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same deal with artificial toning they'd lose a lot of business if they started returning these as ungradable!

dtpapa - 2019-03-14 18:17:00

Welcome to the Coin Club. We are an assortment of newbies and oldbies, amateurs and experts with questions and answers for oldbies and newbies, amateurs and experts in coin collecting, also known as numismatics. Whether you are just getting started, have been collecting for years or have simply found some old coins about the place that you’d like to sell, this is the place to ask your questions.

No one has all the answers, and you may get five differing answers to the same question, yet each may be right in a manner of speaking, especially if opinions are involved. Opinions often vary. If you receive no answer to your query within 48 hours, please ask again

chefman1 - 2019-03-14 18:20:00
dtpapa wrote:

isn't NNC just some guy working in his basement, lol?

From what I've read, that's certainly an option - I understand it's a franchise you can obtain a "kit" for. Not sure if the kit comes with an instant supply of years of experience, but looking at the Tetrici I wonder just a little ...

translateltd - 2019-03-14 22:03:00
dtpapa wrote:

AU50 apparently?

That's shocking - I've clearly sold a lot of Fine-to-middling examples for way too little over the years.
So following on from what I said a little earlier, if we read "AU-50" in an international catalogue, do we now interpret that as meaning somewhere around Fine and start pricing our own stuff accordingly, so we don't get left behind by the market?

translateltd - 2019-03-14 22:06:00
translateltd wrote:

I suspect it will be one of the VIP set issues - I'm not aware of any others at this stage, anyway. Could you get a clear photo showing the edge and send to my usual email address pse?

Yes, must be from VIP set and is Sterling Silver
The Air NZ Auckland Int Airport opening is made up of, 48.28% Copper, 32.38% Nickel and 19.34% Zinc
While at refinery,also tested a large 1922 Haldine Medal, issued for Royal Institute of Public Administration Founded 1922, weighs 142gm and is 90% silver in composition

gammoner - 2019-03-15 17:25:00
gammoner wrote:

Yes, must be from VIP set and is Sterling Silver
The Air NZ Auckland Int Airport opening is made up of, 48.28% Copper, 32.38% Nickel and 19.34% Zinc

Thanks, Alan - I've added this to the files. Is the Air NZ one the one with the blue enamel? I suspect both reported types are the same metal composition. Can you give me the gross weight for the silver 1990/35 too pse?

translateltd - 2019-03-15 20:19:00
translateltd wrote:

Thanks, Alan - I've added this to the files. Is the Air NZ one the one with the blue enamel? I suspect both reported types are the same metal composition. Can you give me the gross weight for the silver 1990/35 too pse?

No enamel to my Air NZ
The 1990/35 is 71.28gm ( very accurate scales)

gammoner - 2019-03-15 20:32:00

Listing #: 1982110641 Yang and Jiawei battled it out for $101.00
A good answer to a question:-
"Hi are the coins real ones from china or fakes. There no o in dollar on one coin. If they real, have you checked value online or better library coin catologue".
richandfilthy (164 164 positive feedback) 3:16 am, Sun 17 Mar
A. "Thanks,i dont know yet,cheers "5:46 pm, Sun 17 Mar
At those prices ignorance is bliss! (for the seller).

alpha111 - 2019-03-18 20:47:00

A recent event made me dig out my Port Arthur Medallions issued in 1984 to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the convict era. Twelve years later another man (Martin Bryant) became a convict after 35 fatalities in the same place,

alpha111 - 2019-03-18 21:03:00
alpha111 wrote:

Listing #: 1982110641 Yang and Jiawei battled it out for $101.00
A good answer to a question:-
"Hi are the coins real ones from china or fakes. There no o in dollar on one coin. If they real, have you checked value online or better library coin catologue".
richandfilthy (164 164 positive feedback) 3:16 am, Sun 17 Mar
A. "Thanks,i dont know yet,cheers "5:46 pm, Sun 17 Mar
At those prices ignorance is bliss! (for the seller).

I don't think you need to ask if they are real

lester36 - 2019-03-19 07:53:00

Hi is there another catalogue of prices of third partly grade coin and banknotes as from what I see our raw UNC coins and banknotes are way under priced. Or are they over priced and just taking money off people who don't know or trust themselves to grade coins and banknotes?

35 - 2019-03-24 10:34:00
35 wrote:

Hi is there another catalogue of prices of third partly grade coin and banknotes as from what I see our raw UNC coins and banknotes are way under priced. Or are they over priced and just taking money off people who don't know or trust themselves to grade coins and banknotes?

I'm guessing the cost of slabbing and shipping to/from the slabbers has to be factored in, too, especially if we're talking about NZ issues. For US material, it really does seem to be a separate market segment. No idea if anyone's thought of separate pricing/cataloguing, though. Maybe some sort of footnote - "for grading company XYZ, double the catalogue price; for company ABC, reduce the stated grade by three steps", etc. ...

translateltd - 2019-03-24 17:51:00

Seen a friends silver 1967 1 cent coin today,she was given it in the day as a 5 cent coin.Any ideas of rarity,value?cheers

safaribro - 2019-03-24 18:54:00
safaribro wrote:

Seen a friends silver 1967 1 cent coin today,she was given it in the day as a 5 cent coin.Any ideas of rarity,value?cheers

If a genuine error it would probably fetch quite a good price but it would pay to test it first - a lot of coins were "coated" in school science experiments and can be deceptive.

translateltd - 2019-03-24 19:33:00

Thanks for that,any easy way of testing it,would say the weight be different?

safaribro - 2019-03-24 19:56:00
safaribro wrote:

Thanks for that,any easy way of testing it,would say the weight be different?

I'd start with weight, yes. Non-destructive analysis could be costly. Gently rubbing part of the edge with your thumbnail to see if any of the "silver" comes off would be my next check.

translateltd - 2019-03-24 22:10:00

I'm beginning to suspect pcgs are taking the piss!!

dtpapa - 2019-03-24 23:01:00
dtpapa wrote:

I'm beginning to suspect pcgs are taking the piss!!

What's DCAM supposed to mean? Deep cameo? Or Deepfried in Chemicals for A Minute?

translateltd - 2019-03-25 09:18:00

it is better that 100 artificially toned coins are graded genuine than one genuine coin be returned as ungradable?

dtpapa - 2019-03-25 20:03:00
translateltd wrote:

What's DCAM supposed to mean? Deep cameo? Or Deepfried in Chemicals for A Minute?


echoriath - 2019-03-25 22:21:00

Dipped in Cloudy AMmonia? Then left to tarnish.
Years ago kids coated pennies with mercury to pass as 'silver' pennies.
Not recommended these days for health reasons.

alpha111 - 2019-03-27 11:40:00

Hi All, I am new to this. I have inherited quite a few coins plus I my own small amount I have collected in the past. A majority of the collection consists of NZ, Australian & UK coins, with a few USA, Asian, Polish & Italian Coins. The oldest coin amongst them seems to be an Australian 1858 Peace and Plenty Penny., I plan to get my camera out tomorrow and hopefully list it. Once I have more of an idea of what it is worth and I have found some mixed valuations online. Some help would be much appreciated please. Also are people allowed to post wanted ads in this thread. I look forward to all of the responses.Cheers Denise

Edited by drhunter at 11:52 pm, Sun 31 Mar

drhunter - 2019-03-31 23:49:00

Also are people allowed to post wanted ads in this thread
to answer your question is NO not allow you will get into trouble from the powers of trademe lol.

chefman1 - 2019-04-01 18:28:00

"Tapped"? I.e. the first stage of turning it into a ring coin, and now just happens to be the same diameter as a 1c?

translateltd - 2019-04-02 09:37:00

Missed that one. It's very worn which one would not expect with such raised rims if natural. But if padded pressure was applied to each side to spin the coin in order to polish up the edges then there would be that extra wear.
He should put up a YouTube demonstration.

alpha111 - 2019-04-02 19:41:00

Tapping the coin on a hard surface while slowly rotating it does the same thing. See from 1:30 to 2:00 here, for instance:

translateltd - 2019-04-02 22:00:00

Would like to know if the queen mother gold medals for her 80th birthday are of any value as selling for a friend. In a velvet box , 12 of them

rosella2 - 2019-04-07 07:08:00
rosella2 wrote:

Would like to know if the queen mother gold medals for her 80th birthday are of any value as selling for a friend. In a velvet box , 12 of them

Do you know where they were issued? Are they hallmarked to show the gold purity? If you could upload a photo or two that would give us a little more to go on :-)

translateltd - 2019-04-07 08:30:00

I have found a American Silver Dollar given to me as a child in a presentation box .It is dated 1892 I know nothing about this, can someone give me an idea of it,s worth please and where would I take it to get looked at and/ or/sell .

brian_k7 - 2019-04-07 12:25:00

Have a look at Ebay Prices, you can sell it here on trademe or Ebay up to you
cheers Peter

chefman1 - 2019-04-07 15:57:00
chefman1 wrote:

Have a look at Ebay Prices, you can sell it here on trademe or Ebay up to you
cheers Peter

Thank you Peter , where would I sell it on Trademe ?

brian_k7 - 2019-04-07 19:11:00

"Antiques & Collectibles" . . . "Coins" . . . "USA''.

wasgonna - 2019-04-07 20:07:00

This person really got done if he paid US $1291 for a fairly common hammered coin. A lot of written puffery came with this Genoa denar.
"Ancient Crusader Coin Listing #: 2016011475 "

alpha111 - 2019-04-08 17:39:00

This seller has a better spiel. Genuine COUNTERFEIT ANCIENT ROMAN COIN (#K6103) Listing #: 2017097424 Wish the other sellers of fakes were as honest.

alpha111 - 2019-04-08 17:45:00
alpha111 wrote:

This person really got done if he paid US $1291 for a fairly common hammered coin. A lot of written puffery came with this Genoa denar.
"Ancient Crusader Coin Listing #: 2016011475 "

PT Barnum is attributed with a phrase that's relevant here. Apart from not being over 1000 years old as claimed - unless I've accidentally overslept for a century or three - aren't these pretty much the commonest mediaeval coins going? I used to buy them for $10 or so 30 years ago. And Genoa's hardly Crusader territory.

Edited by translateltd at 5:45 am, Tue 9 Apr

translateltd - 2019-04-09 05:45:00

hmm .. when I first saw this I thought it looked quite nice with lots of mint red, but the more I look the more suspicious I get. It could be the photography but detail seems clear/missing e.g feathers around head area? 2017392965

dtpapa - 2019-04-09 21:39:00
dtpapa wrote:

hmm .. when I first saw this I thought it looked quite nice with lots of mint red, but the more I look the more suspicious I get. It could be the photography but detail seems clear/missing e.g feathers around head area? 2017392965

Dark marks around the rim suggest it's had a cleaning, along with what look like scuff marks across the field and raised design areas. The seller makes no quality claims, at least. WYSIWYG.

translateltd - 2019-04-10 06:37:00

seems to be some bidding activity, wonder if it is really NSS variety?

dtpapa - 2019-04-10 20:13:00
dtpapa wrote:

seems to be some bidding activity, wonder if it is really NSS variety?

Yes, MG initials are clear, and left-hand upright of U in QUEEN points to a dot, so genuine.

translateltd - 2019-04-10 21:51:00

ah yes that is the way to do it -I was trying to discern the definite non presence of an actual SS which was not obvious due to quality of photo/condition of coin. The U in QUEEN seems to prove it though.

dtpapa - 2019-04-11 09:03:00
dtpapa wrote:

seems to be some bidding activity, wonder if it is really NSS variety?

Really Basic stuff Deano, thought an expert such as yourself would at least know or have a bit of knowledge about our own NZ coinage.
dtpapa wrote:
lol you are full of it matey! Bahama mules, depending on condition will fetch 70-200 tops in USD in overseas auctions. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. Here's a tip for you: stick to your soulless bullion and leave the numismatics to the experts!!

Thanks for the heads up on how much to bid for the ones here in NZ.
I have let the experts help me build a fantastic numismatic collection.
Funny how your name was never mentioned by any of them ,and was the reason you never got the call.

gammoner (2137 2137 positive feedback) 9:41 pm, Tue 19 Feb #9245

gammoner - 2019-04-11 12:01:00

what's up Alan?
Have you been fondling your bullion again?
Fair cop with the 1956 NSS - I should have referenced the section on recognising varieties Martin wrote for the Bertrand catalogue, and deduced it for myself. I offer my humblest apologies and will earnestly try to be more sharp of mind in subsequent discussions on this forum.

dtpapa - 2019-04-11 16:47:00
dtpapa wrote:

what's up Alan?
Have you been fondling your bullion again?
Fair cop with the 1956 NSS - I should have referenced the section on recognising varieties Martin wrote for the Bertrand catalogue, and deduced it for myself. I offer my humblest apologies and will earnestly try to be more sharp of mind in subsequent discussions on this forum.

Fair enough then. I will offer my apologies for fondling my bullion stash and adding to it

gammoner - 2019-04-11 21:25:00

bidding higher than expected 2016142180

have I made an error in the description/answers?
no mint mark=philadelphia?

dtpapa - 2019-04-14 08:43:00

Antique & Collectable Fair on Easter Saturday & Sunday At 10am, 836 Fergusson Drive Upper/Hutt At Expressions Gallery Free Admission, see you all there, cheer Chefman1

chefman1 - 2019-04-17 13:32:00

the 2019 Bertrand N.Z. Coin & Banknote catalogue has just come onto the market. It still sells at $17.95 which is a real bargain as it has been this price for some years. If anybody in Christchurch wants a copy, check out the Stamp & postcard Fair at 67 Mandeville street in Riccarton on Saturday morning as copies will be available there.

kiwisteven - 2019-04-20 01:10:00

And for those coming to Upper Hutt, there'll be copies on sale at the RNSNZ table at the Antique & Collectable Fair at Expressions :-)

translateltd - 2019-04-20 07:57:00

it should be noted that many of the prices quoted in Bertand don't seem to align very well with reality.

dtpapa - 2019-04-20 08:21:00

minor miracle!
I got a 50c artmistice coin in my change at new world the other day!
(for a claimed mintage of 2 million they seem quite scarce, lol I wonder where they all went?)

dtpapa - 2019-04-20 08:25:00


alpha111 - 2019-04-20 15:34:00
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