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toastbox wrote:

Can any or a few of you coin dealers tell me if im listing my sets/coins too high in price?

The bidders or lack of them will soon answer your question .
For me, they are well above what I can purchase readily on TM now

gammoner - 2019-02-22 17:17:00

Welcome to the Coin Club. We are an assortment of newbies and oldbies, amateurs and experts with questions and answers for oldbies and newbies, amateurs and experts in coin collecting, also known as numismatics. Whether you are just getting started, have been collecting for years or have simply found some old coins about the place that you’d like to sell, this is the place to ask your questions.

No one has all the answers, and you may get five differing answers to the same question, yet each may be right in a manner of speaking, especially if opinions are involved. Opinions often vary. If you receive no answer to your query within 48 hours, please ask again

gammoner - 2019-02-22 17:19:00

Hi, is this 2013 one dollar coin worth anything or is it just a deformed $1 coin worth it's face value?

PS sorry about the quality of the photo.

elord - 2019-02-22 22:45:00
elord wrote:

Hi, is this 2013 one dollar coin worth anything or is it just a deformed $1 coin worth it's face value?

PS sorry about the quality of the photo.

Its Call A Error Coin worth few dollars to, put it up at $1.00 no reserve and watch the price fly i hope, cheers chefman1

chefman1 - 2019-02-22 22:55:00

Alan just saw this the other day >>>
Listing #: 1956643744
good luck from chefman1

chefman1 - 2019-02-22 22:56:00
chefman1 wrote:

Its Call A Error Coin worth few dollars to, put it up at $1.00 no reserve and watch the price fly i hope, cheers chefman1

Thank you for your reply. I'm more a buyer than a seller and I was wondering what category would I list this in?

elord - 2019-02-22 23:03:00

Hi, is this 2013 one dollar coin worth anything or is it just a deformed $1 coin worth it's face value?

Copying From,

A type 2 large cud on fern

Type 2
These originally turned up in Tokoroa with a small number being found by a collector who quickly sent me one to photograph. Since then more discoveries were made in Auckland, Dunedin and in Sept-Oct 2017 another small lot were found in the Nelson area. Most recently in May-July 2018 I have been notified of at least 2 a week being found in circulation. Currently we estimate 100-150 known but as they are still being found this will likely increase.

These currently sell for between $30-$60

gammoner - 2019-02-22 23:04:00
gammoner wrote:

Hi, is this 2013 one dollar coin worth anything or is it just a deformed $1 coin worth it's face value?

Copying From,

A type 2 large cud on fern

Type 2
These originally turned up in Tokoroa with a small number being found by a collector who quickly sent me one to photograph. Since then more discoveries were made in Auckland, Dunedin and in Sept-Oct 2017 another small lot were found in the Nelson area. Most recently in May-July 2018 I have been notified of at least 2 a week being found in circulation. Currently we estimate 100-150 known but as they are still being found this will likely increase.

These currently sell for between $30-$60


Jeez you guys are amazing.

elord - 2019-02-22 23:06:00
chefman1 wrote:

Alan just saw this the other day >>>
Listing #: 1956643744
good luck from chefman1

Hi Pete, yes am on this one
Cash converters one closed earlier this evening had no bids and has been relisted
John Eccles one is still on the market
All the best

gammoner - 2019-02-22 23:20:00

wow look at these beautifully colour toned coins on ebay!

Annoyed at having missed the opportunity to acquire such exquisite specimens? Don't worry the joker appears to have weekly auctions!

dtpapa - 2019-02-28 16:31:00
gammoner wrote:

Hi Pete,thanks for the offer.I get most of my coins from Aussie out of Sydney .Let me know if you come across any Bahama Mules as will take them all, wouldn't want them to go to you know who.
Have a great and successful trip

lol, those ocker dealers must be licking their lips in anticipation of mug punters like you and chefman!

dtpapa - 2019-02-28 16:34:00

davehaze appears to have flogged 2 mules in recent times. I believe the top one is the one which he grabbed for a 50 fpo! It doesn't look quite as good as it did in the trademe photo.

dtpapa - 2019-02-28 16:51:00
dtpapa wrote:

lol, those ocker dealers must be licking their lips in anticipation of mug punters like you and chefman!

lol ... the only mug is you deano, i brought more than you paid over in kiwiland, Alan i got you 10 of then for you ok, cheers Peter

chefman1 - 2019-02-28 17:44:00
chefman1 wrote:

lol ... the only mug is you deano, i brought more than you paid over in kiwiland, Alan i got you 10 of then for you ok, cheers Peter

lol can you translate that into english for us Pete?

dtpapa - 2019-02-28 18:08:00
chefman1 wrote:

lol ... the only mug is you deano, i brought more than you paid over in kiwiland, Alan i got you 10 of then for you ok, cheers Peter

Thanks Pete
Will catch up on my next trip to Wgtn

gammoner - 2019-02-28 20:06:00

Alan i will be back some time next week, sum of the coin dealers are not here anymore and some of the shops have close there doors,
one off the towers in Melbourne
and more

Edited by chefman1 at 9:07 pm, Thu 28 Feb

chefman1 - 2019-02-28 20:57:00
chefman1 wrote:

Alan i will be back some time next week, sum of the coin dealers are not here anymore and some of the shops have close there doors,
one off the towers in Melbourne
and more[/

Lucky Bugger, looks great.
What are they currently selling their average Full and 1/2 sov coins for?

gammoner - 2019-02-28 21:58:00

1794 USA LIBERTY COIN Listing #: 1968947356
Start price only $500,000.00
Should have waited to the first day of next month; April fools day.

alpha111 - 2019-03-01 09:14:00
alpha111 wrote:

1794 USA LIBERTY COIN Listing #: 1968947356
Start price only $500,000.00
Should have waited to the first day of next month; April fools day.

Probably only about 200,000 times what it cost to bring it out of China - there has to be some room for a small profit margin.

translateltd - 2019-03-01 10:03:00

Idle speculation here: if one were to press "buy now" and then renege on the deal, would the seller have to front up for $90k of selling fees in between times?

translateltd - 2019-03-01 14:07:00
translateltd wrote:

Idle speculation here: if one were to press "buy now" and then renege on the deal, would the seller have to front up for $90k of selling fees in between times?

Think the max for non intrade sellers is still $249

gammoner - 2019-03-01 14:40:00
gammoner wrote:

Think the max for non intrade sellers is still $249

That's disappointing :-)

translateltd - 2019-03-01 15:37:00

I'm beginning to suspect that pcgs don't actually care about artificial toning when it comes to the more modern coins. Too much money in it it for them not to give genuine grades to these coins, coins which otherwise not many would bother with the grading process as they are usually low value and of a high grade to begin with (esp proofs e.g. this one).

dtpapa - 2019-03-02 11:12:00
dtpapa wrote:

I'm beginning to suspect that pcgs don't actually care about artificial toning when it comes to the more modern coins. Too much money in it it for them not to give genuine grades to these coins, coins which otherwise not many would bother with the grading process as they are usually low value and of a high grade to begin with (esp proofs e.g. this one).

One of the guys on a US coin group I used to participate in once gave the recipe for different kinds of toning - chemicals in different proportions plus a frying pan can apparently achieve some quite spectacular results, if you're into that kind of thing.

translateltd - 2019-03-02 14:32:00

there does seem to be a market for these artificially tones coins as I've seen some good prices paid for what would usually be a low value coin. I was once a little bit interested in colourful toning myself but not so much now as it seems a lot of artificial toning is getting genuine grades and people are getting increasingly good at it (and the grading services are getting similarly slack with their grading of such coins).

dtpapa - 2019-03-02 18:28:00

Years ago I had a beautifully toned, high-grade NZ shilling that I thought would go well among the enthusiasts so I put it on the US site with a dollar start ... and it went for $1.50. You never can tell.

translateltd - 2019-03-02 18:33:00

Hi Martin, would you have any info on a ( 1990/35) Commonwealth Games Auckland 1990 antique silver commemorative medal. Not sure if out of a VIP case set but has Electricity Supporters Club inscribed to the rim edge?

gammoner - 2019-03-05 12:43:00
gammoner wrote:

Hi Martin, would you have any info on a ( 1990/35) Commonwealth Games Auckland 1990 antique silver commemorative medal. Not sure if out of a VIP case set but has Electricity Supporters Club inscribed to the rim edge?

I suspect it will be one of the VIP set issues - I'm not aware of any others at this stage, anyway. Could you get a clear photo showing the edge and send to my usual email address pse?

Edited by translateltd at 2:24 pm, Tue 5 Mar

translateltd - 2019-03-05 14:23:00
translateltd wrote:

I suspect it will be one of the VIP set issues - I'm not aware of any others at this stage, anyway. Could you get a clear photo showing the edge and send to my usual email address pse?

Hi Martin ,sent to your ihug email
Hopefully phone pics are clear enough

gammoner - 2019-03-05 17:06:00

There was also a 1977/16 Auckland Int Airport Dec 1977 on a key ring. I see you have notes showing( failed silver test) Would you like a spectrometer reading on my one to confirm what it is made up of ?

gammoner - 2019-03-05 17:17:00

kevy and davehaze trying to grab themselves a bargain, lol


dtpapa - 2019-03-05 19:22:00

Morning all. Just want to share with you my latest acquisitions from an overseas auction house and gauge peoples thoughts and experiences.

bd30 - 2019-03-06 11:54:00
chefman1 wrote:

cashintheattic,can you please take a better photo of the king side please
hard to tell what condition its in,etc...kings head band..can you see all eight pearls? or can you please take a photo like this one thankyou

Nice buy Pete for the Bahamas,

gammoner - 2019-03-06 20:01:00

Good on ya Pete I was out at a meeting

lester36 - 2019-03-06 22:11:00

Someone at acw-nz has had a real bad day with the coin pictures.Usually one side is correct. Have notified.

alpha111 - 2019-03-08 08:46:00
dtpapa wrote:

kevy and davehaze trying to grab themselves a bargain, lol


no one else found those questions & answers just a little bit amusing?

Edited by dtpapa at 9:27 am, Fri 8 Mar

dtpapa - 2019-03-08 09:26:00
gammoner wrote:

Nice buy Pete for the Bahamas,

meh ... not a bad price but then not an especially nice specimen

Edited by dtpapa at 9:35 am, Fri 8 Mar

dtpapa - 2019-03-08 09:35:00

there you go pete knock yourself out!!

dtpapa - 2019-03-08 09:58:00

dollyden has some real bargains, but I'll leave them for other people.
"Silver CROWN EARLY CHINA UNKNOWN DESIGN - rarely seen coins"

alpha111 - 2019-03-10 11:51:00
alpha111 wrote:

dollyden has some real bargains, but I'll leave them for other people.
"Silver CROWN EARLY CHINA UNKNOWN DESIGN - rarely seen coins"

Very decent of you :-) I'll follow your example and let the opportunity pass, too.

translateltd - 2019-03-10 15:38:00

Hi folks just a quick question, I picked up a1963 halfpenny with counterstamp of GV on the obverse and GY on the reverse. Has anyone else seen this and why was it done? Sorry I can’t work out how to send a pic, any directions on how to do this would be great as well. Thanks heaps, Nick

gladdavis1 - 2019-03-11 13:21:00
gladdavis1 wrote:

Hi folks just a quick question, I picked up a1963 halfpenny with counterstamp of GV on the obverse and GY on the reverse. Has anyone else seen this and why was it done? Sorry I can’t work out how to send a pic, any directions on how to do this would be great as well. Thanks heaps, Nick

If it was 100-150 years older it might have been commercial (Pear's Soap did similar things in the 1870s), but I'd expect yours to be a private mark applied for any number of reasons - putting the owner's initials (and a partner's?) on to see how far the coin would circulate? A latter-day "love token" (his initials on one side, hers on the other), perhaps? Unless there's anything else to go on, it will probably just have to remain a mystery.

translateltd - 2019-03-11 13:37:00

Thanks for that, I have a couple of British trade dollars from the late 1800s with Chinese chop marks on them, quite like them, just this halfpenny has me stumped. The joys of collecting, thanks for your reply, cheers.

If it was 100-150 years older it might have been commercial (Pear's Soap did similar things in the 1870s), but I'd expect yours to be a private mark applied for any number of reasons - putting the owner's initials (and a partner's?) on to see how far the coin would circulate? A latter-day "love token" (his initials on one side, hers on the other), perhaps? Unless there's anything else to go on, it will probably just have to remain a mystery.[/quote]

gladdavis1 - 2019-03-11 14:18:00

opinions on this?

dtpapa - 2019-03-13 21:41:00
dtpapa wrote:

opinions on this?

I guess we shouldn't be too surprised by inflationary grading coming out of the US - it's pretty much standard. It just means we have to think a grade or so down from usual when assessing a purchase - and insisting on decent pictures rather than relying on a description.
It also raises an interesting question of catalogue interpretation: if a US catalogue states a price for an item in MS-64, should we assume that the coin shown here is the sort of quality they are pricing, and act accordingly?

translateltd - 2019-03-14 07:41:00

a weak example?
detail on stars in shield of arms not sharp?
heavy scuff mark over king's eyebrow?

surfaces look fairly smooth though, perhaps toning obscuring some of the marks that are present.

MS61 at best IMO??
(maybe even AU58?)

dtpapa - 2019-03-14 08:30:00
dtpapa wrote:

a weak example?
detail on stars in shield of arms not sharp?
heavy scuff mark over king's eyebrow?

surfaces look fairly smooth though, perhaps toning obscuring some of the marks that are present.

MS61 at best IMO??
(maybe even AU58?)

Wear to beard by ear, cuts to neck and cheek, and it looks like a bit of a ding in the field between V and K when you enlarge it.
Clarke is even harsher in his discussion of halfcrown reverses: "VF: all grooves in the left mask will show distinctly." They're there (just) with the magnifying glass function, but at normal image size the grooves in the left group (as viewed) emerging from the mouth of the mask have blurred into one toward the top.

translateltd - 2019-03-14 09:00:00

It's definitely NOT flawless. But perhaps if these companies graded correctly they would get limited business. Send them a VF coin and it comes back graded EF and you have a profitable business.
Moving from moderns to ancients the Tetricus I and II pair really take some beating Listing #: 1983207475 . MS60 and AU58 .Silly me these are just weak strikes.

alpha111 - 2019-03-14 17:50:00

isn't NNC just some guy working in his basement, lol?

dtpapa - 2019-03-14 18:12:00

AU50 apparently?

dtpapa - 2019-03-14 18:14:00
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