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Welcome to the Coin Club. We are an assortment of newbies and oldbies, amateurs and experts with questions and answers for oldbies and newbies, amateurs and experts in coin collecting, also known as numismatics. Whether you are just getting started, have been collecting for years or have simply found some old coins about the place that you’d like to sell, this is the place to ask your questions.

No one has all the answers, and you may get five differing answers to the same question, yet each may be right in a manner of speaking, especially if opinions are involved. Opinions often vary. If you receive no answer to your query within 48 hours, please ask again

translateltd - 2019-04-20 16:49:00

Christchurch Drainage Board Centennial 1975 (2) Listing #: 2027227445
Final bid $163.50 . Some wealthy people can sure splash it about.
These didn't sell well initially. I remember when I got some in 1978 (?) I was advised there were plenty available so told Bruce Caygill (Avon Stamps and Coins) They went!

alpha111 - 2019-04-22 19:34:00
alpha111 wrote:

Christchurch Drainage Board Centennial 1975 (2) Listing #: 2027227445
Final bid $163.50 . Some wealthy people can sure splash it about.
These didn't sell well initially. I remember when I got some in 1978 (?) I was advised there were plenty available so told Bruce Caygill (Avon Stamps and Coins) They went!

Deanno has to spend his money on something else other than Bahama Mules now. Having said that he did pick up a reasonable one for $70 the other day.
Happy Easter to all and hope you have had your fill of Chocolate.

gammoner - 2019-04-22 20:25:00
alpha111 wrote:

This person really got done if he paid US $1291 for a fairly common hammered coin. A lot of written puffery came with this Genoa denar.
"Ancient Crusader Coin Listing #: 2016011475 "

I see this sold in the end. I hope there was plenty of silver in the chain and mount.

translateltd - 2019-04-25 08:03:00

This message was deleted.

shannon400 - 2019-04-29 13:06:00
shannon400 wrote:

Hi I'm a new coin and note collector just wondering best Plas to buy coins and notes from nz

Try Gumtree in Australia ? (are you serious ?)

funho1 - 2019-04-29 16:17:00
shannon400 wrote:

Hi I'm a new coin and note collector just wondering best Plas to buy coins and notes from nz

LOL..... i see you have brough from three collectors from trademe??

chefman1 - 2019-04-29 16:23:00

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shannon400 - 2019-04-29 21:32:00

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shannon400 - 2019-04-29 21:33:00

gold insert? lol

dtpapa - 2019-04-29 21:36:00

I see Howard is bidding on it, its sterling silver with gold read back of it deano

chefman1 - 2019-04-29 21:46:00

by the way deano are you still looking for the 2 cent coins??? lol

Alan i go a few more if you are interested??

chefman1 - 2019-04-29 21:50:00
shannon400 wrote:



chefman1 - 2019-04-29 21:51:00
shannon400 wrote:

Yup that's but it so far lol

Do You Speak English??

chefman1 - 2019-04-29 21:52:00
chefman1 wrote:

by the way deano are you still looking for the 2 cent coins??? lol

Alan i go a few more if you are interested??

Hi Pete,up in Fiji on a fishing trip for another week to go
Yes , will certainly take more please and if they are anything like the Aussie ones you scored I will be very happy .

gammoner - 2019-04-30 07:54:00
dtpapa wrote:

gold insert? lol

Can't see any reference to gold on the listing.

translateltd - 2019-04-30 08:50:00

Sterling Silver + Gilt = very thin coating of gold to solid surfaces such as metal.
i think that what Dean is talking about Martin i could be wrong?

Edited by chefman1 at 2:44 pm, Tue 30 Apr

chefman1 - 2019-04-30 14:41:00

The member deleted this message.

dtpapa - 2019-04-30 18:41:00

The member deleted this message.

dtpapa - 2019-04-30 18:45:00

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shannon400 - 2019-04-30 20:18:00
shannon400 wrote:


As a beginner first read the books; your public library should have some (hopefully?). Within your budget buy the best condition coins that you can afford. Don't expect everything to go up in value! And we ALL make mistakes ~ try to learn from these.
translateltd has this listed '2019 NZ coin+note catalogue post free'. Suggest that you get a copy to get an indication of NZ coin values. It also contains a list of members of the NZ Numismatic Dealers Association:- amk, julie2406 and hosnz list with reasonable reserves. Some traders expect fantasy land prices
Watch what other traders buy and sell to learn from what they do.
Have a good day.

alpha111 - 2019-05-02 10:52:00
chefman1 wrote:

Sterling Silver + Gilt = very thin coating of gold to solid surfaces such as metal.
i think that what Dean is talking about Martin i could be wrong?

given how high bidding went I was thinking maybe it was solid gold and the seller did not describe it accurately!

dtpapa - 2019-05-03 08:59:00


dtpapa - 2019-05-03 09:00:00
chefman1 wrote:

Do You Speak English??

What kind of question is that?

echoriath - 2019-05-04 19:13:00
echoriath wrote:

What kind of question is that?

WHY ?? got back read what he said then or don't you understand english either?

Edited by chefman1 at 8:15 pm, Sat 4 May

chefman1 - 2019-05-04 20:08:00
chefman1 wrote:

WHY ?? got back read what he said then or don't you understand english either?

When your English is perfect (and, brother, it ain't), feel free to criticise others. In the meantime, let new folks be. Easiest way to scare them off is pick on petty things unrelated to their queries.

echoriath - 2019-05-07 07:41:00
echoriath wrote:

When your English is perfect (and, brother, it ain't), feel free to criticise others. In the meantime, let new folks be. Easiest way to scare them off is pick on petty things unrelated to their queries. lost tim i am not your brother and don't want to be either

chefman1 - 2019-05-07 17:35:00
chefman1 wrote: lost tim i am not your brother and don't want to be either

Do You Speak English??

echoriath - 2019-05-07 22:58:00

The member deleted this message.

kiwisportsgirl - 2019-05-07 23:29:00

Careful, guys - let's not jeopardise several years' worth of accumulated posts :-)

translateltd - 2019-05-08 09:13:00

I will second that.

alpha111 - 2019-05-08 15:10:00
translateltd wrote:

Careful, guys - let's not jeopardise several years' worth of accumulated posts :-)

alpha111 wrote:

I will second that.


echoriath - 2019-05-11 23:26:00

If new to coin collecting try to get some books some early books have information on coin grading and at the start only spend what you can afford as I learnt as I went along so enjoy the hobby. Some guys and girls on here have a lot of knowledge and can be very helpful. Thou some forgot what it was like starting out in a new hobby..

35 - 2019-05-12 09:41:00
9384 this is a good site for countries/mintages and general knowledge and no prices.
remember condition-condition-condition to what you pay.
Good luck with your collecting.

oldman3 - 2019-05-13 10:23:00

Is there any value in a NZ 5 cent coin 1982, used but very tidy. in bronze colour instead of silver ? Thankyou

ejazz - 2019-05-15 14:06:00
ejazz wrote:

Is there any value in a NZ 5 cent coin 1982, used but very tidy. in bronze colour instead of silver ? Thankyou

Depends if it's an actual error by the mint or the result of a school project. If you rub part of the milling on the edge with a fingernail does it show a nickel colour underneath?

translateltd - 2019-05-15 14:14:00
ejazz wrote:

Is there any value in a NZ 5 cent coin 1982, used but very tidy. in bronze colour instead of silver ? Thankyou

i would be interested in seeing it please can you put up a photo for us to see thankyou cheers Peter

chefman1 - 2019-05-15 15:46:00

Hi I have had a jeweller friend carefully check under the milling as suggested and he says it looks a red colour so it looks like a mint error
As I have never put a picture on the message I do not know how to,could you please advise. Thankyou

ejazz - 2019-05-17 17:16:00
ejazz wrote:

Hi I have had a jeweller friend carefully check under the milling as suggested and he says it looks a red colour so it looks like a mint error
As I have never put a picture on the message I do not know how to,could you please advise. Thankyou

The instructions are lost way back in the earlier pages of this thread so I'll redo them here: click on My Trade Me, then on "View My Trade Me" (it's two steps, I don't know why!).
Then scroll way down toward the bottom to "My Photos" and click on that.
Then click "upload photo" and follow the instructions on-screen from there.
Once done, you can copy-and-paste the link to your picture into a message posted here. It sounds all very long-winded but isn't actually all that bad once you've worked through the process once or twice.

translateltd - 2019-05-17 21:12:00

Just thinking - we should add a brief guide to uploading photos to the "intro para" that goes at the top of each new page. I'll draft something up in case I get msg 9401 :-)

translateltd - 2019-05-19 09:06:00

What do the US experts think of this item? Nice low reserve.
1803 USA ONE SILVER DOLLAR Listing #: 2158308302 .

alpha111 - 2019-05-23 17:30:00
alpha111 wrote:

What do the US experts think of this item? Nice low reserve.
1803 USA ONE SILVER DOLLAR Listing #: 2158308302 .

The date digits look a bit dodgy - maybe someone's altered an 1804 dollar. But then that wouldn't account for the modern-looking milling on the edge rather than the lettering that's meant to be there ...

translateltd - 2019-05-23 19:27:00
alpha111 wrote:

What do the US experts think of this item? Nice low reserve.
1803 USA ONE SILVER DOLLAR Listing #: 2158308302 .

Its a Flake the 0 in the date is to high

Edited by chefman1 at 8:55 pm, Thu 23 May

chefman1 - 2019-05-23 20:43:00

post 9393 [typo in flake]
Its a Fake the 0 in the date is to high

chefman1 - 2019-05-23 21:17:00

Hi Martin, did the designer get a set of these as well?
Nice Job

gammoner - 2019-05-24 06:28:00
gammoner wrote:

Hi Martin, did the designer get a set of these as well?
Nice Job

Cheers, Alan - yes, but I had to pay for them :-) There's a back-story to these, in that they were designed sort of by accident. I had the idea of putting the club logos on each side and knocked up a rough draft on the computer as a suggestion. The committee just said, "Yep, they look fine" and my drafts became the final design, which wasn't quite what I'd planned!

translateltd - 2019-05-24 06:39:00
chefman1 wrote:

post 9393 [typo in flake]
Its a Fake the 0 in the date is to high

And you didn't see the other mistake in the line either . . . too high.

wasgonna - 2019-05-24 07:57:00
wasgonna wrote:

And you didn't see the other mistake in the line either . . . too high.

Poorly cut date digits, overall appearance and colour ... but the milled edge should be the giveaway if I have it right - don't all the bust dollars have a lettered edge?

translateltd - 2019-05-24 09:23:00

2 ...

translateltd - 2019-05-24 09:51:00

1 ...

translateltd - 2019-05-24 09:51:00
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