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Ive just done the weeks baking, what did you bake


Thanks for the receipes Want to do some baking this weekend and wanted a good chocolate chippie receipe so will try yours bams1 (I have a good one with rolled oats in it) might also do afghans and rice bubble crunch. Yummo and I wonder why I have a weight problem .... oh no that's right I know why ... I love food!

bifo - 2004-03-27 10:26:00

What a hoot you guys are! Having just discovered this thread, I may have just been inspired to get back into baking for my 5 boys (incl. husband)! I definitely want to try out some of your recipes bams1, though I don't often have enough time to post my own :(

kateathome - 2004-03-27 15:02:00

what a great thread This is wonderful -so many ideas. Sunday is a great day for baking! I will try the first recipe for the banana loaf today. Keep them rolling in.

pom4 - 2004-03-28 09:00:00

Made the chocolate chippies and rice bubble log. Thanks for your choc chippie receipe Bams1 - they are really nice.

bifo - 2004-03-28 11:43:00

Pleased that there are others who enjoy baking as well, life gets so busy some times its important too keep things simple sometimes....anyway i have just done this weekends bake and ive done the ALBERT SQUARE from above and the OLDFASHIONED CHEESECAKES....125 grams of flakey pastry,125 grams butter, 125 grams sugar, 2 eggs,150 grams of flour and 1 teaspoon of bAking powder..cream butter and sugar add eggs then dry ingredients, Roll out pastry and cut into circles and press into a greased muffin tin, then add 1 teaspoon of jam to each muffin cup and put the cak mix on top of each jam case, if you have any pastry left over you can put a pastry swirl on top of each cake and cook at 200 for 20 mins...............I then made BACON & EGG MINIS line muffin tins with pastry and add chopped onion, peas/corn bacon, tomato and 4 eggs mixed with 1/2 cup of milk baked at 200 for 20 mins and thats it will take my nephew and little care package later

kob - 2004-03-28 11:44:00

I forgot to say i also made an APPLE CRUMBLE with 6 grannysmiths cooked and pulped and made the crumble with 125 grams of butter 125 grams of sugar and 250 grams of flour this gets cooked at 200 for about 30-40 mins have with runny custard and icecream this is to follow our roast lamb i cant wait for tea

kob - 2004-03-28 11:49:00

OOhh kob try this for a crumble next time you make one - on top of your stewed fruit put this crumble-its called coconut crumble- 2c coconut,1/2c flour,1/4c sugar,100g butter- melt butter and mix to dry ingre and crumble over top of fruit - yum.

bams1 - 2004-03-28 15:50:00

by the way I just did my weeks bake too, choc chips, muffins,nancy slice - a double mix this time and the raspberry one again , seems they were the flavours of the week, gonna have a easy tea and watch the warriors game.

bams1 - 2004-03-28 15:52:00

bams1 We baked your Choc Raspberry Slice.....YUM!!! Also baked a fav, tan square, and hubby baked blueberry muffins and banana and choc muffins (he hides a small solid choc easter egg in the middle of them) YUMM!!!

phenominal_one - 2004-03-28 18:30:00

My question to all of you who bake in big batches the heck do you stop yourself from eating it all at once???!!! lol I have tried to make muffins,slices etc to last for a week but have now given up as once i start i just cant help myself until its all gone! I know BIG lack of will power! lol

bsj02 - 2004-03-28 20:59:00

Hey cob I made your recipe for banana loaf today and it is very very nice thankyou - definately recommend it, its nice and light and tasty great for lunches this week.

pom4 - 2004-03-28 22:29:00

#60..... When we bake in bulk.....we keep out what we need for the week and freeze what can be frozen for a later time, like when we have visitors, or cant be bothered baking the next week.

phenominal_one - 2004-03-29 06:03:00

it is all about will power im not really into the things i bake for the kids and the cakes and slices i like they dont so thats how it works in our house hold oh but the easteregg muffins thed be no EE left to put in them if i was baking LOL, pleased you liked the loaf bam ive got heaps more when ive got more time ill put some in

kob - 2004-03-29 06:05:00

i must admit, I would have the problem too.... of the easter eggs not getting to the actual's probably why hubby makes them, without me in sight...lmao

phenominal_one - 2004-03-29 06:31:00

That is the problem I do eat everything I bake and hence why I must go back to Weightwatchers and why I tend to buy a lot of biscuits I don't really like brought biscuits!!!!!! I made a Mixed berry fruit cheesecake over the weekend and guess who gets to eat the left overs which is probably half of it!!!! Have a lovely day


fourz - 2004-03-29 10:03:00

I'm like kob Once i've spent the hours doing the baking i can't be bothered to eat much of it , the bran muffins is about all i eat, in this house you'd have to fight the kids off anyway!!!!

bams1 - 2004-03-29 14:02:00

This message was deleted.

smf - 2004-03-29 14:27:00

thanks guys i have just started a new jobdoind cafe style food so will be able to put some of my recipes to the test instead of being told what to bake from NW, keep on with the recipes

kob - 2004-03-30 06:39:00

kob great to hear - hope the job goes well, I look forward to more of your posts. yum yum yum!

pom4 - 2004-03-30 09:13:00

good news kob Hope all goes well for you.

bams1 - 2004-03-30 09:41:00

Sunday again !! Today i did brownies and ginger crunch,boys are going away fishing for next weekend so will have to do more baking during the week so they have plenty to take away with them.

bams1 - 2004-04-04 11:47:00

Hey im cheating today im going to auckland to see Mama Mia on Tuesady and having a couple of days up there so have bought farm bake bikkys for the kids, sorry to let you guys know that but will bake next weekend and keep the posting going

kob - 2004-04-04 12:12:00

this is awesome... Just this last week I've been inspired to bake some biscuits etc. - getting fed up with the price you pay for bikkies in the shops, and the fam. likes the home-baking anyway. Just had a quick look at this message board for the fun of it and here are about a million bikkie recipes to try out in this thread. My 4 year old and I are about to hit the kitchen...

cowhell - 2004-04-05 14:39:00

Last night I made bread with cheese, onion and bacon in it, in the breadmaker. Yummmmmmmm! I don't bake anything else because it just goes to waste.

jmiller - 2004-04-05 14:45:00

Easy yummy moist gingerbread. 200g butter, 3/4 cup brown sugar, 1 cup golden syrup, 3/4 cup milk, 2 eggs, 2 cups plain flour, 1 tbsp ginger, 1 tsp baking soda, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp mixed spice.
Place the butter, brown sugar, golden syrup and milk in a saucepan and heat until sugar has disolved but do not boil. Cool. When cool beat in the eggs. Sift all the dry ingredients into a bowl and make a well in the middle and pour in liquid mixture. Stir until just combined. Pour into a greased loaf tin and bake for 50 minutes at 160 degrees C. This is really really nice and I recommend it it all. It made quite abit of mixture so I put a bit of it into patty cases and it make wonderful muffins. If you make the muffins they don't take long to cook so keep an eye on them.

pom4 - 2004-04-05 22:15:00

im back alive and kicking well well mamamia over with and now back to reality....well when i was working in the supermarket i used to get really p****d off with people who moaned at the shops being shut on a public holiday....and guess what i did today LOL wnt to town to do the groceries and guess what its easter sunday and the shops are shut,what a dips**t so the baking will be minamal today cause the butter is low and im not paying service station prices so will do the weetbix slice today ive got heaps of crushed weetbix for some reason.....anyway HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE

kob - 2004-04-11 10:04:00

let off lightly I am not baking today either kob - hubby and boys have gone camping/fishing so no one here to eat it , will do it during the week before they come home, glad you enjoyed mamamia, we are offto see the warriors play next weekend in wellington, can't wait - hope they play better than they did last night !! Oh well love them anyway .

bams1 - 2004-04-11 15:36:00

Bams I'm with your hubby on the over-cooked baking! My mother always "just cooked" her baking and it didn't go down well with me. I even go to the cafeteria where I work and ask for the "brownest scone or muffin please" ... so I know where he's coming from! But it's also great to see there are still people like you who bake your own. Must smell yummy! Good you you!

matuq - 2004-04-11 18:18:00

Kids and neighbours both know when there is baking being done!!Can smell it down the driveway they tell me !!Yup hubby has to have everything slighty burnt including his toast!He also looks for the darkest loaves of bread in the supermarket!! What a dag.I could not help my self this arvo and enede up making some bran muffins for me and Miss P to have tomorrow - old habits die hard i guess - looking forward to my men coming home so i can cook in bulk again !!!!

bams1 - 2004-04-11 20:33:00

Ok... So i could'nt wait any longer -decided i'd make the most of a cold dreary day hopeing tomorrow i can get back to the gardening! I made anzac biscuits,bronnies crunch,choc muffins and a lemon slice, the house smells devine , now all i need is the men folk to come home and eat it all !!!

bams1 - 2004-04-12 14:30:00

this week I made pumpkin pie muffins and chocolate chippie biscuits (from the recipe I got at manual!). We just harvested 31 pumpkins, so there will have to be lots of baking with pumpkin recipes comimg up!

zellas - 2004-04-13 14:52:00

OOOh do share The pumpkin pie muffin recipe -please

bams1 - 2004-04-13 15:18:00

pumpkin soup recipe do you need i have a nice one if you want it

kob - 2004-04-13 19:24:00

Pumpkin Pie Muffins Pumpkin Pie Muffins

1 C. cooked pumpkin (250g)
1/4 C. oil
1/2 C. milk
1 egg
1 tsp. vanilla essence
1 C. white flour
1 C. wholemeal flour
4 tsp. baking powder
1 C. brown sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. ginger
1/4 tsp. cloves
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 C. chopped chocolate

To cook pumpkin, place skin on, in a microwave dish. Cover and cook 4 minutes on high. Cool and peel

Preheat oven to 200„aC (350F). Grease a muffin tray.

Put pumpkin, oil, milk, vanilla, and egg in a food processor and process until smooth.

Put flours, baking powder, sugar, spices and salt in a bowl and stir to combine. Pour in liquid and stir until flour just moistened. Spoon into muffin trays.

Bake 12-15 minutes.

Makes 12 standard muffins. Can add 1/2 C chocolate or nuts.
This is a really thick, almost more like cake than muffins!

zellas - 2004-04-14 09:15:00

Thanks heaps... For the great recipes. I also have a large family and find that baking is the only way to satisfy the financial side of providing.
It is great to have some new Ideas and not just the same boring recipes. Thanks for the great thread.

6kid - 2004-04-15 08:35:00

kisses KISSES-

125 grams of butter,
125 grams of sugar,
2 eggs,
125 grams of flour,
8 tablespoons of cornflour,
1 teaspoon of baking powder,...

cream butter and sugar add the eggs then the dry ingredients
put into small spoonfuls on greased trays
cook at 200 for 8-10 mins
when cold put together with jam and sprinlkle icing sugar over them

kob - 2004-04-15 10:17:00

peanut brownies PEANUT BROWNIES-

1 egg,
125 grams of butter,
1 cup of sugar,
1 & 1/2 cups of flour,
1 teaspoon baking powder,
2 tablespoons of cocoa,
1 cup of peanuts ( roasted),...

Beat butter & sugar together then add the egg and dry ingredients and lastly the peanuts
make into balls about the size of 50 cent piece and flatten with a fork
bake at 180 for 15-20 mins

kob - 2004-04-15 10:18:00

coconut biscuits COCONUT BISCUITS-

125 grams of butter,
2 cups of coconut,
1 cup of sugar,
1 teaspoon of baking powder,...

mix together and put teaspoon lots on a greased tray do not flatten and cook for 15-20 mins at 175

kob - 2004-04-15 10:18:00

afgans AFGANS-

200 grams of butter,
6 tablespoons of sugar,
1 & 1/2 cups of flour,
2 tablespoons cocoa,
1 & 1/4 cups of cornflakes,...

cream butter and sugar add dry ingredients slowely, lastly add cornflakes
put spoonfulls onto a greased tray and bake for 15 mins at 180
ice with cjocolate icing and put a walnut half on each

kob - 2004-04-15 10:19:00

melting moments MELTING MOMENTS-
160 grams of butter,
1 cup of flour,
8 tablespoons of cocoa,
6 tablespoons of icing sugar,
vanilla essence,
1 tablespoon of baking powder,...

beat butter and sugar together and ad dry ingredients then vanilla essence, roll into balls and press with a fork and cook for 20 mins at 180
once cold put together with white icing

kob - 2004-04-15 10:20:00

cornflake biscuits KORNIE BISCUITS-

125 grams of butter,
3/4 cup of sugar1 teaspoon of baking powder,
2 tablespoons of milk,
1 & 1/2 cups of flour,
2 eggs,
1 cup of sultanas....

cream butter and sugar add eggs then sultanas & dry ingredients.
Drop spoonfulls into crushed cornflakes and cook at 180 for 20 mins

kob - 2004-04-15 10:21:00

homemade cream crackers CREAM CRACKERS-

2 cups of flour,
25 grams of butter,
1 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder,
1 teaspoon of golden syrup,
1 teaspoon of salt,
1/2 cup of water,...

sift dry ingredients, grate or rub the butter into the dry ingredients, mix syrup with water then add the liquid tossing the flour mix, roll out thinly and cut into shapes and prick with a fork
Cook for 10-15 minutes at 190

kob - 2004-04-15 10:22:00

gingernuts GINGERNUTS-

100 grams of butter,
1 cup of sugar,
1 egg,
1 3/4 cup flour,
1 tablespoon of golden syrup,
2 teaspoon of ginger,
1 teaspoon of baking soda,....
Melt butter, stir in syrup then add sugar, ginger and egg,beat with a fork and stir till evenly mixed.
Then add soda and flour.
Roll into balls and press with a fork
Cook 180 for 10 mins

kob - 2004-04-15 10:22:00

choc coconut clusters CHOCOLATE CLUSTERS-

75 grams of butter,
75 grams of sugar,
1 egg,
1 teaspoon of baking powder,
1 cup of flour,
1 tablespoon of cocoa,
1 cup of coconut,
2 tablespooon of milk...

Crean butter and sugar add egg then dry ingredients then milk, put spoonfuls on a tray and cook for 15 mins at 190

kob - 2004-04-15 10:23:00

queen cakes QUEEN CAKES-

125 grams of butter,
1/2 cup of sugar,
2 eggs,
1 1/2 cups of flour,
1 teaspoon of baking powder,
50 grams of sultanas,....

Cream butter and sugar add eggs, flour and baking powder and lastly sultanas.
Put mix into greased pattytins and bake for 180 for 10-15 mins and then ice and dip in jelly crystals

kob - 2004-04-15 10:24:00

vanilla bikkies VANILLA BISCUITS-

125 grams of butter,
1 cup of sugar,
1 egg,
2 cups of flour,
1 teaspoon of baking powder,
1/4 cup of sultanas,
vanilla essense,....

Cream butter and sugar add eggs then sultanas, add dry ingredients and then put spoonfulls onto a baking tray and cook for 20 mins at 190

kob - 2004-04-15 10:25:00

sultana biscuits SULTANAS BISCUITS-

4 onces butter,
4 onces of sugar,
1 dessertspoons of golden syrup,
2 tablespoons of milk,
1 teasppon of baking soda,....

Then add 8 onces and then 1/2 cup of flour then 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla essence.
Put spoonfulls on trays and press down with a fork and bake at 160 for 10-15 mins

kob - 2004-04-15 10:26:00

thanks kob man thats alot of yummy food Kob, and getting baking soon

karee.bell - 2004-04-16 17:03:00

Anzac Biscuits Jo Seager made some Anzac Biscuits on the Goodmorning show - and the recipe is on the Chelsea Website - they are really yummy and easy to make....The recipe...

Anzac Biscuits
1 cup flour1 cup Chelsea White Sugar1 3/4 cups coconut (coarsely shredded coconut is great for texture)1 1/2 cups rolled oats1/4 cup chopped walnuts 100g butter2 tablespoons Chelsea Golden Syrup1 teaspoon baking soda2 tablespoons boiling water

Preheat oven to 160*C. Mix flour, sugar, coconut, rolled oats & walnuts in a bowl. Melt butter & golden syrup together. Mix baking soda with boiling water to dissolve. Mix both butter & baking soda mixtures together in a large bowl. Add flour mixture & combine.Roll teaspoonsful into small balls. Place on a well greased or baking paper lined oven tray & press flat with the back of a spoon. Allow room for biscuits to spread. Bake for 25 – 30 minutes. Cool on a wire rack & store in an airtight container.

hobbles - 2004-04-23 08:29:00

just been alittle slack of late heaps of work on so griffins has been baking for me will get back into it soon I Promise!!!!

kob - 2004-04-30 06:59:00
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