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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


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elliehen - 2010-10-03 20:17:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-10-03 23:22:00

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cookessentials - 2010-10-04 07:19:00

Goodmorning everyone,

Awww Pam - sorry to hear your lovely day out was spoilt by something like that. Hopefully karma will bite the perpetrators in the bum!!!

charlieb - road spikes come to mind ....

I've had a fab weekend although trying to work on my assignment on my bed yesterday wasn't the smartest choice! I did get some done but ...
I'm about to do some more now to make up for it.
I've got my uniform fitting for the casino this morning ... I hope it is both comfortable and flattering!!!
Induction day is Wed and then I start. Life is going to get very busy!

Another glorious day here today - and the same is forecast for the week. I love spring when it's packaged like this :)

winnie231 - 2010-10-04 07:37:00

Winnie, what hours will you be working? Have you had your outing yet with the people you met at the singles night? Not related to that question but poor Canterbury people. It was a bit of a surprise to see the Portaloos still outside homes AND to hear they could be there so much longer. Has more damage shown up following the recent strongish aftershocks? Nice change to have such great weather for the school holidays.

marywea - 2010-10-04 10:31:00

I think odd bits of damage are going to start showing up for a while. We had none to start with but a few cracks and bubbles have appeared now. Very minor though. A friend who had an unbelievable mess and lost furniture, all her china, hot water cylinders, etc. heard a very ominous crack during an aftershock last Thursday morning and is now worried that there is structural damage after all. I was horrified that people were still using Portaloos in the street - that must be dangerous for women and children at night. Surely with all the money going in to reconstruction a chemical camping loo could be provided to each household still without sewage.

greerg - 2010-10-04 11:00:00

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indy95 - 2010-10-04 11:14:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-10-04 11:18:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-10-04 19:14:00

Evening peoples :)
Mary - I went out Friday night to the singles night and had a really good time. Made some friends - both male and female who I think are keepers! We got together on Sat afternoon over coffee to plan an official FSO (find someone for those who may wonder) event at the Chch concert in the park on Labour weekend.
I've got Miss 13 down for the 1st time since I moved & it's my birthday that weekend so shaping up to be a good one all round!!!
I did meet someone who I'm seeing again ... but time will tell!

I went to the casino for uniform, photo & fingerprint scan today ... induction on Wednesday & I start work Thursday. I'm looking forward to it ... I think ;)
I'll have mixed shifts for the 1st week while training & then I'll be doing mornings. Fits in best with me for my studies & the restaurant manager is happy to go with what ever I want. I think I made a good 1st impression - lol :)

Haven't seen anything from earthangel for a couple of days - I hope you are recovering from your spell in hospital ok!!!

Mary - how's the grandy doing?

Charlieb - you might just have to plan your morning walk to go past a place with flushable facilities!!!!! I'm sure Ziggy won't mind ;) lol

Pam - I hope you're feeling better tonight.

Anyone I've missed - xxx for you :)

winnie231 - 2010-10-04 20:11:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-10-04 21:32:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-10-04 22:33:00

another one? they just dont stop, when I come to visit I will make sure I have already gone to the "loo"!!! lovely day in auckers today we took boat out yesterday for daughter to have a ride, hubby drops anchor right beside the nudiy beach so here we are trying to drink our coffee and eat biscuits and there are these people "sunning"them selves - as daughter said to her father, I'm over it can we move already!! lol - BTW the ground moved for me last week when I reversed into another car that was reversing - a new bumper is required but it was both of us so sort your own out, life life life....

auckland_ali - 2010-10-04 22:51:00

another beautiful day in the garden city and I'm sitting here very bleary eyed after a rotten sleep thanks to the blardy aftershocks.
Enough already world!!!
I don't fancy your way of having the earth move either Ali ...
I can think of much nicer ways!!!

Off to see if a shower helps improve my mood.
Have a nice day all xxx

winnie231 - 2010-10-05 07:48:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-10-05 08:29:00

The course is great thanks charlieb ... really getting into the swing of things now.
Adding 30+ hours of work per week to the mix is going to be ... ah ... testing ... but it'll all be worth it in the end!

winnie231 - 2010-10-05 11:04:00

all in the mix its amazing what you can do when you need to, adding to the beach story, said to daughter if we had had some fishing lines we could have caught a couple of worms - hubby wasnt amused didnt see the joke (MEN!!) sounds as though its a two edged sword with the insurance if you claim then its on your policy for life its the aftermath of selling houses that have been damaged thats really going to take toll, those already selling are probably in the worst position as who would buy a earthquake damaged home!! one day at a time chappies.
lovely day here - thinking of getting some more lettuces to plant very nice when it comes straight out of the garden.
have a lovely day everyone

auckland_ali - 2010-10-05 12:31:00
winnie231 wrote:

Evening peoples :)
Mary - I went out Friday night to the singles night and had a really good time. Made some friends - both male and female who I think are keepers! We got together on Sat afternoon over coffee to plan an official FSO (find someone for those who may wonder) event at the Chch concert in the park on Labour weekend.
I've got Miss 13 down for the 1st time since I moved & it's my birthday that weekend so shaping up to be a good one all round!!!
I did meet someone who I'm seeing again ... but time will tell!

I went to the casino for uniform, photo & fingerprint scan today ... induction on Wednesday & I start work Thursday. I'm looking forward to it ... I think ;)
I'll have mixed shifts for the 1st week while training & then I'll be doing mornings. Fits in best with me for my studies & the restaurant manager is happy to go with what ever I want. I think I made a good 1st impression - lol :)

Haven't seen anything from earthangel for a couple of days - I hope you are recovering from your spell in hospital ok!!!

Mary - how's the grandy doing?

Charlieb - you might just have to plan your morning walk to go past a place with flushable facilities!!!!! I'm sure Ziggy won't mind ;) lol

Pam - I hope you're feeling better tonight.

Anyone I've missed - xxx for you :)

winnie you are so sweet,I am not that well,they said they have not out ruled bowel cancer,having another biopsy tomorrow,but I have been stressed with my son in ch ch and everyone.
I am staying positive.
Angel hugs to you hun.

earthangel4 - 2010-10-05 14:09:00

Oh earthangel - my thoughts are with you .... much love & prayers for a positive outcome.

winnie231 - 2010-10-05 15:03:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-10-05 16:48:00

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cookessentials - 2010-10-05 16:52:00

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fisher - 2010-10-05 17:21:00

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cookessentials - 2010-10-05 17:27:00

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fisher - 2010-10-05 17:37:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-10-05 17:45:00

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cookessentials - 2010-10-05 20:15:00

fingers crossed for you earthangel, hope the tests show something not to serious!! - doesnt sound like your sister had the best of times in hospital, its such a shame that these things happen, it certainly is a time that you really need to have family around to do the basics for the one in hospital nowadays, I dont think private hospitals treat you that much better to be honest. heres hoping for a shake free night for the southerners, it is settling it is settling.

auckland_ali - 2010-10-06 00:05:00

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cookessentials - 2010-10-06 07:03:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-10-06 08:52:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-10-06 08:53:00

Well I'm Off to Wellington on Friday -- so if the big one hits there you'll know who to blame,

calista - 2010-10-06 09:30:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-10-06 09:39:00

It will be mixed. Dad is 85 on Sunday so I was originally going for his b/day, but since I bought the tickets ha e has had a fall and broken a finger so I'll probably take over cooking tea plus doing some baking. I was thinking of planting peas so he has some fresh ones for Christmas dinner, but that depends on weather (and my energy levels).

On Monday I'm planning lunch with a friend, so that will be something to look forward to.

I'll be back on Wednesday -for a rest.

calista - 2010-10-06 10:16:00

Thank you all for your kind words and support.
Fisher our hospital here needs the same,not good.
Someone last week was told he had a broken ankle,so they put it in plaster,a week later he goes back and they tell him its not broken,so they take the plaster off,and put a splint on it,how silly is that,They need a swift kick.
They now tell me its not cancer after scare the hell out of me,its IBS,and they can not help me,I am on my own.
At least its not cancer.
I really feel for your sis fisher.
Once again thank you means

earthangel4 - 2010-10-06 13:45:00

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cookessentials - 2010-10-06 13:50:00
cookessentials wrote:

Well, thats good news earthangel. If it is IBS as they say, would you or have you considered seeing someone who is an expert in that feild?

Yes I would,will do anything,as my weight is going at a rapid I have lost over 35kgs in a short time.

earthangel4 - 2010-10-06 13:56:00

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fisher - 2010-10-06 17:28:00

Afternoon lovely ladies & gentleman

Sorry to hear about your sister Fisher, I experienced the Public hospital system (Middlemore) last week... and can't speak highly enough about the outcome... I have a huge suspiscion of the public system but was proved wrong on this occaision. They moved fast and effectively and the outcome was the best it could possibly be.

Sorry to hear also that the grounds still moving for our Christchurch Girls.... Must be finished soon!!

Well there are 2 types of cyclists... those "That have fallen off" and those "That still have to fall off" Well this morning I joined the first group and had my first fall... nothing dramatic... someone cut me off when we were getting started & my foot got stuck and I just went over.... I put my hand out to break my fall so my hand and arm is quite sore and my leg is "lightly" grazed and I feel a little sorry for myself and I know getting out of bed tommorrow will be a little tender.... Still no traffic or speed was involved.... So thats a good thing... Hubby said he is surprised it didn't happen sooner.... not sure how to take that lol... but I have been riding over 3 years now.

I am back to healthy eating... if no other reason it helps with my exercise.... so all on track for day 3... Reduced quantities a little so my body is ... how shall I say ... adjusting... but I feel great for it. I am down to cycle 1/4 of the way around Taupo (40km) Truth be known I am only doing that so I can go on the girls weekend... as i am not keen on events and just do what I do to keep fit. We leave Friday morning as apparently it takes a whole day to get from Auckland to Taupo via coffee shops and shops :p Some are doing 80km and some ar doing the whole 160km.... maybe one year I will up the anti... but not this year.

I had today off and had a fabulous day with my girls.. Miss 18 just got the news that she got the job as a permanent part timer at supre so she is thrilled about that.

So life ticks on... Made a cottage Pie last night as I knew I would be shattered tonight... so off to heat that in the microwave, I have a crisp grill - so it grills the top as it heats it through. Brought some asparagus and a beautiful white caul... so thats veges sorted.

Have a great evening all..... Take Care JBx

Edited by toadfish at 5:30 pm, Wed 6 Oct

toadfish - 2010-10-06 17:29:00

*waves at Fisher* You wern't there when I started my novel lol.

toadfish - 2010-10-06 17:30:00

Hi Everyone.. :-)

These shakes are sure going for a long time.. do hope they stop soon for you all.. thinking of you all there..

Best wishes Earthangel for finding ways to help the IBS - there have been previous threads about it so something may be of help if you did a search with the Trademe search function to the left.

I hope your Sister recovers well Fisher - worrying when those close to us are unwell.

Good for you for your cycling achievements Toady.. you're inspiring.

Enjoy your evening Everyone - and take good care..

juliewn - 2010-10-06 21:19:00

waves to everyone, there is a lot of information for ibs and it might take a bit of time to find which foods work for you, hope settles soon, earthangel. hope there wasnt too much more shaking for the chch mob, its got to stop some time right, good luck on the bike ride toady, its an amazing round trip, quite steep in parts especially up acacicia bay way. I am sure you will enjoy it, its part of our journeys as our own people not just because we are xxx'x mum and husband. I have a scrapbook weekend weekend after next different location down coromandel so looking forward to the change of environment. family sickness is no joke fisher, especially when its a member you are close to, my best friend just had anniversary of hubbys death from cancer 3 years ago, it seams just yesterday he was diagnosed with lung and bone cancer and given 9 months to live, he made his 50th birthday with 10 days to spare - far far too young. life is certainly too short and even if we live to be 100 theres still another 20 years of living we want to do. have a lovely day everyone

auckland_ali - 2010-10-07 11:32:00

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cookessentials - 2010-10-08 07:17:00

Morning morning lovely people.

Hope this weather lasts.... Well my wrist is still a little sore from my wee topple.... poor thing its bound to hurt taking all my weight lol
Luckily I have a very good physio at work and whilst I am loathed to let my work colleague look at any part of my anatomy, I was relatively comfortable with him checking my wrist... only just lol. He doesn't think its any more than a bruising/strain... if in a week I am still having issues I'll get it checked out...

This weekend looks to be fun... Hubby is involved in kids in cars.

So will go out for a short time on Sunday... in saying that our car club has 500 sausages to cook to raise money for the charity... so I might be there longer than I think as he has children to take for rides in his who does that leave to turn the sausages.....

Saturday... it really is going to be all about me... relaxing, ... reading the paper... catching up on some bookwork (not technically pleasure but makes me feel good).... Having Ma & Pa for dinner... going to make Lamb & Feta Fillo Parcels, (with the heart foundation tick) and a nice green salad... doesn't summer make you want to eat a differant type of food!

Have a great day... morning teas must be ever now.....back to work...

toadfish - 2010-10-08 10:53:00

sounds like a good plan toady, this weather is looking good, I WAS going to cook steak last weekend on the bbq but apon opening the lid, ewwww - bio hazard told hubby it was his weekend job to man clean the bbq hopefully we will then not get food poisioning out of it!!
last nights tea was super quick and yum, bacon needed to be cooked, had fresh fetticini had a rocket pharmesian packet sour cream nice sav garlic and pepper very yum with those pita breads that have the garlic inside them, in a green packet - we pop them in the toaster and wala they are crispy on both sides and ozzing garlic butter, food of the gods, probably not heart foundation tickable however!! I am having such a lovely time in my craft room feel quite put out that I have to venture out do washing tidy kitchen pick up cat fur!! have a lovely day everyone

auckland_ali - 2010-10-08 11:01:00

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cookessentials - 2010-10-08 11:08:00

Hello All...

I agree with you about arnica Pam.. always kept here in cream and spray form.. and included in belongings when my Kid's left for university and polytech training, then later in his backpack when my Son left to travel.. highly recommended..

How is everyone in Canterbury - my thoughts and hugs to you all - I saw there were more quakes overnight - very much hope they're steadily easing. I hope sleep is better too - not fun to waken in shock with an earthquake, or to hover on the edge of sleep, expecting more..

My weekend plans were to build a new fence and a raised garden in front of it - posts, rails, palings, quickcrete, etc.. all purchased and waiting on my trailer & under cover, and my shoulder injury has put a stop to it.. cortisone injection under ultrasound scan guidance yesterday - and 'don't do anything like that for a few weeks or more' - so the construction is on hold.. and planting I'd planned to do early next week is also..

I've planted a lot of my summer veges, the sweetcorn, cucumber's, apple cucumber's, more beans, butternuts, buttercups, water and rock melons will be a little later than planned.. It's lovely to see everything growing.. little bunches of grapes forming, apple & cherry blossoms beginning, peach blossom just finishing on the three varieties I'm growing.. plentiful peas to harvest each day and enjoy in salads, all the salad veges we're now harvesting as needed, herbs growing.. and wonderfully, many bees, bumblebees and monarch butterflies spending time in my garden.. so lovely to see..

Enjoy your weekends.. and take good care..

juliewn - 2010-10-08 16:41:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-10-09 18:39:00
charlieb2 wrote:

Had an alfresco (read fairly freezing) lunch at the art centre market.... A true Christhchurch icon, a Dimitris Souvalaki!!! YUM...

We have had one of those nom nom nom....

My garden was designed by Neil Ross to be Low Maintenance... and I really need to remember that that's "low" not "no" and could do with at least an hour in it with a black bag to do some weeding.

Found a good way to weed tonight though... offered Ma & Pa some Rhubarb... which is prolific even though its been choked by weeds... so we then spent 20 mins or so chatting and weeding.. all around my self sown silverbeet so thats a job well done. The Rhubarb is fabulous.... thrives on neglect... the crown was given to me 6 years ago by my neighbour who has had the parent plant for many many years.....

Did my planned relaxing today... dinner was fabulous. Lamb & Feta Filo Parcels... really really delish... ultra lean lamb, light rice bran spray between layers, Served with a lovely Green salad... very heart foundation tick.... followed by delicious fresh pineapple and grapes... really really lovely evening... well I have a busy night planned... picking up Miss 18 from 1 party and delivering 7 girls to town.... Will relax when they are home safe I can tell you!

Have a lovely evening all JBxx

Edited by toadfish at 8:39 pm, Sat 9 Oct

toadfish - 2010-10-09 20:37:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-10-09 21:11:00

Evening all.. Had a busy day but I have really enjoyed this weekend.... the right mix of relaxing and doing "stuff"

Had the yummiest dinner... homemade vege soup... that to me is the ultimate in nutrition in a bowl.... then a "kinda" panini but used burger buns with basil pesto, feta & ham in the sandwhich press.... nom nom nom......

The soup was done in 2 steps... boiled the bacon bones this morning... put in the fridge, then tonight I skimmed off the fat & shredded of all the meat and added heaps of grated vegies (pumpkin, carrots, potatoe) then chopped celery and a kings pea & ham soup mix.... nom nom nom... one of my better ones.

toadfish - 2010-10-10 19:10:00
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