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The easy and tasty vegetarian recipe thread


What an amazing collection of recipes!

tacocat - 2017-04-12 16:10:00
ferita wrote:

Crockpot Vegetarian Roast
Gluten Roast:
2 cups instant gluten flour (most supermarkets have this)
1 tablespoon onion powder (can use a pack of onion soup mix)
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon sugar
Pinch cayenne pepper (optional)
1/4 cup vegetarian beef stock powder or 4-5 vege stock cubes
3 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoon oil
2 teaspoons gravy browning (can use very dark soya suace instead)
1-1/4 cups cool tap water
I onion diced

Simmering Broth:
1/4 cup vegetarian beef stock powder or 4-5 vege stock cubes
4 cups tap water
I onion diced
A large dash of Braggs All purpose seasoning

This recipe is cooked in a crock pot and mixed in a bread maker. It can also be mixed by hand if you don't have a bread machine. It has a hearty beefy flavor and sturdy texture that is remarkably meat-like.

Begin by preparing the roast.

Bread Machine Method: Measure all of the roast ingredients into your bread machine. Turn it on and allow it to mix for 10 to 15 minutes. Remove the roast from the bread machine and allow it to rest for a few minutes. Shape it into a large, thick oval.

Hand Method: Measure the gluten flour, onion, garlic, black pepper, sugar, vegetarian beef stock powder, and cayenne into a large bowl. Stir with a fork to distribute the seasonings evenly. In another bowl combine the soy sauce, oil, browning liquid, and 1-1/4 cups water. Mix well. Pour the liquid ingredients into the dry ingredients. Stir to combine. Knead the dough by hand for about 10 minutes by the clock. You want to work the gluten well, so that the texture of the cooked roast is firm. Shape the dough into a large, thick oval.

Crock Pot: Pour 4 cups water, 4 tablespoons vege beef stock powder or vegetable bouillon cubes in your crock pot. Add the diced onion and the braggs seasoning. Mix to dissolve the broth. Taste it and if it is not salty enough add more stock powder or seasoning but dont go to overboard is it can get saltier as it cooks. Place the beef gluten oval into the broth. Put the lid on the crock pot and allow it to cook on low, overnight or for 8 to 10 hours. If you get up in the middle of the night, take a minute to check the roast, and flip it over if desired. Continue cooking until morning. Cool a little before slicing thin and serving. Refrigerate leftovers in their cooking broth. They will keep for about a week.

Leftovers are delicious in sandwiches, fried with fresh onions, cut into strips for stir fries, tossed into pot pies, or ground and used in place of mince meat. This roast is meaty, full bodied and very much like beef. Those vegetarians who dislike foods that are too meat-like may find it too meaty for their taste. Makes 8 to 12 servings.

Is it ment to be gluten free flour?

dolphinlu - 2017-04-30 19:11:00

No this is gluten flour, ( def not for celiacs) You used to be able to buy gluten flour from most supermarkets on the shelf near flour etc. It is a Healtheries product and used to be in a green bag. Havent used it for a while b ut am sure it will either still be in supermarkets or health food shops. Makes a realistic meat sub.

Edited by frances1266 at 8:47 am, Mon 1 May

frances1266 - 2017-05-01 08:45:00

Yum just made a tasty veggie dumpling soup recipe, very easy. I sort of winged this by adding a few extra bits from different recipes, but as always adjust to your tastes.

3 cups vegetable broth
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1/4 teaspoon sriracha
1 clove garlic crushed
1/2 tsp crushed ginger
1 tsp chinese cooking wine
1 teaspoon soy sauce
2 chopped spring onion
1 large button mushroom, 1/4 & sliced
1/3 cup edamame beans
a small handful of dried porcini mushrooms , cut up if large.
Veggie dumplings

Bring veg stock to a boil, turn down to a simmer. Add dried mushroom and fresh, soy sauce, sesame oil, garlic, ginger, chinese cooking wine and sriracha sauce. Simmer about 7 min add edamane beans, and veggie dumplings and sp onions. Simmer approx 3 min or until dumpilings cooked. Ajust seasonings to taste.

ruby19 - 2017-05-31 20:54:00

bumping for good vegetarian and vegan recipes....enjoy

frances1266 - 2017-06-24 09:13:00

Yum made a chip shop style curry sauce from amuse your bouche ... very tasty and froze well...

1tbsp oil
½ onion, finely diced
1 apple, peeled and finely diced
1 clove garlic, minced
½ tsp curry powder
1tbsp plain flour
150 ml vegetable stock
Black pepper
Heat the oil in a deep frying pan, and add the onion, apple and garlic. Cook over a low heat for 5-10 minutes, until everything is very soft. Add the curry powder and flour, and mix well. Then pour over the stock and add plenty of black pepper.
Bring to a gentle simmer, and cook for around 10 minutes, stirring every couple of minutes, until the mixture is thick and the vegetables have cooked right down.
Your sauce will probably be quite chunky, so if you'd prefer a smoother sauce, just give it a quick blitz with an immersion blender. This will thicken it up a bit too. I half-blended mine, so it was quite thick, but there was still some texture.
(Personally blended to smooth)
Serve on fat chips.

Edited by ruby19 at 8:09 pm, Wed 28 Jun

ruby19 - 2017-06-28 20:08:00

hope you all are watching masterchef at the moment ytoam ottolenghi is on some great recipes coming out

slimgym - 2017-06-30 06:18:00

Bumping to keep this up top. I'm loving it.

tacocat - 2017-07-04 18:59:00

Would love easy recipe for kofta balls....had them in Gold Coast hard Krishna restaurant and would love to make them....they were in a tomato sauce but even that tasted different

findit1 - 2017-07-16 20:35:00

Not Koftas as such but a recipe that I love, I just make my own tomato sauce.

This is a link to their web site for kofta in tomato sauce

ruby19 - 2017-07-17 12:01:00

Yum for all the ideas thanks.

johnwood - 2017-07-17 21:39:00


frances1266 - 2017-08-17 09:07:00


frances1266 - 2017-09-10 09:15:00


chelsea8 - 2017-11-17 18:06:00

bumping for vegan and vegetarian recipes

frances1266 - 2018-01-23 11:33:00

Yummy recipe to use up your glut of courgettes!!
:: 700g courgettes :: salt :: 1 large onion finely chopped :: 4 spring onions :: 4 sheets puff pastry :: 200g feta cheese :: 2 eggs :: 120ml double cream ::150g cottage cheese:: mint leaves stripped from 2-3 stems :: milk for glazing ::

Grate the courgettes and salt them allowing them to drain for 30 minutes
Squeeze out the excess juice
Fry both types of onions in a little of the olive oil until soft and then add the courgettes
Fry them together gently for 15 minutes until all the excess liquid evaporates
Pre heat the oven to 200 deg C
line your pie dish with pastry
Pour in the courgette mixture and crumble feta & cottage cheese over it.
Beat the eggs and cream together, add mint salt and pepper and drizzle them on top
Fork the cheese and egg mixture lightly into the courgettes
Cover with puff pastry and seal edges
Tuck around the edges and snip off any excess
Glaze the pie with a little milk and scatter sesame seeds over the top
Place the pie into the oven and cook for about an 1/2hour
Remove from the pan when the pie is set and the pastry is golden
leave it to cool before you eat.

ruby19 - 2018-02-14 07:36:00

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steve0061 - 2018-03-02 18:09:00

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steve0061 - 2018-03-02 18:26:00

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steve0061 - 2018-03-03 10:46:00

I love chickpea omelettes and they are so convenient. Keep the dry mix in a jar and add wet mix when required. I use the recipe from Susan Voisin's blog Fat Free Vegan but will look at those links, thanks steve0061.

frances1266 - 2018-03-03 11:51:00


frances1266 - 2018-03-19 12:42:00

for good veg recipes

frances1266 - 2018-04-05 08:32:00

This may sound gross but is honestly the best soup I have ever eaten in my life. We are a family of carnivores yet this got hoovered up (even the teens)

Garlic Chick pea and Spinach soup

2tbsp oil
4 garlic cloves
1 onion roughly chopped
2 tsp ground cumin
2 tsp ground coriander
4 cups vege stock (use 4 cups water and 4 vege stock cubes)
350g fresh potatoes peeled and cubed (around 2cm cubes)
1 can chick peas drained
1 tbsp cornflour
150ml cream
1 tbsp seasame oil (don't skip this bit as it adds amazing flavour)
200g spinach (or silverbeat)
salt and black pepper

Fry onions in oil on a low heat till tender (5 mins)
Stir in cumin, coriander, cook (1 min)
Pour in stock, and potatoes. Boil (10 mins)
Add chick peas simmer (5 mins)
Blend together cornflour, cream seasame oil and season. Simmer (2 mins)
Sprinkle a little cayenne pepper on the top if you like it hot.

..pip.. - 2018-04-07 09:52:00

Thanks pip will give it a try , bit soup eaters in our household!!
[qduote=..pip..]This may sound gross but is honestly the best soup I have ever eaten in my life. We are a family of carnivores yet this got hoovered up (even the teens)

Garlic Chick pea and Spinach soup

2tbsp oil
4 garlic cloves
1 onion roughly chopped
2 tsp ground cumin
2 tsp ground coriander
4 cups vege stock (use 4 cups water and 4 vege stock cubes)
350g fresh potatoes peeled and cubed (around 2cm cubes)
1 can chick peas drained
1 tbsp cornflour
150ml cream
1 tbsp seasame oil (don't skip this bit as it adds amazing flavour)
200g spinach (or silverbeat)
salt and black pepper

Fry onions in oil on a low heat till tender (5 mins)
Stir in cumin, coriander, cook (1 min)
Pour in stock, and potatoes. Boil (10 mins)
Add chick peas simmer (5 mins)
Blend together cornflour, cream seasame oil and season. Simmer (2 mins)
Sprinkle a little cayenne pepper on the top if you like it hot.[/quote]

ruby19 - 2018-04-07 19:34:00


frances1266 - 2018-05-02 13:47:00

bump again

frances1266 - 2018-05-27 15:17:00

Go vegan and stop the sickening animal abuse. Lots of good vegan recipes here.

frances1266 - 2018-06-29 08:48:00

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steve0061 - 2018-07-07 13:36:00
steve0061 wrote:

Thanks for the other chickpea omelette link, will check that out too frances.

I had a craving for curry rice rolls one weekend so I made these up using a bit of a countdown recipe..just changed a few things to make it vegan but the flavour was perfect.

3 cups of cooked rice
Olive oil
2 onions,chopped
2 cloves garlic, chopped
2 tbsp vege stock powder
1-2 cup water
3 cups shredded cabbage
1-2 cups frozen peas to suit
hot curry powder to taste
Highmark springroll wrapppers

Cook rice and drain well.
Heat oil, saute onions and garlic till soft
Add cabbage and curry powder, stir in stock powder and water, and froz peas.
Simmer 10 mins.

Mix the cabbage mixture well with the rice to combine. Add more curry if needed as the flavour tends to get lost in all the rice. I like a kick.
Wrap in spring roll wrappers. I use double layers as makes it nice and firm and crunchy.
Deep fry 4 mins till golden.

Thanks for sharing your recipe steve. I will definitely be trying this. I make a similar recipe, instead of the rice, using grated carrot and zucchini (when in season) and grated ginger. I also bake mine instead of deep frying, just our preference.

nauru - 2018-07-07 18:13:00

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steve0061 - 2018-07-23 17:20:00

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steve0061 - 2018-07-23 17:26:00

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steve0061 - 2018-09-19 12:10:00

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steve0061 - 2018-09-19 12:17:00

bumping for veg barbecue ideas

frances1266 - 2018-10-03 13:57:00

Posted this in the cauliflower thread but decided the veg thread would be a good place for it. This recipe is so good.

frances1266 - 2018-10-08 12:01:00

Ottolenghi courgette, pea and basil soup
Made this last night, simple and very tasty! I probably didnt add whole head of garlic, and didnt have as much basil as stated in recipe probably just under half of each, but delishious, and great next day for lunch. Didnt add feta either. This will become a firm family soup favourite. Bring on summer and all the courgettes !

75ml olive oil, plus extra to serve
1 whole head garlic, cloves separated and peeled
6 courgettes, cut into 3cm-thick slices 
Salt and black pepper
1 litre vegetable stock
500g frozen peas 
50g basil leaves
200g feta, broken into 1-2cm pieces 
Finely grated zest of 1 lemon

Heat the oil in a large saucepan on a medium-high flame, then fry the garlic cloves for two to three minutes, stirring often, until caramelised. Add the courgettes, two teaspoons of salt and plenty of pepper, and fry for three minutes, stirring, until starting to brown. Pour in the stock and 500ml cold water, bring to a boil and cook on a high heat for seven minutes, until the courgette is soft but still bright green. Add the peas, stir through for a minute, then add the basil, turn off the heat and blitz smooth with a stick blender (or in a liquidiser).

To serve, spoon into bowls and top with the feta and lemon zest. Finish with a good grind of black pepper and a final drizzle of oil.

ruby19 - 2018-10-25 07:27:00

Pecan Savoury Balls
(These are a firm consistency and liked by the meat eaters in my family also.)

4 eggs
4 tbsp soy sauce
1/4 cup milk
1 cup pecans
1 large onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, chopped
2 cups dry breadcrumbs
1 cup rolled oats
2 cups finely grated cheese
1/2 tsp mixed herbs

Place the first five ingredients in blender and whizz together - not too fine.
In a large bowl place the mixture, breadcrumbs, oats, cheese, mixed herbs and garlic, and mix until combined.
Form into balls, brown slowly in oil, turning frequently to ensure even cooking, for about ten minutes.
(At this stage, balls can be cooled and frozen if not needed immediately.)

Finish off by pouring sauce of choice (a bolognaise one is nice and rich) over the balls, either in a frypan or a casserole dish, and heat until sauce is bubbling and balls are heated through.

Lovely with spaghetti or mashed spuds.

kitty179 - 2018-11-13 18:49:00

bump for fibreartist

uli - 2018-12-02 12:08:00

bumping for kitty 179

frances1266 - 2018-12-09 14:56:00

for Xmas recipe ideas for vegans and vegetarians.

frances1266 - 2018-12-21 14:21:00

Made this for christmas day, really good!

I made my own savoury chestnut puree, and added cashews instead of extra chestnuts. A bit hit with everyone.

ruby19 - 2018-12-26 08:44:00


frances1266 - 2019-01-13 16:00:00


frances1266 - 2019-01-20 10:38:00

I don't know if this has been posted before ...another one for the zucchini glut
From the Digby Law 'A Vegetable Cookbook' .. you can use zucchini the same way as cauliflower for a 'pizza' type base.
about 50g zucchini
1/2 cup each of grated mozzarella & tasty cheese
2 eggs slightly beaten
1/2 tsp salt
(I guess you could add herbs of choice if you wish)
Grate zucchini (should be about 4 cups) squeeze out any moisture.
Mix cheeses, eggs & zucchini together & press into a greased flat pie dish.
...when I use cauliflower, I just shape it into a circle on baking paper & that works.
Bake in 220C for 10 minutes.

samanya - 2019-01-28 12:45:00


frances1266 - 2019-03-06 13:57:00

Time this was bumped up again...

frances1266 - 2019-04-07 08:22:00

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steve0061 - 2019-05-01 09:15:00

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steve0061 - 2019-05-01 09:29:00

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steve0061 - 2019-05-01 09:54:00

Thanks Steve0061 the cheese recipes look great and the website link you mentioned to Exceedinglly Vegan is well worth a look, such good recipes. I watched What the Health recently and while I am vegan for the animals the information on how bad dairy is for our health confirms the decision I made to go vegan was the correct one.

frances1266 - 2019-05-01 10:39:00
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