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Family History -- Getting Started


And in case we lose it as we have turned the page, here is the link to our list of favourite websites.

shanreagh - 2014-02-17 09:34:00

From late Feb 2014, NZ Archives changed the way that the WWI pdf files were displayed. Below are some instructions provided by jamjarsnz on how to locate the pdf for downloading under the new system:

jamjarsnz wrote:
You still get the PDF file, it is just hidden a bit. On the top left hand side of the page it says "Preservation Master" and lists the files underneath. Collapse the list of files by clicking on the down arrow next to "Preservation Master" and now you will see "Derivative Copy", click on the arrow next to it to expand it and then click on "Image 1". This will be the PDF, open it up and use the save option on the bottom left. Voila!

kiwileprechaun - 2014-03-02 19:40:00

I've gotten round this by clicking on Tools then click on compatibility view settings, a box will come up, then click add to add the site then click close, you should now be able to open the files

Edited by crab2 at 11:16 am, Fri 7 Mar

crab2 - 2014-03-07 11:15:00

how to search with the new search on Ancestry,

crab2 - 2014-03-12 14:25:00

A website to help you with some ideas for Reunion's

crab2 - 2014-05-07 16:40:00

anyone know of Mabel Charlotte Edge who first married Edward McCallum Blake and then Norman Wilfred Jaggar

bobkat4 - 2014-05-17 21:08:00

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linmac - 2014-06-27 16:23:00

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samwised - 2014-07-21 19:17:00

Hi everyone, have been thinking about having a go at converting my mum and grandmother's handwritten family tree into an electronic format. Can anyone recommend any free programmes / applications I can download to get started? Thank you.

kyria - 2014-08-10 10:00:00
kyria wrote:

Hi everyone, have been thinking about having a go at converting my mum and grandmother's handwritten family tree into an electronic format. Can anyone recommend any free programmes / applications I can download to get started? Thank you.

Suggest you repeat this request on a new thread as this one is for resources mainly. You will get an answer there.

gilligee - 2014-08-23 16:36:00

Thank you Gilligee. Will try your suggestion.

kyria - 2014-08-25 20:40:00


kvman. - 2014-08-28 21:15:00

babz_nz - 2015-02-18 06:39:00

Some (but not all) of the NZEF War Diaries have been digitised and are available to view on Archway, however finding the right file can be a bit challenging. Having just managed to navigate my way though the system to locate details of what was going on when my husband's grandfather was injured, I thought I would share a few tips.

To use this info, you need to know what unit the person you are researching served with. In this case, I am going to use William Andrew Duggan, who served with the NZ Field Artillery 1st Bdge, as an example.

First use the following pdf file to find out what information is held:

Use the table of contents to get the series number. In this case, 1NZ Field Artillery Brigade is Series 51 (page 103).

By then scrolling through to page 103, I can then find the reference I need - WA 51/1. There is also information on which dates war diaries are available for. In this case, the earliest is May 1915 so we don't actually have a record of what the 1st Battery was doing on April 25th. However we do have March 1917 which was when William was injured.

Noting down the reference (to left hand corner of the page), go to the advanced search option in Archway and click on "Records" in the diagram that comes up in the top right hand corner of the page.

In the field labelled "Former Arch Ref" enter the letters and numbers that come before the / - ie WA51 - and search. The results that come up are the NZ Field Artillery war diaries. Many of these indicate that there is a digital copy of the file available to view.

Click on the words "Digitised record available". On the page that comes up, click on the listing for the file and a digitised version will open.

Hope that all of this makes sense, and maybe helps a few people find some interesting info.

Edited by kiwileprechaun at 4:38 pm, Tue 28 Apr

kiwileprechaun - 2015-04-28 16:38:00
redhead96 wrote:

When searching are you able to get medical history of a deceased parent?
We think there may be another sibling. This birth may of have happened in the 1950's or 60's. Family have clammed up on this.

Sometimes the sibling has been brought up by grandparents/aunts etc-especially in Maori families

mkbooks - 2015-05-22 17:50:00

5 Ways To Tell If Your Genealogy Research Is Accurate

crab2 - 2015-06-07 07:52:00

bump to bring to top.

ro42 - 2015-09-09 09:44:00

Bump this up please

carbs51 - 2015-09-09 09:50:00

NZ Archives site
Good for seeing if your ancestor left a will, got divorced, bought and sold land, immigration etc etc

cmg11 - 2015-09-09 09:51:00

NZSG - New Zealand Society of Genealogists is a good site if your a member as you can purchase CD's plus other items of interest and use their Library to have books, microfiche's to you at home as many of us are not close by to just pop in and browse their shelves.

crab2 - 2015-09-09 12:03:00

If you would like help getting started, start a new post with what you know and what your looking for, please NO living person's name

crab2 - 2015-09-09 12:05:00


marlin9 - 2015-09-09 15:26:00

Just putting this on top

goldy5 - 2015-09-09 20:27:00

Remember...if you are looking for "missing friends/relatives"
Google, FB, the white pages, electoral rolls and "old friends" are good starting places.

cmg11 - 2015-09-09 20:58:00
linmac wrote:

I have a great web site for hunting British relatives.
Births, marriages, Census ( upto 1911) and electoral rolls

I am researching british ancestors may I ask what site you use please

nannahall1 - 2015-10-01 18:52:00
mimi1 wrote:

what's a sticky thread?

Spider ropes

mcarky - 2016-01-09 21:04:00
Over 700 digitised post office directories covering most of Scotland from 1773-1911.
Just had a great find

cmg11 - 2016-01-20 21:07:00

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huffalump - 2016-03-27 22:26:00

I am looking for a brother I have not seen for 50years. Name kevin ross WARREN.born 1945 in gisborne. Seached electrol rolls and see he was in upper hutt in 1978 working as a plumber. There are no records of him since and I cannot see that he has died? There were 6 children in the family and I have been in cotact with all and nobody has seen or heard from him in all this time. What else can I do?

ian72 - 2016-04-12 08:45:00

A good site to post your details if you are searching for birth families or missing people

cmg11 - 2016-08-28 18:31:00

Hello to whom it may concern..
I am searching for the "RZOSKA" family as my grandmother was a "RZOSKA"
Her daughter was Marjorie "MILLAR"/
"MILLER" who married Henry James "GREENAWAY"
My name Lorraine

Edited by scottorn at 8:28 pm, Thu 4 May

scottorn - 2017-05-04 20:24:00

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scottorn - 2017-05-04 20:29:00

The member deleted this message.

scottorn - 2017-05-04 20:34:00

A regular newsletter that may help you

The DNA section with all of Gail's contributions.

nbrob - 2017-12-03 19:20:00

New Zealand Armed Constabulary roll

wenpen - 2018-06-09 12:33:00

Hello. Is there anyway one can get items changed on ancestory or other sites. I have family items that someone has put on but they are untrue.
Thanks for any suggestions.

tandy - 2018-06-25 22:02:00

Hi there
I'm Jane from Napier, I'm trying to track down my birth mother and father. I was born on 26th September 1963 and I was adopted from a Catholic home for young mums in Wellington, New Zealand. What we know from the birth certificate is my mothers name is Janet Mcfarlane Mcfayden (potentially her maiden name at the time), it states that she was a clerk in Wellington and that she was born in Glasgow, Scotland with the possibly that she might have returned to Scotland after giving me up for adoption. She also said that she wanted me to go to a Catholic family and for me to be named Theresa but my adoptive family went with Jane. On the birth certificate it states father unknown but it says he was a truck driver at the time and a New Zealander.
Can anyone help me to find my birth family?

Edited by jamesyme at 10:13 pm, Mon 25 Jun

jamesyme - 2018-06-25 22:12:00

If your grand-parents are still alive,ask them about their grand-parents. Covers 5 generations which is all the history in N.Z. for many Europeans.
Oral histories are very interesting but check against public records. Memories get twisted over time. Likewise with family trees found on Internet sites. Some are wrong and some are reluctant to accept correction.

amasser - 2018-07-18 09:13:00

Posts #87 #88
This is a thread for resources for family research not a discussion thread.
You can start your own thread for any help you require.

nbrob - 2018-08-02 08:49:00

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mahairy - 2018-12-30 13:02:00

Anyone available to help with Dna results Dunedin Mosgiel area

jayem - 2019-07-29 14:10:00
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