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We Don't Have to Buy It Cos We Can Make It Thread!


bumping as its so hard to find.

kokopuff - 2012-05-20 13:55:00
juliewn wrote:

To use up sweetened condensed milk - no matter how much is left - or use a full can - and make your own creation.. according to what is in your pantry and fridge.. Use 1/2 can sweetened condensed milk (or a full can).. Add some crushed weetbix or other cereals (or a mix of cereals) - enough to make the mix very firm, then add your choice of the following: some cocoa or milo, dried fruit - sultana's, raisins, currants, craisin's, sliced apricots, etc.. chocolate chips or drops, spices - cinnamon or mixed spice, chopped cherries, citrus peel, lots of coconut, some wheatgerm, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, chopped nuts, etc..etc.. Mix well then place in spoonsful on a baking paper lined tray and bake at 160°C till just beginning to go golden. Leave to cool on the baking paper - and enjoy..

thanks for this one especially juliewn... you must be able to see into my fridge LOL. I ALWAYS end up throwing away the leftover condensed milk cause I am too disorganised to go hunting for something to use it for, so this is absolutely perfect - no recipe needed!!! Thanks!!!!

arcane1315 - 2012-05-20 15:35:00

The member deleted this message.

taurus2005 - 2012-05-21 08:12:00

What a great thread. I haven't had time to read it all but wanted to include this recipe for Face & Hand Moisturiser that I have been making and using for 4 months now. I am about to make another batch, my third go and each time successful, easy and cheap. So apologies if it has already been published. I'll put it in a new post so it stands out a bit. - 2012-05-21 11:04:00

1000 year old ROYAL SKIN CREAM - This is very rich, lovely on hands and face.

100ml olive oil
100ml sunflower, almond or grapeseed oil
40 gms beeswax
In a double boiler (bowl over pan) melt the beeswax in the olive oil.
Take off heat and add the other 100ml oil.
150ml Rosewater (you can buy from chemist and Asian stores)
2 pinches Borax (used as antiseptic and emulsifier)
Heat rosewater and borax in another double boiler until hot to touch.
Using hand whisk or stick blender pour the OIL into the rosewater/borax mixture in a slow narrow stream. When it is thick add essential oils of your choice about 20 drops (also acts as preservative). Pour into sterilised glass jars.
Seal when cold and label.
Keeps for 3-4 months kept cool and out of direct sunlight.
Essential oils of your choice, I used lavender and rose.
I keep excess jars in fridge and then once opened in my bathroom away from sunlight.
This quantity made approx 10 x 30ml pots therefore allow for 300ml.
You could put into 2 or 3 big jars.
I bought my little dark jars from Lotus Oils (as I wanted to give away as gifts), they were $1.40 each and have a good online shop. - 2012-05-21 11:13:00
arcane1315 wrote:

thanks for this one especially juliewn... you must be able to see into my fridge LOL. I ALWAYS end up throwing away the leftover condensed milk cause I am too disorganised to go hunting for something to use it for, so this is absolutely perfect - no recipe needed!!! Thanks!!!!

Hi.. glad you like it.. :-) .. makes for tasty bikkies.. The SCM also freezes well.. I put it in a glass jar with a lid, and it keeps perfectly - and can be used straight from the freezer too..

Another way to use a little of it..
Cook some rice, and while it's still hot (without any water around it), stir in a little SCM (only a spoonful is needed), and a little vanilla or some lemon juice.. and you have a quick rice pudding..

I cook the rice in my microwave - 1 cup rice, 2 cups cold water, 18 minutes on high, and stir with a fork.. and it's done..

juliewn - 2012-05-21 15:04:00
knit1 wrote:

Caramel Slice does anyone have a good recipe for it please, base always seems crumbly tried edmonds book etc no luck, think oven dish size would suite here haha

Hi. I agree with you about the recipe.. and have changed to using their Marshmallow Shortcake base recipe, which I use as a base for a lot of slices now.. it's a favourite here..

Made in a normal size slice tin, it's quite thick, my slice tin is around a third bigger, and this recipe makes it a good thickness to cook it in that tin.

125gms butter
125gms sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 egg
225gms flour
1 tsp baking powder

Cream butter and sugar, add essence, then egg, then sifted dry ingredients.
Press into the tin and bake at 180°C
>>> For a marshmallow shortcake - bake for 20 - 30 minutes
>>> For caramel slice base, bake 15 minutes, remove from the oven and cool for 5 minutes so it sets a little.

Mix in a microwave jug/bowl: 1 tin Sweetened condensed milk and 2 tablespoons brown sugar. (I like the brown sugar flavour better than using golden syrup, and don't add any butter - we like the texture better without the butter).

When hot, pour slowly over the base and return it to the oven until the top is set and is golden and caramelly.. about 5-8 minutes.

Place tin on a cooling rack and cool before using with chocolate icing and sprinkling with coconut or chopped nuts.

Hope this helps..

juliewn - 2012-05-21 15:56:00
908 wrote:

1000 year old ROYAL SKIN CREAM - This is very rich, lovely on hands and face.

100ml olive oil
100ml sunflower, almond or grapeseed oil
40 gms beeswax
In a double boiler (bowl over pan) melt the beeswax in the olive oil.
Take off heat and add the other 100ml oil.
150ml Rosewater (you can buy from chemist and Asian stores)
2 pinches Borax (used as antiseptic and emulsifier)
Heat rosewater and borax in another double boiler until hot to touch.
Using hand whisk or stick blender pour the OIL into the rosewater/borax mixture in a slow narrow stream. When it is thick add essential oils of your choice about 20 drops (also acts as preservative). Pour into sterilised glass jars.
Seal when cold and label.
Keeps for 3-4 months kept cool and out of direct sunlight.
Essential oils of your choice, I used lavender and rose.
I keep excess jars in fridge and then once opened in my bathroom away from sunlight.
This quantity made approx 10 x 30ml pots therefore allow for 300ml.
You could put into 2 or 3 big jars.
I bought my little dark jars from Lotus Oils (as I wanted to give away as gifts), they were $1.40 each and have a good online shop.

Thanks for sharing the recipe.. sounds lovely :-)

juliewn - 2012-05-21 15:56:00

How do you store the home-made peanut butter? Do you need to sterilize jars, refrigerate?

spawnman - 2012-05-22 16:24:00

This message was deleted.

blt10 - 2012-05-23 18:47:00


asue - 2012-05-27 14:16:00


usualsuspect - 2012-05-28 22:46:00

Tomato soup like Mr W's

Does anyone have a recipe that tastes even remotely like it.
I love the flavour, but doesn't matter to much about texture

marchbank - 2012-06-14 13:13:00
juliewn wrote:

Mayonnaise: In a food processor bowl, place: 3 egg yolks, 1/2 tsp dry mustard powder, 2 tablespoons white vinegar, and pepper to your taste. Whizz till blended. With the motor still running, drizzle 1 & 1/4 cups of your favourite 'good' oil - canola, olive, etc.. Process until well combined and creamy. Season to taste, and pour into a jar or container. To make by hand, enlist some help.. use an egg beater to beat the egg yolks, salt, mustard powder, vinegar and pepper. Ask someone to drizzle the oil in as you keep beating, until well combined and the mix is creamy. Using an electric mixer works well too. Keep in your fridge. Makes about 1& 1/2 cups.

omg at last i have found a descent mayonaise and i know that this might sound lame but there are not or no recipes on here this thread in recipes for mayonaised thank you so much

spunkeymonkey - 2012-06-15 14:44:00
juliewn wrote:

Apple Cider Vinegar: with thanks to Jean Gwatkin & NZ Gardener's Homegrown magazine: The notes in the magazine include that Jean uses Granny Smith or Sturmer apples, because that's what she has in her back yard, though she says any variety will do. The recipe is: "Enough apples to fill a plastic bucket, 3 cups white sugar. Boil enough water to half fill a plastic bucket. Let cool. Wash, chop and roughly process the apples - skins, cores and all and add to the bucket until they're level with the water. Cover with a cloth or loose lid and stir daily for a week. At the end of the week, strain and add the sugar to the liquid. Pour into a clean bucket and leave in a cool cupboard for two months. When the 'Mother' (a sort of leathery translucent skin) forms on top of the liquid, your cider vinegar is ready to strain and bottle.".. and enjoy..

wow another fantastic recipe i have been looking for but yet again could not find on any of the threads and yet again if i do find one they do not tell you or give you a simple recipe to follow, thank you so much juliewn, i think i am going to love this thread maybe you should of written a book

spunkeymonkey - 2012-06-15 16:26:00
katalin2 wrote:

Chocolate Coating for Ice Cream- goes hard 1/2 C icing sugar
3 T cocoa
125 gm Kremelta or Copha
1 t vanilla

Thank you katalin2 another recipe had to be found on this thread why is it that all the other threads do not bring out all the old fashion simple and easy to use with simple step by step methods, i really love this thread thanks again juliewn
Sift icing sugar and cocoa into small bowl.
Melt Kremelta over low heat, gradually stir into icing sugar until smooth.
Add vanilla.
Coating can be used immediately.

Makes 3/4 C.

Thank you katalin2 another recipe had to be found on this thread why is it that all the other threads do not bring out all the old fashion simple and easy to use with simple step by step methods, i really love this thread thanks again juliewn

spunkeymonkey - 2012-06-15 18:14:00

Help dont have time to look through everything to look for a recipe but i have been at the hospital with my son for 3mths so the shower isnt looking to good it is formica walls and they are looking abit grey at the bottom what is the best thing to clean them its pretty well baked on lol... And the ceiling is looking abit mouldy what would be the best thing for that as well. Thanks in advanced.

kokopuff - 2012-06-15 19:20:00
jenna68 wrote:

EUCALYPTUS OIL... is excellent for removing substances like, glue, tar, chewing gum and other unknown sticky substances - place a few drops on the stained area, leave for 2 mins or until the oil has evaporated, then wash. It will also rem tar from shoes, apply the oil, leave, then sponge with hot soapy water :o)

I really love this thread and as one can see i am on page 6 or 7 but my posts are on page 19.. awsum reading

spunkeymonkey - 2012-06-15 19:59:00
echoriath wrote:

I make my own toilet paper. It's a long process, but it's great because I use all the junk mail I get, so it's recycling. It is time consuming, and you should definitely remove the staples from things. I learned that the hard way. Thought I had a disease or something. My wife insists on storebought, but I will never go back to that crappy stuff. Oh, "crappy", hahaha. Wow, I'm funny.

ok so where are the instructions,would really like to give it a go

spunkeymonkey - 2012-06-15 20:23:00
heather275 wrote:

does any one know how to make soap with out LYE or where i might find a recipe.... may have asked earlier in thread if so i am sorry

me second this too please even the simple basic steps of how to make soap from go to woe

spunkeymonkey - 2012-06-15 20:28:00
juliewn wrote:

Thanks Ange for letting us know.. Hi Chelot.. you can buy ammonia at supermarkets or hardware stores - the instructions are on the bottle - place some in a saucer or dish and leave it overnight in your oven. Next day, wearing rubber kitchen gloves, wipe over the surfaces with cloths or paper towels, then rinse well by wiping with a clean cloth. Repeat for any burnt on areas. This doesn't leave the grimy surfaces as sometimes happens with spray oven cleaners.. Hope this helps..

and i was about to ask for an oven cleaner and here yet again is in this thread, awsum thread

spunkeymonkey - 2012-06-15 21:14:00
jenna68 wrote:

FOR SHINY HAIR... Rinse with water that lemon leaves have been boiled in :o)

I am going to be dumb here but we are talking about the lemon leaves from on a lemon tree because if we are i have a huge lemon tree at the back of my garage i can use

spunkeymonkey - 2012-06-22 18:29:00


gran333 - 2012-07-01 21:50:00
spawnman wrote:

How do you store the home-made peanut butter? Do you need to sterilize jars, refrigerate?

Hi.. I store it in a glass jar in my fridge.. it goes a little harder, soon softens on hot toast!

juliewn - 2012-07-02 19:28:00
marchbank wrote:

Tomato soup like Mr W's

Does anyone have a recipe that tastes even remotely like it.
I love the flavour, but doesn't matter to much about texture

Hi.. This is my favourite soup.. great flavour, however I don't know if it's similar to what you're looking for.. it was given to me by a friend who's Mum had passed it down to her, hence the imperial measurements.. good that most scales have both imperial and metric measurements..

Tomato Soup

Prepare and place into a large pan:

12 lb tomatoes chopped
1 & 1/2 teaspoons pepper
7 sprigs parsley
4 large onions chopped
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
2 level tablespoons salt

Bring to a boil, then boil for 45 minutes, or until well cooked.
Once well cooked, put through a mouli or sieve

Return the mix to the pan and bring slowly to a boil. Boil 10 minutes, stirring often, then bottle or freeze.

If you prefer a thicker soup, melt 1/2 lb butter in a pan, add 3 tablespoons flour and mix till smooth.
Stir into the tomato mix, whisking to blend it in. Boil 10 minutes, stirring often then bottle or freeze.

If preferred, the soup can be thinned with milk when heating to serve.

juliewn - 2012-07-02 19:48:00
spunkeymonkey wrote:

wow another fantastic recipe i have been looking for but yet again could not find on any of the threads and yet again if i do find one they do not tell you or give you a simple recipe to follow, thank you so much juliewn, i think i am going to love this thread maybe you should of written a book

Thanks :-).. I'm glad the recipes have been of help for you.. add some of your own if you'd like to..

juliewn - 2012-07-02 19:51:00

Any one know how to get orange fanta stain out of carpet?

kokopuff - 2012-07-04 11:34:00


gran333 - 2012-08-13 14:15:00
juliewn wrote:

Make Your Own Mustard: Mix 3 tablespopons of mustard powder - Colman's or similar - with a little cold water to make a smooth paste. Add a pinch of salt - this will prevent the mustard becoming hard and brown, and will keep the mustard moist for longer. Leave about 10 minutes for the flavour to develop. Keep in a small jar or covered dish.

I also add a bit of condense milk

wizardoo - 2012-08-13 16:26:00

Hair rinse/conditioner.
Apologies if this has already been posted.
I don't colour my hair therefore not sure how it would go on that but about once a week or fortnight (when I remember) I get an empty 250ml shampoo bottle or jug and put in 1/4 cup cider vinegar and top up with warm water then after shampooing, pour this over my head (don't get any in your eyes), massage in for a few seconds and rinse out. Yes it does smell for a little while but soon goes. Makes my hair very soft. Apparently removes any build up of hair product and returns hair to natural pH. However it is supposed to work, it does and makes my hair very soft. - 2012-08-13 21:29:00

#144. Marmalade.(To use less power.) Make as per recipe cup for cup then in a large bowl boil as per usual in the microwave l used to make 1 jar at a time. Son didnt like marmalade so changed label to Orange Jam. Couldnt make enough of it then Cheers PS Thanks juliewinn for starting this thread

Edited by rozke at 3:27 pm, Tue 14 Aug

rozke - 2012-08-14 15:26:00

Thanks to anyone who has posted. Keep coming back to this and have trouble finding. Couldnt seem to save it in spite of clear instructions on one of the pages. So must visit regularly and bump.

hesian - 2012-08-19 16:47:00
hesian wrote:

Thanks to anyone who has posted. Keep coming back to this and have trouble finding. Couldnt seem to save it in spite of clear instructions on one of the pages. So must visit regularly and bump.

Try clicking on "file" then "Send" and choose the option "send to desktop"

spuddybuddy - 2012-09-09 04:37:00


Using any good mayonaise as a base, add chopped up gherkins, a few capers (optional), chopped dill and a good squeeze of lemon juice...voila!

My DH was going to head off to the supermarket one evening last week to buy some Tartare, and told him not to bother, that I'd make some. I used the only "mayonaise" I had in the fridge which was Paul Newman's Ranch - so added the above and it was beeeautiful!

carlosjackal - 2012-09-09 08:30:00


gran333 - 2012-09-16 12:43:00

Oooh what a great thread. Will have to come back and have a proper read. Thanks for starting this juliewn! :)

jaygee1962 - 2012-09-17 13:42:00

Cut a toilet roll in half and fold the bottom over itself as shown in the picture. The beauty of these, is that once the seedlings have taken hold you can plant them straight into the garden without having to take them out of the pot.

rakki1 - 2012-09-27 20:12:00

BREADMAKER NAAN BREAD (requires a breadmaker with a Dough setting)

300g strong white flour
1 teaspoon Edmonds Breadmaker Yeast
5 tablespoons natural yoghurt
125ml milk
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 teaspoon salt

Put all the wet ingredients into a breadmaker. Add the dry ingredients (keeping the yeast away from the salt) and start the breadmaker on the Dough setting.

When the dough has been made, separate it into four balls and roll them out as thinly as possible (which is not very thin with this springy dough) and sprinkle with nigella or poppy seeds if desired. Put a dry (unoiled) heavy cast iron frying pan over a high heat until smoking. Put the rolled out naan dough into the frying pan and cook for 30 seconds. Move it a little to ensure it does not stick, and cook for a further 1 minute.
Flip the bread over and cook for a further 1 minute or until cooked through.
If serving immediately, brush with melted butter.
If serving later, leave them dry and butter them after re-heating when ready to serve.

daisyhill - 2012-09-28 11:22:00
939 wrote:

Hair rinse/conditioner.
Apologies if this has already been posted.
I don't colour my hair therefore not sure how it would go on that but about once a week or fortnight (when I remember) I get an empty 250ml shampoo bottle or jug and put in 1/4 cup cider vinegar and top up with warm water then after shampooing, pour this over my head (don't get any in your eyes), massage in for a few seconds and rinse out. Yes it does smell for a little while but soon goes. Makes my hair very soft. Apparently removes any build up of hair product and returns hair to natural pH. However it is supposed to work, it does and makes my hair very soft.

Might bite the bullet and try this, I have coloured my hair weeks ago and is due soonish so, it's not so new... *wish me luck*

rakki1 - 2012-09-29 22:08:00
spunkeymonkey wrote:

wow another fantastic recipe i have been looking for but yet again could not find on any of the threads and yet again if i do find one they do not tell you or give you a simple recipe to follow

Google brings up loads of them, often with step by step guides.

Most use lemon juice instead of vinegar though, I find vinegar gives a nice tang to it though.

lythande1 - 2012-09-30 08:53:00

bumping so this doesn't get lost :)

jaygee1962 - 2012-10-07 17:35:00

Bump again :-)

gran333 - 2012-10-18 09:47:00

This message was deleted.

flemingo - 2012-10-18 11:28:00

Honey Facial Cleanser
60ml runny honey (or gently melt set honey)
125ml vegetable glycerine (buy from chemist, normally comes in 100ml)
40ml liquid Castile Soap (Dr Bronner's is good)
Mix all together and put in jar or pump bottle.
Doesn't go off as honey is antimicrobial and antiseptic.
To apply, dampen skin, apply cleanser, massage in and wash off avoiding eye area. This is very gentle and very effective and I've been using it for a few months now. Takes off foundation and powder very well. I use cellulose sponge or facecloth to wash off.
You can halve the recipe if you don't want that much. - 2012-10-19 15:06:00

Homeopathic Air Freshner-does anyone have this recipe? we had some given to us from a friend of a friend, who did a short homeopathic course.

rovertniloc - 2012-10-19 15:13:00
rovertniloc wrote:

Air Freshner-does anyone have this recipe? we had some given to us from a friend of a friend, who did a short homeopathic course.

Is that one for clearing the air? - 2012-10-19 15:14:00

Hi everyone.. great recipes added.. thanks for sharing everyone..

For the fanta in carpet, try this.. recommended by a carpet layer some years ago.. mix in a 1.5l lemonade or similar bottle, fill it with water, add a tablespoon of malt or white vinegar (I use malt - it won't stain a carpet) and 2 teaspoons of liquid wool wash - don't shake it or the wool wash will make lots of bubbles.. just turn it from end to end a few times to mix the ingredients..

Have some folded old towels handy.. pour a good amount of the liquid over the stain, rub it a little with the towel, then place the folded towel over the stain, stand on the towel, and the liquid - and some of the Fanta stain - will be absorbed.. repeat with clean sides of the towel facing the carpet, till the stain is clear.

I've used this on an old beetroot stain and it completely cleared the stain.. hope it helps for you..

Edited by juliewn at 11:05 pm, Tue 30 Oct

juliewn - 2012-10-30 22:56:00

To save the thread to find it easily again..

At the top of your screen on any internet page, is 'Favourites' - or 'Bookmarks' - there are a few different internet programmes - Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc) so the words may differ slightly)

Click on that, a box will pop down..

Click on 'Bookmark this page' - or similar - a box will pop up.

The word 'Folder' (or similar) will be there on the left of the box.. click on the little down-arrow, then click to choose where you want to save the thread or other internet page.

You can type a name you choose for the thread/internet page..

Click on save or done (or similar word) and you're done.

To find the thread again, click on 'Bookmarks' or Favourites' at the top of your screen..

From the pop-down box, select the folder that you saved the thread to..

Click on the thread name.. and it will open..

You can save many internet pages in this way.. hope this helps..

juliewn - 2012-10-30 23:13:00


gran333 - 2012-11-22 09:23:00


gran333 - 2012-12-03 20:42:00
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