08-02 21:56:00

anyone know

korbo - 2014-08-03 11:54:00

The butter gives and extra dimension of flavour, and improves the texture. Without it the lemon curd is sharper and less velvety, and needs more sugar.

As for your lemons, they sound like very large Meyer lemons. Is their flavour different from ordinary lemons such as Yen Ben?

It is fine to double all ingredients.

There is no need to cook lemon curd over hot water - just stir it constantly over direct medium heat until it thickens. That takes about five minutes. It won't curdle as long as you don't let it boil, as the acid and sugar keep it stable.

davidt4 - 2014-08-03 12:56:00

thankyou for the info...

korbo - 2014-08-04 17:15:00

I thought maybe more juice would make it too runny. Used finely grated rind of 2 lemons - juice of 2 lemons - 2 eggs - 1/2 lb sugar - 20oz butter. First time I have used this recipe which has just been given to me. I think it tastes fine but hubby says it's not tangy enough. Does this recipe sound right?

viking60 (35 35 positive feedback) 2:18 pm, Wed 11 Sep #5

Add some citric acid to make it more tangy

bev00 - 2014-09-13 00:36:00

Next time when I'm doing a batch of lemon Spread, will be trying to puree or blend finely whole lemons rather than just zest and juice, naturally without the pips but feel worthy of a try.

Noted the use of whole oranges in some recipes so why not try whole lemons in Lemon Spread, if it works then great, if not then I need to know.


Edited by valentino at 3:23 pm, Sun 5 Oct

valentino - 2014-10-05 15:22:00

Hmmm, I have a very nice Lemon tree that produces beautiful thin skinned lemons and should be ideal to use as noted in the post above.


valentino - 2014-10-05 18:24:00

Try searching at Cruisine mags website as they had a recipe there for lemon curd ice cream and the curd is the best I've tried.

lindylambchops1 (39 39 positive feedback) 4:08 pm, Wed 27 Apr #3


I used this one in my Baby Lemon Meringue Tarts and it was nice and zingy... not sickly.

2049 (415 415 positive feedback) 9:50 pm, Sat 30 Apr #6
Nana Reed's Lemon Curd:

Juice of 6 lemons
Grated rind of 2 lemons
2lb sugar
8 oz butter
8 eggs

Put sugar, lemon juice and grated rind of lemon together with butter in a basin over water and bring gradually to boil until sugar dissolved. Whisk eggs and stir in. Stir frequently until thickened. Put into clean jars and seal when COLD.

It is yummy. (Nana Reed was my grandmother and she was a marvellous cook)

kuaka (1460 1460 positive feedback) 10:39 pm, Sat 30 Apr #7
Oops! 2 eggs and 125gm caster sugar.

nzl99 (1505 1505 positive feedback) 9:12 am, Sun 1 May #8

2049 (415 415 positive feedback) 4:34 pm, Sun 1 May #9
I make this sugar free one - it's brilliant! It makes about 2 cups.


1/2 cup lemon juice
2-3 lemons - finely grated rind only (optional)
3 eggs
2 extra egg yolks
1/2 cup Xylitol (or sweetner of choice)
100g butter - chopped

This is cooked by the double boiler method so mix the following in a bowl or small saucepan which can be placed inside a larger saucepan. 1/3 fill the large saucepan with water and bring to a slow rolling boil.
In the bowl or small saucepan mix the lemon juice, rind, eggs and sweetner together.
Place over/in a the large saucepan of gently boiling water.
Stir well (it will thicken like custard).
When thick add butter and stir well to combine.
Remove from heat, it will continue to thicken as it cools, and bottle. Or cool and put in a container in the fridge.

Serve on either scones or bread or pancakes or use as a dessert topping....
Allow 10 carbs for the lemon juice

kirinesha (670 670 positive feedback) 4:36 pm, Sun 1 May #10
H I've given keeps for quite a while because of the ingredients - not that it lasts long because it's so yummy!

kuaka (1460 1460 positive feedback) 11:12 pm, Tue 3 May #12
Brom the super market its easy just make the short bread cups and cool then spoon the curd into them . people go back for more and cant beleave how easy they are to make

whitehead. (268 268 positive feedback) 9:21 pm, Wed 2 May #15
An easy, butter-free way in the microwave.. reduce the sugar to your taste too if you want.. this is our favourite..

Place in a microwave jug/bowl:

Zest and juice of 3 lemons
1 & 1/2 cups sugar
3 eggs

Whisk well till blended together.

Microwave on high for 2 minutes, whisk again
Microwave for 1 minute at a time, whisking after each minute, until getting thick
Microwave for 30 seconds at a time, whisking again, until thick.

Pour into hot sterilised jars, place lids on and leave to cool.

Keep in your fridge and use within 2 weeks.


bev00 - 2014-10-16 00:11:00
ljayl wrote:

I made Lemon Honey today ...with loads of butter in it's lovely but I would rather make this recipe without the added fat ...

The thing about this stuff is the unbelievable amount of sugar in it. It's enough to make anyone type 2 diabetic.
Sickly sweet and I sure wouldn't try keeping it for too long.....the eggs are the danger....just make smaller batches and keep for a short time.

lythande1 - 2014-10-16 07:15:00

Well made and preserved at sterility temperature Lemon Honey or Lemon Curd will keep unopened and un refrigerated for months. It needs to be refrigerated once opened but will still have a long life, if it doesn't get eaten quickly!

allspices - 2014-10-16 09:33:00


uli - 2015-10-13 13:38:00
echoriath wrote:

There had better be real puppies in puppy soup, or I am going to write to my MP!!

What about babies in baby oil?

fantail8 - 2015-10-14 21:50:00

cookessentials, how long will the lemon ginger butter last please? THinking i might add it to goodie boxes for xmas.

kay34 - 2015-10-17 20:08:00


uli - 2016-10-14 17:39:00


bev00 - 2017-10-14 01:04:00

I put the grated peel into the food processor with the sugar and wizz it, then add the lemon juice and wizz again. Sugar is almost dissolved before it goes in the pot and the zest is super-fine.

oopie - 2017-10-21 18:50:00


bev00 - 2018-10-19 02:05:00


bev00 - 2019-10-15 22:58:00
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